module Data.Bytes import Data.ByteArray as BA %access public export %default total -- Structure of the allocated ByteArray -- [used_size][] -- used_size is an int and it takes up BA.bytesPerInt bytes -- at the beginning of the array export record Bytes where constructor B arr : ByteArray ofs : Int end : Int -- first offset not included in the array minimalCapacity : Int minimalCapacity = 16 private dataOfs : Int dataOfs = 1 * BA.bytesPerInt private allocate : Int -> IO Bytes allocate capacity = do arr <- BA.allocate (BA.bytesPerInt + capacity) BA.pokeInt 0 dataOfs arr BA.fill dataOfs capacity 0 arr -- zero the array return $ B arr dataOfs dataOfs export length : Bytes -> Int length (B arr ofs end) = end - ofs export empty : Bytes empty = unsafePerformIO $ allocate minimalCapacity export null : Bytes -> Bool null (B arr ofs end) = (ofs == end) %freeze empty -- factor=1 ~ copy -- factor=2 ~ grow private grow : Int -> Bytes -> IO Bytes grow factor (B arr ofs end) = do maxUsed <- BA.peekInt 0 arr let bytesUsed = end - ofs let bytesAvailable = if maxUsed > end then bytesUsed else BA.size arr - ofs B arr' ofs' end' <- allocate $ (factor*bytesAvailable) `max` minimalCapacity BA.copy (arr, ofs) (arr', ofs') bytesUsed return $ B arr' ofs' (ofs' + bytesUsed) %assert_total export snoc : Bytes -> Byte -> Bytes snoc bs@(B arr ofs end) byte = if end >= BA.size arr then unsafePerformIO $ do -- need more space grown <- grow 2 bs return $ snoc grown byte else unsafePerformIO $ do maxUsed <- BA.peekInt 0 arr if maxUsed > end then do -- someone already took the headroom, need copying copy <- grow 2 bs return $ snoc copy byte else do -- can mutate BA.pokeInt 0 (end+1) arr BA.poke end byte arr return $ B arr ofs (end+1) infixl 7 |> export (|>) : Bytes -> Byte -> Bytes (|>) = snoc namespace SnocView data SnocView : Type where Nil : SnocView Snoc : (bs : Bytes) -> (b : Byte) -> SnocView export snocView : Bytes -> SnocView snocView (B arr ofs end) = if end == ofs then SnocView.Nil else unsafePerformIO $ do last <- BA.peek (end-1) arr return $ SnocView.Snoc (B arr ofs (end-1)) last namespace ConsView data ConsView : Type where Nil : ConsView Cons : (b : Byte) -> (bs : Bytes) -> ConsView export consView : Bytes -> ConsView consView (B arr ofs end) = if end == ofs then ConsView.Nil else unsafePerformIO $ do first <- BA.peek ofs arr return $ ConsView.Cons first (B arr (ofs+1) end) infixr 7 ++ %assert_total export (++) : Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes (++) bsL@(B arrL ofsL endL) bsR@(B arrR ofsR endR) = let countR = endR - ofsR in if endL + countR > BA.size arrL then unsafePerformIO $ do -- need more space grown <- grow 2 bsL return $ grown ++ bsR else unsafePerformIO $ do maxUsedL <- BA.peekInt 0 arrL if maxUsedL > endL then do -- headroom taken copyL <- grow 2 bsL return $ copyL ++ bsR else do -- can mutate BA.pokeInt 0 (endL + countR) arrL BA.copy (arrR, ofsR) (arrL, endL) countR return $ B arrL ofsL (endL + countR) export dropPrefix : Int -> Bytes -> Bytes dropPrefix n (B arr ofs end) = B arr (((ofs + n) `min` end) `max` dataOfs) end export takePrefix : Int -> Bytes -> Bytes takePrefix n (B arr ofs end) = B arr ofs (((ofs + n) `min` end) `max` dataOfs) export pack : List Byte -> Bytes pack = fromList empty where fromList : Bytes -> List Byte -> Bytes fromList bs [] = bs fromList bs (x :: xs) = fromList (bs `snoc` x) xs export unpack : Bytes -> List Byte unpack bs with (consView bs) | Nil = [] | Cons x xs = x :: unpack (assert_smaller bs xs) export slice : Int -> Int -> Bytes -> Bytes slice ofs' end' (B arr ofs end) = B arr (((ofs + ofs') `min` end) `max` dataOfs) (((ofs + end') `min` end) `max` dataOfs) -- Folds with early exit. -- If Bytes were a Functor, this would be equivalent -- to a Traversable implementation interpreted in the Either monad. data Result : Type -> Type where Stop : (result : a) -> Result a Cont : (acc : a) -> Result a export iterateR : (Byte -> a -> Result a) -> a -> Bytes -> a iterateR f acc bs with (snocView bs) | Nil = acc | Snoc ys y with (f y acc) | Stop result = result | Cont acc' = iterateR f acc' (assert_smaller bs ys) export iterateL : (a -> Byte -> Result a) -> a -> Bytes -> a iterateL f acc bs with (consView bs) | Nil = acc | Cons y ys with (f acc y) | Stop result = result | Cont acc' = iterateL f acc' (assert_smaller bs ys) infixl 3 .: private (.:) : (a -> b) -> (c -> d -> a) -> (c -> d -> b) (.:) g f x y = g (f x y) export foldr : (Byte -> a -> a) -> a -> Bytes -> a foldr f = iterateR (Cont .: f) export foldl : (a -> Byte -> a) -> a -> Bytes -> a foldl f = iterateL (Cont .: f) export spanLength : (Byte -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Int spanLength p = iterateL step 0 where step : Int -> Byte -> Result Int step n b with (p b) | True = Cont (1 + n) | False = Stop n find : Byte -> Bytes -> Maybe Int find b (B arr ofs end) = unsafePerformIO $ BA.find b arr ofs end export splitAt : Int -> Bytes -> (Bytes, Bytes) splitAt n bs = (takePrefix n bs, dropPrefix n bs) export splitOn : Byte -> Bytes -> (Bytes, Bytes) splitOn b bs with (find b bs) | Nothing = (bs, empty) | Just ofs = (takePrefix ofs bs, dropPrefix (ofs+1) bs) export splitsOn : Byte -> Bytes -> List Bytes splitsOn b bs with (find b bs) | Nothing = [bs] | Just ofs = takePrefix ofs bs :: splitsOn b (assert_smaller bs $ dropPrefix (ofs+1) bs) export asciiLines : Bytes -> List Bytes asciiLines = splitsOn 0x0A export span : (Byte -> Bool) -> Bytes -> (Bytes, Bytes) span p bs = splitAt (spanLength p bs) bs export break : (Byte -> Bool) -> Bytes -> (Bytes, Bytes) break p bs = span (not . p) bs private cmp : Bytes -> Bytes -> Ordering cmp (B arrL ofsL endL) (B arrR ofsR endR) = unsafePerformIO $ do let countL = endL - ofsL let countR = endR - ofsR let commonCount = countL `min` countR result <- (arrL, ofsL) (arrR, ofsR) commonCount return $ if result /= 0 then i2o result else compare countL countR where i2o : Int -> Ordering i2o 0 = EQ i2o i = if i < 0 then LT else GT implementation Eq Bytes where xs == ys = (Bytes.cmp xs ys == EQ) implementation Ord Bytes where compare = Bytes.cmp export toString : Bytes -> String toString = foldr (strCons . chr . toInt) "" export fromString : String -> Bytes fromString = foldl (\bs, c => bs |> fromInt (ord c)) empty . unpack implementation Show Bytes where show = ("b" ++) . show . toString implementation Semigroup Bytes where (<+>) = (++) implementation Monoid Bytes where neutral = empty -- todo: -- -- make indices Nats -- Build a ByteString on top of Bytes? -- migrate to (Bits 8)? -- -- bidirectional growth?