module Ideas.Common.Algebra.SmartGroup
Smart(..), SmartZero(..), SmartGroup(..)
, SmartField(..), (.+.), (.-.), neg, (.*.), (./.)
, (.&&.), (.||.)
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (mplus)
import Data.Maybe
import Ideas.Common.Algebra.Boolean
import Ideas.Common.Algebra.Field hiding ((<*>))
import Ideas.Common.Algebra.Group
import qualified Ideas.Common.Algebra.Field as Field
newtype Smart a = Smart {fromSmart :: a}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, CoMonoid, MonoidZero, CoMonoidZero)
instance Functor Smart where
fmap f = Smart . f . fromSmart
instance Applicative Smart where
pure = Smart
Smart f <*> Smart a = Smart (f a)
instance (CoMonoid a, Monoid a) => Monoid (Smart a) where
mempty = Smart mempty
mappend a b
| isEmpty a = b
| isEmpty b = a
| otherwise = liftA2 (<>) a b
newtype SmartZero a = SmartZero {fromSmartZero :: a}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, MonoidZero, CoMonoid, CoMonoidZero)
instance Functor SmartZero where
fmap f = SmartZero . f . fromSmartZero
instance Applicative SmartZero where
pure = SmartZero
SmartZero f <*> SmartZero a = SmartZero (f a)
instance (CoMonoidZero a, MonoidZero a) => Monoid (SmartZero a) where
mempty = SmartZero mempty
mappend a b
| isMonoidZero a || isMonoidZero b = mzero
| otherwise = liftA2 (<>) a b
newtype SmartGroup a = SmartGroup {fromSmartGroup :: a}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, CoMonoid, CoGroup, CoMonoidZero, MonoidZero)
instance Functor SmartGroup where
fmap f = SmartGroup . f . fromSmartGroup
instance Applicative SmartGroup where
pure = SmartGroup
SmartGroup f <*> SmartGroup a = SmartGroup (f a)
instance (CoGroup a, Group a) => Monoid (SmartGroup a) where
mempty = SmartGroup mempty
mappend a b
| isEmpty a = b
| otherwise = fromMaybe (liftA2 (<>) a b) (matchGroup alg b)
alg = (a, \x y -> (a <> x) <> y, \x -> a <>- x, \x y -> (a <> x) <>- y)
instance (CoGroup a, Group a) => Group (SmartGroup a) where
inverse a = fromMaybe (liftA inverse a) (matchGroup alg a)
alg = (mempty, \x y -> inverse x <>- y, id, \x y -> inverse x <> y)
appendInv a b
| isEmpty a = inverse b
| otherwise = fromMaybe (liftA2 (<>-) a b) (matchGroup alg b)
alg = (a, \x y -> (a <>- x) <>- y, \x -> a <> x, \x y -> (a <>- x) <> y)
type GroupMatch a b = (b, a -> a -> b, a -> b, a -> a -> b)
matchGroup :: CoGroup a => GroupMatch a b -> a -> Maybe b
matchGroup (emp, app, inv, appinv) a =
(if isEmpty a then Just emp else Nothing) `mplus`
fmap (uncurry app) (isAppend a) `mplus`
fmap inv (isInverse a) `mplus`
fmap (uncurry appinv) (isAppendInv a)
newtype SmartField a = SmartField {fromSmartField :: a}
deriving (CoSemiRing, CoRing, CoField)
instance Functor SmartField where
fmap f = SmartField . f . fromSmartField
instance Applicative SmartField where
pure = SmartField
SmartField f <*> SmartField a = SmartField (f a)
instance (CoField a, Field a) => SemiRing (SmartField a) where
zero = SmartField zero
one = SmartField one
SmartField a <+> SmartField b = SmartField $ fromAdditive $ fromSmartGroup $
SmartGroup (Additive a) <> SmartGroup (Additive b)
a <*> b
| Just x <- isNegate a = plusInverse (x Field.<*> b)
| Just x <- isNegate b = plusInverse (a Field.<*> x)
| isZero a || isZero b = zero
| isOne a = b
| isOne b = a
| Just (x, y) <- isTimes b = (a Field.<*> x) Field.<*> y
| Just (x, y) <- isDivision b = (a Field.<*> x) </> y
| otherwise = liftA2 (Field.<*>) a b
instance (CoField a, Field a) => Ring (SmartField a) where
plusInverse = SmartField . fromAdditive . fromSmartGroup . inverse
. SmartGroup . Additive . fromSmartField
SmartField a <-> SmartField b = SmartField $ fromAdditive $ fromSmartGroup $
SmartGroup (Additive a) <>- SmartGroup (Additive b)
instance (CoField a, Field a) => Field (SmartField a) where
timesInverse a
| Just x <- isNegate a = plusInverse (timesInverse x)
| Just (x, y) <- isDivision a, isOne y = x
| otherwise = liftA timesInverse a
a </> b
| Just x <- isNegate a = plusInverse (x </> b)
| Just x <- isNegate b = plusInverse (a </> x)
| isOne b = a
| Just (x, y) <- isDivision a = x </> (y Field.<*> b)
| otherwise = liftA2 (</>) a b
infixl 7 .*., ./.
infixl 6 .-., .+.
(.+.) :: (CoField a, Field a) => a -> a -> a
a .+. b = fromSmartField $ SmartField a <+> SmartField b
(.-.) :: (CoField a, Field a) => a -> a -> a
a .-. b = fromSmartField $ SmartField a <-> SmartField b
neg :: (CoField a, Field a) => a -> a
neg = fromSmartField . plusInverse . SmartField
(.*.) :: (CoField a, Field a) => a -> a -> a
a .*. b = fromSmartField $ SmartField a Field.<*> SmartField b
(./.) :: (CoField a, Field a) => a -> a -> a
a ./. b = fromSmartField $ SmartField a </> SmartField b
instance BoolValue a => BoolValue (Smart a) where
fromBool = Smart . fromBool
isTrue = isTrue . fromSmart
isFalse = isFalse . fromSmart
instance (Boolean a, CoBoolean a) => Boolean (Smart a) where
a <&&> b = fmap fromAnd $ fromSmartZero $
SmartZero (fmap And a) <> SmartZero (fmap And b)
a <||> b = fmap fromOr $ fromSmartZero $
SmartZero (fmap Or a) <> SmartZero (fmap Or b)
complement (Smart a)
| isTrue a = false
| isFalse a = true
| otherwise = Smart $ fromMaybe (complement a) (isComplement a)
infixr 4 .||.
infixr 5 .&&.
(.&&.), (.||.) :: (Boolean a, CoBoolean a) => a -> a -> a
a .&&. b = fromSmart $ Smart a <&&> Smart b
a .||. b = fromSmart $ Smart a <||> Smart b