{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- Copyright 2016, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the
-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)
-- A parser for XML documents, directly derived from the specification:
--    http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml-20060816

module Ideas.Text.XML.Parser (document, extParsedEnt, extSubset) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (toUpper, ord, isSpace)
import Data.List (foldl') -- '
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Ideas.Text.Parsing hiding (digit, letter, space)
import Ideas.Text.XML.Document hiding (versionInfo, name, content)
import Ideas.Text.XML.Unicode
import Prelude hiding (seq)
import qualified Ideas.Text.XML.Document as D

letter, digit, combiningChar, extender :: Parser Char
letter        = satisfy isLetter
digit         = satisfy isDigit
combiningChar = satisfy isCombiningChar
extender      = satisfy isExtender

-- combinators without lexing (no spaces are consumed)
parens, brackets, singleQuoted, doubleQuoted :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens       = between (char '(')  (char ')')
brackets     = between (char '[')  (char ']')
singleQuoted = between (char '\'') (char '\'')
doubleQuoted = between (char '"')  (char '"')

-- * 2 Documents

-- ** 2.1 Well-Formed XML Documents

-- [1]   	document	   ::=   	 prolog element Misc*
document :: Parser XMLDoc
document = do
   (mxml, mdtd) <- prolog
   rt <- element
   let (ver, enc, sa) =
          case mxml of
             Just (a, b, c) -> (Just a, b, c)
             Nothing        -> (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
   return XMLDoc
      { D.versionInfo = ver
      , D.encoding    = enc
      , D.standalone  = sa
      , D.dtd         = mdtd
      , D.externals   = []
      , root        = rt

-- ** 2.2 Characters

-- [2]   	Char	   ::=   	#x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
char :: Parser Char
char = ranges xs <|> oneOf "\x9\xA\xD"
 where xs = [('\x20', '\xD7FF'), ('\xE000', '\xFFFD'), ('\x10000', '\x10FFFF')]

-- ** 2.3 Common Syntactic Constructs

-- [3]   	S	   ::=   	(#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
space :: Parser ()
space = void (many1 (oneOf "\x20\x9\xA\xD"))

mspace :: Parser () -- for S?
mspace = void (many (oneOf "\x20\x9\xA\xD"))

-- [4]   	NameChar	   ::=   	 Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' | CombiningChar | Extender
nameChar :: Parser Char
nameChar = letter <|> digit <|> combiningChar <|> extender <|> oneOf ".-_:"

-- [5]   	Name	   ::=   	(Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)*
name :: Parser String
name = do
   c  <- letter <|> oneOf "_:"
   cs <- many nameChar
   return (c:cs)

spacedName :: Parser String
spacedName = space *> name <* space

-- [6]   	Names	   ::=   	 Name (#x20 Name)*
names :: Parser [String]
names = sepBy1 name (char '\x20')

-- [7]   	Nmtoken	   ::=   	(NameChar)+
nmtoken :: Parser String
nmtoken = many1 nameChar

-- [8]   	Nmtokens	   ::=   	 Nmtoken (#x20 Nmtoken)*
nmtokens :: Parser [String]
nmtokens = sepBy1 nmtoken (char '\x20')

-- [9]   	EntityValue	   ::=   	'"' ([^%&"] | PEReference | Reference)* '"'
--                           |  "'" ([^%&'] | PEReference | Reference)* "'"
entityValue :: Parser EntityValue
entityValue = doubleQuoted (p "%&\"") <|> singleQuoted (p "%&'")
   p s =  many (fmap Left (noneOf s)
      <|> fmap Right (fmap Left peReference <|> fmap Right reference))

-- [10]   	AttValue	   ::=   	'"' ([^<&"] | Reference)* '"'
--                           |  "'" ([^<&'] | Reference)* "'"
attValue :: Parser AttValue
attValue = doubleQuoted (p "<&\"") <|> singleQuoted (p "<&'")
 where p s = many (fmap Left (noneOf s) <|> fmap Right reference)

-- [11]   	SystemLiteral	   ::=   	('"' [^"]* '"') | ("'" [^']* "'")
systemLiteral :: Parser String
systemLiteral = doubleQuoted (p "\"") <|> singleQuoted (p "'")
 where p s = many (noneOf s)

-- [12]   	PubidLiteral	   ::=   	'"' PubidChar* '"' | "'" (PubidChar - "'")* "'"
pubidLiteral :: Parser String
pubidLiteral = doubleQuoted (many (pubidChar True)) <|> singleQuoted (many (pubidChar False))

-- [13]   	PubidChar	   ::=   	#x20 | #xD | #xA | [a-zA-Z0-9] | [-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%]
pubidChar :: Bool -> Parser Char
pubidChar withSingleQuote =
   ranges xs <|> oneOf "\x20\xD\xA-()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%" <|> singleQuote
   xs = [('a', 'z'), ('A', 'Z'), ('0', '9')]
      | withSingleQuote = char '\'' >> return '\''
      | otherwise       = fail "pubidChar"

-- ** 2.4 Character Data and Markup

-- [14]   	CharData	   ::=   	[^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*)
charData :: Parser String -- This implementation is too liberal since it allows "]]>"
charData = stopOn ["<", "&", "]]>"]


-- [15]   	Comment	   ::=   	'<!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->'
comment :: Parser String
comment = between (string "<!--") (string "-->") (stopOn ["--"])

-- ** 2.6 Processing Instructions

-- [16]   	PI	   ::=   	'<?' PITarget (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*)))? '?>'
pInstr :: Parser String
pInstr = between (string "<?") (string "?>") p
   p = piTarget >> option "" (space >> stopOn ["?>"])

-- [17]   	PITarget	   ::=   	 Name - (('X' | 'x') ('M' | 'm') ('L' | 'l'))
piTarget :: Parser String
piTarget = do
   n <- name
   when (map toUpper n == "XML") $ fail "XML in piTarget"
   return n

-- ** 2.7 CDATA Sections

-- [18]   	CDSect	   ::=   	 CDStart CData CDEnd
-- [19]   	CDStart	   ::=   	'<![CDATA['
-- [20]   	CData	   ::=   	(Char* - (Char* ']]>' Char*))
-- [21]   	CDEnd	   ::=   	']]>'
cdSect :: Parser XML
cdSect = between (string "<![CDATA[") (string "]]>") p
   p = do
      s <- stopOn ["]]>"]
      return (CDATA s)

-- ** 2.8 Prolog and Document Type Declaration

type XMLDecl = (String, Maybe String, Maybe Bool)

-- [22]   	prolog	   ::=   	 XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)?
prolog :: Parser (Maybe XMLDecl, Maybe DTD)
prolog = do
   ma <- optionMaybe (try xmlDecl)
   mb <- optionMaybe $ try $ do
      mb <- doctypedecl
      return mb
   return (ma, mb)

-- [23]   	XMLDecl	   ::=   	'<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>'
xmlDecl :: Parser XMLDecl
xmlDecl = do
   skip (string "<?xml")
   x <- versionInfo
   y <- optionMaybe (try encodingDecl)
   z <- optionMaybe (try sdDecl)
   skip (string "?>")
   return (x, y, z)

-- [24]   	VersionInfo	   ::=   	 S 'version' Eq ("'" VersionNum "'" | '"' VersionNum '"')
versionInfo :: Parser String
versionInfo = space >> string "version" >> eq >> p
 where p = singleQuoted versionNum <|> doubleQuoted versionNum

-- [25]   	Eq	   ::=   	 S? '=' S?
eq :: Parser ()
eq = skip (mspace >> char '=' >> mspace)

-- [26]   	VersionNum	   ::=   	'1.0'
versionNum :: Parser String
versionNum = do
   skip (string "1.0")
   return "1.0"

-- [27]   	Misc	   ::=   	 Comment | PI | S
misc :: Parser ()
misc = try (skip comment) <|> try (skip pInstr) <|> skip space

miscs :: Parser ()
miscs = skip (many misc)

-- [28]   	doctypedecl	   ::=   	'<!DOCTYPE' S Name (S ExternalID)? S? ('[' intSubset ']' S?)? '>'
doctypedecl :: Parser DTD
doctypedecl = do
   skip (string "<!DOCTYPE")
   x <- name
   y <- optionMaybe (try (space >> externalID))
   z <- option [] $ do
      z <- brackets intSubset
      return z
   skip (char '>')
   return (DTD x y z)

-- [28a]   	DeclSep	   ::=   	 PEReference | S
declSep :: Parser (Maybe DocTypeDecl)
declSep =  fmap (Just . DTDParameter) peReference
       <|> (space >> return Nothing)

-- [28b]   	intSubset	   ::=   	(markupdecl | DeclSep)*
intSubset :: Parser [DocTypeDecl]
intSubset = fmap catMaybes (many (markupdecl <|> declSep))

-- [29]   	markupdecl	   ::=   	 elementdecl | AttlistDecl | EntityDecl | NotationDecl | PI | Comment
markupdecl :: Parser (Maybe DocTypeDecl)
markupdecl =  fmap Just (choice (map try list))
          <|> ((try pInstr <|> comment) >> return Nothing)
   list = [elementdecl, attlistDecl, entityDecl, notationDecl]

-- [30]   	extSubset	   ::=   	 TextDecl? extSubsetDecl
extSubset :: Parser (Maybe TextDecl, [DocTypeDecl])
extSubset = do
   m <- optionMaybe textDecl
   e <- extSubsetDecl
   return (m, e)

-- [31]   	extSubsetDecl	   ::=   	( markupdecl | conditionalSect | DeclSep)*
extSubsetDecl :: Parser [DocTypeDecl]
extSubsetDecl = fmap catMaybes (many (choice [markupdecl, fmap (Just . DTDConditional) conditionalSect, declSep]))

-- ** 2.9 Standalone Document Declaration
-- [32]   	SDDecl	   ::=   	 S 'standalone' Eq (("'" ('yes' | 'no') "'") | ('"' ('yes' | 'no') '"'))
sdDecl :: Parser Bool
sdDecl = space >> string "standalone" >> eq >> (singleQuoted bool <|> doubleQuoted bool)
 where bool =  (string "yes" >> return True)
           <|> (string "no"  >> return False)

-- ** 2.10 White Space Handling

-- * 3 Logical Structures

-- [39]   	element	   ::=   	 EmptyElemTag | STag content ETag
element :: Parser Element
element = do
   (s1, as, closed) <- sTag
   if closed
     then return (Element s1 as [])
     else do
       c  <- content
       s2 <- eTag
       when (s1/=s2) $ fail "WFC: element"
       return (Element s1 as c)

-- ** 3.1 Start-Tags, End-Tags, and Empty-Element Tags

-- [40]   	STag	   ::=   	'<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '>'
-- [44]   	EmptyElemTag	   ::=   	'<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>'
-- The boolean indicates whether the tag was closed immediately (an EmptyElemTag)
sTag :: Parser (Name, Attributes, Bool)
sTag = do
   skip (char '<')
   n  <- name
   as <- many (try (space >> attribute))
   b  <- (char '>'  >> return False) <|>
         (string "/>" >> return True)
   return (n, as, b)

-- [41]   	Attribute	   ::=   	NSAttName Eq AttValue
--        | Name Eq AttValue
attribute :: Parser Attribute
attribute = do
   n <- name
   a <- attValue
   return (n := a)

-- [42]   	ETag	   ::=   	'</' Name S? '>'
eTag :: Parser Name
eTag = do
   skip (string "</")
   n <- name
   skip (char '>')
   return n

-- [43]   	content	   ::=   	 CharData? ((element | Reference | CDSect | PI | Comment) CharData?)*
-- Note: since CharData accepts epsilon, there is no need to make it optional
content :: Parser Content
content = chainr1 (fmap g charData) (fmap f ps)
   f ma l r = l ++ maybe [] return ma ++ r
   g s = [ CharData s | any (not . isSpace) s ]  -- quick fix, ignores layout
   ps  = try (fmap Just (choice (map try [fmap Tagged element, fmap Reference reference, cdSect]))
      <|> ((try pInstr <|> comment) >> return Nothing))

-- ** 3.2 Element Type Declarations

-- [45]   	elementdecl	   ::=   	'<!ELEMENT' S Name S contentspec S? '>'
elementdecl :: Parser DocTypeDecl
elementdecl = do
   skip (string "<!ELEMENT")
   n <- spacedName
   cs <- contentspec
   skip (char '>')
   return (ElementDecl n cs)

-- [46]   	contentspec	   ::=   	'EMPTY' | 'ANY' | Mixed | children
contentspec :: Parser ContentSpec
contentspec = choice
   [ string "EMPTY" >> return Empty
   , string "ANY"   >> return Any
   , try mixed
   , children

-- [47]   	children	   ::=   	(choice | seq) ('?' | '*' | '+')?
children :: Parser ContentSpec
children = do
   a <- try cpChoice <|> cpSeq
   f <- option id multi
   return (Children (f a))

multi :: Parser (CP -> CP)
multi =  (char '?' >> return QuestionMark)
     <|> (char '*' >> return Star)
     <|> (char '+' >> return Plus)

-- [48]   	cp	   ::=   	(Name | choice | seq) ('?' | '*' | '+')?
cp :: Parser CP
cp = do
   a <- fmap CPName name <|> try cpChoice <|> cpSeq
   f <- option id multi
   return (f a)

-- [49]   	choice	   ::=   	'(' S? cp ( S? '|' S? cp )+ S? ')'
cpChoice :: Parser CP
cpChoice = parens $ do
   x  <- cp
   xs <- many1 (try (mspace >> char '|' >> mspace >> cp))
   return (Choice (x:xs))

-- [50]   	seq	   ::=   	'(' S? cp ( S? ',' S? cp )* S? ')'
cpSeq :: Parser CP
cpSeq = parens $ do
   x  <- cp
   xs <- many (try (mspace >> char ',' >> mspace >> cp))
   return (Sequence (x:xs))

-- [51]   	Mixed	   ::=   	'(' S? '#PCDATA' (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')*'
--                  | '(' S? '#PCDATA' S? ')'
mixed :: Parser ContentSpec
mixed = char '(' >> mspace >> string "#PCDATA" >> (rest1 <|> rest2)
   p = mspace >> char '|' >> mspace >> name
   rest1 = try $ do
       xs <- many (try p)
       skip (string ")*")
       return (Mixed True xs)
   rest2 = mspace >> char ')' >> return (Mixed False [])

-- ** 3.3 Attribute-List Declarations

-- [52]   	AttlistDecl	   ::=   	'<!ATTLIST' S Name AttDef* S? '>'
attlistDecl :: Parser DocTypeDecl
attlistDecl = do
   skip (string "<!ATTLIST")
   n  <- name
   ds <- many (try attDef)
   skip (char '>')
   return (AttListDecl n ds)

-- [53]   	AttDef	   ::=   	 S Name S AttType S DefaultDecl
attDef :: Parser AttDef
attDef = do
   n  <- spacedName
   tp <- attType
   dd <- defaultDecl
   return (n, tp, dd)

-- [54]   	AttType	   ::=   	 StringType | TokenizedType | EnumeratedType
attType :: Parser AttType
attType = stringType <|> tokenizedType <|> enumeratedType

-- [55]   	StringType	   ::=   	'CDATA'
stringType :: Parser AttType
stringType = string "CDATA" >> return StringType

-- [56]   	TokenizedType	   ::=   	'ID' | 'IDREF' | 'IDREFS' | 'ENTITY' | 'ENTITIES' | 'NMTOKEN' | 'NMTOKENS'
tokenizedType :: Parser AttType
tokenizedType = choice (map f xs)
   f (tp, s) = try (string s) >> return tp
   xs = [ (IdRefsType, "IDREFS"), (IdRefType, "IDREF"), (IdType, "ID"), (EntityType, "ENTITY")
        , (EntitiesType, "ENTITIES"), (NmTokensType, "NMTOKENS"), (NmTokenType, "NMTOKEN")

-- [57]   	EnumeratedType	   ::=   	 NotationType | Enumeration
enumeratedType :: Parser AttType
enumeratedType = notationType <|> enumeration

-- [58]   	NotationType	   ::=   	'NOTATION' S '(' S? Name (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')'
notationType :: Parser AttType
notationType = string "NOTATION" >> space >> parens p
   p = do
      n  <- name
      ns <- many (try (mspace >> char '|' >> mspace >> name))
      return (NotationType (n:ns))

-- [59]   	Enumeration	   ::=   	'(' S? Nmtoken (S? '|' S? Nmtoken)* S? ')'
enumeration :: Parser AttType
enumeration = parens $ do
   x  <- nmtoken
   xs <- many (try (mspace >> char '|' >> mspace >> nmtoken))
   return (EnumerationType (x:xs))

-- [60]   	DefaultDecl	   ::=   	'#REQUIRED' | '#IMPLIED' | (('#FIXED' S)? AttValue)
defaultDecl :: Parser DefaultDecl
defaultDecl =  try (string "#REQUIRED" >> return Required)
           <|> try (string "#IMPLIED"  >> return Implied)
           <|> do f <- option Value (string "#FIXED" >> space >> return Fixed)
                  a <- attValue
                  return (f a)

-- ** 3.4 Conditional Sections

-- [61]   	conditionalSect	   ::=   	 includeSect | ignoreSect
conditionalSect :: Parser Conditional
conditionalSect = try includeSect <|> ignoreSect

-- [62]   	includeSect	   ::=   	'<![' S? 'INCLUDE' S? '[' extSubsetDecl ']]>'
includeSect :: Parser Conditional
includeSect = do
   skip (string "<![")
   skip (string "INCLUDE")
   skip (char '[')
   ds <- extSubsetDecl
   skip (string "]]>")
   return (Include ds)

-- [63]   	ignoreSect	   ::=   	'<![' S? 'IGNORE' S? '[' ignoreSectContents* ']]>'
ignoreSect :: Parser Conditional
ignoreSect = do
   skip (string "<![")
   skip (string "IGNORE")
   skip (char '[')
   xss <- many ignoreSectContents
   skip (string "]]>")
   return (Ignore (concat xss))

-- [64]   	ignoreSectContents	   ::=   	 Ignore ('<![' ignoreSectContents ']]>' Ignore)*
ignoreSectContents :: Parser [String]
ignoreSectContents =
   do x   <- ignore
      xss <- many $ do
         skip (string "<![")
         ys <- ignoreSectContents
         skip (string "]]>")
         y  <- ignore
         return (ys++[y])
      return (x:concat xss)

-- [65]   	Ignore	   ::=   	 Char* - (Char* ('<![' | ']]>') Char*)
ignore :: Parser String
ignore = stopOn ["<![", "]]>"]

-- * 4 Physical Structures

-- ** 4.1 Character and Entity References

-- [66]   	CharRef	   ::=   	'&#' [0-9]+ ';' | '&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ ';'
charRef :: Parser Reference
charRef = do
   skip (string "&#")
   n <- p <|> (char 'x' >> q)
   skip (char ';')
   return (CharRef n)
   p = fmap (foldl' (\a b -> a*10+ord b-48) 0) (many1 ('0' <..> '9'))
   q = fmap hexa (many1 (ranges [('0', '9'), ('a', 'f'), ('A', 'F')]))

hexa :: String -> Int
hexa = rec 0
   rec n []     = n
   rec n (x:xs) = rec (16*n + ord x - correct) xs
         | x <= '9'  = ord '0'
         | x <= 'F'  = ord 'A' - 10
         | otherwise = ord 'a' - 10

-- [67]   	Reference	   ::=   	 EntityRef | CharRef
reference :: Parser Reference
reference = try entityRef <|> charRef

-- [68]   	EntityRef	   ::=   	'&' Name ';'
entityRef :: Parser Reference
entityRef = between (char '&') (char ';') (fmap EntityRef name)

-- [69]   	PEReference	   ::=   	'%' Name ';'
peReference :: Parser Parameter
peReference = between (char '%') (char ';') (fmap Parameter name)

-- ** 4.2 Entity Declarations

-- [70]   	EntityDecl	   ::=   	 GEDecl | PEDecl
entityDecl :: Parser DocTypeDecl
entityDecl = try geDecl <|> peDecl

-- [71]   	GEDecl	   ::=   	'<!ENTITY' S Name S EntityDef S? '>'
geDecl :: Parser DocTypeDecl
geDecl = do
   skip (string "<!ENTITY")
   n  <- spacedName
   ed <- entityDef
   skip (char '>')
   return (EntityDecl True n ed)

-- [72]   	PEDecl	   ::=   	'<!ENTITY' S '%' S Name S PEDef S? '>'
peDecl :: Parser DocTypeDecl
peDecl = do
   skip (string "<!ENTITY")
   skip (char '%')
   n <- spacedName
   e <- peDef
   skip (char '>')
   return (EntityDecl False n (either Left (\a -> Right (a, Nothing)) e))

-- [73]   	EntityDef	   ::=   	 EntityValue | (ExternalID NDataDecl?)
entityDef :: Parser EntityDef
entityDef = fmap Left entityValue <|> do
   e  <- externalID
   ms <- optionMaybe (try nDataDecl)
   return (Right (e, ms))

-- [74]   	PEDef	   ::=   	 EntityValue | ExternalID
peDef :: Parser (Either EntityValue ExternalID)
peDef = fmap Left entityValue <|> fmap Right externalID

-- [75]   	ExternalID	   ::=   	'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral | 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral
externalID :: Parser ExternalID
externalID =  (string "SYSTEM" >> space >> fmap System systemLiteral) <|> do
   skip (string "PUBLIC")
   x <- pubidLiteral
   y <- systemLiteral
   return (Public x y)

-- [76]   	NDataDecl	   ::=   	 S 'NDATA' S Name
nDataDecl :: Parser String
nDataDecl = space >> string "NDATA" >> space >> name

-- ** 4.3 Parsed Entities

-- [77]   	TextDecl	   ::=   	'<?xml' VersionInfo? EncodingDecl S? '?>'

textDecl :: Parser TextDecl
textDecl = do
   skip (string "<?xml")
   v <- optionMaybe versionInfo
   e <- encodingDecl
   skip (string "?>")
   return (v, e)

-- [78]   	extParsedEnt	   ::=   	 TextDecl? content
extParsedEnt :: Parser (Maybe TextDecl, Content)
extParsedEnt = do
   td <- optionMaybe (try textDecl)
   c  <- content
   return (td, c)

-- [80]   	EncodingDecl	   ::=   	 S 'encoding' Eq ('"' EncName '"' | "'" EncName "'" )
encodingDecl :: Parser String
encodingDecl = space >> string "encoding" >> eq >>
   (singleQuoted encName <|> doubleQuoted encName)

-- [81]   	EncName	   ::=   	[A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')*
encName :: Parser String
encName = do
   x  <- ranges [('A', 'Z'), ('a', 'z')]
   xs <- many (ranges [('A', 'Z'), ('a', 'z'), ('0', '9')] <|> oneOf "._-")
   return (x:xs)

-- ** 4.7 Notation Declarations

-- [82]   	NotationDecl	   ::=   	'<!NOTATION' S Name S (ExternalID | PublicID) S? '>'
notationDecl :: Parser DocTypeDecl
notationDecl = do
   skip (string "<!NOTATION")
   n <- spacedName
   e <- fmap Left (try externalID) <|> fmap Right publicID
   skip (char '>')
   return (NotationDecl n e)

-- [83]   	PublicID	   ::=   	'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral
publicID :: Parser PublicID
publicID = string "PUBLIC" >> space >> pubidLiteral