module Ideas.Service.Diagnose
( Diagnosis(..), tDiagnosis, diagnose, restartIfNeeded, newState
, difference, differenceEqual
) where
import Data.Function
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Maybe
import Ideas.Common.Library hiding (ready)
import Ideas.Service.BasicServices hiding (apply)
import Ideas.Service.State
import Ideas.Service.Types
import qualified Ideas.Common.Rewriting.Difference as Diff
data Diagnosis a
= Buggy Environment (Rule (Context a))
| NotEquivalent String
| Similar Bool (State a)
| WrongRule Bool (State a) (Maybe (Rule (Context a)))
| Expected Bool (State a) (Rule (Context a))
| Detour Bool (State a) Environment (Rule (Context a))
| Correct Bool (State a)
| Unknown Bool (State a)
instance Show (Diagnosis a) where
show diagnosis =
case diagnosis of
Buggy as r -> "Buggy rule " ++ show (show r) ++ showArgs as
Unknown _ _ -> "Unknown step"
NotEquivalent s -> if null s then "Unknown mistake" else s
Similar _ _ -> "Very similar"
WrongRule _ _ mr -> "Wrong rule selected" ++
maybe "" (\r -> ", " ++ showId r ++ "recognized") mr
Expected _ _ r -> "Rule " ++ show (show r) ++ ", expected by strategy"
Detour _ _ _ r -> "Rule " ++ show (show r) ++ ", not following strategy"
Correct _ _ -> "Unknown step"
showArgs as
| noBindings as = ""
| otherwise = " (" ++ show as ++ ")"
newState :: Diagnosis a -> Maybe (State a)
newState diagnosis =
case diagnosis of
Buggy _ _ -> Nothing
NotEquivalent _ -> Nothing
Similar _ s -> Just s
WrongRule _ s _ -> Just s
Expected _ s _ -> Just s
Detour _ s _ _ -> Just s
Correct _ s -> Just s
Unknown _ s -> Just s
diagnose :: State a -> Context a -> Maybe Id -> Diagnosis a
diagnose state new motivationId
| not (equivalence ex (stateContext state) new) =
case discovered True Nothing of
Just (r, as) -> Buggy as r
Nothing -> NotEquivalent ""
| isJust motivationId && isNothing (discovered False motivationId) =
case discovered False Nothing of
Just (r, _) -> WrongRule (finished state) state (Just r)
Nothing ->
case discovered True Nothing of
Just (r, as) ->
Buggy as r
Nothing ->
WrongRule (finished state) state Nothing
| isJust expected =
let ((r, _, _), ns) = fromJust expected
in Expected (finished ns) ns r
| similar = Similar (finished state) state
| otherwise =
case discovered False Nothing of
Just (r, as) ->
Detour (finished restarted) restarted as r
Nothing ->
Correct (finished restarted) restarted
ex = exercise state
restarted = restartIfNeeded (makeNoState ex new)
similar = similarity ex (stateContext state) new
expected = do
let xs = either (const []) id $ allfirsts (restartIfNeeded state)
p (_, ns) = similarity ex new (stateContext ns)
listToMaybe (filter p xs)
discovered searchForBuggy searchForRule = listToMaybe
[ (r, env)
| r <- sortBy (ruleOrdering ex) (ruleset ex)
, isBuggy r == searchForBuggy
, maybe True (`elem` getId r:ruleSiblings r) searchForRule
, (_, env) <- recognizeRule ex r sub1 sub2
diff = if searchForBuggy then difference else differenceEqual
(sub1, sub2) = fromMaybe (stateContext state, new) $ do
newTerm <- fromContext new
(a, b) <- diff ex (stateTerm state) newTerm
return (inContext ex a, inContext ex b)
restartIfNeeded :: State a -> State a
restartIfNeeded state
| withoutPrefix state && canBeRestarted ex =
emptyState ex (stateTerm state)
| otherwise = state
ex = exercise state
tDiagnosis :: Type a (Diagnosis a)
tDiagnosis = Tag "Diagnosis" $ Iso (f <-> g) tp
tp = (tPair tEnvironment tRule :|: (tString :|: tTuple3 tBool tState (tMaybe tRule)))
:|: tPair tBool tState :|: tTuple3 tBool tState tRule
:|: tTuple4 tBool tState tEnvironment tRule :|: tPair tBool tState :|: tPair tBool tState
f (Left (Left (as, r))) = Buggy as r
f (Left (Right (Left s))) = NotEquivalent s
f (Left (Right (Right (b, s, mr)))) = WrongRule b s mr
f (Right (Left (b, s))) = Similar b s
f (Right (Right (Left (b, s, r)))) = Expected b s r
f (Right (Right (Right (Left (b, s, as, r))))) = Detour b s as r
f (Right (Right (Right (Right (Left (b, s)))))) = Correct b s
f (Right (Right (Right (Right (Right (b, s)))))) = Unknown b s
g (Buggy as r) = Left (Left (as, r))
g (NotEquivalent s) = Left (Right (Left s))
g (WrongRule b s mr) = Left (Right (Right (b, s, mr)))
g (Similar b s) = Right (Left (b, s))
g (Expected b s r) = Right (Right (Left (b, s, r)))
g (Detour b s as r) = Right (Right (Right (Left (b, s, as, r))))
g (Correct b s) = Right (Right (Right (Right (Left (b, s)))))
g (Unknown b s) = Right (Right (Right (Right (Right (b, s)))))
difference :: Exercise a -> a -> a -> Maybe (a, a)
difference ex a b = do
v <- hasTermView ex
Diff.differenceWith v a b
differenceEqual :: Exercise a -> a -> a -> Maybe (a, a)
differenceEqual ex a b = do
v <- hasTermView ex
let simpleEq = equivalence ex `on` inContext ex
Diff.differenceEqualWith v simpleEq a b