Copyright | License : BSD3 |
Maintainer | The Idris Community. |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- getPkgDesc :: FilePath -> IO PkgDesc
- buildPkg :: [Opt] -> Bool -> (Bool, FilePath) -> IO ()
- checkPkg :: [Opt] -> Bool -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
- replPkg :: [Opt] -> FilePath -> Idris ()
- cleanPkg :: [Opt] -> FilePath -> IO ()
- documentPkg :: [Opt] -> (Bool, FilePath) -> IO ()
- testPkg :: [Opt] -> FilePath -> IO ExitCode
- installPkg :: [String] -> PkgDesc -> IO ()
- auditPackage :: Bool -> PkgDesc -> IO ()
- buildMods :: [Opt] -> [Name] -> IO (Maybe IState)
- testLib :: Bool -> String -> String -> IO Bool
- rmIBC :: Name -> IO ()
- rmIdx :: String -> IO ()
- rmExe :: String -> IO ()
- toIBCFile :: Name -> String
- installIBC :: String -> String -> Name -> IO ()
- installIdx :: String -> String -> IO ()
- installObj :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
- mkDirCmd :: [Char]
- inPkgDir :: PkgDesc -> IO a -> IO a
- make :: Maybe String -> IO ()
- clean :: Maybe String -> IO ()
- mergeOptions :: [Opt] -> [Opt] -> Either String [Opt]
read the package description
check all the library dependencies exist
invoke the makefile if there is one
invoke idris on each module, with idris_opts
install everything into datadir/pname, if install flag is set
:: [Opt] | Command line options |
-> Bool | Provide Warnings |
-> (Bool, FilePath) | (Should we install, Location of iPKG file) |
-> IO () |
Run the package through the idris compiler.
:: [Opt] | Command line Options |
-> Bool | Show Warnings |
-> Bool | quit on failure |
-> FilePath | Path to ipkg file. |
-> IO () |
Type check packages only
This differs from build in that executables are not built, if the package contains an executable.
Check a package and start a REPL.
This function only works with packages that have a main module.
Clean Package build files
:: [Opt] | Command line options. |
-> (Bool, FilePath) | (Should we install?, Path to ipkg file). |
-> IO () |
Generate IdrisDoc for package TODO: Handle case where module does not contain a matching namespace E.g. from prelude.ipkg: IO, Prelude.Chars, Builtins
Issue number #1572 on the issue tracker
Build a package with a sythesized main function that runs the tests
Install package
Merge an option list representing the command line options into those specified for a package description.
This is not a complete union between the two options sets. First, to prevent important package specified options from being overwritten. Second, the semantics for this merge are not fully defined.
A discussion for this is on the issue tracker: