Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- repl :: IState -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> InputT Idris ()
- startServer :: PortID -> IState -> [FilePath] -> Idris ()
- processNetCmd :: IState -> IState -> Handle -> FilePath -> String -> IO (IState, FilePath)
- runClient :: PortID -> String -> IO ()
- initIdemodeSocket :: IO Handle
- idemodeStart :: Bool -> IState -> [FilePath] -> Idris ()
- idemode :: Handle -> IState -> [FilePath] -> Idris ()
- runIdeModeCommand :: Handle -> Integer -> IState -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IdeModeCommand -> Idris ()
- ideModeForceTermImplicits :: Handle -> Integer -> [(Name, Bool)] -> Bool -> Term -> Idris ()
- splitName :: String -> Either String Name
- idemodeProcess :: FilePath -> Command -> Idris ()
- mkPrompt :: [FilePath] -> [Char]
- lit :: FilePath -> Bool
- processInput :: String -> IState -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Idris (Maybe [FilePath])
- resolveProof :: Name -> Idris Name
- removeProof :: Name -> Idris ()
- edit :: FilePath -> IState -> Idris ()
- proofs :: IState -> Idris ()
- insertScript :: String -> [String] -> [String]
- process :: FilePath -> Command -> Idris ()
- showTotal :: Totality -> IState -> String
- showTotalN :: IState -> Name -> String
- displayHelp :: [Char]
- pprintDef :: Name -> Idris [Doc OutputAnnotation]
- helphead :: [([[Char]], CmdArg, [Char])]
- replSettings :: Maybe FilePath -> Settings Idris
- idris :: [Opt] -> IO (Maybe IState)
- loadInputs :: [FilePath] -> Maybe Int -> Idris [FilePath]
- idrisMain :: [Opt] -> Idris ()
- runMain :: Idris () -> IO ()
- execScript :: String -> Idris ()
- getIdrisUserDataDir :: Idris FilePath
- getInitScript :: Idris FilePath
- initScript :: Idris ()
- getFile :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getBC :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getOutput :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getIBCSubDir :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getImportDir :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getPkgDir :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getPkg :: Opt -> Maybe (Bool, String)
- getPkgClean :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getPkgREPL :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getPkgCheck :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getPkgMkDoc :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getPkgTest :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getCodegen :: Opt -> Maybe Codegen
- getConsoleWidth :: Opt -> Maybe ConsoleWidth
- getExecScript :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getPkgIndex :: Opt -> Maybe FilePath
- getEvalExpr :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getOutputTy :: Opt -> Maybe OutputType
- getLanguageExt :: Opt -> Maybe LanguageExt
- getTriple :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getCPU :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getOptLevel :: Opt -> Maybe Int
- getOptimisation :: Opt -> Maybe (Idris ())
- getColour :: Opt -> Maybe Bool
- getClient :: Opt -> Maybe String
- getPort :: [Opt] -> PortID
- opt :: (Opt -> Maybe a) -> [Opt] -> [a]
- ver :: [Char]
- defaultPort :: PortID
- banner :: [Char]
- warranty :: [Char]
:: IState | The initial state |
-> [FilePath] | The loaded modules |
-> FilePath | The file to edit (with :e) |
-> InputT Idris () |
Run the REPL
:: Handle | ^ The handle for communication |
-> Integer | ^ The continuation ID for the client |
-> IState | ^ The original IState |
-> FilePath | ^ The current open file |
-> [FilePath] | ^ The currently loaded modules |
-> IdeModeCommand | ^ The command to process |
-> Idris () |
Run IDEMode commands
ideModeForceTermImplicits :: Handle -> Integer -> [(Name, Bool)] -> Bool -> Term -> Idris () Source
Show a term for IDEMode with the specified implicitness
idemodeProcess :: FilePath -> Command -> Idris () Source
mkPrompt :: [FilePath] -> [Char] Source
The prompt consists of the currently loaded modules, or Idris if there are none
resolveProof :: Name -> Idris Name Source
removeProof :: Name -> Idris () Source
insertScript :: String -> [String] -> [String] Source
showTotalN :: IState -> Name -> String Source
displayHelp :: [Char] Source
idris :: [Opt] -> IO (Maybe IState) Source
Invoke as if from command line. It is an error if there are unresolved totality problems.
execScript :: String -> Idris () Source
getIdrisUserDataDir :: Idris FilePath Source
Get the platform-specific, user-specific Idris dir
getInitScript :: Idris FilePath Source
Locate the platform-specific location for the init script
initScript :: Idris () Source
Run the initialisation script
getIBCSubDir :: Opt -> Maybe String Source
getImportDir :: Opt -> Maybe String Source
getPkgClean :: Opt -> Maybe String Source
getPkgREPL :: Opt -> Maybe String Source
getPkgCheck :: Opt -> Maybe String Source
Returns None if given an Opt which is not PkgMkDoc Otherwise returns Just x, where x is the contents of PkgMkDoc
getCodegen :: Opt -> Maybe Codegen Source
getExecScript :: Opt -> Maybe String Source
getPkgIndex :: Opt -> Maybe FilePath Source
getEvalExpr :: Opt -> Maybe String Source
getOutputTy :: Opt -> Maybe OutputType Source
getLanguageExt :: Opt -> Maybe LanguageExt Source
getOptLevel :: Opt -> Maybe Int Source
getOptimisation :: Opt -> Maybe (Idris ()) Source