module Idris.Core.Execute (execute) where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.AbsSyntaxTree
import IRTS.Lang(FDesc(..), FType(..))
import Idris.Primitives(Prim(..), primitives)
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.CaseTree
import Idris.Error
import Debug.Trace
import Util.DynamicLinker
import Util.System
import Control.Applicative hiding (Const)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT, throwE)
import Control.Monad hiding (forM)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Bits
import Data.Traversable (forM)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import qualified Data.Map as M
#ifdef IDRIS_FFI
import Foreign.LibFFI
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free)
import Foreign.Ptr
import System.IO
#ifndef IDRIS_FFI
execute :: Term -> Idris Term
execute tm = fail "libffi not supported, rebuild Idris with -f FFI"
readMay :: (Read a) => String -> Maybe a
readMay s = case reads s of
[(x, "")] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
data Lazy = Delayed ExecEnv Context Term | Forced ExecVal deriving Show
data ExecState = ExecState { exec_dynamic_libs :: [DynamicLib]
, binderNames :: [Name]
data ExecVal = EP NameType Name ExecVal
| EV Int
| EBind Name (Binder ExecVal) (ExecVal -> Exec ExecVal)
| EApp ExecVal ExecVal
| EType UExp
| EUType Universe
| EErased
| EConstant Const
| forall a. EPtr (Ptr a)
| EThunk Context ExecEnv Term
| EHandle Handle
instance Show ExecVal where
show (EP _ n _) = show n
show (EV i) = "!!V" ++ show i ++ "!!"
show (EBind n b body) = "EBind " ++ show b ++ " <<fn>>"
show (EApp e1 e2) = show e1 ++ " (" ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (EType _) = "Type"
show (EUType _) = "UType"
show EErased = "[__]"
show (EConstant c) = show c
show (EPtr p) = "<<ptr " ++ show p ++ ">>"
show (EThunk _ env tm) = "<<thunk " ++ show env ++ "||||" ++ show tm ++ ">>"
show (EHandle h) = "<<handle " ++ show h ++ ">>"
toTT :: ExecVal -> Exec Term
toTT (EP nt n ty) = (P nt n) <$> (toTT ty)
toTT (EV i) = return $ V i
toTT (EBind n b body) = do n' <- newN n
body' <- body $ EP Bound n' EErased
b' <- fixBinder b
Bind n' b' <$> toTT body'
where fixBinder (Lam t) = Lam <$> toTT t
fixBinder (Pi i t k) = Pi i <$> toTT t <*> toTT k
fixBinder (Let t1 t2) = Let <$> toTT t1 <*> toTT t2
fixBinder (NLet t1 t2) = NLet <$> toTT t1 <*> toTT t2
fixBinder (Hole t) = Hole <$> toTT t
fixBinder (GHole i t) = GHole i <$> toTT t
fixBinder (Guess t1 t2) = Guess <$> toTT t1 <*> toTT t2
fixBinder (PVar t) = PVar <$> toTT t
fixBinder (PVTy t) = PVTy <$> toTT t
newN n = do (ExecState hs ns) <- lift get
let n' = uniqueName n ns
lift (put (ExecState hs (n':ns)))
return n'
toTT (EApp e1 e2) = do e1' <- toTT e1
e2' <- toTT e2
return $ App Complete e1' e2'
toTT (EType u) = return $ TType u
toTT (EUType u) = return $ UType u
toTT EErased = return Erased
toTT (EConstant c) = return (Constant c)
toTT (EThunk ctxt env tm) = do env' <- mapM toBinder env
return $ normalise ctxt env' tm
where toBinder (n, v) = do v' <- toTT v
return (n, Let Erased v')
toTT (EHandle _) = execFail $ Msg "Can't convert handles back to TT after execution."
toTT (EPtr ptr) = execFail $ Msg "Can't convert pointers back to TT after execution."
unApplyV :: ExecVal -> (ExecVal, [ExecVal])
unApplyV tm = ua [] tm
where ua args (EApp f a) = ua (a:args) f
ua args t = (t, args)
mkEApp :: ExecVal -> [ExecVal] -> ExecVal
mkEApp f [] = f
mkEApp f (a:args) = mkEApp (EApp f a) args
initState :: Idris ExecState
initState = do ist <- getIState
return $ ExecState (idris_dynamic_libs ist) []
type Exec = ExceptT Err (StateT ExecState IO)
runExec :: Exec a -> ExecState -> IO (Either Err a)
runExec ex st = fst <$> runStateT (runExceptT ex) st
getExecState :: Exec ExecState
getExecState = lift get
putExecState :: ExecState -> Exec ()
putExecState = lift . put
execFail :: Err -> Exec a
execFail = throwE
execIO :: IO a -> Exec a
execIO = lift . lift
execute :: Term -> Idris Term
execute tm = do est <- initState
ctxt <- getContext
res <- lift . lift . flip runExec est $
do res <- doExec [] ctxt tm
toTT res
case res of
Left err -> ierror err
Right tm' -> return tm'
ioWrap :: ExecVal -> ExecVal
ioWrap tm = mkEApp (EP (DCon 0 2 False) (sUN "prim__IO") EErased) [EErased, tm]
ioUnit :: ExecVal
ioUnit = ioWrap (EP Ref unitCon EErased)
type ExecEnv = [(Name, ExecVal)]
doExec :: ExecEnv -> Context -> Term -> Exec ExecVal
doExec env ctxt p@(P Ref n ty) | Just v <- lookup n env = return v
doExec env ctxt p@(P Ref n ty) =
do let val = lookupDef n ctxt
case val of
[Function _ tm] -> doExec env ctxt tm
[TyDecl _ _] -> return (EP Ref n EErased)
[Operator tp arity op] -> return (EP Ref n EErased)
[CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ (CaseDefs _ ([], STerm tm) _ _)] ->
doExec env ctxt tm
[CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ (CaseDefs _ (ns, sc) _ _)] -> return (EP Ref n EErased)
[] -> execFail . Msg $ "Could not find " ++ show n ++ " in definitions."
other | length other > 1 -> execFail . Msg $ "Multiple definitions found for " ++ show n
| otherwise -> execFail . Msg . take 500 $ "got to " ++ show other ++ " lookup up " ++ show n
doExec env ctxt p@(P Bound n ty) =
case lookup n env of
Nothing -> execFail . Msg $ "not found"
Just tm -> return tm
doExec env ctxt (P (DCon a b u) n _) = return (EP (DCon a b u) n EErased)
doExec env ctxt (P (TCon a b) n _) = return (EP (TCon a b) n EErased)
doExec env ctxt v@(V i) | i < length env = return (snd (env !! i))
| otherwise = execFail . Msg $ "env too small"
doExec env ctxt (Bind n (Let t v) body) = do v' <- doExec env ctxt v
doExec ((n, v'):env) ctxt body
doExec env ctxt (Bind n (NLet t v) body) = trace "NLet" $ undefined
doExec env ctxt tm@(Bind n b body) = do b' <- forM b (doExec env ctxt)
return $
EBind n b' (\arg -> doExec ((n, arg):env) ctxt body)
doExec env ctxt a@(App _ _ _) =
do let (f, args) = unApply a
f' <- doExec env ctxt f
args' <- case f' of
(EP _ d _) | d == delay ->
case args of
[t,a,tm] -> do t' <- doExec env ctxt t
a' <- doExec env ctxt a
return [t', a', EThunk ctxt env tm]
_ -> mapM (doExec env ctxt) args
fun' -> do mapM (doExec env ctxt) args
execApp env ctxt f' args'
doExec env ctxt (Constant c) = return (EConstant c)
doExec env ctxt (Proj tm i) = let (x, xs) = unApply tm in
doExec env ctxt ((x:xs) !! i)
doExec env ctxt Erased = return EErased
doExec env ctxt Impossible = fail "Tried to execute an impossible case"
doExec env ctxt (TType u) = return (EType u)
doExec env ctxt (UType u) = return (EUType u)
execApp :: ExecEnv -> Context -> ExecVal -> [ExecVal] -> Exec ExecVal
execApp env ctxt v [] = return v
execApp env ctxt (EP _ f _) (t:a:delayed:rest)
| f == force
, (_, [_, _, EThunk tmCtxt tmEnv tm]) <- unApplyV delayed =
do tm' <- doExec tmEnv tmCtxt tm
execApp env ctxt tm' rest
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) (ty:action:rest)
| fp == upio,
(prim__IO, [_, v]) <- unApplyV action
= execApp env ctxt v rest
execApp env ctxt (EP _ fp _) args@(_:_:v:k:rest)
| fp == piobind,
(prim__IO, [_, v']) <- unApplyV v =
do res <- execApp env ctxt k [v']
execApp env ctxt res rest
execApp env ctxt con@(EP _ fp _) args@(tp:v:rest)
| fp == pioret = execApp env ctxt (mkEApp con [tp, v]) rest
execApp env ctxt f@(EP _ fp _) args@(xs:_:_:_:args')
| fp == mkfprim,
(ty : fn : w : rest) <- reverse args' =
execForeign env ctxt getArity ty fn rest (mkEApp f args)
where getArity = case unEList xs of
Just as -> length as
_ -> 0
execApp env ctxt c@(EP (DCon _ arity _) n _) args =
do let args' = take arity args
let restArgs = drop arity args
execApp env ctxt (mkEApp c args') restArgs
execApp env ctxt c@(EP (TCon _ arity) n _) args =
do let args' = take arity args
let restArgs = drop arity args
execApp env ctxt (mkEApp c args') restArgs
execApp env ctxt f@(EP _ n _) args
| Just (res, rest) <- getOp n args = do r <- res
execApp env ctxt r rest
execApp env ctxt f@(EP _ n _) args =
do let val = lookupDef n ctxt
case val of
[Function _ tm] -> fail "should already have been eval'd"
[TyDecl nt ty] -> return $ mkEApp f args
[Operator tp arity op] ->
if length args >= arity
then let args' = take arity args in
case getOp n args' of
Just (res, []) -> do r <- res
execApp env ctxt r (drop arity args)
_ -> return (mkEApp f args)
else return (mkEApp f args)
[CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ (CaseDefs _ ([], STerm tm) _ _)] ->
do rhs <- doExec env ctxt tm
execApp env ctxt rhs args
[CaseOp _ _ _ _ _ (CaseDefs _ (ns, sc) _ _)] ->
do res <- execCase env ctxt ns sc args
return $ fromMaybe (mkEApp f args) res
thing -> return $ mkEApp f args
execApp env ctxt bnd@(EBind n b body) (arg:args) = do ret <- body arg
let (f', as) = unApplyV ret
execApp env ctxt f' (as ++ args)
execApp env ctxt app@(EApp _ _) args2 | (f, args1) <- unApplyV app = execApp env ctxt f (args1 ++ args2)
execApp env ctxt f args = return (mkEApp f args)
execForeign env ctxt arity ty fn xs onfail
| Just (FFun "putStr" [(_, str)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs
= case str of
EConstant (Str arg) -> do execIO (putStr arg)
execApp env ctxt ioUnit (drop arity xs)
_ -> execFail . Msg $
"The argument to putStr should be a constant string, but it was " ++
show str ++
". Are all cases covered?"
| Just (FFun "putchar" [(_, ch)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs
= case ch of
EConstant (Ch c) -> do execIO (putChar c)
execApp env ctxt ioUnit (drop arity xs)
EConstant (I i) -> do execIO (putChar (toEnum i))
execApp env ctxt ioUnit (drop arity xs)
_ -> execFail . Msg $
"The argument to putchar should be a constant character, but it was " ++
show str ++
". Are all cases covered?"
| Just (FFun "idris_readStr" [_, (_, handle)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs
= case handle of
EHandle h -> do contents <- execIO $ hGetLine h
execApp env ctxt (EConstant (Str (contents ++ "\n"))) (drop arity xs)
_ -> execFail . Msg $
"The argument to idris_readStr should be a handle, but it was " ++
show handle ++
". Are all cases covered?"
| Just (FFun "getchar" _ _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs
= do
ch <- execIO $ fmap (ioWrap . EConstant . I . fromEnum) getChar
execApp env ctxt ch xs
| Just (FFun "idris_time" _ _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs
= do execIO $ fmap (ioWrap . EConstant . I . round) getPOSIXTime
| Just (FFun "fileOpen" [(_,fileStr), (_,modeStr)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs
= case (fileStr, modeStr) of
(EConstant (Str f), EConstant (Str mode)) ->
do f <- execIO $
catch (do let m = case mode of
"r" -> Right ReadMode
"w" -> Right WriteMode
"a" -> Right AppendMode
"rw" -> Right ReadWriteMode
"wr" -> Right ReadWriteMode
"r+" -> Right ReadWriteMode
_ -> Left ("Invalid mode for " ++ f ++ ": " ++ mode)
case fmap (openFile f) m of
Right h -> do h' <- h
hSetBinaryMode h' True
return $ Right (ioWrap (EHandle h'), drop arity xs)
Left err -> return $ Left err)
(\e -> let _ = ( e::SomeException)
in return $ Right (ioWrap (EPtr nullPtr), drop arity xs))
case f of
Left err -> execFail . Msg $ err
Right (res, rest) -> execApp env ctxt res rest
_ -> execFail . Msg $
"The arguments to fileOpen should be constant strings, but they were " ++
show fileStr ++ " and " ++ show modeStr ++
". Are all cases covered?"
| Just (FFun "fileEOF" [(_,handle)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs
= case handle of
EHandle h -> do eofp <- execIO $ hIsEOF h
let res = ioWrap (EConstant (I $ if eofp then 1 else 0))
execApp env ctxt res (drop arity xs)
_ -> execFail . Msg $
"The argument to fileEOF should be a file handle, but it was " ++
show handle ++
". Are all cases covered?"
| Just (FFun "fileClose" [(_,handle)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs
= case handle of
EHandle h -> do execIO $ hClose h
execApp env ctxt ioUnit (drop arity xs)
_ -> execFail . Msg $
"The argument to fileClose should be a file handle, but it was " ++
show handle ++
". Are all cases covered?"
| Just (FFun "isNull" [(_, ptr)] _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs
= case ptr of
EPtr p -> let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $
if p == nullPtr then 1 else 0
in execApp env ctxt res (drop arity xs)
EHandle h -> let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $ 0
in execApp env ctxt res (drop arity xs)
EConstant (Str s) -> let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $ 0
in execApp env ctxt res (drop arity xs)
_ -> execFail . Msg $
"The argument to isNull should be a pointer or file handle or string, but it was " ++
show ptr ++
". Are all cases covered?"
execForeign env ctxt arity ty fn xs onfail
| Just (FFun "idris_numArgs" _ _) <- foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs
= let res = ioWrap . EConstant . I $ 0
in execApp env ctxt res (drop arity xs)
execForeign env ctxt arity ty fn xs onfail
= case foreignFromTT arity ty fn xs of
Just ffun@(FFun f argTs retT) | length xs >= arity ->
do let (args', xs') = (take arity xs,
drop arity xs)
res <- call ffun (map snd argTs)
case res of
Nothing -> fail $ "Could not call foreign function \"" ++ f ++
"\" with args " ++ show (map snd argTs)
Just r -> return (mkEApp r xs')
_ -> return onfail
splitArg tm | (_, [_,_,l,r]) <- unApplyV tm
= Just (toFDesc l, r)
splitArg _ = Nothing
toFDesc tm
| (EP _ n _, []) <- unApplyV tm = FCon (deNS n)
| (EP _ n _, as) <- unApplyV tm = FApp (deNS n) (map toFDesc as)
toFDesc _ = FUnknown
deNS (NS n _) = n
deNS n = n
prf = sUN "prim__readFile"
pwf = sUN "prim__writeFile"
prs = sUN "prim__readString"
pws = sUN "prim__writeString"
pbm = sUN "prim__believe_me"
pstdin = sUN "prim__stdin"
pstdout = sUN "prim__stdout"
mkfprim = sUN "mkForeignPrim"
pioret = sUN "prim_io_return"
piobind = sUN "prim_io_bind"
upio = sUN "unsafePerformPrimIO"
delay = sUN "Delay"
force = sUN "Force"
getOp :: Name -> [ExecVal] -> Maybe (Exec ExecVal, [ExecVal])
getOp fn (_ : _ : x : xs) | fn == pbm = Just (return x, xs)
getOp fn (_ : EConstant (Str n) : xs)
| fn == pws =
Just (do execIO $ putStr n
return (EConstant (I 0)), xs)
getOp fn (_:xs)
| fn == prs =
Just (do line <- execIO getLine
return (EConstant (Str line)), xs)
getOp fn (_ : EP _ fn' _ : EConstant (Str n) : xs)
| fn == pwf && fn' == pstdout =
Just (do execIO $ putStr n
return (EConstant (I 0)), xs)
getOp fn (_ : EP _ fn' _ : xs)
| fn == prf && fn' == pstdin =
Just (do line <- execIO getLine
return (EConstant (Str line)), xs)
getOp fn (_ : EHandle h : EConstant (Str n) : xs)
| fn == pwf =
Just (do execIO $ hPutStr h n
return (EConstant (I 0)), xs)
getOp fn (_ : EHandle h : xs)
| fn == prf =
Just (do contents <- execIO $ hGetLine h
return (EConstant (Str (contents ++ "\n"))), xs)
getOp fn (_ : arg : xs)
| fn == prf =
Just $ (execFail (Msg "Can't use prim__readFile on a raw pointer in the executor."), xs)
getOp n args = do (arity, prim) <- getPrim n primitives
if (length args >= arity)
then do res <- applyPrim prim (take arity args)
Just (res, drop arity args)
else Nothing
where getPrim :: Name -> [Prim] -> Maybe (Int, [ExecVal] -> Maybe ExecVal)
getPrim n [] = Nothing
getPrim n ((Prim pn _ arity def _ _) : prims)
| n == pn = Just (arity, execPrim def)
| otherwise = getPrim n prims
execPrim :: ([Const] -> Maybe Const) -> [ExecVal] -> Maybe ExecVal
execPrim f args = EConstant <$> (mapM getConst args >>= f)
getConst (EConstant c) = Just c
getConst _ = Nothing
applyPrim :: ([ExecVal] -> Maybe ExecVal) -> [ExecVal] -> Maybe (Exec ExecVal)
applyPrim fn args = return <$> fn args
execCase :: ExecEnv -> Context -> [Name] -> SC -> [ExecVal] -> Exec (Maybe ExecVal)
execCase env ctxt ns sc args =
let arity = length ns in
if arity <= length args
then do let amap = zip ns args
caseRes <- execCase' env ctxt amap sc
case caseRes of
Just res -> Just <$> execApp (map (\(n, tm) -> (n, tm)) amap ++ env) ctxt res (drop arity args)
Nothing -> return Nothing
else return Nothing
execCase' :: ExecEnv -> Context -> [(Name, ExecVal)] -> SC -> Exec (Maybe ExecVal)
execCase' env ctxt amap (UnmatchedCase _) = return Nothing
execCase' env ctxt amap (STerm tm) =
Just <$> doExec (map (\(n, v) -> (n, v)) amap ++ env) ctxt tm
execCase' env ctxt amap (Case sh n alts) | Just tm <- lookup n amap =
case chooseAlt tm alts of
Just (newCase, newBindings) ->
let amap' = newBindings ++ (filter (\(x,_) -> not (elem x (map fst newBindings))) amap) in
execCase' env ctxt amap' newCase
Nothing -> return Nothing
execCase' _ _ _ cse = fail $ "The impossible happened: tried to exec " ++ show cse
chooseAlt :: ExecVal -> [CaseAlt] -> Maybe (SC, [(Name, ExecVal)])
chooseAlt tm (DefaultCase sc : alts) | ok tm = Just (sc, [])
| otherwise = Nothing
ok (EApp f x) = ok f
ok (EP Bound _ _) = False
ok (EP Ref _ _) = False
ok _ = True
chooseAlt (EConstant c) (ConstCase c' sc : alts) | c == c' = Just (sc, [])
chooseAlt tm (ConCase n i ns sc : alts) | ((EP _ cn _), args) <- unApplyV tm
, cn == n = Just (sc, zip ns args)
| otherwise = chooseAlt tm alts
chooseAlt tm (_:alts) = chooseAlt tm alts
chooseAlt _ [] = Nothing
data Foreign = FFun String [(FDesc, ExecVal)] FDesc deriving Show
toFType :: FDesc -> FType
toFType (FCon c)
| c == sUN "C_Str" = FString
| c == sUN "C_Float" = FArith ATFloat
| c == sUN "C_Ptr" = FPtr
| c == sUN "C_MPtr" = FManagedPtr
| c == sUN "C_Unit" = FUnit
toFType (FApp c [_,ity])
| c == sUN "C_IntT" = FArith (toAType ity)
where toAType (FCon i)
| i == sUN "C_IntChar" = ATInt ITChar
| i == sUN "C_IntNative" = ATInt ITNative
| i == sUN "C_IntBits8" = ATInt (ITFixed IT8)
| i == sUN "C_IntBits16" = ATInt (ITFixed IT16)
| i == sUN "C_IntBits32" = ATInt (ITFixed IT32)
| i == sUN "C_IntBits64" = ATInt (ITFixed IT64)
toAType t = error (show t ++ " not defined in toAType")
toFType (FApp c [_])
| c == sUN "C_Any" = FAny
toFType t = error (show t ++ " not defined in toFType")
call :: Foreign -> [ExecVal] -> Exec (Maybe ExecVal)
call (FFun name argTypes retType) args =
do fn <- findForeign name
maybe (return Nothing)
(\f -> Just . ioWrap <$> call' f args (toFType retType)) fn
where call' :: ForeignFun -> [ExecVal] -> FType -> Exec ExecVal
call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt ITNative)) = do
res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCInt (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (I (fromIntegral res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT8))) = do
res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCChar (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (B8 (fromIntegral res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) = do
res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCWchar (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (B16 (fromIntegral res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) = do
res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCInt (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (B32 (fromIntegral res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) = do
res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCLong (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (B64 (fromIntegral res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith ATFloat) = do
res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCDouble (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (Fl (realToFrac res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args (FArith (ATInt ITChar)) = do
res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCChar (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (Ch (castCCharToChar res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args FString = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCString (prepArgs args)
if res == nullPtr
then return (EPtr res)
else do hStr <- execIO $ peekCString res
return (EConstant (Str hStr))
call' (Fun _ h) args FPtr = EPtr <$> (execIO $ callFFI h (retPtr retVoid) (prepArgs args))
call' (Fun _ h) args FUnit = do _ <- execIO $ callFFI h retVoid (prepArgs args)
return $ EP Ref unitCon EErased
call' _ _ _ = fail "the impossible happened in call' in Execute.hs"
prepArgs = map prepArg
prepArg (EConstant (I i)) = argCInt (fromIntegral i)
prepArg (EConstant (B8 i)) = argCChar (fromIntegral i)
prepArg (EConstant (B16 i)) = argCWchar (fromIntegral i)
prepArg (EConstant (B32 i)) = argCInt (fromIntegral i)
prepArg (EConstant (B64 i)) = argCLong (fromIntegral i)
prepArg (EConstant (Fl f)) = argCDouble (realToFrac f)
prepArg (EConstant (Ch c)) = argCChar (castCharToCChar c)
prepArg (EConstant (Str s)) = argString s
prepArg (EPtr p) = argPtr p
prepArg other = trace ("Could not use " ++ take 100 (show other) ++ " as FFI arg.") undefined
foreignFromTT :: Int -> ExecVal -> ExecVal -> [ExecVal] -> Maybe Foreign
foreignFromTT arity ty (EConstant (Str name)) args
= do argFTyVals <- mapM splitArg (take arity args)
return $ FFun name argFTyVals (toFDesc ty)
foreignFromTT arity ty fn args = trace ("failed to construct ffun from " ++ show (ty,fn,args)) Nothing
getFTy :: ExecVal -> Maybe FType
getFTy (EApp (EP _ (UN fi) _) (EP _ (UN intTy) _))
| fi == txt "FIntT" =
case str intTy of
"ITNative" -> Just (FArith (ATInt ITNative))
"ITChar" -> Just (FArith (ATInt ITChar))
"IT8" -> Just (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT8)))
"IT16" -> Just (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT16)))
"IT32" -> Just (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT32)))
"IT64" -> Just (FArith (ATInt (ITFixed IT64)))
_ -> Nothing
getFTy (EP _ (UN t) _) =
case str t of
"FFloat" -> Just (FArith ATFloat)
"FString" -> Just FString
"FPtr" -> Just FPtr
"FUnit" -> Just FUnit
_ -> Nothing
getFTy _ = Nothing
unEList :: ExecVal -> Maybe [ExecVal]
unEList tm = case unApplyV tm of
(nil, [_]) -> Just []
(cons, ([_, x, xs])) ->
do rest <- unEList xs
return $ x:rest
(f, args) -> Nothing
toConst :: Term -> Maybe Const
toConst (Constant c) = Just c
toConst _ = Nothing
mapMaybeM :: (Functor m, Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m [b]
mapMaybeM f [] = return []
mapMaybeM f (x:xs) = do rest <- mapMaybeM f xs
maybe rest (:rest) <$> f x
findForeign :: String -> Exec (Maybe ForeignFun)
findForeign fn = do est <- getExecState
let libs = exec_dynamic_libs est
fns <- mapMaybeM getFn libs
case fns of
[f] -> return (Just f)
[] -> do execIO . putStrLn $ "Symbol \"" ++ fn ++ "\" not found"
return Nothing
fs -> do execIO . putStrLn $ "Symbol \"" ++ fn ++ "\" is ambiguous. Found " ++
show (length fs) ++ " occurrences."
return Nothing
where getFn lib = execIO $ catchIO (tryLoadFn fn lib) (\_ -> return Nothing)