module Ideas.Common.Strategy.StrategyTree
StrategyTree, Leaf(..), treeToProcess, mapRulesInTree
, Decl, Combinator, associative, isAssociative, combinator
, (.=.), applyDecl
, Dynamic, makeDynamic, dynamicToTerm, dynamicTree, dynamicFromTerm
, Arity(..), Nullary(..), Unary(..), Binary(..), Nary(..)
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.Maybe
import Ideas.Common.Classes
import Ideas.Common.Id
import Ideas.Common.Rewriting.Term (Term, IsTerm(..))
import Ideas.Common.Rule
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Choice
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.CyclicTree
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Process
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Sequence
import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Symbol
import Ideas.Common.View
infix 1 .=.
type StrategyTree a = CyclicTree (Decl Nary) (Leaf a)
data Leaf a = LeafRule (Rule a)
| LeafDyn (Dynamic a)
instance Show (Leaf a) where
show = showId
instance Eq (Leaf a) where
x == y = getId x == getId y
instance HasId (Leaf a) where
getId (LeafRule r) = getId r
getId (LeafDyn d) = getId d
changeId f (LeafRule r) = LeafRule (changeId f r)
changeId f (LeafDyn d) = LeafDyn (changeId f d)
instance AtomicSymbol (Leaf a) where
atomicOpen = LeafRule atomicOpen
atomicClose = LeafRule atomicClose
instance LabelSymbol (Leaf a) where
isEnterSymbol (LeafRule r) = isEnterSymbol r
isEnterSymbol (LeafDyn _) = False
instance Minor (Leaf a) where
isMinor (LeafRule r) = isMinor r
isMinor (LeafDyn _) = False
setMinor b (LeafRule r) = LeafRule (setMinor b r)
setMinor _ lf@(LeafDyn _) = lf
instance Apply Leaf where
applyAll (LeafRule r) a = applyAll r a
applyAll (LeafDyn d) a = applyAll d a
instance LiftView Leaf where
liftViewIn v (LeafRule r) = LeafRule (liftViewIn v r)
liftViewIn v (LeafDyn d) = LeafDyn (liftViewIn v d)
treeToProcess :: StrategyTree a -> Process (Leaf a)
treeToProcess = foldUnwind emptyAlg
{ fNode = fromNary . combinator
, fLeaf = single
, fLabel = \l p -> LeafRule (enterRule l) ~> p .*. (LeafRule (exitRule l) ~> done)
mapRulesInTree :: (Rule a -> Rule a) -> StrategyTree a -> StrategyTree a
mapRulesInTree f = inTree
inTree = fmap inLeaf
inLeaf (LeafRule r) = LeafRule (f r)
inLeaf (LeafDyn d) = LeafDyn (inDyn d)
inDyn d = d { dynamicFromTerm = fmap inTree . dynamicFromTerm d }
applyDecl :: Arity f => Decl f -> f (StrategyTree a)
applyDecl d = toArity (node (d {combinator = op}) . make)
op = Nary $ fromMaybe empty . listify (combinator d)
make | isAssociative d = concatMap collect
| otherwise = id
collect a =
case isNode a of
Just (da, as) | getId da == getId d -> as
_ -> [a]
data Dynamic a = Dyn
{ dynamicId :: Id
, dynamicToTerm :: a -> Maybe Term
, dynamicFromTerm :: Term -> Maybe (StrategyTree a)
instance HasId (Dynamic a) where
getId = dynamicId
changeId f d = d { dynamicId = changeId f (dynamicId d) }
instance Apply Dynamic where
applyAll d a = maybe [] ((`runProcess` a) . treeToProcess) (dynamicTree d a)
instance LiftView Dynamic where
liftViewIn v d = d
{ dynamicToTerm = fmap fst . match v >=> dynamicToTerm d
, dynamicFromTerm = fmap (fmap (liftViewIn v)) . dynamicFromTerm d
makeDynamic :: (IsId n, IsTerm a) => n -> (a -> StrategyTree a) -> Dynamic a
makeDynamic n f = Dyn (newId n) (Just . toTerm) (fmap f . fromTerm)
dynamicTree :: Dynamic a -> a -> Maybe (StrategyTree a)
dynamicTree d = dynamicToTerm d >=> dynamicFromTerm d
type Combinator f = forall a . f (Process (Leaf a))
data Decl f = C
{ declId :: Id
, combinator :: Combinator f
, isAssociative :: Bool
instance Show (Decl f) where
show = showId
instance Eq (Decl f) where
(==) = (==) `on` getId
instance HasId (Decl f) where
getId = declId
changeId f d = d { declId = f (declId d) }
(.=.) :: IsId n => n -> Combinator f -> Decl f
n .=. f = C (newId n) f False
associative :: Decl f -> Decl f
associative c = c {isAssociative = True}
class Arity f where
listify :: f a -> [a] -> Maybe a
toArity :: ([a] -> a) -> f a
liftIso :: Isomorphism a b -> f a -> f b
newtype Nullary a = Nullary { fromNullary :: a }
newtype Unary a = Unary { fromUnary :: a -> a }
newtype Binary a = Binary { fromBinary :: a -> a -> a }
newtype Nary a = Nary { fromNary :: [a] -> a }
instance Arity Nullary where
listify (Nullary a) [] = Just a
listify _ _ = Nothing
toArity f = Nullary (f [])
liftIso p (Nullary a) = Nullary (from p a)
instance Arity Unary where
listify (Unary f) [x] = Just (f x)
listify _ _ = Nothing
toArity f = Unary (\x -> f [x])
liftIso p (Unary f) = Unary (from p . f . to p)
instance Arity Binary where
listify (Binary f) [x, y] = Just (f x y)
listify _ _ = Nothing
toArity f = Binary (\x y -> f [x, y])
liftIso p (Binary f) = Binary (\x y -> from p (f (to p x) (to p y)))
instance Arity Nary where
listify (Nary f) = Just . f
toArity = Nary
liftIso p (Nary f) = Nary (from p . f . map (to p))