module Ideas.Encoding.EncoderHTML (htmlEncoder, htmlEncoderAt) where
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Ideas.Common.Library hiding (alternatives)
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Symbol
import Ideas.Common.Utils
import Ideas.Common.Utils.TestSuite
import Ideas.Encoding.Encoder
import Ideas.Encoding.LinkManager
import Ideas.Encoding.RulePresenter
import Ideas.Encoding.RulesInfo
import Ideas.Encoding.StrategyInfo
import Ideas.Service.BasicServices
import Ideas.Service.Diagnose
import Ideas.Service.DomainReasoner
import Ideas.Service.Request
import Ideas.Service.State
import Ideas.Service.Types
import Ideas.Text.HTML
import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.FMP
import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Object
import Ideas.Text.XML
import System.IO.Unsafe
type HTMLEncoder a t = Encoder a t HTMLBuilder
htmlEncoder :: DomainReasoner -> TypedEncoder a HTMLPage
htmlEncoder = htmlEncoderAt 0
htmlEncoderAt :: Int -> DomainReasoner -> TypedEncoder a HTMLPage
htmlEncoderAt n dr = do
req <- getRequest
let lm = f (maybe staticLinks dynamicLinks (cgiBinary req))
f = if n==0 then id else linksUp n
makePage lm dr <$> encodeType lm dr
makePage :: LinkManager -> DomainReasoner -> HTMLBuilder -> HTMLPage
makePage lm dr a =
addCSS (urlForCSS lm "ideas.css") $
htmlPage "Ideas: documentation pages" $ mconcat
[ divClass "page-header" $ mconcat
[ divClass "ideas-logo" space
, divClass "ounl-logo" space
, spanClass "menuitem" $ linkToIndex lm $ string "Index"
, spanClass "menuitem" $ linkToExercises lm $ string "Exercises"
, spanClass "menuitem" $ linkToServices lm $ string "Services"
, divClass "page-content" a
, divClass "page-footer" $
string (fullVersion dr)
encodeType :: LinkManager -> DomainReasoner -> HTMLEncoder a (TypedValue (Type a))
encodeType lm dr =
(encodeIndex, tDomainReasoner) <?>
(exerciseHeader lm <> htmlDiagnosis lm dr, tDiagnosis) <?>
(exerciseHeader lm <> encodeExampleList lm, tList (tPair tDifficulty tContext)) <?>
(exerciseHeader lm <> htmlFirsts lm, tList (tPair tStepInfo tState)) <?>
(exerciseHeader lm <> htmlAllApplications lm, tList (tTuple3 tRule tLocation tState)) <?>
(exerciseHeader lm <> encodeDerivation lm, tDerivation (tPair tRule tEnvironment) tContext) <?>
(exerciseHeader lm <> encodeDerivationList lm, tList (tDerivation (tPair tRule tEnvironment) tContext)) <?>
encoderFor (\(val ::: tp) ->
case tp of
Iso iso t -> encodeType lm dr // (to iso val ::: t)
Tag _ t -> encodeType lm dr // (val ::: t)
Pair t1 t2 -> encodeType lm dr // (fst val ::: t1) <>
encodeType lm dr // (snd val ::: t2)
t1 :|: t2 -> case val of
Left x -> encodeType lm dr // (x ::: t1)
Right x -> encodeType lm dr // (x ::: t2)
List (Const Service) -> encodeServiceList lm // val
List (Const SomeExercise) -> encodeExerciseList lm // val
List (Const Rule) -> exerciseHeader lm <> encodeRuleList lm // val
List t -> ul [ encodeType lm dr // (x ::: t) | x <- val ]
Const t -> encodeConst lm dr // (val ::: t)
_ -> string $ "unknown: " ++ show tp)
encodeConst :: LinkManager -> DomainReasoner -> HTMLEncoder a (TypedValue (Const a))
encodeConst lm dr = encoderFor $ \tv@(val ::: tp) ->
case tp of
Service -> encodeService // val
Exercise -> exerciseHeader lm <> encodeExercise lm // val
Strategy -> exerciseHeader lm <> encodeStrategy // val
Rule -> encodeRule // val
State -> exerciseHeader lm <> (encodeState lm dr // val)
Location -> text val
Environment -> text val
Term -> text val
Context -> encodeContext // val
String -> string val
Result -> exerciseHeader lm <> encodeResult lm val
_ -> text tv
encodeContext :: HTMLEncoder a (Context a)
encodeContext = exerciseEncoder $ \ex ->
string . prettyPrinterContext ex
encodeIndex :: HTMLEncoder a DomainReasoner
encodeIndex = makeEncoder $ \dr -> mconcat
[ h1 $ "Domain reasoner " ++ showId dr
, htmlDescription dr
, keyValueTable
[ ("version", string $ fullVersion dr)
, ("exercises", text $ length $ exercises dr)
, ("services", text $ length $ services dr)
, munless (null $ aliases dr) $
h2 "Exercise aliases" <>
table True (
[ string "alias", string "exercise"] :
[ [string (showId a), string (showId b)]
| (a, b) <- aliases dr
, munless (null $ scripts dr)
h2 "Feedback scripts" <>
table True (
[ string "exercise", string "script"] :
[ [string (showId a), string file]
| (a, file) <- scripts dr
encodeServiceList :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a [Service]
encodeServiceList lm = makeEncoder $ \srvs ->
h1 "Services" <>
[ h2 (show i ++ ". " ++ s) <> table False (map make xs)
| (i, s, xs) <- groupById srvs
make s = [ linkToService lm s (string (showId s)) <>
mwhen (serviceDeprecated s) (italic (string " (deprecated)"))
, string (description s)
encodeExerciseList :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a [Some Exercise]
encodeExerciseList lm = makeEncoder $ \exs ->
h1 "Exercises" <>
[ h2 (show i ++ ". " ++ dom) <> table False (map make xs)
| (i, dom, xs) <- groupsWith f exs
f :: Some Exercise -> String
f (Some ex) = fromMaybe "" (listToMaybe (qualifiers (getId ex)))
make :: Some Exercise -> [HTMLBuilder]
make (Some ex) =
[ linkToExercise lm ex $ string $ showId ex
, string $ map toLower $ show $ status ex
, string $ description ex
groupById :: HasId a => [a] -> [(Int, String, [a])]
groupById = groupsWith (fromMaybe "" . listToMaybe . qualifiers . getId)
groupsWith :: (a -> String) -> [a] -> [(Int, String, [a])]
groupsWith = orderedGroupsWith id
orderedGroupsWith :: Ord b => (b -> String) -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(Int, String, [a])]
orderedGroupsWith showf get =
zipWith f [1..] . groupBy eq . sortBy (comparing get)
eq x y = get x == get y
f i xs = (i, showf (get (head xs)), xs)
encodeService :: HTMLEncoder a Service
encodeService = makeEncoder $ \srv -> mconcat
[ h1 $ "Service " ++ showId srv
, mwhen (serviceDeprecated srv) $
para $ spanClass "warning" $ string "Warning: this service is deprecated"
, htmlDescription srv
, case serviceFunction srv of
_ ::: tp ->
let (xs, ys) = inputOutputTypes tp
f :: Some (Type a) -> HTMLBuilder
f (Some (t :|: Unit)) = text t <> italic (string " (optional)")
f (Some t) = text t
munless (null xs) (para $
bold (string "Input") <> ul (map f xs))
munless (null ys) (para $
bold (string "Output") <> ul (map f ys))
inputOutputTypes :: Type a t -> ([Some (Type a)], [Some (Type a)])
inputOutputTypes tp =
case tp of
Iso _ t -> inputOutputTypes t
t1 :-> t2 -> let (xs, ys) = inputOutputTypes t2
in (productType t1 ++ xs, ys)
Const String :|: t -> ([], productType t)
_ -> ([], productType tp)
productType :: Type a t -> [Some (Type a)]
productType tp =
case tp of
Iso _ t -> productType t
Pair t1 t2 -> productType t1 ++ productType t2
Unit -> []
_ -> [Some tp]
encodeExercise :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a (Exercise a)
encodeExercise lm = makeEncoder $ \ex -> mconcat
[ generalInfo ex
, h2 "Example exercises"
, ul $ [ para $ linkToExamples lm ex $ string "list of examples"
| not (null (examples ex))
] ++
[ para $ mconcat $
string "generate exercise: " :
intersperse (string ", ")
[ linkToRandomExample lm ex d $ text d
| d <- [VeryEasy .. VeryDifficult]
| isJust (randomExercise ex)
] ++
[ para $ submitStateInfo lm ex
| not (isStatic lm)
generalInfo ex = keyValueTable
[ ("Code", ttText (showId ex))
, ("Status", text $ status ex)
, ("Strategy", linkToStrategy lm ex $ string (showId $ strategy ex))
, ("Rules", text nrOfSoundRules)
, ("Buggy rules", text nrOfBuggyRules)
, ("OpenMath support", bool $ isJust $ hasTermView ex)
, ("Restartable strategy", bool $ canBeRestarted ex)
, ("Exercise generator", bool $ isJust $ randomExercise ex)
, ("Examples", text $ length $ examples ex)
(nrOfBuggyRules, nrOfSoundRules) =
mapBoth length (partition isBuggy (ruleset ex))
exerciseHeader :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a b
exerciseHeader lm = withExercise $ \ex -> mconcat
[ exerciseMenu lm
, h1 $ "Exercise " ++ showId ex
, pure $ htmlDescription ex
exerciseMenu :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a b
exerciseMenu lm = divClass "menubox" $
bold (string "Exercise") <>
ul [ with linkToExercise "information"
, with linkToStrategy " strategy"
, with linkToRules "rules"
, with linkToExamples "examples"
, with linkToDerivations "derivations"
, with linkToTestReport "test report"
with f s = withExercise $ \ex ->
pure $ f lm ex (string s)
encodeStrategy :: HTMLEncoder a (Strategy (Context a))
encodeStrategy = exerciseEncoder $ \ex s -> mconcat
[ h2 "Strategy"
, highlightXML True (strategyToXML s)
, h2 "Locations"
, let f :: HasId a => ([Int], a) -> [HTMLBuilder]
f (loc, a) = [text loc, indent (length loc) <> string (showId a)]
indent n = string (replicate (3*n) '.')
in table True
( [string "Location", string "Label"]
: map f (strategyLocations (strategy ex))
bool :: Bool -> HTMLBuilder
bool b = string (if b then "yes" else "no")
encodeResult :: BuildXML b => LinkManager -> Result -> b
encodeResult lm tests = mconcat
[ h2 "Test report"
, divClass "test-summary" $ mconcat
[ divClass "test-status" (statusImg lm tests 32)
, keyValueTable
[ ("Tests", text (nrOfTests tests))
, ("Errors", text (nrOfErrors tests))
, ("Warnings", text (nrOfWarnings tests))
, ("Time", string (show (timeInterval tests) ++ "s"))
, ("Rating", showRating lm $ fromMaybe 10 $ rating tests)
, h3 "Suites"
, ul [ string s <> space <> text t
| (s, t) <- subResults tests
, mwhen (isError tests) $
mconcat (h2 "Errors" : map makeItem errors)
, mwhen (isWarning tests) $
mconcat (h2 "Warnings" : map makeItem warnings)
, h2 "Tests"
, make tests
msgs = allMessages tests
errors = filter (isError . snd) msgs
warnings = filter (isWarning . snd) msgs
make t = mconcat $
map makeGroup (subResults t) ++
map makeItem (topMessages t)
makeGroup (s, t) = divClass "test-group" $
divClass "test-title" (string (s ++ " " ++ show t))
<> make t
makeItem (s, m) = divClass "test-item" $
statusImg lm m 16 <> spaces 3 <> string s <> msg
msg | isOk m = mempty
| otherwise = string ": " <> string (intercalate "," (messageLines m))
statusImg :: (HasStatus a, BuildXML b) => LinkManager -> a -> Int -> b
statusImg lm a n = element "img"
[ "src" .=. urlForImage lm (statusSrc a)
, "height" .=. show n
, "width" .=. show n
statusSrc :: HasStatus a => a -> String
statusSrc a
| isError a = "stop.png"
| isWarning a = "flagblue.png"
| otherwise = "ok.png"
showRating :: BuildXML a => LinkManager -> Int -> a
showRating lm = rec (5::Int)
rec 0 _ = mempty
rec n a = element "img"
[ "src" .=. urlForImage lm png
, "height" .=. "16"
, "width" .=. "16"
] <> rec (n1) (a2)
png | a >= 2 = "star.png"
| a == 1 = "star_2.png"
| otherwise = "star_3.png"
encodeRuleList :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a [Rule (Context a)]
encodeRuleList lm = exerciseEncoder $ \ex rs ->
let (rs1, rs2) = partition isBuggy rs
header = [ string "Rule name", string "Args"
, string "Used", string "Siblings", string "Rewrite rule"
used = rulesInStrategy (strategy ex)
f r = [ linkToRule lm ex r $ ttText (showId r)
, text $ length $ getRefs r
, bool $ r `elem` used
, string $ intercalate ", " $ map show $ ruleSiblings r
, mwhen (isRewriteRule r) $
ruleToHTML (Some ex) r
in mconcat
[ h2 $ "Rules for " ++ showId ex
, table True (header:map f rs2)
, h2 $ "Buggy rules for " ++ showId ex
, table True (header:map f rs1)
encodeRule :: HTMLEncoder a (Rule (Context a))
encodeRule = exerciseEncoder $ \ex r -> mconcat
[ h1 $ "Rule " ++ showId r
, htmlDescription r
, let commas = string . intercalate ", "
idList = commas . map showId
refList = commas . map show . getRefIds
in para $ keyValueTable
[ ("Parameters", refList r)
, ("Buggy", bool (isBuggy r))
, ("Rewrite rule", bool (isRewriteRule r))
, ("Siblings", idList $ ruleSiblings r)
, mwhen (isRewriteRule r) $
h2 "Rewrite rule" <> ruleToHTML (Some ex) r
, let xs = getRewriteRules (transformation r)
in munless (null xs) $ mconcat $
h2 "Formal Mathematical Properties" :
[ para $
let fmp = rewriteRuleToFMP (not $ isBuggy r) rr
in highlightXML False $ makeXML "FMP" $
builder $ omobj2xml $ toObject fmp
| Some rr <- xs
encodeExampleList :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a [(Difficulty, Context a)]
encodeExampleList lm = exerciseEncoder $ \ex pairs -> mconcat $
h2 "Examples" :
[ h3 (s ++ " (" ++ show (length xs) ++ ")")
<> (if isStatic lm then ul else mconcat) (map (make ex) xs)
| (_, s, xs) <- orderedGroupsWith show fst pairs
make ex (_, x) = para $
munless (isStatic lm) (
let st = emptyStateContext ex x
in spanClass "statelink" $ linkToState lm st $ external lm)
<> spanClass "term" (string (prettyPrinterContext ex x))
external :: BuildXML a => LinkManager -> a
external lm = element "img"
["src" .=. urlForImage lm "external.png", "width" .=. "15"]
encodeDerivation :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a (Derivation (Rule (Context a), Environment) (Context a))
encodeDerivation lm =
h2 "Derivation" <> htmlDerivation lm
encodeDerivationList :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a [Derivation (Rule (Context a), Environment) (Context a)]
encodeDerivationList lm = encoderFor $ \ds ->
h2 "Derivations"
<> mconcat
[ h3 (show i ++ ".") <> htmlDerivation lm // d
| (i, d) <- zip [1::Int ..] ds
htmlDerivation :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a (Derivation (Rule (Context a), Environment) (Context a))
htmlDerivation lm = exerciseEncoder $ \ex d ->
let before =
stateLink lm (emptyStateContext ex (firstTerm d))
<> case fmap (isReady ex) (fromContext (lastTerm d)) of
Just True -> mempty
_ -> spanClass "error" (string "Final term is not finished")
forStep ((r, env1), env2) =
let showEnv e = munless (noBindings e) $ string $ ", " ++ show e in
spanClass "derivation-step" $ mconcat
[ unescaped "⇒ "
, linkToRule lm ex r $ string $ showId r
, showEnv env1
, showEnv env2
textLines = mconcat . intersperse br . map string . lines
forTerm a =
divClass "term" $ textLines $ prettyPrinterContext ex a
in htmlDerivationWith before forStep forTerm (diffEnvironment d)
htmlState :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a (State a)
htmlState lm = makeEncoder $ \state ->
para $ divClass "state" $
stateLink lm state
<> divClass "term" (string $ prettyPrinterContext (exercise state) (stateContext state))
<> string "ready: " <> bool (finished state)
stateLink :: LinkManager -> State a -> HTMLBuilder
stateLink lm st
| isStatic lm = mempty
| otherwise =
spanClass "derivation-statelink" $ linkToState lm st $ external lm
encodeState :: LinkManager -> DomainReasoner -> HTMLEncoder a (State a)
encodeState lm dr =
htmlState lm <>
makeEncoder (\state ->
let xs = useAllFirsts dr state
n = either (const 0) length xs
in mconcat
[ h2 "Feedback"
, submitDiagnose lm state
, ul [ case xs of
Right (hd:_) -> linkToState lm (snd hd) $ string "onefirst"
_ -> string "(no onefirst)"
, linkToFirsts lm state $ string $ "allfirsts (" ++ show n ++ ")"
, linkToApplications lm state $ string "allapplications"
, linkToDerivation lm state $ string "derivation"
, linkToMicrosteps lm state $ string "microsteps"
, munless (noBindings state) $
h2 "Environment" <> text (environment state)
, encodePrefix state (statePrefix state)
useAllFirsts :: DomainReasoner -> State a -> Either String [(StepInfo a, State a)]
useAllFirsts dr = unsafePerformIO . useAllFirstsIO dr
useAllFirstsIO :: DomainReasoner -> State a -> IO (Either String [(StepInfo a, State a)])
useAllFirstsIO dr st = do
srv <- findService dr (newId "allfirsts")
case serviceFunction srv of
f ::: tp -> do
conv <- equalM tp (tState .-> tError (tList (tPair tStepInfo tState)))
return (conv f st)
encodePrefix :: State a -> Prefix (Context a) -> HTMLBuilder
encodePrefix st =
mconcat . zipWith3 make [1::Int ..] (stateLabels st) . prefixPaths
make i ls path = mconcat
[ h2 $ "Path " ++ show i
, let count p = text $ length $ filter p prSteps
enter = spanClass "step-enter" . text
comma c = if c == ',' then ", " else [c]
in keyValueTable
[ ("path", string $ concatMap comma $ show path)
, ("steps", count (const True))
, ("major rules", count isMajor)
, ("active labels", ul $ map enter ls)
, mconcat $ intersperse (string ", ") $ map htmlStep prSteps
ex = exercise st
ctx = stateContext st
prSteps = fst $ replayPath path (strategy ex) ctx
htmlStep :: Rule a -> HTMLBuilder
htmlStep r =
case (isEnterRule r, isExitRule r) of
(Just l, _) -> spanClass "step-enter" $ string $ "enter " ++ show l
(_, Just l) -> spanClass "step-exit" $ string $ "exit " ++ show l
_ -> let s = if isMinor r then "minor" else "major"
in spanClass ("step-"++s) $ string $ showId r
htmlDerivationWith :: HTMLBuilder -> (s -> HTMLBuilder) -> (t -> HTMLBuilder) -> Derivation s t -> HTMLBuilder
htmlDerivationWith before forStep forTerm d =
divClass "derivation" $ mconcat $
before : forTerm (firstTerm d) :
[ forStep s <> forTerm a | (_, s, a) <- triples d ]
htmlFirsts :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a [(StepInfo a, State a)]
htmlFirsts lm = encoderFor $ \xs ->
h2 "Firsts" <>
ul [ keyValueTable
[ ("Rule", string $ showId r)
, ("Location", text loc)
, ("Term", text $ show $ currentTerm (top $ stateContext s) )
, ("Focus", text $ show $ currentTerm (stateContext s) )
, ("Environment", text env)
] <> htmlState lm // s
| ((r, loc, env), s) <- xs
htmlAllApplications :: LinkManager -> HTMLEncoder a [(Rule (Context a), Location, State a)]
htmlAllApplications lm = encoderFor $ \xs ->
h2 "All applications" <>
ul [ keyValueTable
[ ("Rule", string $ showId r)
, ("Location", text loc)
] <> (if isBuggy r then mempty else htmlState lm // s)
| (r, loc, s) <- xs
htmlDiagnosis :: LinkManager -> DomainReasoner -> HTMLEncoder a (Diagnosis a)
htmlDiagnosis lm dr = encoderFor $ \diagnosis ->
case diagnosis of
SyntaxError s ->
spanClass "error" $ string s
Buggy _ r ->
spanClass "error" $ string $ "Not equivalent: buggy rule " ++ show r
NotEquivalent s ->
spanClass "error" $ string $ if null s then "Not equivalent" else s
Similar _ s ->
h2 "Similar term" <> encodeState lm dr // s
WrongRule _ s mr ->
h2 ("WrongRule " ++ maybe "" showId mr)
<> encodeState lm dr // s
Expected _ s r ->
h2 ("Expected (" ++ show r ++ ")")
<> encodeState lm dr // s
Detour _ s _ r ->
h2 ("Detour (" ++ show r ++ ")")
<> encodeState lm dr // s
Correct _ s ->
h2 "Correct" <> encodeState lm dr // s
Unknown _ s ->
h2 "Unknown" <> encodeState lm dr // s
htmlDescription :: HasId a => a -> HTMLBuilder
htmlDescription a = munless (null (description a)) $
para $
bold (string "Description") <> br
<> spanClass "description" (string (description a))
submitForm :: HTMLBuilder -> HTMLBuilder
submitForm this = element "form"
[ "name" .=. "myform"
, "onsubmit" .=. "return submitTerm()"
, "method" .=. "post"
, this
, element "input" ["type" .=. "text", "name" .=. "myterm"]
, element "input" ["type" .=. "submit", "value" .=. "Submit"]
submitStateInfo :: LinkManager -> Exercise a -> HTMLBuilder
submitStateInfo lm ex =
submitForm (string "other exercise: ")
<> submitRequest lm request
request = "<request service='stateinfo' exerciseid='" ++ showId ex
++ "' encoding='html'><state><expr>\" + getTerm() + \"</expr></state></request>"
submitDiagnose :: LinkManager -> State a -> HTMLBuilder
submitDiagnose lm st = submitForm mempty <> submitRequest lm request
request = "<request service='diagnose' exerciseid='" ++ showId (exercise st)
++ "' encoding='html'>" ++ ststr ++ "<expr>\" + getTerm() + \"</expr></request>"
ststr = case fromBuilder (stateToXML st) of
Just el -> concatMap f (compactXML el)
Nothing -> ""
f '\\' = "\\\\"
f '"' = "\\\""
f c = [c]
submitRequest :: LinkManager -> String -> HTMLBuilder
submitRequest lm request = submitURL $
quote (urlForRequest lm) ++ "+encodeURIComponent(" ++ quote request ++ ")"
quote :: String -> String
quote s = '"' : s ++ "\""
submitURL :: String -> HTMLBuilder
submitURL url = tag "script" $
("type" .=. "text/javascript")
<> unescaped (
"function getTerm() {\
\ var s = document.myform.myterm.value;\
\ var result = '';\
\ for (var i=0;i<s.length;i++) {\
\ if (s[i]=='<') result+='<';\
\ else if (s[i]=='>') result+='>';\
\ else if (s[i]=='&') result+='&';\
\ else if (s[i]=='\"') result+='"';\
\ else if (s[i]==\"'\") result+=''';\
\ else result+=s[i];\
\ }\
\ return result;\
\function submitTerm() {\
\ document.myform.action = " ++ url ++ ";\