{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, BangPatterns,
             PatternGuards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}

module Idris.Core.Evaluate(normalise, normaliseTrace, normaliseC, 
                normaliseAll, normaliseBlocking, toValue, quoteTerm,
                rt_simplify, simplify, specialise, hnf, convEq, convEq',
                Def(..), CaseInfo(..), CaseDefs(..),
                Accessibility(..), Totality(..), PReason(..), MetaInformation(..),
                Context, initContext, ctxtAlist, next_tvar,
                addToCtxt, setAccess, setTotal, setMetaInformation, addCtxtDef, addTyDecl,
                addDatatype, addCasedef, simplifyCasedef, addOperator,
                lookupNames, lookupTyName, lookupTyNameExact, lookupTy, lookupTyExact,
                lookupP, lookupP_all, lookupDef, lookupNameDef, lookupDefExact, lookupDefAcc, lookupDefAccExact, lookupVal,
                lookupTotal, lookupNameTotal, lookupMetaInformation, lookupTyEnv, isTCDict, isDConName, canBeDConName, isTConName, isConName, isFnName,
                Value(..), Quote(..), initEval, uniqueNameCtxt, uniqueBindersCtxt, definitions,
                isUniverse) where

import Debug.Trace
import Control.Applicative hiding (Const)
import Control.Monad.State -- not Strict!
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import Data.Binary hiding (get, put)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)

import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.CaseTree

data EvalState = ES { limited :: [(Name, Int)],
                      nexthole :: Int,
                      blocking :: Bool }
  deriving Show

type Eval a = State EvalState a

data EvalOpt = Spec
             | HNF
             | Simplify
             | AtREPL
             | RunTT
  deriving (Show, Eq)

initEval = ES [] 0 False

-- VALUES (as HOAS) ---------------------------------------------------------
-- | A HOAS representation of values
data Value = VP NameType Name Value
           | VV Int
             -- True for Bool indicates safe to reduce
           | VBind Bool Name (Binder Value) (Value -> Eval Value)
             -- For frozen let bindings when simplifying
           | VBLet Int Name Value Value Value
           | VApp Value Value
           | VType UExp
           | VUType Universe
           | VErased
           | VImpossible
           | VConstant Const
           | VProj Value Int
--            | VLazy Env [Value] Term
           | VTmp Int

instance Show Value where
    show x = show $ evalState (quote 100 x) initEval

instance Show (a -> b) where
    show x = "<<fn>>"

-- THE EVALUATOR ------------------------------------------------------------

-- The environment is assumed to be "locally named" - i.e., not de Bruijn
-- indexed.
-- i.e. it's an intermediate environment that we have while type checking or
-- while building a proof.

-- | Normalise fully type checked terms (so, assume all names/let bindings resolved)
normaliseC :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name
normaliseC ctxt env t
   = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt [] (map finalEntry env) t []
                   quote 0 val) initEval

-- | Normalise everything, whether abstract, private or public
normaliseAll :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name
normaliseAll ctxt env t
   = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt [] (map finalEntry env) t [AtREPL]
                   quote 0 val) initEval

-- | As normaliseAll, but with an explicit list of names *not* to reduce
normaliseBlocking :: Context -> Env -> [Name] -> TT Name -> TT Name
normaliseBlocking ctxt env blocked t
   = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt (map (\n -> (n, 0)) blocked)
                                          (map finalEntry env) t [AtREPL]
                   quote 0 val) initEval

normalise :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name
normalise = normaliseTrace False

normaliseTrace :: Bool -> Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name
normaliseTrace tr ctxt env t
   = evalState (do val <- eval tr ctxt [] (map finalEntry env) (finalise t) []
                   quote 0 val) initEval

toValue :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> Value
toValue ctxt env t 
  = evalState (eval False ctxt [] (map finalEntry env) t []) initEval

quoteTerm :: Value -> TT Name
quoteTerm val = evalState (quote 0 val) initEval

-- Return a specialised name, and an updated list of reductions available,
-- so that the caller can tell how much specialisation was achieved.
specialise :: Context -> Env -> [(Name, Int)] -> TT Name ->
              (TT Name, [(Name, Int)])
specialise ctxt env limits t
   = let (tm, st) =
          runState (do val <- eval False ctxt []
                                 (map finalEntry env) (finalise t)
                       quote 0 val) (initEval { limited = limits }) in
         (tm, limited st)

-- | Like normalise, but we only reduce functions that are marked as okay to
-- inline (and probably shouldn't reduce lets?)
-- 20130908: now only used to reduce for totality checking. Inlining should
-- be done elsewhere.

simplify :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name
simplify ctxt env t
   = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt [(sUN "lazy", 0),
                                           (sUN "force", 0),
                                           (sUN "Force", 0),
                                           (sUN "assert_smaller", 0),
                                           (sUN "assert_total", 0),
                                           (sUN "par", 0),
                                           (sUN "prim__syntactic_eq", 0),
                                           (sUN "fork", 0)]
                                 (map finalEntry env) (finalise t)
                   quote 0 val) initEval

-- | Simplify for run-time (i.e. basic inlining)
rt_simplify :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name
rt_simplify ctxt env t
   = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt [(sUN "lazy", 0),
                                           (sUN "force", 0),
                                           (sUN "Force", 0),
                                           (sUN "par", 0),
                                           (sUN "prim__syntactic_eq", 0),
                                           (sUN "prim_fork", 0)]
                                 (map finalEntry env) (finalise t)
                   quote 0 val) initEval

-- | Reduce a term to head normal form
hnf :: Context -> Env -> TT Name -> TT Name
hnf ctxt env t
   = evalState (do val <- eval False ctxt []
                                 (map finalEntry env)
                                 (finalise t) [HNF]
                   quote 0 val) initEval

-- unbindEnv env (quote 0 (eval ctxt (bindEnv env t)))

finalEntry :: (Name, Binder (TT Name)) -> (Name, Binder (TT Name))
finalEntry (n, b) = (n, fmap finalise b)

bindEnv :: EnvTT n -> TT n -> TT n
bindEnv [] tm = tm
bindEnv ((n, Let t v):bs) tm = Bind n (NLet t v) (bindEnv bs tm)
bindEnv ((n, b):bs)       tm = Bind n b (bindEnv bs tm)

unbindEnv :: EnvTT n -> TT n -> TT n
unbindEnv [] tm = tm
unbindEnv (_:bs) (Bind n b sc) = unbindEnv bs sc
unbindEnv env tm = error $ "Impossible case occurred: couldn't unbind env."

usable :: Bool -- specialising
          -> Name -> [(Name, Int)] -> Eval (Bool, [(Name, Int)])
-- usable _ _ ns@((MN 0 "STOP", _) : _) = return (False, ns)
usable False n [] = return (True, [])
usable True n ns
  = do ES ls num b <- get
       if b then return (False, ns)
            else case lookup n ls of
                    Just 0 -> return (False, ns)
                    Just i -> return (True, ns)
                    _ -> return (False, ns)
usable False n ns
  = case lookup n ns of
         Just 0 -> return (False, ns)
         Just i -> return $ (True, (n, abs (i-1)) : filter (\ (n', _) -> n/=n') ns)
         _ -> return $ (True, (n, 100) : filter (\ (n', _) -> n/=n') ns)

fnCount :: Int -> Name -> Eval ()
fnCount inc n
         = do ES ls num b <- get
              case lookup n ls of
                  Just i -> do put $ ES ((n, (i - inc)) :
                                           filter (\ (n', _) -> n/=n') ls) num b
                  _ -> return ()

setBlock :: Bool -> Eval ()
setBlock b = do ES ls num _ <- get
                put (ES ls num b)

deduct = fnCount 1
reinstate = fnCount (-1)

-- | Evaluate in a context of locally named things (i.e. not de Bruijn indexed,
-- such as we might have during construction of a proof)

-- The (Name, Int) pair in the arguments is the maximum depth of unfolding of
-- a name. The corresponding pair in the state is the maximum number of
-- unfoldings overall.

eval :: Bool -> Context -> [(Name, Int)] -> Env -> TT Name ->
        [EvalOpt] -> Eval Value
eval traceon ctxt ntimes genv tm opts = ev ntimes [] True [] tm where
    spec = Spec `elem` opts
    simpl = Simplify `elem` opts
    runtime = RunTT `elem` opts
    atRepl = AtREPL `elem` opts
    hnf = HNF `elem` opts

    -- returns 'True' if the function should block
    -- normal evaluation should return false
    blockSimplify (CaseInfo inl always dict) n stk
       | RunTT `elem` opts
           = if always then False
                       else not (inl || dict) || elem n stk
       | Simplify `elem` opts
           = (not (inl || dict) || elem n stk)
             || (n == sUN "prim__syntactic_eq")
       | otherwise = False

    getCases cd | simpl = cases_totcheck cd
                | runtime = cases_runtime cd
                | otherwise = cases_compiletime cd

    ev ntimes stk top env (P _ n ty)
        | Just (Let t v) <- lookup n genv = ev ntimes stk top env v
    ev ntimes_in stk top env (P Ref n ty)
      | not top && hnf = liftM (VP Ref n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty)
      | otherwise
         = do (u, ntimes) <- usable spec n ntimes_in
              if u then
               do let val = lookupDefAcc n (spec || atRepl) ctxt
                  case val of
                    [(Function _ tm, _)] | sUN "assert_total" `elem` stk ->
                           ev ntimes (n:stk) True env tm
                    [(Function _ tm, Public)] ->
                           ev ntimes (n:stk) True env tm
                    [(Function _ tm, Hidden)] ->
                           ev ntimes (n:stk) True env tm
                    [(TyDecl nt ty, _)] -> do vty <- ev ntimes stk True env ty
                                              return $ VP nt n vty
                    [(CaseOp ci _ _ _ _ cd, acc)]
                         | (acc /= Frozen || sUN "assert_total" `elem` stk) &&
                             null (fst (cases_totcheck cd)) -> -- unoptimised version
                       let (ns, tree) = getCases cd in
                         if blockSimplify ci n stk
                            then liftM (VP Ref n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty)
                            else -- traceWhen runtime (show (n, ns, tree)) $
                                 do c <- evCase ntimes n (n:stk) top env ns [] tree
                                    case c of
                                        (Nothing, _) -> liftM (VP Ref n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty)
                                        (Just v, _)  -> return v
                    _ -> liftM (VP Ref n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty)
               else liftM (VP Ref n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty)
    ev ntimes stk top env (P nt n ty)
         = liftM (VP nt n) (ev ntimes stk top env ty)
    ev ntimes stk top env (V i)
                     | i < length env && i >= 0 = return $ snd (env !! i)
                     | otherwise      = return $ VV i
    ev ntimes stk top env (Bind n (Let t v) sc)
        | not runtime || occurrences n sc < 2
           = do v' <- ev ntimes stk top env v --(finalise v)
                sc' <- ev ntimes stk top ((n, v') : env) sc
                wknV (-1) sc'
        | otherwise
           = do t' <- ev ntimes stk top env t
                v' <- ev ntimes stk top env v --(finalise v)
                -- use Tmp as a placeholder, then make it a variable reference
                -- again when evaluation finished
                hs <- get
                let vd = nexthole hs
                put (hs { nexthole = vd + 1 })
                sc' <- ev ntimes stk top ((n, VP Bound (sMN vd "vlet") VErased) : env) sc
                return $ VBLet vd n t' v' sc'
    ev ntimes stk top env (Bind n (NLet t v) sc)
           = do t' <- ev ntimes stk top env (finalise t)
                v' <- ev ntimes stk top env (finalise v)
                sc' <- ev ntimes stk top ((n, v') : env) sc
                return $ VBind True n (Let t' v') (\x -> return sc')
    ev ntimes stk top env (Bind n b sc)
           = do b' <- vbind env b
                let n' = uniqueName n (map fst genv ++ map fst env)
                return $ VBind True -- (vinstances 0 sc < 2)
                               n' b' (\x -> ev ntimes stk False ((n', x):env) sc)
       where vbind env t
                     = fmapMB (\tm -> ev ntimes stk top env (finalise tm)) t
    -- block reduction immediately under codata (and not forced)
    ev ntimes stk top env
              (App _ (App _ (App _ d@(P _ (UN dly) _) l@(P _ (UN lco) _)) t) arg)
       | dly == txt "Delay" && lco == txt "LazyCodata" && not (simpl || atRepl)
            = do let (f, _) = unApply arg
                 let ntimes' = case f of
                                    P _ fn _ -> (fn, 0) : ntimes
                                    _ -> ntimes
                 when spec $ setBlock True
                 d' <- ev ntimes' stk False env d
                 l' <- ev ntimes' stk False env l
                 t' <- ev ntimes' stk False env t
                 arg' <- ev ntimes' stk False env arg
                 when spec $ setBlock False
                 evApply ntimes' stk top env [l',t',arg'] d'
    -- Treat "assert_total" specially, as long as it's defined!
    ev ntimes stk top env (App _ (App _ (P _ n@(UN at) _) _) arg)
       | [(CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ _, _)] <- lookupDefAcc n (spec || atRepl) ctxt,
         at == txt "assert_total" && not simpl
            = ev ntimes (n : stk) top env arg
    ev ntimes stk top env (App _ f a)
           = do f' <- ev ntimes stk False env f
                a' <- ev ntimes stk False env a
                evApply ntimes stk top env [a'] f'
    ev ntimes stk top env (Proj t i)
           = do -- evaluate dictionaries if it means the projection works
                t' <- ev ntimes stk top env t
--                 tfull' <- reapply ntimes stk top env t' []
                return (doProj t' (getValArgs t'))
       where doProj t' (VP (DCon _ _ _) _ _, args)
                  | i >= 0 && i < length args = args!!i
             doProj t' _ = VProj t' i

    ev ntimes stk top env (Constant c) = return $ VConstant c
    ev ntimes stk top env Erased    = return VErased
    ev ntimes stk top env Impossible  = return VImpossible
    ev ntimes stk top env (TType i)   = return $ VType i
    ev ntimes stk top env (UType u)   = return $ VUType u

    evApply ntimes stk top env args (VApp f a)
          = evApply ntimes stk top env (a:args) f
    evApply ntimes stk top env args f
          = apply ntimes stk top env f args

    reapply ntimes stk top env f@(VP Ref n ty) args
       = let val = lookupDefAcc n (spec || atRepl) ctxt in
         case val of
              [(CaseOp ci _ _ _ _ cd, acc)] ->
                 let (ns, tree) = getCases cd in
                     do c <- evCase ntimes n (n:stk) top env ns args tree
                        case c of
                             (Nothing, _) -> return $ unload env (VP Ref n ty) args
                             (Just v, rest) -> evApply ntimes stk top env rest v
              _ -> case args of
                        (a : as) -> return $ unload env f (a : as)
                        [] -> return f
    reapply ntimes stk top env (VApp f a) args
            = reapply ntimes stk top env f (a : args)
    reapply ntimes stk top env v args = return v

    apply ntimes stk top env (VBind True n (Lam t) sc) (a:as)
         = do a' <- sc a
              app <- apply ntimes stk top env a' as
              wknV 1 app
    apply ntimes_in stk top env f@(VP Ref n ty) args
      | not top && hnf = case args of
                            [] -> return f
                            _ -> return $ unload env f args
      | otherwise
         = do (u, ntimes) <- usable spec n ntimes_in
              if u then
                 do let val = lookupDefAcc n (spec || atRepl) ctxt
                    case val of
                      [(CaseOp ci _ _ _ _ cd, acc)]
                           | acc /= Frozen || sUN "assert_total" `elem` stk ->
                           -- unoptimised version
                       let (ns, tree) = getCases cd in
                         if blockSimplify ci n stk
                           then return $ unload env (VP Ref n ty) args
                           else -- traceWhen runtime (show (n, ns, tree)) $
                                do c <- evCase ntimes n (n:stk) top env ns args tree
                                   case c of
                                      (Nothing, _) -> return $ unload env (VP Ref n ty) args
                                      (Just v, rest) -> evApply ntimes stk top env rest v
                      [(Operator _ i op, _)]  ->
                        if (i <= length args)
                           then case op (take i args) of
                              Nothing -> return $ unload env (VP Ref n ty) args
                              Just v  -> evApply ntimes stk top env (drop i args) v
                           else return $ unload env (VP Ref n ty) args
                      _ -> case args of
                              [] -> return f
                              _ -> return $ unload env f args
                 else case args of
                           (a : as) -> return $ unload env f (a:as)
                           [] -> return f
    apply ntimes stk top env f (a:as) = return $ unload env f (a:as)
    apply ntimes stk top env f []     = return f

--     specApply stk env f@(VP Ref n ty) args
--         = case lookupCtxt n statics of
--                 [as] -> if or as
--                           then trace (show (n, map fst (filter (\ (_, s) -> s) (zip args as)))) $
--                                 return $ unload env f args
--                           else return $ unload env f args
--                 _ -> return $ unload env f args
--     specApply stk env f args = return $ unload env f args

    unload :: [(Name, Value)] -> Value -> [Value] -> Value
    unload env f [] = f
    unload env f (a:as) = unload env (VApp f a) as

    evCase ntimes n stk top env ns args tree
        | length ns <= length args
             = do let args' = take (length ns) args
                  let rest  = drop (length ns) args
                  when spec $ deduct n
                  t <- evTree ntimes stk top env (zip ns args') tree
                  when spec $ case t of
                                   Nothing -> reinstate n -- Blocked, count n again
                                   Just _ -> return ()
--                                 (zipWith (\n , t) -> (n, t)) ns args') tree
                  return (t, rest)
        | otherwise = return (Nothing, args)

    evTree :: [(Name, Int)] -> [Name] -> Bool ->
              [(Name, Value)] -> [(Name, Value)] -> SC -> Eval (Maybe Value)
    evTree ntimes stk top env amap (UnmatchedCase str) = return Nothing
    evTree ntimes stk top env amap (STerm tm)
        = do let etm = pToVs (map fst amap) tm
             etm' <- ev ntimes stk (not (conHeaded tm))
                                   (amap ++ env) etm
             return $ Just etm'
    evTree ntimes stk top env amap (ProjCase t alts)
        = do t' <- ev ntimes stk top env t
             doCase ntimes stk top env amap t' alts
    evTree ntimes stk top env amap (Case _ n alts)
        = case lookup n amap of
            Just v -> doCase ntimes stk top env amap v alts
            _ -> return Nothing
    evTree ntimes stk top env amap ImpossibleCase = return Nothing

    doCase ntimes stk top env amap v alts =
            do c <- chooseAlt env v (getValArgs v) alts amap
               case c of
                    Just (altmap, sc) -> evTree ntimes stk top env altmap sc
                    _ -> do c' <- chooseAlt' ntimes stk env v (getValArgs v) alts amap
                            case c' of
                                 Just (altmap, sc) -> evTree ntimes stk top env altmap sc
                                 _ -> return Nothing

    conHeaded tm@(App _ _ _)
        | (P (DCon _ _ _) _ _, args) <- unApply tm = True
    conHeaded t = False

    chooseAlt' ntimes  stk env _ (f, args) alts amap
        = do f' <- apply ntimes stk True env f args
             chooseAlt env f' (getValArgs f')
                       alts amap

    chooseAlt :: [(Name, Value)] -> Value -> (Value, [Value]) -> [CaseAlt] ->
                 [(Name, Value)] ->
                 Eval (Maybe ([(Name, Value)], SC))
    chooseAlt env _ (VP (DCon i a _) _ _, args) alts amap
        | Just (ns, sc) <- findTag i alts = return $ Just (updateAmap (zip ns args) amap, sc)
        | Just v <- findDefault alts      = return $ Just (amap, v)
    chooseAlt env _ (VP (TCon i a) _ _, args) alts amap
        | Just (ns, sc) <- findTag i alts
                            = return $ Just (updateAmap (zip ns args) amap, sc)
        | Just v <- findDefault alts      = return $ Just (amap, v)
    chooseAlt env _ (VConstant c, []) alts amap
        | Just v <- findConst c alts      = return $ Just (amap, v)
        | Just (n', sub, sc) <- findSuc c alts
                            = return $ Just (updateAmap [(n',sub)] amap, sc)
        | Just v <- findDefault alts      = return $ Just (amap, v)
    chooseAlt env _ (VP _ n _, args) alts amap
        | Just (ns, sc) <- findFn n alts  = return $ Just (updateAmap (zip ns args) amap, sc)
    chooseAlt env _ (VBind _ _ (Pi i s k) t, []) alts amap
        | Just (ns, sc) <- findFn (sUN "->") alts
           = do t' <- t (VV 0) -- we know it's not in scope or it's not a pattern
                return $ Just (updateAmap (zip ns [s, t']) amap, sc)
    chooseAlt _ _ _ alts amap
        | Just v <- findDefault alts
             = if (any fnCase alts)
                  then return $ Just (amap, v)
                  else return Nothing
        | otherwise = return Nothing

    fnCase (FnCase _ _ _) = True
    fnCase _ = False

    -- Replace old variable names in the map with new matches
    -- (This is possibly unnecessary since we make unique names and don't
    -- allow repeated variables...?)
    updateAmap newm amap
       = newm ++ filter (\ (x, _) -> not (elem x (map fst newm))) amap
    findTag i [] = Nothing
    findTag i (ConCase n j ns sc : xs) | i == j = Just (ns, sc)
    findTag i (_ : xs) = findTag i xs

    findFn fn [] = Nothing
    findFn fn (FnCase n ns sc : xs) | fn == n = Just (ns, sc)
    findFn fn (_ : xs) = findFn fn xs

    findDefault [] = Nothing
    findDefault (DefaultCase sc : xs) = Just sc
    findDefault (_ : xs) = findDefault xs

    findSuc c [] = Nothing
    findSuc (BI val) (SucCase n sc : _)
         | val /= 0 = Just (n, VConstant (BI (val - 1)), sc)
    findSuc c (_ : xs) = findSuc c xs

    findConst c [] = Nothing
    findConst c (ConstCase c' v : xs) | c == c' = Just v
    findConst (AType (ATInt ITNative)) (ConCase n 1 [] v : xs) = Just v
    findConst (AType ATFloat) (ConCase n 2 [] v : xs) = Just v
    findConst (AType (ATInt ITChar))  (ConCase n 3 [] v : xs) = Just v
    findConst StrType (ConCase n 4 [] v : xs) = Just v
    findConst (AType (ATInt ITBig)) (ConCase n 6 [] v : xs) = Just v
    findConst (AType (ATInt (ITFixed ity))) (ConCase n tag [] v : xs)
        | tag == 7 + fromEnum ity = Just v
    findConst c (_ : xs) = findConst c xs

    getValArgs tm = getValArgs' tm []
    getValArgs' (VApp f a) as = getValArgs' f (a:as)
    getValArgs' f as = (f, as)

-- tmpToV i vd (VLetHole j) | vd == j = return $ VV i
-- tmpToV i vd (VP nt n v) = liftM (VP nt n) (tmpToV i vd v)
-- tmpToV i vd (VBind n b sc) = do b' <- fmapMB (tmpToV i vd) b
--                                 let sc' = \x -> do x' <- sc x
--                                                    tmpToV (i + 1) vd x'
--                                 return (VBind n b' sc')
-- tmpToV i vd (VApp f a) = liftM2 VApp (tmpToV i vd f) (tmpToV i vd a)
-- tmpToV i vd x = return x

instance Eq Value where
    (==) x y = getTT x == getTT y
      where getTT v = evalState (quote 0 v) initEval

class Quote a where
    quote :: Int -> a -> Eval (TT Name)

instance Quote Value where
    quote i (VP nt n v)    = liftM (P nt n) (quote i v)
    quote i (VV x)         = return $ V x
    quote i (VBind _ n b sc) = do sc' <- sc (VTmp i)
                                  b' <- quoteB b
                                  liftM (Bind n b') (quote (i+1) sc')
       where quoteB t = fmapMB (quote i) t
    quote i (VBLet vd n t v sc)
                           = do sc' <- quote i sc
                                t' <- quote i t
                                v' <- quote i v
                                let sc'' = pToV (sMN vd "vlet") (addBinder sc')
                                return (Bind n (Let t' v') sc'')
    quote i (VApp f a)     = liftM2 (App MaybeHoles) (quote i f) (quote i a)
    quote i (VType u)       = return $ TType u
    quote i (VUType u)      = return $ UType u
    quote i VErased        = return $ Erased
    quote i VImpossible    = return $ Impossible
    quote i (VProj v j)    = do v' <- quote i v
                                return (Proj v' j)
    quote i (VConstant c)  = return $ Constant c
    quote i (VTmp x)       = return $ V (i - x - 1)

wknV :: Int -> Value -> Eval Value
wknV i (VV x) | x >= i = return $ VV (x - 1)
wknV i (VBind red n b sc) = do b' <- fmapMB (wknV i) b
                               return $ VBind red n b' (\x -> do x' <- sc x
                                                                 wknV (i + 1) x')
wknV i (VApp f a)     = liftM2 VApp (wknV i f) (wknV i a)
wknV i t              = return t

isUniverse :: Term -> Bool
isUniverse (TType _) = True
isUniverse (UType _) = True
isUniverse _ = False

isUsableUniverse :: Term -> Bool
isUsableUniverse (UType NullType) = False
isUsableUniverse x = isUniverse x

convEq' ctxt hs x y = evalStateT (convEq ctxt hs x y) (0, [])

convEq :: Context -> [Name] -> TT Name -> TT Name -> StateT UCs TC Bool
convEq ctxt holes topx topy = ceq [] topx topy where
    ceq :: [(Name, Name)] -> TT Name -> TT Name -> StateT UCs TC Bool
    ceq ps (P xt x _) (P yt y _)
        | x `elem` holes || y `elem` holes = return True
        | x == y || (x, y) `elem` ps || (y,x) `elem` ps = return True
        | otherwise = sameDefs ps x y
    ceq ps x (Bind n (Lam t) (App _ y (V 0))) 
          = ceq ps x (substV (P Bound n t) y)
    ceq ps (Bind n (Lam t) (App _ x (V 0))) y 
          = ceq ps (substV (P Bound n t) x) y
    ceq ps x (Bind n (Lam t) (App _ y (P Bound n' _)))
        | n == n' = ceq ps x y
    ceq ps (Bind n (Lam t) (App _ x (P Bound n' _))) y
        | n == n' = ceq ps x y

    ceq ps (Bind n (PVar t) sc) y = ceq ps sc y
    ceq ps x (Bind n (PVar t) sc) = ceq ps x sc
    ceq ps (Bind n (PVTy t) sc) y = ceq ps sc y
    ceq ps x (Bind n (PVTy t) sc) = ceq ps x sc

    ceq ps (V x)      (V y)      = return (x == y)
    ceq ps (V x)      (P _ y _)
        | x >= 0 && length ps > x = return (fst (ps!!x) == y)
        | otherwise = return False
    ceq ps (P _ x _)  (V y)
        | y >= 0 && length ps > y = return (x == snd (ps!!y))
        | otherwise = return False
    ceq ps (Bind n xb xs) (Bind n' yb ys)
                             = liftM2 (&&) (ceqB ps xb yb) (ceq ((n,n'):ps) xs ys)
            ceqB ps (Let v t) (Let v' t') = liftM2 (&&) (ceq ps v v') (ceq ps t t')
            ceqB ps (Guess v t) (Guess v' t') = liftM2 (&&) (ceq ps v v') (ceq ps t t')
            ceqB ps (Pi i v t) (Pi i' v' t') = liftM2 (&&) (ceq ps v v') (ceq ps t t')
            ceqB ps b b' = ceq ps (binderTy b) (binderTy b')
    ceq ps (App _ fx ax) (App _ fy ay) = liftM2 (&&) (ceq ps fx fy) (ceq ps ax ay)
    ceq ps (Constant x) (Constant y) = return (x == y)
    ceq ps (TType x) (TType y)           = do (v, cs) <- get
                                              put (v, ULE x y : cs)
                                              return True
    ceq ps (UType AllTypes) x = return (isUsableUniverse x)
    ceq ps x (UType AllTypes) = return (isUsableUniverse x)
    ceq ps (UType u) (UType v) = return (u == v)
    ceq ps Erased _ = return True
    ceq ps _ Erased = return True
    ceq ps x y = return False

    caseeq ps (Case _ n cs) (Case _ n' cs') = caseeqA ((n,n'):ps) cs cs'
        caseeqA ps (ConCase x i as sc : rest) (ConCase x' i' as' sc' : rest')
            = do q1 <- caseeq (zip as as' ++ ps) sc sc'
                 q2 <- caseeqA ps rest rest'
                 return $ x == x' && i == i' && q1 && q2
        caseeqA ps (ConstCase x sc : rest) (ConstCase x' sc' : rest')
            = do q1 <- caseeq ps sc sc'
                 q2 <- caseeqA ps rest rest'
                 return $ x == x' && q1 && q2
        caseeqA ps (DefaultCase sc : rest) (DefaultCase sc' : rest')
            = liftM2 (&&) (caseeq ps sc sc') (caseeqA ps rest rest')
        caseeqA ps [] [] = return True
        caseeqA ps _ _ = return False
    caseeq ps (STerm x) (STerm y) = ceq ps x y
    caseeq ps (UnmatchedCase _) (UnmatchedCase _) = return True
    caseeq ps _ _ = return False

    sameDefs ps x y = case (lookupDef x ctxt, lookupDef y ctxt) of
                        ([Function _ xdef], [Function _ ydef])
                              -> ceq ((x,y):ps) xdef ydef
                        ([CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ xd],
                         [CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ yd])
                              -> let (_, xdef) = cases_compiletime xd
                                     (_, ydef) = cases_compiletime yd in
                                       caseeq ((x,y):ps) xdef ydef
                        _ -> return False

-- SPECIALISATION -----------------------------------------------------------
-- We need too much control to be able to do this by tweaking the main
-- evaluator

spec :: Context -> Ctxt [Bool] -> Env -> TT Name -> Eval (TT Name)
spec ctxt statics genv tm = error "spec undefined"

-- CONTEXTS -----------------------------------------------------------------

{-| A definition is either a simple function (just an expression with a type),
   a constant, which could be a data or type constructor, an axiom or as an
   yet undefined function, or an Operator.
   An Operator is a function which explains how to reduce.
   A CaseOp is a function defined by a simple case tree -}

data Def = Function !Type !Term
         | TyDecl NameType !Type
         | Operator Type Int ([Value] -> Maybe Value)
         | CaseOp CaseInfo
                  ![Type] -- argument types
                  ![Either Term (Term, Term)] -- original definition
                  ![([Name], Term, Term)] -- simplified for totality check definition
--                   [Name] SC -- Compile time case definition
--                   [Name] SC -- Run time cae definitions

data CaseDefs = CaseDefs {
                  cases_totcheck :: !([Name], SC),
                  cases_compiletime :: !([Name], SC),
                  cases_inlined :: !([Name], SC),
                  cases_runtime :: !([Name], SC)

data CaseInfo = CaseInfo {
                  case_inlinable :: Bool, -- decided by machine
                  case_alwaysinline :: Bool, -- decided by %inline flag
                  tc_dictionary :: Bool

deriving instance Binary Def
deriving instance Binary CaseInfo
deriving instance Binary CaseDefs
deriving instance NFData Def
deriving instance NFData CaseInfo
deriving instance NFData CaseDefs

instance Show Def where
    show (Function ty tm) = "Function: " ++ show (ty, tm)
    show (TyDecl nt ty) = "TyDecl: " ++ show nt ++ " " ++ show ty
    show (Operator ty _ _) = "Operator: " ++ show ty
    show (CaseOp (CaseInfo inlc inla inlr) ty atys ps_in ps cd)
      = let (ns, sc) = cases_compiletime cd
            (ns_t, sc_t) = cases_totcheck cd
            (ns', sc') = cases_runtime cd in
          "Case: " ++ show ty ++ " " ++ show ps ++ "\n" ++
                                        "TOTALITY CHECK TIME:\n\n" ++
                                        show ns_t ++ " " ++ show sc_t ++ "\n\n" ++
                                        "COMPILE TIME:\n\n" ++
                                        show ns ++ " " ++ show sc ++ "\n\n" ++
                                        "RUN TIME:\n\n" ++
                                        show ns' ++ " " ++ show sc' ++ "\n\n" ++
            if inlc then "Inlinable" else "Not inlinable" ++
            if inla then " Aggressively\n" else "\n"


-- Frozen => doesn't reduce
-- Hidden => doesn't reduce and invisible to type checker

data Accessibility = Public | Frozen | Hidden
    deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving instance NFData Accessibility

-- | The result of totality checking
data Totality = Total [Int] -- ^ well-founded arguments
              | Productive -- ^ productive
              | Partial PReason
              | Unchecked
              | Generated
    deriving Eq
deriving instance NFData Totality

-- | Reasons why a function may not be total
data PReason = Other [Name] | Itself | NotCovering | NotPositive | UseUndef Name
             | ExternalIO | BelieveMe | Mutual [Name] | NotProductive
    deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving instance NFData PReason

instance Show Totality where
    show (Total args)= "Total" -- ++ show args ++ " decreasing arguments"
    show Productive = "Productive" -- ++ show args ++ " decreasing arguments"
    show Unchecked = "not yet checked for totality"
    show (Partial Itself) = "possibly not total as it is not well founded"
    show (Partial NotCovering) = "not total as there are missing cases"
    show (Partial NotPositive) = "not strictly positive"
    show (Partial ExternalIO) = "an external IO primitive"
    show (Partial NotProductive) = "not productive"
    show (Partial BelieveMe) = "not total due to use of believe_me in proof"
    show (Partial (Other ns)) = "possibly not total due to: " ++ showSep ", " (map show ns)
    show (Partial (Mutual ns)) = "possibly not total due to recursive path " ++
                                 showSep " --> " (map show ns)
    show (Partial (UseUndef n)) = "possibly not total because it uses the undefined name " ++ show n
    show Generated = "auto-generated"

deriving instance Binary Accessibility

deriving instance Binary Totality

deriving instance Binary PReason

-- Possible attached meta-information for a definition in context
data MetaInformation =
      EmptyMI -- ^ No meta-information
    | DataMI [Int] -- ^ Meta information for a data declaration with position of parameters
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Contexts used for global definitions and for proof state. They contain
-- universe constraints and existing definitions.
data Context = MkContext {
                  next_tvar       :: Int,
                  definitions     :: Ctxt (Def, Accessibility, Totality, MetaInformation)
                } deriving Show

-- | The initial empty context
initContext = MkContext 0 emptyContext

mapDefCtxt :: (Def -> Def) -> Context -> Context
mapDefCtxt f (MkContext t !defs) = MkContext t (mapCtxt f' defs)
   where f' (!d, a, t, m) = f' (f d, a, t, m)

-- | Get the definitions from a context
ctxtAlist :: Context -> [(Name, Def)]
ctxtAlist ctxt = map (\(n, (d, a, t, m)) -> (n, d)) $ toAlist (definitions ctxt)

veval ctxt env t = evalState (eval False ctxt [] env t []) initEval

addToCtxt :: Name -> Term -> Type -> Context -> Context
addToCtxt n tm ty uctxt
    = let ctxt = definitions uctxt
          !ctxt' = addDef n (Function ty tm, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) ctxt in
          uctxt { definitions = ctxt' }

setAccess :: Name -> Accessibility -> Context -> Context
setAccess n a uctxt
    = let ctxt = definitions uctxt
          !ctxt' = updateDef n (\ (d, _, t, m) -> (d, a, t, m)) ctxt in
          uctxt { definitions = ctxt' }

setTotal :: Name -> Totality -> Context -> Context
setTotal n t uctxt
    = let ctxt = definitions uctxt
          !ctxt' = updateDef n (\ (d, a, _, m) -> (d, a, t, m)) ctxt in
          uctxt { definitions = ctxt' }

setMetaInformation :: Name -> MetaInformation -> Context -> Context
setMetaInformation n m uctxt
    = let ctxt = definitions uctxt
          !ctxt' = updateDef n (\ (d, a, t, _) -> (d, a, t, m)) ctxt in
          uctxt { definitions = ctxt' }

addCtxtDef :: Name -> Def -> Context -> Context
addCtxtDef n d c = let ctxt = definitions c
                       !ctxt' = addDef n (d, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) $! ctxt in
                       c { definitions = ctxt' }

addTyDecl :: Name -> NameType -> Type -> Context -> Context
addTyDecl n nt ty uctxt
    = let ctxt = definitions uctxt
          !ctxt' = addDef n (TyDecl nt ty, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) ctxt in
          uctxt { definitions = ctxt' }

addDatatype :: Datatype Name -> Context -> Context
addDatatype (Data n tag ty unique cons) uctxt
    = let ctxt = definitions uctxt
          ty' = normalise uctxt [] ty
          !ctxt' = addCons 0 cons (addDef n
                     (TyDecl (TCon tag (arity ty')) ty, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) ctxt) in
          uctxt { definitions = ctxt' }
    addCons tag [] ctxt = ctxt
    addCons tag ((n, ty) : cons) ctxt
        = let ty' = normalise uctxt [] ty in
              addCons (tag+1) cons (addDef n
                  (TyDecl (DCon tag (arity ty') unique) ty, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) ctxt)

-- FIXME: Too many arguments! Refactor all these Bools.
-- Issue #1724 on the issue tracker.
-- https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris-dev/issues/1724
addCasedef :: Name -> ErasureInfo -> CaseInfo ->
              Bool -> SC -> -- default case
              Bool -> Bool ->
              [Type] -> -- argument types
              [Int] ->  -- inaccessible arguments
              [Either Term (Term, Term)] ->
              [([Name], Term, Term)] -> -- totality
              [([Name], Term, Term)] -> -- compile time
              [([Name], Term, Term)] -> -- inlined
              [([Name], Term, Term)] -> -- run time
              Type -> Context -> TC Context
addCasedef n ei ci@(CaseInfo inline alwaysInline tcdict)
           tcase covering reflect asserted argtys inacc
           ps_in ps_tot ps_inl ps_ct ps_rt ty uctxt
    = do let ctxt = definitions uctxt
             access = case lookupDefAcc n False uctxt of
                           [(_, acc)] -> acc
                           _ -> Public
         totalityTime <- simpleCase tcase covering reflect CompileTime emptyFC inacc argtys ps_tot ei
         compileTime <- simpleCase tcase covering reflect CompileTime emptyFC inacc argtys ps_ct ei
         inlined <- simpleCase tcase covering reflect CompileTime emptyFC inacc argtys ps_inl ei
         runtime <- simpleCase tcase covering reflect RunTime emptyFC inacc argtys ps_rt ei
         ctxt' <- case (totalityTime, compileTime, inlined, runtime) of
                    (CaseDef args_tot sc_tot _,
                     CaseDef args_ct sc_ct _,
                     CaseDef args_inl sc_inl _,
                     CaseDef args_rt sc_rt _) ->
                       let inl = alwaysInline -- tcdict
                           inlc = (inl || small n args_ct sc_ct) && (not asserted)
                           inlr = inl || small n args_rt sc_rt
                           cdef = CaseDefs (args_tot, sc_tot)
                                           (args_ct, sc_ct)
                                           (args_inl, sc_inl)
                                           (args_rt, sc_rt)
                           op = (CaseOp (ci { case_inlinable = inlc })
                                                ty argtys ps_in ps_tot cdef,
                                 access, Unchecked, EmptyMI)
                       in return $ addDef n op ctxt
--                    other -> tfail (Msg $ "Error adding case def: " ++ show other)
         return uctxt { definitions = ctxt' }

-- simplify a definition for totality checking
simplifyCasedef :: Name -> ErasureInfo -> Context -> TC Context
simplifyCasedef n ei uctxt
   = do let ctxt = definitions uctxt
        ctxt' <- case lookupCtxt n ctxt of
                   [(CaseOp ci ty atys [] ps _, acc, tot, metainf)] ->
                      return ctxt -- nothing to simplify (or already done...)
                   [(CaseOp ci ty atys ps_in ps cd, acc, tot, metainf)] ->
                      do let ps_in' = map simpl ps_in
                             pdef = map debind ps_in'
                         CaseDef args sc _ <- simpleCase False (STerm Erased) False CompileTime emptyFC [] atys pdef ei
                         return $ addDef n (CaseOp ci
                                              ty atys ps_in' ps (cd { cases_totcheck = (args, sc) }),
                                              acc, tot, metainf) ctxt

                   _ -> return ctxt
        return uctxt { definitions = ctxt' }
    depat acc (Bind n (PVar t) sc)
        = depat (n : acc) (instantiate (P Bound n t) sc)
    depat acc x = (acc, x)
    debind (Right (x, y)) = let (vs, x') = depat [] x
                                (_, y') = depat [] y in
                                (vs, x', y')
    debind (Left x)       = let (vs, x') = depat [] x in
                                (vs, x', Impossible)
    simpl (Right (x, y)) = Right (x, simplify uctxt [] y)
    simpl t = t

addOperator :: Name -> Type -> Int -> ([Value] -> Maybe Value) ->
               Context -> Context
addOperator n ty a op uctxt
    = let ctxt = definitions uctxt
          ctxt' = addDef n (Operator ty a op, Public, Unchecked, EmptyMI) ctxt in
          uctxt { definitions = ctxt' }

tfst (a, _, _, _) = a

lookupNames :: Name -> Context -> [Name]
lookupNames n ctxt
                = let ns = lookupCtxtName n (definitions ctxt) in
                      map fst ns

-- | Get the list of pairs of fully-qualified names and their types that match some name
lookupTyName :: Name -> Context -> [(Name, Type)]
lookupTyName n ctxt = do
  (name, def) <- lookupCtxtName n (definitions ctxt)
  ty <- case tfst def of
                       (Function ty _) -> return ty
                       (TyDecl _ ty) -> return ty
                       (Operator ty _ _) -> return ty
                       (CaseOp _ ty _ _ _ _) -> return ty
  return (name, ty)

-- | Get the pair of a fully-qualified name and its type, if there is a unique one matching the name used as a key.
lookupTyNameExact :: Name -> Context -> Maybe (Name, Type)
lookupTyNameExact n ctxt = listToMaybe [ (nm, v) | (nm, v) <- lookupTyName n ctxt, nm == n ] 

-- | Get the types that match some name
lookupTy :: Name -> Context -> [Type]
lookupTy n ctxt = map snd (lookupTyName n ctxt)

-- | Get the single type that matches some name precisely
lookupTyExact :: Name -> Context -> Maybe Type
lookupTyExact n ctxt = fmap snd (lookupTyNameExact n ctxt)

isConName :: Name -> Context -> Bool
isConName n ctxt = isTConName n ctxt || isDConName n ctxt

isTConName :: Name -> Context -> Bool
isTConName n ctxt
     = case lookupDefExact n ctxt of
         Just (TyDecl (TCon _ _) _) -> True
         _                          -> False

-- | Check whether a resolved name is certainly a data constructor
isDConName :: Name -> Context -> Bool
isDConName n ctxt
     = case lookupDefExact n ctxt of
         Just (TyDecl (DCon _ _ _) _) -> True
         _                            -> False

-- | Check whether any overloading of a name is a data constructor
canBeDConName :: Name -> Context -> Bool
canBeDConName n ctxt
     = or $ do def <- lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt)
               case tfst def of
                 (TyDecl (DCon _ _ _) _) -> return True
                 _ -> return False

isFnName :: Name -> Context -> Bool
isFnName n ctxt
     = case lookupDefExact n ctxt of
         Just (Function _ _)       -> True
         Just (Operator _ _ _)     -> True
         Just (CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ _) -> True
         _                         -> False

isTCDict :: Name -> Context -> Bool
isTCDict n ctxt
     = case lookupDefExact n ctxt of
         Just (Function _ _)        -> False
         Just (Operator _ _ _)      -> False
         Just (CaseOp ci _ _ _ _ _) -> tc_dictionary ci
         _                          -> False

lookupP :: Name -> Context -> [Term]
lookupP = lookupP_all False False

lookupP_all :: Bool -> Bool -> Name -> Context -> [Term]
lookupP_all all exact n ctxt
   = do (n', def) <- names 
        p <- case def of
          (Function ty tm, a, _, _)      -> return (P Ref n' ty, a)
          (TyDecl nt ty, a, _, _)        -> return (P nt n' ty, a)
          (CaseOp _ ty _ _ _ _, a, _, _) -> return (P Ref n' ty, a)
          (Operator ty _ _, a, _, _)     -> return (P Ref n' ty, a)
        case snd p of
          Hidden -> if all then return (fst p) else []
          _      -> return (fst p)
    names = let ns = lookupCtxtName n (definitions ctxt) in
                if exact 
                   then filter (\ (n', d) -> n' == n) ns
                   else ns

lookupDefExact :: Name -> Context -> Maybe Def
lookupDefExact n ctxt = tfst <$> lookupCtxtExact n (definitions ctxt)

lookupDef :: Name -> Context -> [Def]
lookupDef n ctxt = tfst <$> lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt)

lookupNameDef :: Name -> Context -> [(Name, Def)]
lookupNameDef n ctxt = mapSnd tfst $ lookupCtxtName n (definitions ctxt)
  where mapSnd f [] = []
        mapSnd f ((x,y):xys) = (x, f y) : mapSnd f xys

lookupDefAcc :: Name -> Bool -> Context ->
                [(Def, Accessibility)]
lookupDefAcc n mkpublic ctxt
    = map mkp $ lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt)
  -- io_bind a special case for REPL prettiness
  where mkp (d, a, _, _) = if mkpublic && (not (n == sUN "io_bind" || n == sUN "io_return"))
                             then (d, Public) else (d, a)

lookupDefAccExact :: Name -> Bool -> Context ->
                     Maybe (Def, Accessibility)
lookupDefAccExact n mkpublic ctxt
    = fmap mkp $ lookupCtxtExact n (definitions ctxt)
  -- io_bind a special case for REPL prettiness
  where mkp (d, a, _, _) = if mkpublic && (not (n == sUN "io_bind" || n == sUN "io_return"))
                             then (d, Public) else (d, a)

lookupTotal :: Name -> Context -> [Totality]
lookupTotal n ctxt = map mkt $ lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt)
  where mkt (d, a, t, m) = t

lookupMetaInformation :: Name -> Context -> [MetaInformation]
lookupMetaInformation n ctxt = map mkm $ lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt)
  where mkm (d, a, t, m) = m

lookupNameTotal :: Name -> Context -> [(Name, Totality)]
lookupNameTotal n = map (\(n, (_, _, t, _)) -> (n, t)) . lookupCtxtName n . definitions

lookupVal :: Name -> Context -> [Value]
lookupVal n ctxt
   = do def <- lookupCtxt n (definitions ctxt)
        case tfst def of
          (Function _ htm) -> return (veval ctxt [] htm)
          (TyDecl nt ty) -> return (VP nt n (veval ctxt [] ty))
          _ -> []

lookupTyEnv :: Name -> Env -> Maybe (Int, Type)
lookupTyEnv n env = li n 0 env where
  li n i []           = Nothing
  li n i ((x, b): xs)
             | n == x = Just (i, binderTy b)
             | otherwise = li n (i+1) xs

-- | Create a unique name given context and other existing names
uniqueNameCtxt :: Context -> Name -> [Name] -> Name
uniqueNameCtxt ctxt n hs
    | n `elem` hs = uniqueNameCtxt ctxt (nextName n) hs
    | [_] <- lookupTy n ctxt = uniqueNameCtxt ctxt (nextName n) hs
    | otherwise = n

uniqueBindersCtxt :: Context -> [Name] -> TT Name -> TT Name
uniqueBindersCtxt ctxt ns (Bind n b sc)
    = let n' = uniqueNameCtxt ctxt n ns in
          Bind n' (fmap (uniqueBindersCtxt ctxt (n':ns)) b) (uniqueBindersCtxt ctxt ns sc)
uniqueBindersCtxt ctxt ns (App s f a) = App s (uniqueBindersCtxt ctxt ns f) (uniqueBindersCtxt ctxt ns a)
uniqueBindersCtxt ctxt ns t = t