module Idris.Coverage where
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.CaseTree
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Delaborate
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Output (iWarn, iputStrLn)
import Data.List
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
mkPatTm :: PTerm -> Idris Term
mkPatTm t = do i <- getIState
let timp = addImpl' True [] [] [] i t
evalStateT (toTT (mapPT deNS timp)) 0
toTT (PRef _ _ n) = do i <- lift getIState
case lookupNameDef n (tt_ctxt i) of
[(n', TyDecl nt _)] -> return $ P nt n' Erased
_ -> return $ P Ref n Erased
toTT (PApp _ t args) = do t' <- toTT t
args' <- mapM (toTT . getTm) args
return $ mkApp t' args'
toTT (PAlternative _ _ (a : as)) = toTT a
toTT _ = do v <- get
put (v + 1)
return (P Bound (sMN v "imp") Erased)
deNS (PRef f hl (NS n _)) = PRef f hl n
deNS t = t
genClauses :: FC -> Name -> [Term] -> [PTerm] -> Idris [PTerm]
genClauses fc n xs given
= do i <- getIState
let lhs_tms = map (\x -> flattenArgs $ delab' i x True True) xs
let lhs_tms' = zipWith mergePlaceholders lhs_tms
(map (stripUnmatchable i) (map flattenArgs given))
let lhss = map pUnApply lhs_tms'
let argss = transpose lhss
let all_args = map (genAll i) argss
logLvl 5 $ "COVERAGE of " ++ show n
logLvl 5 $ show (lhs_tms, lhss)
logLvl 5 $ show (map length argss) ++ "\n" ++ show (map length all_args)
logLvl 10 $ show argss ++ "\n" ++ show all_args
logLvl 3 $ "Original: \n" ++
showSep "\n" (map (\t -> showTm i (delab' i t True True)) xs)
let parg = case lookupCtxt n (idris_implicits i) of
(p : _) ->
p ++ repeat (PExp 0 [] (sMN 0 "gcarg") Placeholder)
_ -> repeat (pexp Placeholder)
let tryclauses = mkClauses parg all_args
logLvl 3 $ show (length tryclauses) ++ " initially to check"
logLvl 2 $ showSep "\n" (map (showTm i) tryclauses)
let new = filter (noMatch i) (nub tryclauses)
logLvl 2 $ show (length new) ++ " clauses to check for impossibility"
logLvl 4 $ "New clauses: \n" ++ showSep "\n" (map (showTm i) new)
return new
where getLHS i term
| (f, args) <- unApply term = map (\t -> delab' i t True True) args
| otherwise = []
pUnApply (PApp _ f args) = map getTm args
pUnApply _ = []
flattenArgs (PApp fc (PApp _ f as) as')
= flattenArgs (PApp fc f (as ++ as'))
flattenArgs t = t
noMatch i tm = all (\x -> case matchClause i (stripUnmatchable i (delab' i x True True)) tm of
Right ms -> False
Left miss -> True) xs
mergePlaceholders :: PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
mergePlaceholders x Placeholder = Placeholder
mergePlaceholders (PApp fc f args) (PApp fc' f' args')
= PApp fc' f' (zipWith mergePArg args args')
where mergePArg x y = let xtm = mergePlaceholders (getTm x) (getTm y) in
x { getTm = xtm}
mergePlaceholders x _ = x
mkClauses :: [PArg] -> [[PTerm]] -> [PTerm]
mkClauses parg args
| all (== [Placeholder]) args = []
mkClauses parg args
= do args' <- mkArg args
let tm = PApp fc (PRef fc [] n) (zipWith upd args' parg)
return tm
mkArg :: [[PTerm]] -> [[PTerm]]
mkArg [] = return []
mkArg (a : as) = do a' <- a
as' <- mkArg as
return (a':as')
validCoverageCase :: Context -> Err -> Bool
validCoverageCase ctxt (CantUnify _ (topx, _) (topy, _) e _ _)
= let topx' = normalise ctxt [] topx
topy' = normalise ctxt [] topy in
not (sameFam topx' topy' || not (validCoverageCase ctxt e))
where sameFam topx topy
= case (unApply topx, unApply topy) of
((P _ x _, _), (P _ y _, _)) -> x == y
_ -> False
validCoverageCase ctxt (CantConvert _ _ _) = False
validCoverageCase ctxt (At _ e) = validCoverageCase ctxt e
validCoverageCase ctxt (Elaborating _ _ e) = validCoverageCase ctxt e
validCoverageCase ctxt (ElaboratingArg _ _ _ e) = validCoverageCase ctxt e
validCoverageCase ctxt _ = True
recoverableCoverage :: Context -> Err -> Bool
recoverableCoverage ctxt (CantUnify r (topx, _) (topy, _) e _ _)
= let topx' = normalise ctxt [] topx
topy' = normalise ctxt [] topy in
r || checkRec topx' topy'
checkRec (App _ f a) p@(P _ _ _) = checkRec f p
checkRec p@(P _ _ _) (App _ f a) = checkRec p f
checkRec fa@(App _ _ _) fa'@(App _ _ _)
| (f, as) <- unApply fa,
(f', as') <- unApply fa'
= if (length as /= length as')
then checkRec f f'
else checkRec f f' && and (zipWith checkRec as as')
checkRec (P xt x _) (P yt y _) = x == y || ntRec xt yt
checkRec _ _ = False
ntRec x y | Ref <- x = True
| Ref <- y = True
| (Bound, Bound) <- (x, y) = True
| otherwise = False
recoverableCoverage ctxt (At _ e) = recoverableCoverage ctxt e
recoverableCoverage ctxt (Elaborating _ _ e) = recoverableCoverage ctxt e
recoverableCoverage ctxt (ElaboratingArg _ _ _ e) = recoverableCoverage ctxt e
recoverableCoverage _ _ = False
genAll :: IState -> [PTerm] -> [PTerm]
genAll i args
= case filter (/=Placeholder) $ fnub (concatMap otherPats (fnub args)) of
[] -> [Placeholder]
xs -> inventConsts xs
inventConsts cs@(PConstant fc c : _) = map (PConstant NoFC) (ic' (mapMaybe getConst cs))
where getConst (PConstant _ c) = Just c
getConst _ = Nothing
inventConsts xs = xs
ic' xs@(I _ : _) = firstMissing xs (lotsOfNums I)
ic' xs@(BI _ : _) = firstMissing xs (lotsOfNums BI)
ic' xs@(Fl _ : _) = firstMissing xs (lotsOfNums Fl)
ic' xs@(B8 _ : _) = firstMissing xs (lotsOfNums B8)
ic' xs@(B16 _ : _) = firstMissing xs (lotsOfNums B16)
ic' xs@(B32 _ : _) = firstMissing xs (lotsOfNums B32)
ic' xs@(B64 _ : _) = firstMissing xs (lotsOfNums B64)
ic' xs@(Ch _ : _) = firstMissing xs lotsOfChars
ic' xs@(Str _ : _) = firstMissing xs lotsOfStrings
ic' xs = xs
firstMissing cs (x : xs) | x `elem` cs = firstMissing cs xs
| otherwise = x : cs
lotsOfNums t = map t [0..]
lotsOfChars = map Ch ['a'..]
lotsOfStrings = map Str (map (("some string " ++).show) [1..])
nubMap f acc [] = acc
nubMap f acc (x : xs) = nubMap f (fnub' acc (f x)) xs
otherPats :: PTerm -> [PTerm]
otherPats o@(PRef fc hl n) = ops fc n [] o
otherPats o@(PApp _ (PRef fc hl n) xs) = ops fc n xs o
otherPats o@(PPair fc hls _ l r)
= ops fc pairCon
([pimp (sUN "A") Placeholder True,
pimp (sUN "B") Placeholder True] ++
[pexp l, pexp r]) o
otherPats o@(PDPair fc hls p t _ v)
= ops fc sigmaCon
([pimp (sUN "a") Placeholder True,
pimp (sUN "P") Placeholder True] ++
[pexp t,pexp v]) o
otherPats o@(PConstant _ c) = inventConsts [o]
otherPats arg = return Placeholder
ops fc n xs o
| (TyDecl c@(DCon _ arity _) ty : _) <- lookupDef n (tt_ctxt i)
= do xs' <- mapM otherPats (map getExpTm xs)
let p = resugar (PApp fc (PRef fc [] n) (zipWith upd xs' xs))
let tyn = getTy n (tt_ctxt i)
case lookupCtxt tyn (idris_datatypes i) of
(TI ns _ _ _ _ : _) -> p : map (mkPat fc) (ns \\ [n])
_ -> [p]
ops fc n arg o = return Placeholder
getExpTm (PImp _ True _ _ _) = Placeholder
getExpTm t = getTm t
resugar (PApp _ (PRef fc hl n) [_,_,t,v])
| n == sigmaCon
= PDPair fc [] TypeOrTerm (getTm t) Placeholder (getTm v)
resugar (PApp _ (PRef fc hl n) [_,_,l,r])
| n == pairCon
= PPair fc [] IsTerm (getTm l) (getTm r)
resugar t = t
dropForce force (x : xs) i | i `elem` force
= upd Placeholder x : dropForce force xs (i + 1)
dropForce force (x : xs) i = x : dropForce force xs (i + 1)
dropForce _ [] _ = []
getTy n ctxt = case lookupTy n ctxt of
(t : _) -> case unApply (getRetTy t) of
(P _ tyn _, _) -> tyn
x -> error $ "Can't happen getTy 1 " ++ show (n, x)
_ -> error "Can't happen getTy 2"
mkPat fc x = case lookupCtxt x (idris_implicits i) of
(pargs : _)
-> PApp fc (PRef fc [] x) (map (upd Placeholder) pargs)
_ -> error "Can't happen - genAll"
fnub :: [PTerm] -> [PTerm]
fnub xs = fnub' [] xs
fnub' :: [PTerm] -> [PTerm] -> [PTerm]
fnub' acc (x : xs) | x `qelem` acc = fnub' acc (filter (not.(quickEq x)) xs)
| otherwise = fnub' (x : acc) xs
fnub' acc [] = acc
quickEq :: PTerm -> PTerm -> Bool
quickEq (PConstant _ n) (PConstant _ n') = n == n'
quickEq (PRef _ _ n) (PRef _ _ n') = n == n'
quickEq (PApp _ t as) (PApp _ t' as')
| length as == length as'
= quickEq t t' && and (zipWith quickEq (map getTm as) (map getTm as'))
quickEq Placeholder Placeholder = True
quickEq x y = False
qelem :: PTerm -> [PTerm] -> Bool
qelem x [] = False
qelem x (y : ys) | x `quickEq` y = True
| otherwise = qelem x ys
upd :: t -> PArg' t -> PArg' t
upd p' p = p { getTm = p' }
checkAllCovering :: FC -> [Name] -> Name -> Name -> Idris ()
checkAllCovering fc done top n | not (n `elem` done)
= do i <- get
case lookupTotal n (tt_ctxt i) of
[tot@(Partial NotCovering)] ->
do let msg = show top ++ " is " ++ show tot ++ " due to " ++ show n
putIState i { idris_totcheckfail = (fc, msg) : idris_totcheckfail i }
addIBC (IBCTotCheckErr fc msg)
[Partial _] ->
case lookupCtxt n (idris_callgraph i) of
[cg] -> mapM_ (checkAllCovering fc (n : done) top)
(map fst (calls cg))
_ -> return ()
x -> return ()
checkAllCovering _ _ _ _ = return ()
checkPositive :: [Name] -> (Name, Type) -> Idris Totality
checkPositive mut_ns (cn, ty')
= do let ty = delazy' True ty'
let p = cp ty
i <- getIState
let tot = if p then Total (args ty) else Partial NotPositive
let ctxt' = setTotal cn tot (tt_ctxt i)
putIState (i { tt_ctxt = ctxt' })
logLvl 5 $ "Constructor " ++ show cn ++ " is " ++ show tot ++ " with " ++ show mut_ns
addIBC (IBCTotal cn tot)
return tot
args t = [0..length (getArgTys t)1]
cp (Bind n (Pi _ aty _) sc) = posArg aty && cp sc
cp t | (P _ n' _, args) <- unApply t,
n' `elem` mut_ns = all noRec args
cp _ = True
posArg (Bind _ (Pi _ nty _) sc)
| (P _ n' _, args) <- unApply nty
= n' `notElem` mut_ns && all noRec args && posArg sc
posArg t | (P _ n' _, args) <- unApply t,
n' `elem` mut_ns = all noRec args
posArg _ = True
noRec arg = all (\x -> x `notElem` mut_ns) (allTTNames arg)
calcProd :: IState -> FC -> Name -> [([Name], Term, Term)] -> Idris Totality
calcProd i fc topn pats
= cp topn pats []
cp n pats done = do patsprod <- mapM (prodRec n done) pats
if (and patsprod)
then return Productive
else return (Partial NotProductive)
prodRec :: Name -> [Name] -> ([Name], Term, Term) -> Idris Bool
prodRec n done _ | n `elem` done = return True
prodRec n done (_, _, tm) = prod n done False (delazy' True tm)
prod :: Name -> [Name] -> Bool -> Term -> Idris Bool
prod n done ok ap@(App _ _ _)
| (P nt f _, args) <- unApply ap
= do recOK <- checkProdRec (n:done) f
let ctxt = tt_ctxt i
let [ty] = lookupTy f ctxt
let co = cotype nt f ty in
if (not recOK) then return False else
if f == topn
then do argsprod <- mapM (prod n done co) args
return (and (ok : argsprod) )
else do argsprod <- mapM (prod n done co) args
return (and argsprod)
prod n done ok (App _ f a) = liftM2 (&&) (prod n done False f)
(prod n done False a)
prod n done ok (Bind _ (Let t v) sc)
= liftM2 (&&) (prod n done False v) (prod n done False v)
prod n done ok (Bind _ b sc) = prod n done ok sc
prod n done ok t = return True
checkProdRec :: [Name] -> Name -> Idris Bool
checkProdRec done f
= case lookupCtxt f (idris_patdefs i) of
[(def, _)] -> do ok <- mapM (prodRec f done) def
return (and ok)
_ -> return True
cotype (DCon _ _ _) n ty
| (P _ t _, _) <- unApply (getRetTy ty)
= case lookupCtxt t (idris_datatypes i) of
[TI _ True _ _ _] -> True
_ -> False
cotype nt n ty = False
calcTotality :: FC -> Name -> [([Name], Term, Term)] -> Idris Totality
calcTotality fc n pats
= do i <- getIState
let opts = case lookupCtxt n (idris_flags i) of
[fs] -> fs
_ -> []
case mapMaybe (checkLHS i) (map (\ (_, l, r) -> l) pats) of
(failure : _) -> return failure
_ -> checkSizeChange n
checkLHS i (P _ fn _)
= case lookupTotal fn (tt_ctxt i) of
[Partial _] -> return (Partial (Other [fn]))
_ -> Nothing
checkLHS i (App _ f a) = mplus (checkLHS i f) (checkLHS i a)
checkLHS _ _ = Nothing
checkTotality :: [Name] -> FC -> Name -> Idris Totality
checkTotality path fc n
| n `elem` path = return (Partial (Mutual (n : path)))
| otherwise = do
t <- getTotality n
i <- getIState
ctxt' <- do ctxt <- getContext
tclift $ simplifyCasedef n (getErasureInfo i) ctxt
setContext ctxt'
ctxt <- getContext
i <- getIState
let opts = case lookupCtxt n (idris_flags i) of
[fs] -> fs
_ -> []
t' <- case t of
Unchecked ->
case lookupDef n ctxt of
[CaseOp _ _ _ _ pats _] ->
do t' <- if AssertTotal `elem` opts
then return $ Total []
else calcTotality fc n pats
setTotality n t'
addIBC (IBCTotal n t')
return t'
[TyDecl (DCon _ _ _) ty] ->
case unApply (getRetTy ty) of
(P _ tyn _, _) -> do
let ms = case lookupCtxt tyn (idris_datatypes i) of
[TI _ _ _ _ xs@(_:_)] -> xs
ts -> [tyn]
checkPositive ms (n, ty)
_-> return $ Total []
_ -> return $ Total []
x -> return x
case t' of
Total _ -> return t'
Productive -> return t'
e -> do w <- cmdOptType WarnPartial
if TotalFn `elem` opts
then do totalityError t'; return t'
else do when (w && not (PartialFn `elem` opts)) $
warnPartial n t'
return t'
totalityError t = do i <- getIState
let msg = show n ++ " is " ++ show t
putIState i { idris_totcheckfail = (fc, msg) : idris_totcheckfail i}
addIBC (IBCTotCheckErr fc msg)
warnPartial n t
= do i <- getIState
case lookupDef n (tt_ctxt i) of
[x] -> do
iWarn fc . pprintErr i . Msg $ "Warning - " ++ show n ++ " is " ++ show t
checkDeclTotality :: (FC, Name) -> Idris Totality
checkDeclTotality (fc, n)
= do logLvl 2 $ "Checking " ++ show n ++ " for totality"
i <- getIState
let opts = case lookupCtxt n (idris_flags i) of
[fs] -> fs
_ -> []
when (CoveringFn `elem` opts) $ checkAllCovering fc [] n n
t <- checkTotality [] fc n
case t of
p@(Partial _) -> do setAccessibility n Frozen
addIBC (IBCAccess n Frozen)
logLvl 5 $ "HIDDEN: "
++ show n ++ show p
_ -> return ()
return t
buildSCG :: (FC, Name) -> Idris ()
buildSCG (_, n) = do
ist <- getIState
case lookupCtxt n (idris_callgraph ist) of
[cg] -> case lookupDefExact n (tt_ctxt ist) of
Just (CaseOp _ _ _ pats _ cd) ->
let (args, sc) = cases_totcheck cd in
do logLvl 2 $ "Building SCG for " ++ show n ++ " from\n"
++ show pats ++ "\n" ++ show sc
let newscg = buildSCG' ist (rights pats) args
logLvl 5 $ "SCG is: " ++ show newscg
addToCG n ( cg { scg = newscg } )
[] -> logLvl 5 $ "Could not build SCG for " ++ show n ++ "\n"
x -> error $ "buildSCG: " ++ show (n, x)
delazy = delazy' False
delazy' all t@(App _ f a)
| (P _ (UN l) _, [_, _, arg]) <- unApply t,
l == txt "Force" = delazy' all arg
| (P _ (UN l) _, [P _ (UN lty) _, _, arg]) <- unApply t,
l == txt "Delay" && (all || lty == txt "LazyEval") = delazy arg
| (P _ (UN l) _, [P _ (UN lty) _, arg]) <- unApply t,
l == txt "Lazy'" && (all || lty == txt "LazyEval") = delazy' all arg
delazy' all (App s f a) = App s (delazy' all f) (delazy' all a)
delazy' all (Bind n b sc) = Bind n (fmap (delazy' all) b) (delazy' all sc)
delazy' all t = t
data Guardedness = Toplevel | Unguarded | Guarded
deriving Show
buildSCG' :: IState -> [(Term, Term)] -> [Name] -> [SCGEntry]
buildSCG' ist pats args = nub $ concatMap scgPat pats where
scgPat (lhs, rhs) = let lhs' = delazy lhs
rhs' = delazy rhs
(f, pargs) = unApply (dePat lhs') in
findCalls Toplevel (dePat rhs') (patvars lhs') pargs
findCalls guarded ap@(App _ f a) pvs pargs
| (P _ (UN at) _, [_, _]) <- unApply ap,
at == txt "assert_total" = []
| (P _ (UN del) _, [_,_,arg]) <- unApply ap,
Guarded <- guarded,
del == txt "Delay"
= let (capp, args) = unApply arg in
concatMap (\x -> findCalls guarded x pvs pargs) args
| (P _ n _, args) <- unApply ap
= let nguarded = case guarded of
Unguarded -> Unguarded
_ -> if isConName n (tt_ctxt ist)
then Guarded
else Unguarded in
mkChange n args pargs ++
concatMap (\x -> findCalls nguarded x pvs pargs) args
findCalls guarded (App _ f a) pvs pargs
= findCalls Unguarded f pvs pargs ++ findCalls Unguarded a pvs pargs
findCalls guarded (Bind n (Let t v) e) pvs pargs
= findCalls Unguarded t pvs pargs ++
findCalls Unguarded v pvs pargs ++ findCalls guarded e (n : pvs) pargs
findCalls guarded (Bind n t e) pvs pargs
= findCalls Unguarded (binderTy t) pvs pargs ++
findCalls guarded e (n : pvs) pargs
findCalls guarded (P _ f _ ) pvs pargs
| not (f `elem` pvs) = [(f, [])]
findCalls _ _ _ _ = []
expandToArity n args
= case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of
[ty] -> expand 0 (normalise (tt_ctxt ist) [] ty) args
_ -> args
where expand i (Bind n (Pi _ _ _) sc) (x : xs) = x : expand (i + 1) sc xs
expand i (Bind n (Pi _ _ _) sc) [] = Just (i, Same) : expand (i + 1) sc []
expand i _ xs = xs
mkChange n args pargs = [(n, expandToArity n (sizes args))]
sizes [] = []
sizes (a : as) = checkSize a pargs 0 : sizes as
checkSize a (p : ps) i
| a == p = Just (i, Same)
| (P _ (UN as) _, [_,_,arg,_]) <- unApply a,
as == txt "assert_smaller" && arg == p
= Just (i, Smaller)
| smaller Nothing a (p, Nothing) = Just (i, Smaller)
| otherwise = checkSize a ps (i + 1)
checkSize a [] i = Nothing
smaller (Just tyn) a (t, Just tyt)
| a == t = isInductive (fst (unApply (getRetTy tyn)))
(fst (unApply (getRetTy tyt)))
smaller ty a (ap@(App _ f s), _)
| (P (DCon _ _ _) n _, args) <- unApply ap
= let tyn = getType n in
any (smaller (ty `mplus` Just tyn) a)
(zip args (map toJust (getArgTys tyn)))
smaller ty (App _ f s) a = smaller ty f a
smaller _ _ _ = False
toJust (n, t) = Just t
getType n = case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of
[ty] -> delazy ty
isInductive (P _ nty _) (P _ nty' _) =
let co = case lookupCtxt nty (idris_datatypes ist) of
[TI _ x _ _ _] -> x
_ -> False in
nty == nty' && not co
isInductive _ _ = False
dePat (Bind x (PVar ty) sc) = dePat (instantiate (P Bound x ty) sc)
dePat t = t
patvars (Bind x (PVar _) sc) = x : patvars sc
patvars _ = []
checkSizeChange :: Name -> Idris Totality
checkSizeChange n = do
ist <- getIState
case lookupCtxt n (idris_callgraph ist) of
[cg] -> do let ms = mkMultiPaths ist [] (scg cg)
logLvl 5 ("Multipath for " ++ show n ++ ":\n" ++
"from " ++ show (scg cg) ++ "\n" ++
show (length ms) ++ "\n" ++
showSep "\n" (map show ms))
logLvl 6 (show cg)
let tot = map (checkMP ist (getArity ist n)) ms
logLvl 4 $ "Generated " ++ show (length tot) ++ " paths"
logLvl 6 $ "Paths for " ++ show n ++ " yield " ++ (show tot)
return (noPartial tot)
[] -> do logLvl 5 $ "No paths for " ++ show n
return Unchecked
where getArity ist n
= case lookupTy n (tt_ctxt ist) of
[ty] -> arity (normalise (tt_ctxt ist) [] ty)
_ -> error "Can't happen: checkSizeChange.getArity"
type MultiPath = [SCGEntry]
mkMultiPaths :: IState -> MultiPath -> [SCGEntry] -> [MultiPath]
mkMultiPaths ist path [] = [reverse path]
mkMultiPaths ist path cg
= concat (map extend cg)
where extend (nextf, args)
| (nextf, args) `elem` path = [ reverse ((nextf, args) : path) ]
| [Unchecked] <- lookupTotal nextf (tt_ctxt ist)
= case lookupCtxt nextf (idris_callgraph ist) of
[ncg] -> mkMultiPaths ist ((nextf, args) : path) (scg ncg)
_ -> [ reverse ((nextf, args) : path) ]
| otherwise = [ reverse ((nextf, args) : path) ]
checkMP :: IState -> Int -> MultiPath -> Totality
checkMP ist i mp = if i > 0
then let paths = (map (tryPath 0 [] mp) [0..i1]) in
collapse paths
else tryPath 0 [] mp 0
tryPath' d path mp arg
= let res = tryPath d path mp arg in
trace (show mp ++ "\n" ++ show arg ++ " " ++ show res) res
tryPath :: Int -> [((SCGEntry, Int), Int)] -> MultiPath -> Int -> Totality
tryPath desc path [] _ = Total []
tryPath desc path ((f, _) : es) arg
| [TyDecl (DCon _ _ _) _] <- lookupDef f (tt_ctxt ist)
= case lookupTotal f (tt_ctxt ist) of
[Total _] -> Unchecked
[Partial _] -> Partial (Other [f])
x -> error $ "CAN'T HAPPEN: " ++ show x ++ " for " ++ show f
| [TyDecl (TCon _ _) _] <- lookupDef f (tt_ctxt ist)
= Total []
tryPath desc path (e@(f, args) : es) arg
| e `elem` es && allNothing args = Partial (Mutual [f])
tryPath desc path (e@(f, nextargs) : es) arg
| Just d <- lookup (e, arg) path
= if desc > 0
Total []
else Partial (Mutual (map (fst . fst . fst) path ++ [f]))
| e `elem` map (fst . fst) path
&& not (f `elem` map fst es)
= Partial (Mutual (map (fst . fst . fst) path ++ [f]))
| [Unchecked] <- lookupTotal f (tt_ctxt ist) =
let argspos = case collapseNothing (zip nextargs [0..]) of
[] -> [(Nothing, 0)]
x -> x
pathres =
do (a, pos) <- argspos
case a of
Nothing ->
case collapse (map (tryPath 0 (((e, arg), 0):path) es)
[0..length nextargs 1]) of
Total _ -> return Unchecked
x -> return x
Just (nextarg, sc) ->
if nextarg == arg then
case sc of
Same -> return $ tryPath desc (((e, arg), desc) : path)
es pos
Smaller -> return $ tryPath (desc+1)
(((e, arg), desc) : path)
_ -> trace ("Shouldn't happen " ++ show e) $
return (Partial Itself)
else return Unchecked in
collapse' Unchecked pathres
| [Total a] <- lookupTotal f (tt_ctxt ist) = Total a
| [Partial _] <- lookupTotal f (tt_ctxt ist) = Partial (Other [f])
| otherwise = Unchecked
allNothing :: [Maybe a] -> Bool
allNothing xs = null (collapseNothing (zip xs [0..]))
collapseNothing :: [(Maybe a, b)] -> [(Maybe a, b)]
collapseNothing ((Nothing, _) : xs)
= filter (\ (x, _) -> case x of
Nothing -> False
_ -> True) xs
collapseNothing (x : xs) = x : collapseNothing xs
collapseNothing [] = []
noPartial :: [Totality] -> Totality
noPartial (Partial p : xs) = Partial p
noPartial (_ : xs) = noPartial xs
noPartial [] = Total []
collapse :: [Totality] -> Totality
collapse xs = collapse' Unchecked xs
collapse' def (Total r : xs) = Total r
collapse' def (Unchecked : xs) = collapse' def xs
collapse' def (d : xs) = collapse' d xs
collapse' def [] = def