Module      : Idris.ElabDecls
Description : Code to elaborate declarations.
Copyright   :
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : The Idris Community.

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor,
             PatternGuards #-}

module Idris.ElabDecls where

import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.ASTUtils
import Idris.DSL
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Delaborate
import Idris.Directives
import Idris.Imports
import Idris.Elab.Term
import Idris.Coverage
import Idris.DataOpts
import Idris.Providers
import Idris.Primitives
import Idris.Inliner
import Idris.PartialEval
import Idris.DeepSeq
import Idris.Output (iputStrLn, pshow, iWarn, sendHighlighting)
import IRTS.Lang

import Idris.Elab.Utils
import Idris.Elab.Type
import Idris.Elab.Clause
import Idris.Elab.Data
import Idris.Elab.Record
import Idris.Elab.Class
import Idris.Elab.Instance
import Idris.Elab.Provider
import Idris.Elab.RunElab
import Idris.Elab.Transform
import Idris.Elab.Value

import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Elaborate hiding (Tactic(..))
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.Execute
import Idris.Core.Typecheck
import Idris.Core.CaseTree

import Idris.Docstrings hiding (Unchecked)

import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category

import Control.Applicative hiding (Const)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict as State
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Char(isLetter, toLower)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)

import Util.Pretty(pretty, text)

-- | Top level elaborator info, supporting recursive elaboration
recinfo :: FC -> ElabInfo
recinfo fc = EInfo [] emptyContext id [] (Just fc) (fc_fname fc) 0 id elabDecl'

-- | Return the elaborated term which calls 'main'
elabMain :: Idris Term
elabMain = do (m, _) <- elabVal (recinfo fc) ERHS
                           (PApp fc (PRef fc [] (sUN "run__IO"))
                                [pexp $ PRef fc [] (sNS (sUN "main") ["Main"])])
              return m
  where fc = fileFC "toplevel"

-- | Elaborate primitives
elabPrims :: Idris ()
elabPrims = do i <- getIState
               let cs_in = idris_constraints i
               let mkdec opt decl docs argdocs =
                       PData docs argdocs defaultSyntax (fileFC "builtin") 
                             opt decl
               elabDecl' EAll (recinfo primfc) (mkdec inferOpts inferDecl emptyDocstring [])
               -- We don't want the constraints generated by 'Infer' since
               -- it's only scaffolding for the elaborator
               i <- getIState
               putIState $ i { idris_constraints = cs_in }
               elabDecl' EAll (recinfo primfc) (mkdec eqOpts eqDecl eqDoc eqParamDoc)

               addNameHint eqTy (sUN "prf")
               mapM_ elabPrim primitives
               -- Special case prim__believe_me because it doesn't work on just constants
               -- Finally, syntactic equality
    where elabPrim :: Prim -> Idris ()
          elabPrim (Prim n ty i def sc tot)
              = do updateContext (addOperator n ty i (valuePrim def))
                   setTotality n tot
                   i <- getIState
                   putIState i { idris_scprims = (n, sc) : idris_scprims i }

          primfc = fileFC "primitive"

          valuePrim :: ([Const] -> Maybe Const) -> [Value] -> Maybe Value
          valuePrim prim vals = fmap VConstant (mapM getConst vals >>= prim)

          getConst (VConstant c) = Just c
          getConst _             = Nothing

          p_believeMe [_,_,x] = Just x
          p_believeMe _ = Nothing
          believeTy = Bind (sUN "a") (Pi Nothing (TType (UVar [] (-2))) (TType (UVar [] (-1))))
                       (Bind (sUN "b") (Pi Nothing (TType (UVar [] (-2))) (TType (UVar [] (-1))))
                         (Bind (sUN "x") (Pi Nothing (V 1) (TType (UVar [] (-1)))) (V 1)))
             = do let prim__believe_me = sUN "prim__believe_me"
                  updateContext (addOperator prim__believe_me believeTy 3 p_believeMe)
                  -- The point is that it is believed to be total, even
                  -- though it clearly isn't :)
                  setTotality prim__believe_me (Total [])
                  i <- getIState
                  putIState i {
                      idris_scprims = (prim__believe_me, (3, LNoOp)) : idris_scprims i

          p_synEq [t,_,x,y]
               | x == y = Just (VApp (VApp vnJust VErased)
                                (VApp (VApp vnRefl t) x))
               | otherwise = Just (VApp vnNothing VErased)
          p_synEq args = Nothing

          nMaybe = P (TCon 0 2) (sNS (sUN "Maybe") ["Maybe", "Prelude"]) Erased
          vnJust = VP (DCon 1 2 False) (sNS (sUN "Just") ["Maybe", "Prelude"]) VErased
          vnNothing = VP (DCon 0 1 False) (sNS (sUN "Nothing") ["Maybe", "Prelude"]) VErased
          vnRefl = VP (DCon 0 2 False) eqCon VErased

          synEqTy = Bind (sUN "a") (Pi Nothing (TType (UVar [] (-3))) (TType (UVar [] (-2))))
                     (Bind (sUN "b") (Pi Nothing (TType (UVar [] (-3))) (TType (UVar [] (-2))))
                      (Bind (sUN "x") (Pi Nothing (V 1) (TType (UVar [] (-2))))
                       (Bind (sUN "y") (Pi Nothing (V 1) (TType (UVar [] (-2))))
                         (mkApp nMaybe [mkApp (P (TCon 0 4) eqTy Erased)
                                               [V 3, V 2, V 1, V 0]]))))
             = do let synEq = sUN "prim__syntactic_eq"

                  updateContext (addOperator synEq synEqTy 4 p_synEq)
                  setTotality synEq (Total [])
                  i <- getIState
                  putIState i {
                     idris_scprims = (synEq, (4, LNoOp)) : idris_scprims i

elabDecls :: ElabInfo -> [PDecl] -> Idris ()
elabDecls info ds = do mapM_ (elabDecl EAll info) ds

elabDecl :: ElabWhat -> ElabInfo -> PDecl -> Idris ()
elabDecl what info d
    = let info' = info { rec_elabDecl = elabDecl' } in
          idrisCatch (withErrorReflection $ elabDecl' what info' d) (setAndReport)

elabDecl' _ info (PFix _ _ _)
     = return () -- nothing to elaborate
elabDecl' _ info (PSyntax _ p)
     = return () -- nothing to elaborate
elabDecl' what info (PTy doc argdocs s f o n nfc ty)
  | what /= EDefns
    = do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating type decl " ++ show n ++ show o
         elabType info s doc argdocs f o n nfc ty
         return ()
elabDecl' what info (PPostulate b doc s f nfc o n ty)
  | what /= EDefns
    = do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating postulate " ++ show n ++ show o
         if b
            then elabExtern info s doc f nfc o n ty
            else elabPostulate info s doc f nfc o n ty
elabDecl' what info (PData doc argDocs s f co d)
  | what /= ETypes
    = do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating " ++ show (d_name d)
         elabData info s doc argDocs f co d
  | otherwise
    = do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating [type of] " ++ show (d_name d)
         elabData info s doc argDocs f co (PLaterdecl (d_name d) (d_name_fc d) (d_tcon d))
elabDecl' what info d@(PClauses f o n ps)
  | what /= ETypes
    = do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating clause " ++ show n
         i <- getIState -- get the type options too
         let o' = case lookupCtxt n (idris_flags i) of
                    [fs] -> fs
                    [] -> []
         elabClauses info f (o ++ o') n ps
elabDecl' what info (PMutual f ps)
    = do case ps of
              [p] -> elabDecl what info p
              _ -> do mapM_ (elabDecl ETypes info) ps
                      mapM_ (elabDecl EDefns info) ps
         -- record mutually defined data definitions
         let datans = concatMap declared (getDataDecls ps)
         mapM_ (setMutData datans) datans
         logElab 1 $ "Rechecking for positivity " ++ show datans
         mapM_ (\x -> do setTotality x Unchecked) datans
         -- Do totality checking after entire mutual block
         i <- get
         mapM_ (\n -> do logElab 5 $ "Simplifying " ++ show n
                         ctxt' <- do ctxt <- getContext
                                     tclift $ simplifyCasedef n (getErasureInfo i) ctxt
                         setContext ctxt')
                 (map snd (idris_totcheck i))
         mapM_ buildSCG (idris_totcheck i)
         mapM_ checkDeclTotality (idris_totcheck i)
         -- We've only checked that things are total independently. Given
         -- the ordering, something we think is total might have called
         -- something we hadn't checked yet
         mapM_ verifyTotality (idris_totcheck i)
  where isDataDecl (PData _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
        isDataDecl _ = False

        getDataDecls (PNamespace _ _ ds : decls)
           = getDataDecls ds ++ getDataDecls decls
        getDataDecls (d : decls)
           | isDataDecl d = d : getDataDecls decls
           | otherwise = getDataDecls decls
        getDataDecls [] = []

        setMutData ns n
           = do i <- getIState
                case lookupCtxt n (idris_datatypes i) of
                   [x] -> do let x' = x { mutual_types = ns }
                             putIState $ i { idris_datatypes
                                                = addDef n x' (idris_datatypes i) }
                   _ -> return ()

elabDecl' what info (PParams f ns ps)
    = do i <- getIState
         logElab 1 $ "Expanding params block with " ++ show ns ++ " decls " ++
                show (concatMap tldeclared ps)
         let nblock = pblock i
         mapM_ (elabDecl' what info) nblock
    pinfo = let ds = concatMap tldeclared ps
                newps = params info ++ ns
                dsParams = map (\n -> (n, map fst newps)) ds
                newb = addAlist dsParams (inblock info) in
                info { params = newps,
                       inblock = newb }
    pblock i = map (expandParamsD False i id ns
                      (concatMap tldeclared ps)) ps

elabDecl' what info (POpenInterfaces f ns ds)
    = do open <- addOpenImpl ns
         mapM_ (elabDecl' what info) ds
         setOpenImpl open

elabDecl' what info (PNamespace n nfc ps) =
  do mapM_ (elabDecl' what ninfo) ps
     let ns = reverse (map T.pack newNS)
     sendHighlighting [(nfc, AnnNamespace ns Nothing)]
    newNS = n : namespace info
    ninfo = info { namespace = newNS }

elabDecl' what info (PClass doc s f cs n nfc ps pdocs fds ds cn cd)
  | what /= EDefns
    = do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating class " ++ show n
         elabClass info (s { syn_params = [] }) doc f cs n nfc ps pdocs fds ds cn cd
elabDecl' what info (PInstance doc argDocs s f cs pnames acc fnopts n nfc ps pextra t expn ds)
    = do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating instance " ++ show n
         elabInstance info s doc argDocs what f cs pnames acc fnopts n nfc ps pextra t expn ds
elabDecl' what info (PRecord doc rsyn fc opts name nfc ps pdocs fs cname cdoc csyn)
    = do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating record " ++ show name
         elabRecord info what doc rsyn fc opts name nfc ps pdocs fs cname cdoc csyn
  | otherwise
    = do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating [type of] " ++ show tyn
         elabData info s doc [] f [] (PLaterdecl tyn ty)
elabDecl' _ info (PDSL n dsl)
    = do i <- getIState
         putIState (i { idris_dsls = addDef n dsl (idris_dsls i) })
         addIBC (IBCDSL n)
elabDecl' what info (PDirective i)
  | what /= EDefns = directiveAction i
elabDecl' what info (PProvider doc syn fc nfc provWhat n)
  | what /= EDefns
    = do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating type provider " ++ show n
         elabProvider doc info syn fc nfc provWhat n
elabDecl' what info (PTransform fc safety old new)
    = do elabTransform info fc safety old new
         return ()
elabDecl' what info (PRunElabDecl fc script ns)
    = do elabRunElab info fc script ns
         return ()
elabDecl' _ _ _ = return () -- skipped this time