module Idris.Delaborate (annName, bugaddr, delab, delab', delabMV, delabTy, delabTy', fancifyAnnots, pprintDelab, pprintDelabTy, pprintErr) where
import Util.Pretty
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Docstrings (overview, renderDocstring, renderDocTerm)
import Idris.ErrReverse
import Data.List (intersperse, nub)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.State
import Debug.Trace
bugaddr = ""
delab :: IState -> Term -> PTerm
delab i tm = delab' i tm False False
delabMV :: IState -> Term -> PTerm
delabMV i tm = delab' i tm False True
delabTy :: IState -> Name -> PTerm
delabTy i n
= case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt i) of
(ty:_) -> case lookupCtxt n (idris_implicits i) of
(imps:_) -> delabTy' i imps ty False False
_ -> delabTy' i [] ty False False
[] -> error "delabTy: got non-existing name"
delab' :: IState -> Term -> Bool -> Bool -> PTerm
delab' i t f mvs = delabTy' i [] t f mvs
delabTy' :: IState -> [PArg]
-> Term
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> PTerm
delabTy' ist imps tm fullname mvs = de [] imps tm
un = fileFC "(val)"
de env _ (App f a) = deFn env f [a]
de env _ (V i) | i < length env = PRef un (snd (env!!i))
| otherwise = PRef un (sUN ("v" ++ show i ++ ""))
de env _ (P _ n _) | n == unitTy = PTrue un IsType
| n == unitCon = PTrue un IsTerm
| Just n' <- lookup n env = PRef un n'
| otherwise
= case lookup n (idris_metavars ist) of
Just (Just _, mi, _) -> mkMVApp n []
_ -> PRef un n
de env _ (Bind n (Lam ty) sc)
= PLam un n (de env [] ty) (de ((n,n):env) [] sc)
de env is (Bind n (Pi (Just impl) ty _) sc)
| tcinstance impl
= PPi constraint n (de env [] ty) (de ((n,n):env) is sc)
| otherwise
= PPi (Imp [] Dynamic False (Just impl)) n (de env [] ty) (de ((n,n):env) is sc)
de env ((PImp { argopts = opts }):is) (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc)
= PPi (Imp opts Dynamic False Nothing) n (de env [] ty) (de ((n,n):env) is sc)
de env (PConstraint _ _ _ _:is) (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc)
= PPi constraint n (de env [] ty) (de ((n,n):env) is sc)
de env (PTacImplicit _ _ _ tac _:is) (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc)
= PPi (tacimpl tac) n (de env [] ty) (de ((n,n):env) is sc)
de env (plic:is) (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc)
= PPi (Exp (argopts plic) Dynamic False)
(de env [] ty)
(de ((n,n):env) is sc)
de env [] (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc)
= PPi expl n (de env [] ty) (de ((n,n):env) [] sc)
de env imps (Bind n (Let ty val) sc)
| isCaseApp sc
, (P _ cOp _, args) <- unApply sc
, Just caseblock <- delabCase env imps n val cOp args = caseblock
| otherwise =
PLet un n (de env [] ty) (de env [] val) (de ((n,n):env) [] sc)
de env _ (Bind n (Hole ty) sc) = de ((n, sUN "[__]"):env) [] sc
de env _ (Bind n (Guess ty val) sc) = de ((n, sUN "[__]"):env) [] sc
de env plic (Bind n bb sc) = de ((n,n):env) [] sc
de env _ (Constant i) = PConstant i
de env _ (Proj _ _) = error "Delaboration got run-time-only Proj!"
de env _ Erased = Placeholder
de env _ Impossible = Placeholder
de env _ (TType i) = PType
de env _ (UType u) = PUniverse u
dens x | fullname = x
dens ns@(NS n _) = case lookupCtxt n (idris_implicits ist) of
[_] -> n
[] -> n
_ -> ns
dens n = n
deFn env (App f a) args = deFn env f (a:args)
deFn env (P _ n _) [l,r]
| n == pairTy = PPair un IsType (de env [] l) (de env [] r)
| n == eqCon = PRefl un (de env [] r)
| n == sUN "lazy" = de env [] r
deFn env (P _ n _) [ty, Bind x (Lam _) r]
| n == sUN "Sigma"
= PDPair un IsType (PRef un x) (de env [] ty)
(de ((x,x):env) [] (instantiate (P Bound x ty) r))
deFn env (P _ n _) [lt,rt,l,r]
| n == pairCon = PPair un IsTerm (de env [] l) (de env [] r)
| n == eqTy = PEq un (de env [] lt) (de env [] rt)
(de env [] l) (de env [] r)
| n == sUN "Sg_intro" = PDPair un IsTerm (de env [] l) Placeholder
(de env [] r)
deFn env f@(P _ n _) args
| n `elem` map snd env
= PApp un (de env [] f) (map pexp (map (de env []) args))
deFn env (P _ n _) args
| not mvs = case lookup n (idris_metavars ist) of
Just (Just _, mi, _) ->
mkMVApp n (drop mi (map (de env []) args))
_ -> mkPApp n (map (de env []) args)
| otherwise = mkPApp n (map (de env []) args)
deFn env f args = PApp un (de env [] f) (map pexp (map (de env []) args))
mkMVApp n []
= PMetavar n
mkMVApp n args
= PApp un (PMetavar n) (map pexp args)
mkPApp n args
| Just imps <- lookupCtxtExact n (idris_implicits ist)
= PApp un (PRef un n) (zipWith imp (imps ++ repeat (pexp undefined)) args)
| otherwise = PApp un (PRef un n) (map pexp args)
imp (PImp p m l n _) arg = PImp p m l n arg
imp (PExp p l n _) arg = PExp p l n arg
imp (PConstraint p l n _) arg = PConstraint p l n arg
imp (PTacImplicit p l n sc _) arg = PTacImplicit p l n sc arg
isCaseApp tm | P _ n _ <- fst (unApply tm) = isCN n
| otherwise = False
where isCN (NS n _) = isCN n
isCN (SN (CaseN _)) = True
isCN _ = False
delabCase :: [(Name, Name)] -> [PArg] -> Name -> Term -> Name -> [Term] -> Maybe PTerm
delabCase env imps scvar scrutinee caseName caseArgs =
do cases <- case lookupCtxt caseName (idris_patdefs ist) of
[(cases, _)] -> return cases
_ -> Nothing
return $ PCase un (de env imps scrutinee)
[ (de (env ++ map (\n -> (n, n)) vars) imps (splitArg lhs),
de (env ++ map (\n -> (n, n)) vars) imps rhs)
| (vars, lhs, rhs) <- cases
where splitArg tm | (_, args) <- unApply tm = nonVar (reverse args)
| otherwise = tm
nonVar [] = error "Tried to delaborate empty case list"
nonVar [x] = x
nonVar (x@(App _ _) : _) = x
nonVar (x@(P (DCon _ _ _) _ _) : _) = x
nonVar (x:xs) = nonVar xs
errorIndent :: Int
errorIndent = 8
indented :: Doc a -> Doc a
indented = nest errorIndent . (line <>)
pprintDelab :: IState -> Term -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintDelab ist tm = annotate (AnnTerm [] tm)
(prettyIst ist (delab ist tm))
pprintDelabTy :: IState -> Name -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintDelabTy i n
= case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt i) of
(ty:_) -> annotate (AnnTerm [] ty) . prettyIst i $
case lookupCtxt n (idris_implicits i) of
(imps:_) -> delabTy' i imps ty False False
_ -> delabTy' i [] ty False False
[] -> error "pprintDelabTy got a name that doesn't exist"
pprintTerm :: IState -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintTerm ist = pprintTerm' ist []
pprintTerm' :: IState -> [(Name, Bool)] -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintTerm' ist bnd tm = pprintPTerm (ppOptionIst ist) bnd [] (idris_infixes ist) tm
pprintProv :: IState -> [(Name, Term)] -> Provenance -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintProv i e ExpectedType = text "Expected type"
pprintProv i e InferredVal = text "Inferred value"
pprintProv i e GivenVal = text "Given value"
pprintProv i e (SourceTerm tm)
= text "Type of " <>
annotate (AnnTerm (zip (map fst e) (repeat False)) tm)
(pprintTerm' i (zip (map fst e) (repeat False)) (delab i tm))
pprintProv i e (TooManyArgs tm)
= text "Is " <>
annotate (AnnTerm (zip (map fst e) (repeat False)) tm)
(pprintTerm' i (zip (map fst e) (repeat False)) (delab i tm))
<> text " applied to too many arguments?"
pprintErr :: IState -> Err -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintErr i err = pprintErr' i (fmap (errReverse i) err)
pprintErr' i (Msg s) = text s
pprintErr' i (InternalMsg s) =
vsep [ text "INTERNAL ERROR:" <+> text s,
text "This is probably a bug, or a missing error message.",
text ("Please consider reporting at " ++ bugaddr)
pprintErr' i (CantUnify _ (x_in, xprov) (y_in, yprov) e sc s) =
let (x_ns, y_ns, nms) = renameMNs x_in y_in
(x, y) = addImplicitDiffs (delab i x_ns) (delab i y_ns) in
text "Can't unify" <> indented (annTm x_ns
(pprintTerm' i (map (\ (n, b) -> (n, False)) sc
++ zip nms (repeat False)) x))
<> case xprov of
Nothing -> empty
Just t -> text " (" <> pprintProv i sc t <> text ")"
text "with" <> indented (annTm y_ns
(pprintTerm' i (map (\ (n, b) -> (n, False)) sc
++ zip nms (repeat False)) y))
<> case yprov of
Nothing -> empty
Just t -> text " (" <> pprintProv i sc t <> text ")"
case e of
Msg "" -> empty
CantUnify _ (x_in', _) (y_in',_) _ _ _ | x_in == x_in' && y_in == y_in' -> empty
_ -> line <> line <> text "Specifically:" <>
indented (pprintErr' i e) <>
if (opt_errContext (idris_options i)) then showSc i sc else empty
pprintErr' i (CantConvert x_in y_in env) =
let (x_ns, y_ns, nms) = renameMNs x_in y_in
(x, y) = addImplicitDiffs (delab i (flagUnique x_ns))
(delab i (flagUnique y_ns)) in
text "Can't convert" <>
indented (annTm x_ns (pprintTerm' i (map (\ (n, b) -> (n, False)) env)
x)) <$>
text "with" <>
indented (annTm y_ns (pprintTerm' i (map (\ (n, b) -> (n, False)) env)
y)) <>
if (opt_errContext (idris_options i)) then line <> showSc i env else empty
where flagUnique (Bind n (Pi i t k@(UType u)) sc)
= App (P Ref (sUN (show u)) Erased)
(Bind n (Pi i (flagUnique t) k) (flagUnique sc))
flagUnique (App f a) = App (flagUnique f) (flagUnique a)
flagUnique (Bind n b sc) = Bind n (fmap flagUnique b) (flagUnique sc)
flagUnique t = t
pprintErr' i (CantSolveGoal x env) =
text "Can't solve goal " <>
indented (annTm x (pprintTerm' i (map (\ (n, b) -> (n, False)) env) (delab i x))) <>
if (opt_errContext (idris_options i)) then line <> showSc i env else empty
pprintErr' i (UnifyScope n out tm env) =
text "Can't unify" <> indented (annName n) <+>
text "with" <> indented (annTm tm (pprintTerm' i (map (\ (n, b) -> (n, False)) env) (delab i tm))) <+>
text "as" <> indented (annName out) <> text "is not in scope" <>
if (opt_errContext (idris_options i)) then line <> showSc i env else empty
pprintErr' i (CantInferType t) = text "Can't infer type for" <+> text t
pprintErr' i (NonFunctionType f ty) =
annTm f (pprintTerm i (delab i f)) <+>
text "does not have a function type" <+>
parens (pprintTerm i (delab i ty))
pprintErr' i (NotEquality tm ty) =
annTm tm (pprintTerm i (delab i tm)) <+>
text "does not have an equality type" <+>
annTm ty (parens (pprintTerm i (delab i ty)))
pprintErr' i (TooManyArguments f) = text "Too many arguments for" <+> annName f
pprintErr' i (CantIntroduce ty) =
text "Can't use lambda here: type is" <+> annTm ty (pprintTerm i (delab i ty))
pprintErr' i (InfiniteUnify x tm env) =
text "Unifying" <+> annName' x (showbasic x) <+> text "and" <+>
annTm tm (pprintTerm' i (map (\ (n, b) -> (n, False)) env) (delab i tm)) <+>
text "would lead to infinite value" <>
if (opt_errContext (idris_options i)) then line <> showSc i env else empty
pprintErr' i (NotInjective p x y) =
text "Can't verify injectivity of" <+> annTm p (pprintTerm i (delab i p)) <+>
text " when unifying" <+> annTm x (pprintTerm i (delab i x)) <+> text "and" <+>
annTm y (pprintTerm i (delab i y))
pprintErr' i (CantResolve _ c) = text "Can't resolve type class" <+> pprintTerm i (delab i c)
pprintErr' i (InvalidTCArg n t)
= annTm t (pprintTerm i (delab i t)) <+> text " cannot be a parameter of "
<> annName n <$>
text "(Type class arguments must be injective)"
pprintErr' i (CantResolveAlts as) = text "Can't disambiguate name:" <+>
align (cat (punctuate (comma <> space) (map (fmap (fancifyAnnots i) . annName) as)))
pprintErr' i (NoTypeDecl n) = text "No type declaration for" <+> annName n
pprintErr' i (NoSuchVariable n) = text "No such variable" <+> annName n
pprintErr' i (WithFnType ty) =
text "Can't match on a function: type is" <+> annTm ty (pprintTerm i (delab i ty))
pprintErr' i (CantMatch t) =
text "Can't match on" <+> annTm t (pprintTerm i (delab i t))
pprintErr' i (IncompleteTerm t) = text "Incomplete term" <+> annTm t (pprintTerm i (delab i t))
pprintErr' i (NoEliminator s t)
= text "No " <> text s <> text " for type " <+>
annTm t (pprintTerm i (delab i t)) <$>
text "Please note that 'induction' is experimental." <$>
text "Only types declared with '%elim' can be used." <$>
text "Consider writing a pattern matching definition instead."
pprintErr' i UniverseError = text "Universe inconsistency"
pprintErr' i (UniqueError NullType n)
= text "Borrowed name" <+> annName' n (showbasic n)
<+> text "must not be used on RHS"
pprintErr' i (UniqueError _ n) = text "Unique name" <+> annName' n (showbasic n)
<+> text "is used more than once"
pprintErr' i (UniqueKindError k n) = text "Constructor" <+> annName' n (showbasic n)
<+> text ("has a " ++ show k ++ ",")
<+> text "but the data type does not"
pprintErr' i ProgramLineComment = text "Program line next to comment"
pprintErr' i (Inaccessible n) = annName n <+> text "is not an accessible pattern variable"
pprintErr' i (NonCollapsiblePostulate n) = text "The return type of postulate" <+>
annName n <+> text "is not collapsible"
pprintErr' i (AlreadyDefined n) = annName n<+>
text "is already defined"
pprintErr' i (ProofSearchFail e) = pprintErr' i e
pprintErr' i (NoRewriting tm) = text "rewrite did not change type" <+> annTm tm (pprintTerm i (delab i tm))
pprintErr' i (At f e) = annotate (AnnFC f) (text (show f)) <> colon <> pprintErr' i e
pprintErr' i (Elaborating s n e) = text "When elaborating" <+> text s <>
annName' n (showqual i n) <> colon <$>
pprintErr' i e
pprintErr' i (ElaboratingArg f x _ e)
| isInternal f = pprintErr' i e
| isUN x =
text "When elaborating argument" <+>
annotate (AnnBoundName x False) (text (showbasic x)) <+>
text "to" <+> whatIsName <> annName f <> colon <>
indented (pprintErr' i e)
| otherwise =
text "When elaborating an application of" <+> whatIsName <>
annName f <> colon <> indented (pprintErr' i e)
where whatIsName = let ctxt = tt_ctxt i
in if isTConName f ctxt
then text "type constructor" <> space
else if isDConName f ctxt
then text "constructor" <> space
else if isFnName f ctxt
then text "function" <> space
else empty
isInternal (MN _ _) = True
isInternal (UN n) = T.isPrefixOf (T.pack "__") n
isInternal (NS n _) = isInternal n
isInternal _ = True
pprintErr' i (ProviderError msg) = text ("Type provider error: " ++ msg)
pprintErr' i (LoadingFailed fn e) = text "Loading" <+> text fn <+> text "failed:" <+> pprintErr' i e
pprintErr' i (ReflectionError parts orig) =
let parts' = map (fillSep . map showPart) parts in
align (fillSep parts') <>
if (opt_origerr (idris_options i))
then line <> line <> text "Original error:" <$> indented (pprintErr' i orig)
else empty
where showPart :: ErrorReportPart -> Doc OutputAnnotation
showPart (TextPart str) = fillSep . map text . words $ str
showPart (NamePart n) = annName n
showPart (TermPart tm) = pprintTerm i (delab i tm)
showPart (SubReport rs) = indented . hsep . map showPart $ rs
pprintErr' i (ReflectionFailed msg err) =
text "When attempting to perform error reflection, the following internal error occurred:" <>
indented (pprintErr' i err) <>
text ("This is probably a bug. Please consider reporting it at " ++ bugaddr)
pprintErr' i (ElabDebug msg tm holes) =
text "Elaboration halted." <>
maybe empty (indented . text) msg <> line <>
text "Term: " <> indented (pprintTT [] tm) <> line <>
text "Holes:" <>
indented (vsep (map ppHole holes))
where ppHole :: (Name, Type, Env) -> Doc OutputAnnotation
ppHole (hn, goal, env) =
ppAssumptions [] (reverse env) <>
text "----------------------------------" <> line <>
bindingOf hn False <+> text ":" <+>
pprintTT (map fst (reverse env)) goal <> line
ppAssumptions :: [Name] -> Env -> Doc OutputAnnotation
ppAssumptions ns [] = empty
ppAssumptions ns ((n, b) : rest) =
bindingOf n False <+>
text ":" <+>
pprintTT ns (binderTy b) <>
line <>
ppAssumptions (n:ns) rest
renameMNs :: Term -> Term -> (Term, Term, [Name])
renameMNs x y = let ns = nub $ allTTNames x ++ allTTNames y
newnames = evalState (getRenames [] ns) 1 in
(rename newnames x, rename newnames y, map snd newnames)
getRenames :: [(Name, Name)] -> [Name] -> State Int [(Name, Name)]
getRenames acc [] = return acc
getRenames acc (n@(MN i x) : xs) | rpt x xs
= do idx <- get
put (idx + 1)
let x' = sUN (str x ++ show idx)
getRenames ((n, x') : acc) xs
getRenames acc (n@(UN x) : xs) | rpt x xs
= do idx <- get
put (idx + 1)
let x' = sUN (str x ++ show idx)
getRenames ((n, x') : acc) xs
getRenames acc (x : xs) = getRenames acc xs
rpt x [] = False
rpt x (UN y : xs) | x == y = True
rpt x (MN i y : xs) | x == y = True
rpt x (_ : xs) = rpt x xs
rename :: [(Name, Name)] -> Term -> Term
rename ns (P nt x t) | Just x' <- lookup x ns = P nt x' t
rename ns (App f a) = App (rename ns f) (rename ns a)
rename ns (Bind x b sc)
= let b' = fmap (rename ns) b
sc' = rename ns sc in
case lookup x ns of
Just x' -> Bind x' b' sc'
Nothing -> Bind x b' sc'
rename ns x = x
addImplicitDiffs :: PTerm -> PTerm -> (PTerm, PTerm)
addImplicitDiffs x y
= if (x `expLike` y) then addI x y else (x, y)
addI :: PTerm -> PTerm -> (PTerm, PTerm)
addI (PApp fc f as) (PApp gc g bs)
= let (as', bs') = addShows as bs in
(PApp fc f as', PApp gc g bs')
where addShows [] [] = ([], [])
addShows (a:as) (b:bs)
= let (as', bs') = addShows as bs
(a', b') = addI (getTm a) (getTm b) in
if (not (a' `expLike` b'))
then (a { argopts = AlwaysShow : argopts a,
getTm = a' } : as',
b { argopts = AlwaysShow : argopts b,
getTm = b' } : bs')
else (a { getTm = a' } : as',
b { getTm = b' } : bs')
addShows xs ys = (xs, ys)
addI (PLam fc n a b) (PLam fc' n' c d)
= let (a', c') = addI a c
(b', d') = addI b d in
(PLam fc n a' b', PLam fc' n' c' d')
addI (PPi p n a b) (PPi p' n' c d)
= let (a', c') = addI a c
(b', d') = addI b d in
(PPi p n a' b', PPi p' n' c' d')
addI (PRefl fc a) (PRefl fc' b)
= let (a', b') = addI a b in
(PRefl fc a', PRefl fc' b')
addI (PEq fc at bt a b) (PEq fc' ct dt c d)
| trace (show (at,bt)) False = undefined
| at `expLike` ct && bt `expLike` dt
= let (a', c') = addI a c
(b', d') = addI b d in
(PEq fc at bt a' b', PEq fc' ct dt c' d')
| otherwise
= let (at', ct') = addI at ct
(bt', dt') = addI bt dt
(a', c') = addI a c
(b', d') = addI b d
showa = if at `expLike` ct then [] else [AlwaysShow]
showb = if bt `expLike` dt then [] else [AlwaysShow] in
(PApp fc (PRef fc eqTy) [(pimp (sUN "A") at' True)
{ argopts = showa },
(pimp (sUN "B") bt' True)
{ argopts = showb },
pexp a', pexp b'],
PApp fc (PRef fc eqTy) [(pimp (sUN "A") ct' True)
{ argopts = showa },
(pimp (sUN "B") dt' True)
{ argopts = showb },
pexp c', pexp d'])
addI (PPair fc pi a b) (PPair fc' pi' c d)
= let (a', c') = addI a c
(b', d') = addI b d in
(PPair fc pi a' b', PPair fc' pi' c' d')
addI (PDPair fc pi a t b) (PDPair fc' pi' c u d)
= let (a', c') = addI a c
(t', u') = addI t u
(b', d') = addI b d in
(PDPair fc pi a' t' b', PDPair fc' pi' c' u' d')
addI x y = (x, y)
expLike (PRef _ n) (PRef _ n') = n == n'
expLike (PApp _ f as) (PApp _ f' as')
= expLike f f' && length as == length as' &&
and (zipWith expLike (getExps as) (getExps as'))
expLike (PPi _ n s t) (PPi _ n' s' t')
= n == n' && expLike s s' && expLike t t'
expLike (PLam _ n s t) (PLam _ n' s' t')
= n == n' && expLike s s' && expLike t t'
expLike (PPair _ _ x y) (PPair _ _ x' y') = expLike x x' && expLike y y'
expLike (PDPair _ _ x _ y) (PDPair _ _ x' _ y') = expLike x x' && expLike y y'
expLike (PEq _ xt yt x y) (PEq _ xt' yt' x' y')
= expLike x x' && expLike y y'
expLike (PRefl _ x) (PRefl _ x') = expLike x x'
expLike x y = x == y
isUN :: Name -> Bool
isUN (UN n) = not $ T.isPrefixOf (T.pack "__") n
isUN (NS n _) = isUN n
isUN _ = False
annName :: Name -> Doc OutputAnnotation
annName n = annName' n (showbasic n)
annName' :: Name -> String -> Doc OutputAnnotation
annName' n str = annotate (AnnName n Nothing Nothing Nothing) (text str)
annTm :: Term -> Doc OutputAnnotation -> Doc OutputAnnotation
annTm tm = annotate (AnnTerm [] tm)
fancifyAnnots :: IState -> OutputAnnotation -> OutputAnnotation
fancifyAnnots ist annot@(AnnName n _ _ _) =
do let ctxt = tt_ctxt ist
docs = docOverview ist n
ty = Just (getTy ist n)
case () of
_ | isDConName n ctxt -> AnnName n (Just DataOutput) docs ty
_ | isFnName n ctxt -> AnnName n (Just FunOutput) docs ty
_ | isTConName n ctxt -> AnnName n (Just TypeOutput) docs ty
_ | isMetavarName n ist -> AnnName n (Just MetavarOutput) docs ty
_ | isPostulateName n ist -> AnnName n (Just PostulateOutput) docs ty
_ | otherwise -> annot
where docOverview :: IState -> Name -> Maybe String
docOverview ist n = do docs <- lookupCtxtExact n (idris_docstrings ist)
let o = overview (fst docs)
norm = normaliseAll (tt_ctxt ist) []
out = displayS . renderPretty 1.0 50 $
renderDocstring (renderDocTerm (pprintDelab ist)
norm) o
return (out "")
getTy :: IState -> Name -> String
getTy ist n = let theTy = pprintPTerm (ppOptionIst ist) [] [] (idris_infixes ist) $
delabTy ist n
in (displayS . renderPretty 1.0 50 $ theTy) ""
fancifyAnnots _ annot = annot
showSc :: IState -> [(Name, Term)] -> Doc OutputAnnotation
showSc i [] = empty
showSc i xs = line <> line <> text "In context:" <>
indented (vsep (reverse (showSc' [] xs)))
where showSc' bnd [] = []
showSc' bnd ((n, ty):ctxt) =
let this = bindingOf n False <+> colon <+> pprintTerm' i bnd (delab i ty)
in this : showSc' ((n,False):bnd) ctxt
showqual :: IState -> Name -> String
showqual i n = showName (Just i) [] (ppOptionIst i) { ppopt_impl = False } False (dens n)
dens ns@(NS n _) = case lookupCtxt n (idris_implicits i) of
[_] -> n
_ -> ns
dens n = n
showbasic :: Name -> String
showbasic n@(UN _) = show n
showbasic (MN _ s) = str s
showbasic (NS n s) = showSep "." (map str (reverse s)) ++ "." ++ showbasic n
showbasic (SN s) = show s
showbasic n = show n