module Idris.CaseSplit(splitOnLine, replaceSplits,
getClause, getProofClause,
getUniq, nameRoot) where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.AbsSyntaxTree (Idris, IState, PTerm)
import Idris.ElabDecls
import Idris.Delaborate
import Idris.Parser
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Output
import Idris.Elab.Value
import Idris.Elab.Term
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Typecheck
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Text.Parser.Combinators
import Text.Parser.Char(anyChar)
import Text.Trifecta(Result(..), parseString)
import Text.Trifecta.Delta
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import Debug.Trace
split :: Name -> PTerm -> Idris [[(Name, PTerm)]]
split n t'
= do ist <- getIState
mapM_ (\n -> setAccessibility n Public) (allNamesIn t')
(tm, ty, pats) <- elabValBind recinfo ETyDecl True (addImplPat ist t')
logLvl 4 ("Elaborated:\n" ++ show tm ++ " : " ++ show ty ++ "\n" ++ show pats)
let t = mergeUserImpl (addImplPat ist t') (delab ist tm)
let ctxt = tt_ctxt ist
case lookup n pats of
Nothing -> ifail $ show n ++ " is not a pattern variable"
Just ty ->
do let splits = findPats ist ty
iLOG ("New patterns " ++ showSep ", "
(map showTmImpls splits))
let newPats_in = zipWith (replaceVar ctxt n) splits (repeat t)
logLvl 4 ("Working from " ++ show t)
logLvl 4 ("Trying " ++ showSep "\n"
(map (showTmImpls) newPats_in))
newPats <- mapM elabNewPat newPats_in
logLvl 3 ("Original:\n" ++ show t)
logLvl 3 ("Split:\n" ++
(showSep "\n" (map show (mapMaybe id newPats))))
logLvl 3 "----"
let newPats' = mergeAllPats ist n t (mapMaybe id newPats)
iLOG ("Name updates " ++ showSep "\n"
(map (\ (p, u) -> show u ++ " " ++ show p) newPats'))
return (map snd newPats')
data MergeState = MS { namemap :: [(Name, Name)],
invented :: [(Name, Name)],
explicit :: [Name],
updates :: [(Name, PTerm)] }
addUpdate :: Name -> Idris.AbsSyntaxTree.PTerm -> State MergeState ()
addUpdate n tm = do ms <- get
put (ms { updates = ((n, stripNS tm) : updates ms) } )
inventName :: Idris.AbsSyntaxTree.IState -> Maybe Name -> Name -> State MergeState Name
inventName ist ty n =
do ms <- get
let supp = case ty of
Nothing -> []
Just t -> getNameHints ist t
let nsupp = case n of
MN i n | not (tnull n) && thead n == '_'
-> mkSupply (supp ++ varlist)
MN i n -> mkSupply (UN n : supp ++ varlist)
UN n | thead n == '_'
-> mkSupply (supp ++ varlist)
x -> mkSupply (x : supp)
let badnames = map snd (namemap ms) ++ map snd (invented ms) ++
explicit ms
case lookup n (invented ms) of
Just n' -> return n'
Nothing ->
do let n' = uniqueNameFrom nsupp badnames
put (ms { invented = (n, n') : invented ms })
return n'
mkSupply :: [Name] -> [Name]
mkSupply ns = mkSupply' ns (map nextName ns)
where mkSupply' xs ns' = xs ++ mkSupply ns'
varlist :: [Name]
varlist = map (sUN . (:[])) "xyzwstuv"
stripNS :: Idris.AbsSyntaxTree.PTerm -> Idris.AbsSyntaxTree.PTerm
stripNS tm = mapPT dens tm where
dens (PRef fc n) = PRef fc (nsroot n)
dens t = t
mergeAllPats :: IState -> Name -> PTerm -> [PTerm] -> [(PTerm, [(Name, PTerm)])]
mergeAllPats ist cv t [] = []
mergeAllPats ist cv t (p : ps)
= let (p', MS _ _ _ u) = runState (mergePat ist t p Nothing)
(MS [] [] (filter (/=cv) (patvars t)) [])
ps' = mergeAllPats ist cv t ps in
((p', u) : ps')
where patvars (PRef _ n) = [n]
patvars (PApp _ _ as) = concatMap (patvars . getTm) as
patvars (PPatvar _ n) = [n]
patvars _ = []
mergePat :: IState -> PTerm -> PTerm -> Maybe Name -> State MergeState PTerm
mergePat ist (PPatvar fc n) new t
= mergePat ist (PRef fc n) new t
mergePat ist old (PPatvar fc n) t
= mergePat ist old (PRef fc n) t
mergePat ist orig@(PRef fc n) new@(PRef _ n') t
| isDConName n' (tt_ctxt ist) = do addUpdate n new
return new
| otherwise
= do ms <- get
case lookup n' (namemap ms) of
Just x -> do addUpdate n (PRef fc x)
return (PRef fc x)
Nothing -> do put (ms { namemap = ((n', n) : namemap ms) })
return (PRef fc n)
mergePat ist (PApp _ _ args) (PApp fc f args') t
= do newArgs <- zipWithM mergeArg args (zip args' (argTys ist f))
return (PApp fc f newArgs)
where mergeArg x (y, t)
= do tm' <- mergePat ist (getTm x) (getTm y) t
case x of
(PImp _ _ _ _ _) ->
return (y { machine_inf = machine_inf x,
getTm = tm' })
_ -> return (y { getTm = tm' })
mergePat ist (PRef fc n) tm ty = do tm <- tidy ist tm ty
addUpdate n tm
return tm
mergePat ist x y t = return y
mergeUserImpl :: PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
mergeUserImpl x y = x
argTys :: IState -> PTerm -> [Maybe Name]
argTys ist (PRef fc n)
= case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of
[ty] -> map (tyName . snd) (getArgTys ty) ++ repeat Nothing
_ -> repeat Nothing
where tyName (Bind _ (Pi _ _ _) _) = Just (sUN "->")
tyName t | (P _ n _, _) <- unApply t = Just n
| otherwise = Nothing
argTys _ _ = repeat Nothing
tidy :: IState -> PTerm -> Maybe Name -> State MergeState PTerm
tidy ist orig@(PRef fc n) ty
= do ms <- get
case lookup n (namemap ms) of
Just x -> return (PRef fc x)
Nothing -> case n of
(UN _) -> return orig
_ -> do n' <- inventName ist ty n
return (PRef fc n')
tidy ist (PApp fc f args) ty
= do args' <- zipWithM tidyArg args (argTys ist f)
return (PApp fc f args')
where tidyArg x ty' = do tm' <- tidy ist (getTm x) ty'
return (x { getTm = tm' })
tidy ist tm ty = return tm
elabNewPat :: PTerm -> Idris (Maybe PTerm)
elabNewPat t = idrisCatch (do (tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ELHS t
i <- getIState
return (Just (delab i tm)))
(\e -> do i <- getIState
logLvl 5 $ "Not a valid split:\n" ++ pshow i e
return Nothing)
findPats :: IState -> Type -> [PTerm]
findPats ist t | (P _ n _, _) <- unApply t
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_datatypes ist) of
[ti] -> map genPat (con_names ti)
_ -> [Placeholder]
where genPat n = case lookupCtxt n (idris_implicits ist) of
[args] -> PApp emptyFC (PRef emptyFC n)
(map toPlaceholder args)
_ -> error $ "Can't happen (genPat) " ++ show n
toPlaceholder tm = tm { getTm = Placeholder }
findPats ist t = [Placeholder]
replaceVar :: Context -> Name -> PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
replaceVar ctxt n t (PApp fc f pats) = PApp fc f (map substArg pats)
where subst :: PTerm -> PTerm
subst orig@(PPatvar _ v) | v == n = t
| otherwise = Placeholder
subst orig@(PRef _ v) | v == n = t
| isDConName v ctxt = orig
subst (PRef _ _) = Placeholder
subst (PApp fc (PRef _ t) pats)
| isTConName t ctxt = Placeholder
subst (PApp fc f pats) = PApp fc f (map substArg pats)
subst x = x
substArg arg = arg { getTm = subst (getTm arg) }
replaceVar ctxt n t pat = pat
splitOnLine :: Int
-> Name
-> FilePath
-> Idris [[(Name, PTerm)]]
splitOnLine l n fn = do
cl <- getInternalApp fn l
logLvl 3 ("Working with " ++ showTmImpls cl)
tms <- split n cl
return tms
replaceSplits :: String -> [[(Name, PTerm)]] -> Idris [String]
replaceSplits l ups = updateRHSs 1 (map (rep (expandBraces l)) ups)
rep str [] = str ++ "\n"
rep str ((n, tm) : ups) = rep (updatePat False (show n) (nshow tm) str) ups
updateRHSs i [] = return []
updateRHSs i (x : xs) = do (x', i') <- updateRHS i x
xs' <- updateRHSs i' xs
return (x' : xs')
updateRHS i ('?':'=':xs) = do (xs', i') <- updateRHS i xs
return ("?=" ++ xs', i')
updateRHS i ('?':xs) = do let (nm, rest) = span (not . isSpace) xs
(nm', i') <- getUniq nm i
return ('?':nm' ++ rest, i')
updateRHS i (x : xs) = do (xs', i') <- updateRHS i xs
return (x : xs', i')
updateRHS i [] = return ("", i)
nshow (PRef _ (UN z)) | z == txt "Z" = "Z"
nshow (PApp _ (PRef _ (UN s)) [x]) | s == txt "S" =
"(S " ++ addBrackets (nshow (getTm x)) ++ ")"
nshow t = show t
expandBraces ('{' : '-' : xs) = '{' : '-' : xs
expandBraces ('{' : xs)
= let (brace, (_:rest)) = span (/= '}') xs in
if (not ('=' `elem` brace))
then ('{' : brace ++ " = " ++ brace ++ "}") ++
expandBraces rest
else ('{' : brace ++ "}") ++ expandBraces rest
expandBraces (x : xs) = x : expandBraces xs
expandBraces [] = []
updatePat start n tm [] = []
updatePat start n tm ('{':rest) =
let (space, rest') = span isSpace rest in
'{' : space ++ updatePat False n tm rest'
updatePat start n tm done@('?':rest) = done
updatePat True n tm xs@(c:rest) | length xs > length n
= let (before, after@(next:_)) = splitAt (length n) xs in
if (before == n && not (isAlphaNum next))
then addBrackets tm ++ updatePat False n tm after
else c : updatePat (not (isAlphaNum c)) n tm rest
updatePat start n tm (c:rest) = c : updatePat (not ((isAlphaNum c) || c == '_')) n tm rest
addBrackets tm | ' ' `elem` tm
, not (isPrefixOf "(" tm)
, not (isSuffixOf ")" tm) = "(" ++ tm ++ ")"
| otherwise = tm
getUniq :: (Show t, Num t) => [Char] -> t -> Idris ([Char], t)
getUniq nm i
= do ist <- getIState
let n = nameRoot [] nm ++ "_" ++ show i
case lookupTy (sUN n) (tt_ctxt ist) of
[] -> return (n, i+1)
_ -> getUniq nm (i+1)
nameRoot acc nm | all isDigit nm = showSep "_" acc
nameRoot acc nm =
case span (/='_') nm of
(before, ('_' : after)) -> nameRoot (acc ++ [before]) after
_ -> showSep "_" (acc ++ [nm])
getClause :: Int
-> Name
-> FilePath
-> Idris String
getClause l fn fp
= do i <- getIState
case lookupCtxt fn (idris_classes i) of
[c] -> return (mkClassBodies i (class_methods c))
_ -> do ty <- getInternalApp fp l
ist <- get
let ap = mkApp ist ty []
return (show fn ++ " " ++ ap ++ "= ?"
++ show fn ++ "_rhs")
where mkApp :: IState -> PTerm -> [Name] -> String
mkApp i (PPi (Exp _ _ False) (MN _ _) _ ty sc) used
= let n = getNameFrom i used ty in
show n ++ " " ++ mkApp i sc (n : used)
mkApp i (PPi (Exp _ _ False) (UN n) _ ty sc) used
| thead n == '_'
= let n = getNameFrom i used ty in
show n ++ " " ++ mkApp i sc (n : used)
mkApp i (PPi (Exp _ _ False) n _ _ sc) used
= show n ++ " " ++ mkApp i sc (n : used)
mkApp i (PPi _ _ _ _ sc) used = mkApp i sc used
mkApp i _ _ = ""
getNameFrom i used (PPi _ _ _ _ _)
= uniqueNameFrom (mkSupply [sUN "f", sUN "g"]) used
getNameFrom i used (PApp fc f as) = getNameFrom i used f
getNameFrom i used (PRef fc f)
= case getNameHints i f of
[] -> uniqueName (sUN "x") used
ns -> uniqueNameFrom (mkSupply ns) used
getNameFrom i used _ = uniqueName (sUN "x") used
mkClassBodies :: IState -> [(Name, (FnOpts, PTerm))] -> String
mkClassBodies i ns
= showSep "\n"
(zipWith (\(n, (_, ty)) m -> " " ++
def (show (nsroot n)) ++ " "
++ mkApp i ty []
++ "= ?"
++ show fn ++ "_rhs_" ++ show m) ns [1..])
def n@(x:xs) | not (isAlphaNum x) = "(" ++ n ++ ")"
def n = n
getProofClause :: Int
-> Name
-> FilePath
-> Idris String
getProofClause l fn fp
= do ty <- getInternalApp fp l
return (mkApp ty ++ " = ?" ++ show fn ++ "_rhs")
where mkApp (PPi _ _ _ _ sc) = mkApp sc
mkApp rt = "(" ++ show rt ++ ") <== " ++ show fn
mkWith :: String -> Name -> String
mkWith str n = let str' = replaceRHS str "with (_)"
in str' ++ "\n" ++ newpat str
where replaceRHS [] str = str
replaceRHS ('?':'=': rest) str = str
replaceRHS ('=': rest) str
| not ('=' `elem` rest) = str
replaceRHS (x : rest) str = x : replaceRHS rest str
newpat ('>':patstr) = '>':newpat patstr
newpat patstr =
" " ++
replaceRHS patstr "| with_pat = ?" ++ show n ++ "_rhs"
nameMissing :: [PTerm] -> Idris [PTerm]
nameMissing ps = do ist <- get
newPats <- mapM nm ps
let newPats' = mergeAllPats ist (sUN "_") (base (head ps))
return (map fst newPats')
base (PApp fc f args) = PApp fc f (map (fmap (const (PRef fc (sUN "_")))) args)
base t = t
nm ptm = do mptm <- elabNewPat ptm
case mptm of
Nothing -> return ptm
Just ptm' -> return ptm'