{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Text.ICalendar.Printer ( EncodingFunctions(..) , printICalendar , printICal ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Monad hiding (forM_, mapM_) import Control.Monad.RWS (MonadState (get, put), MonadWriter (tell), RWS, asks, modify, runRWS) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder) import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Bu import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import Data.Char (ord, toUpper) import Data.Default import Data.Foldable (forM_, mapM_) import Data.Monoid import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Text.Lazy (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T import Data.Time (FormatTime ()) import qualified Data.Time as Time import qualified Data.Version as Ver import qualified Network.URI as URI import Prelude hiding (mapM_) #if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0) import Data.Time (defaultTimeLocale) #else import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) #endif import Text.Printf (printf) import Codec.MIME.Type (MIMEType, showMIMEType) import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as B64 import Text.ICalendar.Types -- | Functions for encoding into bytestring builders. data EncodingFunctions = EncodingFunctions { efChar2Bu :: Char -> Builder , efChar2Len :: Char -> Int -- ^ How many octets the character is encoded. } utf8Len :: Char -> Int utf8Len c | o < 0x80 = 1 | o < 0x800 = 2 | o < 0x10000 = 3 | o < 0x200000 = 4 | o < 0x4000000 = 5 | otherwise = 6 where o = ord c newtype AltRep = AltRep URI.URI newtype CN = CN Text newtype Dir = Dir URI.URI newtype Member = Member (Set URI.URI) newtype DelTo = DelTo (Set URI.URI) newtype DelFrom = DelFrom (Set URI.URI) newtype RSVP = RSVP Bool newtype SentBy = SentBy CalAddress data Quoting = NeedQuotes | Optional | NoQuotes deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | UTF8. instance Default EncodingFunctions where def = EncodingFunctions Bu.charUtf8 utf8Len type ContentPrinter = RWS EncodingFunctions Builder Int -- | Print a VCalendar object to a ByteString. printICalendar :: EncodingFunctions -> VCalendar -> ByteString printICalendar r v = (\(_, _, x) -> Bu.toLazyByteString x) $ runRWS (printVCalendar v) r 0 -- | Deprecated synonym for printICalendar printICal :: EncodingFunctions -> VCalendar -> ByteString printICal = printICalendar {-# DEPRECATED printICal "Use printICalendar instead" #-} -- {{{ Component printers printVCalendar :: VCalendar -> ContentPrinter () printVCalendar VCalendar {..} = do line "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" ln $ do prop "VERSION" $ versionOther vcVersion -- Should be first for printValue vcVersion -- compatibility. ln $ do prop "PRODID" $ prodIdOther vcProdId text $ prodIdValue vcProdId ln $ do prop "CALSCALE" $ scaleOther vcScale text . CI.original $ scaleValue vcScale forM_ vcMethod $ \meth -> do prop "METHOD" $ methodOther meth ln . text . CI.original $ methodValue meth mapM_ printProperty vcOther mapM_ printVTimeZone vcTimeZones mapM_ printVEvent vcEvents mapM_ printVTodo vcTodos mapM_ printVJournal vcJournals mapM_ printVFreeBusy vcFreeBusys mapM_ printVOther vcOtherComps line "END:VCALENDAR" printVTimeZone :: VTimeZone -> ContentPrinter () printVTimeZone VTimeZone {..} = do line "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE" ln $ do prop "TZID" $ tzidOther vtzId text $ tzidValue vtzId printProperty vtzLastMod forM_ vtzUrl $ \url -> do prop "TZURL" $ tzUrlOther url ln . printShow $ tzUrlValue url mapM_ (printTZProp "STANDARD") vtzStandardC mapM_ (printTZProp "DAYLIGHT") vtzDaylightC mapM_ printProperty vtzOther line "END:VTIMEZONE" printTZProp :: ByteString -> TZProp -> ContentPrinter () printTZProp name TZProp {..} = do line $ "BEGIN:" <> name printProperty tzpDTStart ln $ do prop "TZOFFSETTO" $ utcOffsetOther tzpTZOffsetTo printUTCOffset $ utcOffsetValue tzpTZOffsetTo ln $ do prop "TZOFFSETFROM" $ utcOffsetOther tzpTZOffsetTo printUTCOffset $ utcOffsetValue tzpTZOffsetFrom printProperty tzpRRule printProperty tzpComment printProperty tzpRDate forM_ tzpTZName $ \TZName {..} -> ln $ do prop "TZNAME" $ toParam tzNameLanguage <> toParam tzNameOther text tzNameValue mapM_ printProperty tzpOther line $ "END:" <> name printVEvent :: VEvent -> ContentPrinter () printVEvent VEvent {..} = do line "BEGIN:VEVENT" printProperty veDTStamp printProperty veUID printProperty veDTStart printProperty veClass printProperty veCreated printProperty veDescription printProperty veGeo printProperty veLastMod printProperty veLocation printProperty veOrganizer printProperty vePriority printProperty veSeq printProperty veStatus printProperty veSummary printProperty veTransp printProperty veUrl printProperty veRecurId printProperty veRRule printProperty veDTEndDuration printProperty veAttach printProperty veAttendee printProperty veCategories printProperty veComment printProperty veContact printProperty veExDate printProperty veRStatus printProperty veRelated printProperty veResources printProperty veRDate forM_ veAlarms printVAlarm printProperty veOther line "END:VEVENT" printVTodo :: VTodo -> ContentPrinter () printVTodo VTodo {..} = do line "BEGIN:VTODO" printProperty vtDTStamp printProperty vtUID printProperty vtClass printProperty vtCompleted printProperty vtCreated printProperty vtDescription printProperty vtDTStart printProperty vtGeo printProperty vtLastMod printProperty vtLocation printProperty vtOrganizer printProperty vtPercent printProperty vtPriority printProperty vtSeq printProperty vtRecurId printProperty vtStatus printProperty vtSummary printProperty vtUrl printProperty vtRRule printProperty vtDueDuration printProperty vtAttach printProperty vtAttendee printProperty vtCategories printProperty vtComment printProperty vtContact printProperty vtExDate printProperty vtRStatus printProperty vtRelated printProperty vtResources printProperty vtRDate forM_ vtAlarms printVAlarm printProperty vtOther line "END:VTODO" printVJournal :: VJournal -> ContentPrinter () printVJournal VJournal {..} = do line "BEGIN:VJOURNAL" printProperty vjDTStamp printProperty vjUID printProperty vjClass printProperty vjCreated printProperty vjDescription printProperty vjDTStart printProperty vjLastMod printProperty vjOrganizer printProperty vjSeq printProperty vjRecurId printProperty vjStatus printProperty vjSummary printProperty vjUrl printProperty vjRRule printProperty vjAttach printProperty vjAttendee printProperty vjCategories printProperty vjComment printProperty vjContact printProperty vjExDate printProperty vjRStatus printProperty vjRelated printProperty vjRDate printProperty vjOther line "END:VJOURNAL" printVFreeBusy :: VFreeBusy -> ContentPrinter () printVFreeBusy VFreeBusy {..} = do line "BEGIN:VFREEBUSY" printProperty vfbDTStamp printProperty vfbUID printProperty vfbContact printProperty vfbDTStart printProperty vfbDTEnd printProperty vfbOrganizer printProperty vfbUrl printProperty vfbAttendee printProperty vfbComment printProperty vfbFreeBusy printProperty vfbRStatus printProperty vfbOther line "END:VFREEBUSY" printVOther :: VOther -> ContentPrinter () printVOther VOther {..} = do ln . out $ "BEGIN:V" <> CI.original voName mapM_ printProperty voProps ln . out $ "END:V" <> CI.original voName printVAlarm :: VAlarm -> ContentPrinter () printVAlarm va = do line "BEGIN:VALARM" prop "ACTION" $ vaActionOther va case va of VAlarmAudio {..} -> do ln $ bytestring "AUDIO" printProperty vaTrigger repAndDur printProperty vaAudioAttach printProperty vaOther VAlarmDisplay {..} -> do ln $ bytestring "DISPLAY" printProperty vaTrigger printProperty vaDescription repAndDur printProperty vaOther VAlarmEmail {..} -> do ln $ bytestring "EMAIL" printProperty vaTrigger printProperty vaDescription printProperty vaSummary printProperty vaAttendee repAndDur printProperty vaMailAttach printProperty vaOther VAlarmX {..} -> do ln . out $ CI.original vaAction printProperty vaTrigger printProperty vaOther line "END:VALARM" where repAndDur = unless (vaRepeat va == def) $ do printProperty $ vaRepeat va unless (repeatValue (vaRepeat va) == 0) $ forM_ (vaDuration va) printProperty -- }}} -- {{{ Property printers. class IsProperty a where printProperty :: a -> ContentPrinter () instance IsProperty a => IsProperty (Set a) where printProperty = mapM_ printProperty instance IsProperty a => IsProperty (Maybe a) where printProperty (Just x) = printProperty x printProperty _ = return () instance (IsProperty a, IsProperty b) => IsProperty (Either a b) where printProperty (Left x) = printProperty x printProperty (Right x) = printProperty x instance IsProperty FreeBusy where printProperty FreeBusy {..} = ln $ do prop "FREEBUSY" $ toParam freeBusyOther <> toParam freeBusyType printN printValue $ S.toList freeBusyPeriods instance IsProperty PercentComplete where printProperty PercentComplete {..} = ln $ do prop "PERCENT-COMPLETE" percentCompleteOther printShow percentCompleteValue instance IsProperty Completed where printProperty Completed {..} = ln $ do prop "COMPLETED" completedOther printValue completedValue instance IsProperty DurationProp where printProperty DurationProp {..} = ln $ do prop "DURATION" durationOther printValue durationValue instance IsProperty Repeat where printProperty Repeat {..} = ln $ do prop "REPEAT" repeatOther printShow repeatValue instance IsProperty DTEnd where printProperty dtend = ln $ prop "DTEND" dtend >> printValue dtend instance IsProperty Due where printProperty due = ln $ prop "DUE" due >> printValue due instance IsProperty DTStamp where printProperty x = ln $ prop "DTSTAMP" x >> printValue x instance IsProperty UID where printProperty UID {..} = ln $ prop "UID" uidOther >> text uidValue instance IsProperty DTStart where printProperty x = ln $ prop "DTSTART" x >> printValue x instance IsProperty Class where printProperty c@Class {..} | c == def = return () | otherwise = ln $ do prop "CLASS" classOther printValue classValue instance IsProperty Created where printProperty Created {..} = ln $ do prop "CREATED" createdOther printUTCTime createdValue instance IsProperty Description where printProperty Description {..} = ln $ do prop "DESCRIPTION" $ toParam (AltRep <$> descriptionAltRep) <> toParam descriptionLanguage <> toParam descriptionOther text descriptionValue instance IsProperty Geo where printProperty Geo {..} = ln $ do prop "GEO" geoOther out . T.pack $ printf "%.6f;%.6f" geoLat geoLong instance IsProperty LastModified where printProperty LastModified {..} = ln $ do prop "LAST-MODIFIED" lastModifiedOther printUTCTime lastModifiedValue instance IsProperty Location where printProperty Location {..} = ln $ do prop "LOCATION" $ toParam (AltRep <$> locationAltRep) <> toParam locationLanguage <> toParam locationOther text locationValue instance IsProperty Organizer where printProperty Organizer {..} = ln $ do prop "ORGANIZER" $ toParam (CN <$> organizerCN) <> toParam (Dir <$> organizerDir) <> toParam (SentBy <$> organizerSentBy) <> toParam organizerLanguage <> toParam organizerOther printShow organizerValue instance IsProperty Priority where printProperty x | x == def = return () | otherwise = ln $ do prop "PRIORITY" $ priorityOther x printShow $ priorityValue x instance IsProperty Sequence where printProperty x | x == def = return () | otherwise = ln $ do prop "SEQUENCE" $ sequenceOther x printShow $ sequenceValue x instance IsProperty EventStatus where printProperty s = ln $ do prop "STATUS" $ eventStatusOther s printValue s instance IsProperty TodoStatus where printProperty s = ln $ do prop "STATUS" $ todoStatusOther s printValue s instance IsProperty JournalStatus where printProperty s = ln $ do prop "STATUS" $ journalStatusOther s printValue s instance IsProperty Summary where printProperty Summary {..} = ln $ do prop "SUMMARY" $ toParam (AltRep <$> summaryAltRep) <> toParam summaryLanguage <> toParam summaryOther text summaryValue instance IsProperty TimeTransparency where printProperty x | x == def = return () | otherwise = ln $ do prop "TRANSP" $ timeTransparencyOther x printValue x instance IsProperty URL where printProperty URL {..} = ln $ prop "URL" urlOther >> printShow urlValue instance IsProperty RecurrenceId where printProperty r = ln $ prop "RECURRENCE-ID" r >> printValue r instance IsProperty RRule where printProperty RRule {..} = ln $ do prop "RRULE" rRuleOther printValue rRuleValue instance IsProperty Attachment where printProperty a = ln $ prop "ATTACH" a >> printValue a instance IsProperty Attendee where printProperty att@Attendee {..} = ln $ do prop "ATTENDEE" att printValue attendeeValue instance IsProperty Categories where printProperty Categories {..} = ln $ do prop "CATEGORIES" $ toParam categoriesOther <> toParam categoriesLanguage texts $ S.toList categoriesValues instance IsProperty Comment where printProperty Comment {..} = ln $ do prop "COMMENT" $ toParam (AltRep <$> commentAltRep) <> toParam commentLanguage <> toParam commentOther text commentValue instance IsProperty Contact where printProperty Contact {..} = ln $ do prop "CONTACT" $ toParam (AltRep <$> contactAltRep) <> toParam contactLanguage <> toParam contactOther text contactValue instance IsProperty ExDate where printProperty exd = ln $ do prop "EXDATE" exd case exd of ExDates {..} -> printN printValue $ S.toList exDates ExDateTimes {..} -> printN printValue $ S.toList exDateTimes instance IsProperty RequestStatus where printProperty RequestStatus {..} = ln $ do prop "REQUEST-STATUS" $ toParam requestStatusLanguage <> toParam requestStatusOther (\z -> case z of (x:xs) -> do printShow x sequence_ [putc '.' >> printShow y | y <- xs] [] -> return ()) requestStatusCode putc ';' text requestStatusDesc forM_ requestStatusExt $ \x -> putc ';' >> text x instance IsProperty RelatedTo where printProperty RelatedTo {..} = ln $ do prop "RELATED-TO" $ toParam relatedToOther <> toParam relatedToType text relatedToValue instance IsProperty Resources where printProperty Resources {..} = ln $ do prop "RESOURCES" $ toParam (AltRep <$> resourcesAltRep) <> toParam resourcesLanguage <> toParam resourcesOther texts $ S.toList resourcesValue instance IsProperty RDate where printProperty r = ln $ prop "RDATE" r >> printValue r instance IsProperty OtherProperty where printProperty OtherProperty {..} = ln $ do out (CI.original otherName) mapM_ param $ toParam otherParams out ":" bytestring otherValue instance IsProperty Trigger where printProperty tr@TriggerDuration {..} = ln $ do prop "TRIGGER" tr printValue triggerDuration printProperty tr@TriggerDateTime {..} = ln $ do prop "TRIGGER" tr printUTCTime triggerDateTime -- | Print a generic property. prop :: ToParam a => ByteString -> a -> ContentPrinter () prop b x = do put (fromIntegral $ BS.length b) tell (Bu.lazyByteString b) mapM_ param $ toParam x out ":" -- }}} -- {{{ Parameter "printers". class ToParam a where toParam :: a -> [(Text, [(Quoting, Text)])] instance ToParam a => ToParam (Maybe a) where toParam Nothing = [] toParam (Just x) = toParam x instance ToParam a => ToParam (Set a) where toParam s = case S.maxView s of Nothing -> [] Just (x, _) -> toParam x instance ToParam ExDate where toParam ExDates {..} = [("VALUE", [(NoQuotes, "DATE")])] <> toParam exDateOther toParam ExDateTimes {..} = toParam exDateOther <> toParam (fst <$> S.maxView exDateTimes) instance ToParam AltRep where toParam (AltRep x) = [("ALTREP", [(NeedQuotes, T.pack $ show x)])] instance ToParam SentBy where toParam (SentBy x) = [("SENT-BY", [(NeedQuotes, T.pack $ show x)])] instance ToParam Dir where toParam (Dir x) = [("DIR", [(NeedQuotes, T.pack $ show x)])] instance ToParam DateTime where toParam ZonedDateTime {..} = [("TZID", [(NoQuotes, dateTimeZone)])] toParam _ = [] instance ToParam DTEnd where toParam DTEndDateTime {..} = toParam dtEndOther <> toParam dtEndDateTimeValue toParam DTEndDate {..} = [("VALUE", [(NoQuotes, "DATE")])] <> toParam dtEndOther instance ToParam Due where toParam DueDateTime {..} = toParam dueOther <> toParam dueDateTimeValue toParam DueDate {..} = [("VALUE", [(NoQuotes, "DATE")])] <> toParam dueOther instance ToParam CN where toParam (CN x) = [("CN", [(Optional, x)])] instance ToParam DTStart where toParam DTStartDateTime {..} = toParam dtStartDateTimeValue <> toParam dtStartOther toParam DTStartDate {..} = [("VALUE", [(NoQuotes, "DATE")])] <> toParam dtStartOther instance ToParam RDate where toParam RDateDates {..} = [("VALUE", [(NoQuotes, "DATE")])] <> toParam rDateOther toParam RDatePeriods {..} = [("VALUE", [(NoQuotes, "PERIOD")])] <> toParam rDateOther <> toParam (fst <$> S.maxView rDatePeriods) toParam RDateDateTimes {..} = toParam rDateDateTimes <> toParam rDateOther instance ToParam Period where toParam (PeriodDates x _) = toParam x toParam (PeriodDuration x _) = toParam x instance ToParam DTStamp where toParam DTStamp {..} = toParam dtStampOther instance ToParam OtherParams where toParam (OtherParams l) = fromOP <$> S.toList l where fromOP (OtherParam x y) = (CI.original x, (Optional,) <$> y) instance ToParam Language where toParam (Language x) = [("LANGUAGE", [(Optional, CI.original x)])] instance ToParam TZName where toParam TZName {..} = toParam tzNameLanguage <> toParam tzNameOther instance ToParam x => ToParam [x] where toParam = mconcat . map toParam instance ToParam (Text, [(Quoting, Text)]) where toParam = (:[]) instance ToParam RecurrenceId where toParam RecurrenceIdDate {..} = [("VALUE", [(NoQuotes, "DATE")])] <> toParam recurrenceIdRange <> toParam recurrenceIdOther toParam RecurrenceIdDateTime {..} = toParam recurrenceIdDateTime <> toParam recurrenceIdRange <> toParam recurrenceIdOther instance ToParam Range where toParam ThisAndFuture = [("RANGE", [(NoQuotes, "THISANDFUTURE")])] toParam _ = [] -- ThisAndPrior MUST NOT be generated. instance ToParam FBType where toParam x | x == def = [] toParam Free = [("FBTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "FREE")])] toParam Busy = [("FBTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "BUSY")])] toParam BusyUnavailable = [("FBTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "BUSY-UNAVAILABLE")])] toParam BusyTentative = [("FBTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "BUSY-TENTATIVE")])] toParam (FBTypeX x) = [("FBTYPE", [(Optional, CI.original x)])] instance ToParam MIMEType where toParam m = [("FMTTYPE", [(NoQuotes, T.fromStrict $ showMIMEType m)])] instance ToParam Attachment where toParam UriAttachment {..} = toParam attachFmtType <> toParam attachOther toParam BinaryAttachment {..} = toParam attachFmtType <> toParam attachOther <> [ ("VALUE", [(NoQuotes, "BINARY")]) , ("ENCODING", [(NoQuotes, "BASE64")])] instance ToParam CUType where toParam x | x == def = [] toParam Individual = [("CUTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "INDIVIDUAL")])] toParam Group = [("CUTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "GROUP")])] toParam Resource = [("CUTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "RESOURCE")])] toParam Room = [("CUTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "ROOM")])] toParam Unknown = [("CUTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "UNKNOWN")])] toParam (CUTypeX x) = [("CUTYPE", [(Optional, CI.original x)])] instance ToParam Member where toParam (Member x) | S.null x = [] toParam (Member x) = [( "MEMBER" , (NeedQuotes,) . T.pack . show <$> S.toList x)] instance ToParam Role where toParam x | x == def = [] toParam Chair = [("ROLE", [(NoQuotes, "CHAIR")])] toParam ReqParticipant = [("ROLE", [(NoQuotes, "REQ-PARTICIPANT")])] toParam OptParticipant = [("ROLE", [(NoQuotes, "OPT-PARTICIPANT")])] toParam NonParticipant = [("ROLE", [(NoQuotes, "NON-PARTICIPANT")])] toParam (RoleX x) = [("ROLE", [(Optional, CI.original x)])] instance ToParam PartStat where toParam x | x == def = [] toParam PartStatNeedsAction = [("PARTSTAT", [(NoQuotes, "NEEDS-ACTION")])] toParam Accepted = [("PARTSTAT", [(NoQuotes, "ACCEPTED")])] toParam Declined = [("PARTSTAT", [(NoQuotes, "DECLINED")])] toParam Tentative = [("PARTSTAT", [(NoQuotes, "TENTATIVE")])] toParam Delegated = [("PARTSTAT", [(NoQuotes, "DELEGATED")])] toParam PartStatCompleted = [("PARTSTAT", [(NoQuotes, "COMPLETED")])] toParam InProcess = [("PARTSTAT", [(NoQuotes, "IN-PROCESS")])] toParam (PartStatX x) = [("PARTSTAT", [(Optional, CI.original x)])] instance ToParam RelationshipType where toParam x | x == def = [] toParam Parent = [("RELTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "PARENT")])] toParam Child = [("RELTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "CHILD")])] toParam Sibling = [("RELTYPE", [(NoQuotes, "SIBLING")])] toParam (RelationshipTypeX x) = [("RELTYPE", [(Optional, CI.original x)])] instance ToParam RSVP where toParam (RSVP False) = [] toParam (RSVP True) = [("RSVP", [(NoQuotes, "TRUE")])] instance ToParam DelTo where toParam (DelTo x) | S.null x = [] | otherwise = [( "DELEGATED-TO" , (NeedQuotes,) . T.pack . show <$> S.toList x)] instance ToParam DelFrom where toParam (DelFrom x) | S.null x = [] | otherwise = [( "DELEGATED-FROM" , (NeedQuotes,) . T.pack . show <$> S.toList x)] instance ToParam Attendee where toParam Attendee {..} = toParam attendeeCUType <> toParam (Member attendeeMember) <> toParam attendeeRole <> toParam attendeePartStat <> toParam (RSVP attendeeRSVP) <> toParam (DelTo attendeeDelTo) <> toParam (DelFrom attendeeDelFrom) <> toParam (SentBy <$> attendeeSentBy) <> toParam (CN <$> attendeeCN) <> toParam (Dir <$> attendeeDir) <> toParam attendeeLanguage <> toParam attendeeOther instance ToParam AlarmTriggerRelationship where toParam x | x == def = [] toParam Start = [("RELATED", [(NoQuotes, "START")])] toParam End = [("RELATED", [(NoQuotes, "END")])] instance ToParam Trigger where toParam TriggerDuration {..} = toParam triggerOther <> toParam triggerRelated toParam TriggerDateTime {..} = toParam triggerOther <> [("VALUE", [(NoQuotes, "DATE-TIME")])] -- }}} -- {{{ Value printers printUTCOffset :: Int -> ContentPrinter () printUTCOffset n = do case signum n of -1 -> putc '-' _ -> putc '+' out . T.pack $ printf "%02d" t out . T.pack $ printf "%02d" m when (s > 0) . out . T.pack $ printf "%02d" s where (m', s) = abs n `divMod` 60 (t, m) = m' `divMod` 60 printNWeekday :: Either (Int, Weekday) Weekday -> ContentPrinter () printNWeekday (Left (n, w)) = printShow n >> printValue w printNWeekday (Right x) = printValue x printShow :: Show a => a -> ContentPrinter () printShow = out . T.pack . show printShowN :: Show a => [a] -> ContentPrinter () printShowN = printN printShow printN :: (a -> ContentPrinter ()) -> [a] -> ContentPrinter () printN m (x:xs) = m x >> sequence_ [putc ',' >> m x' | x' <- xs] printN _ _ = return () printShowUpper :: Show a => a -> ContentPrinter () printShowUpper = out . T.pack . map toUpper . show printUTCTime :: Time.UTCTime -> ContentPrinter () printUTCTime = out . T.pack . formatTime "%C%y%m%dT%H%M%SZ" class IsValue a where printValue :: a -> ContentPrinter () instance IsValue ICalVersion where printValue MaxICalVersion {..} = out . T.pack $ Ver.showVersion versionMax printValue MinMaxICalVersion {..} = do out . T.pack $ Ver.showVersion versionMin putc ';' out . T.pack $ Ver.showVersion versionMax instance IsValue Recur where printValue Recur {..} = do out "FREQ=" printShowUpper recurFreq forM_ recurUntilCount $ \x -> case x of Left y -> out ";UNTIL=" >> printValue y Right y -> out ";COUNT=" >> printShow y when (recurInterval /= 1) $ out ";INTERVAL=" >> printShow recurInterval unless (null recurBySecond) $ out ";BYSECOND=" >> printShowN recurBySecond unless (null recurByMinute) $ out ";BYMINUTE=" >> printShowN recurByMinute unless (null recurByHour) $ out ";BYHOUR=" >> printShowN recurByHour unless (null recurByDay) $ out ";BYDAY=" >> printN printNWeekday recurByDay unless (null recurByMonthDay) $ out ";BYMONTHDAY=" >> printShowN recurByMonthDay unless (null recurByYearDay) $ out ";BYYEARDAY=" >> printShowN recurByYearDay unless (null recurByWeekNo) $ out ";BYWEEKNO=" >> printShowN recurByWeekNo unless (null recurByMonth) $ out ";BYMONTH=" >> printShowN recurByMonth unless (null recurBySetPos) $ out ";BYSETPOS=" >> printShowN recurBySetPos unless (recurWkSt == Monday) $ out ";WKST=" >> printValue recurWkSt instance IsValue TimeTransparency where printValue Opaque {} = out "OPAQUE" printValue Transparent {} = out "TRANSPARENT" instance IsValue DTEnd where printValue DTEndDateTime {..} = printValue dtEndDateTimeValue printValue DTEndDate {..} = printValue dtEndDateValue instance IsValue Due where printValue DueDateTime {..} = printValue dueDateTimeValue printValue DueDate {..} = printValue dueDateValue instance IsValue EventStatus where printValue TentativeEvent {} = out "TENTATIVE" printValue ConfirmedEvent {} = out "CONFIRMED" printValue CancelledEvent {} = out "CANCELLED" instance IsValue TodoStatus where printValue TodoNeedsAction {} = out "NEEDS-ACTION" printValue CompletedTodo {} = out "COMPLETED" printValue InProcessTodo {} = out "IN-PROCESS" printValue CancelledTodo {} = out "CANCELLED" instance IsValue JournalStatus where printValue DraftJournal {} = out "DRAFT" printValue FinalJournal {} = out "FINAL" printValue CancelledJournal {} = out "CANCELLED" instance IsValue ClassValue where printValue (ClassValueX x) = out $ CI.original x printValue x = printShowUpper x instance IsValue Weekday where printValue Sunday = out "SU" printValue Monday = out "MO" printValue Tuesday = out "TU" printValue Wednesday = out "WE" printValue Thursday = out "TH" printValue Friday = out "FR" printValue Saturday = out "SA" instance IsValue Date where printValue Date {..} = out . T.pack $ formatTime "%C%y%m%d" dateValue instance IsValue DateTime where printValue FloatingDateTime {..} = out . T.pack $ formatTime "%C%y%m%dT%H%M%S" dateTimeFloating printValue UTCDateTime {..} = printUTCTime dateTimeUTC printValue ZonedDateTime {..} = out . T.pack $ formatTime "%C%y%m%dT%H%M%S" dateTimeFloating instance IsValue (Either Date DateTime) where printValue (Left x) = printValue x printValue (Right x) = printValue x instance IsValue DTStamp where printValue DTStamp {..} = printUTCTime dtStampValue instance IsValue DTStart where printValue DTStartDateTime {..} = printValue dtStartDateTimeValue printValue DTStartDate {..} = printValue dtStartDateValue instance IsValue URI.URI where printValue = printShow instance IsValue Duration where printValue DurationDate {..} = do when (durSign == Negative) $ putc '-' putc 'P' printShow durDay >> putc 'D' putc 'T' printShow durHour >> putc 'H' printShow durMinute >> putc 'M' printShow durSecond >> putc 'S' printValue DurationTime {..} = do when (durSign == Negative) $ putc '-' out "PT" printShow durHour >> putc 'H' printShow durMinute >> putc 'M' printShow durSecond >> putc 'S' printValue DurationWeek {..} = do when (durSign == Negative) $ putc '-' out "P" printShow durWeek >> putc 'W' instance IsValue RecurrenceId where printValue RecurrenceIdDate {..} = printValue recurrenceIdDate printValue RecurrenceIdDateTime {..} = printValue recurrenceIdDateTime instance IsValue Period where printValue (PeriodDates f t) = printValue f >> putc '/' >> printValue t printValue (PeriodDuration f d) = printValue f >> putc '/' >> printValue d instance IsValue UTCPeriod where printValue (UTCPeriodDates f t) = printUTCTime f >> putc '/' >> printUTCTime t printValue (UTCPeriodDuration f d) = printUTCTime f >> putc '/' >> printValue d instance IsValue RDate where printValue RDateDates {..} = printN printValue $ S.toList rDateDates printValue RDateDateTimes {..} = printN printValue $ S.toList rDateDateTimes printValue RDatePeriods {..} = printN printValue $ S.toList rDatePeriods instance IsValue Attachment where printValue UriAttachment {..} = printShow attachUri printValue BinaryAttachment {..} = bytestring $ B64.encode attachContent -- }}} -- {{{ Lib ln :: ContentPrinter () -> ContentPrinter () ln x = x >> newline param :: (Text, [(Quoting, Text)]) -> ContentPrinter () param (n, xs) = putc ';' >> out n >> putc '=' >> paramVals xs paramVals :: [(Quoting, Text)] -> ContentPrinter () paramVals (x:xs) = paramVal x >> sequence_ [putc ',' >> paramVal x' | x' <- xs] paramVals _ = return () paramVal :: (Quoting, Text) -> ContentPrinter () paramVal (NeedQuotes, t) = putc '"' >> out t >> putc '"' paramVal (NoQuotes, t) = out t paramVal (_, t) = paramVal (NeedQuotes, t) texts :: [Text] -> ContentPrinter () texts (x:xs) = text x >> sequence_ [putc ',' >> text x' | x' <- xs] texts _ = return () text :: Text -> ContentPrinter () text t = case T.uncons t of Just (';', r) -> out "\\;" >> text r Just ('\n', r) -> out "\\n" >> text r Just (',', r) -> out "\\," >> text r Just ('\\', r) -> out "\\\\" >> text r Just (c, r) -> putc c >> text r Nothing -> return () bytestring :: ByteString -> ContentPrinter () bytestring = BS.foldl' (\m c -> m >> putc8 c) (return ()) out :: Text -> ContentPrinter () out t = case T.uncons t of Just (c, r) -> putc c >> out r Nothing -> return () putc :: Char -> ContentPrinter () putc c = do x <- get (b, clen) <- asks (efChar2Bu &&& efChar2Len) let cl = clen c when (x + cl > 75) foldLine tell $ b c modify (+ cl) putc8 :: Char -> ContentPrinter () putc8 c = do x <- get when (x >= 75) foldLine tell $ Bu.char8 c modify (+ 1) foldLine :: ContentPrinter () foldLine = tell (Bu.byteString "\r\n ") >> put 1 newline :: ContentPrinter () newline = tell (Bu.byteString "\r\n") >> put 0 -- | Output a whole line. Must be less than 75 bytes. line :: ByteString -> ContentPrinter () line b = tell (Bu.lazyByteString b) >> newline formatTime :: FormatTime t => String -> t -> String formatTime = Time.formatTime defaultTimeLocale -- }}}