module Idris.IBC (loadIBC, loadPkgIndex,
writeIBC, writePkgIndex,
hasValidIBCVersion, IBCPhase(..)) where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Core.CaseTree
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.DeepSeq ()
import Idris.Docstrings (Docstring)
import qualified Idris.Docstrings as D
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Imports
import Idris.Options
import Idris.Output
import IRTS.System (getIdrisLibDir)
import qualified Cheapskate.Types as CT
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as B hiding (elem, length, map)
import Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
ibcVersion :: Word16
ibcVersion = 164
data IBCPhase = IBC_Building
deriving (Show, Eq)
data IBCFile = IBCFile {
ver :: Word16
, sourcefile :: FilePath
, ibc_imports :: ![(Bool, FilePath)]
, ibc_importdirs :: ![FilePath]
, ibc_sourcedirs :: ![FilePath]
, ibc_implicits :: ![(Name, [PArg])]
, ibc_fixes :: ![FixDecl]
, ibc_statics :: ![(Name, [Bool])]
, ibc_interfaces :: ![(Name, InterfaceInfo)]
, ibc_records :: ![(Name, RecordInfo)]
, ibc_implementations :: ![(Bool, Bool, Name, Name)]
, ibc_dsls :: ![(Name, DSL)]
, ibc_datatypes :: ![(Name, TypeInfo)]
, ibc_optimise :: ![(Name, OptInfo)]
, ibc_syntax :: ![Syntax]
, ibc_keywords :: ![String]
, ibc_objs :: ![(Codegen, FilePath)]
, ibc_libs :: ![(Codegen, String)]
, ibc_cgflags :: ![(Codegen, String)]
, ibc_dynamic_libs :: ![String]
, ibc_hdrs :: ![(Codegen, String)]
, ibc_totcheckfail :: ![(FC, String)]
, ibc_flags :: ![(Name, [FnOpt])]
, ibc_fninfo :: ![(Name, FnInfo)]
, ibc_cg :: ![(Name, CGInfo)]
, ibc_docstrings :: ![(Name, (Docstring D.DocTerm, [(Name, Docstring D.DocTerm)]))]
, ibc_moduledocs :: ![(Name, Docstring D.DocTerm)]
, ibc_transforms :: ![(Name, (Term, Term))]
, ibc_errRev :: ![(Term, Term)]
, ibc_errReduce :: ![Name]
, ibc_coercions :: ![Name]
, ibc_lineapps :: ![(FilePath, Int, PTerm)]
, ibc_namehints :: ![(Name, Name)]
, ibc_metainformation :: ![(Name, MetaInformation)]
, ibc_errorhandlers :: ![Name]
, ibc_function_errorhandlers :: ![(Name, Name, Name)]
, ibc_metavars :: ![(Name, (Maybe Name, Int, [Name], Bool, Bool))]
, ibc_patdefs :: ![(Name, ([([(Name, Term)], Term, Term)], [PTerm]))]
, ibc_postulates :: ![Name]
, ibc_externs :: ![(Name, Int)]
, ibc_parsedSpan :: !(Maybe FC)
, ibc_usage :: ![(Name, Int)]
, ibc_exports :: ![Name]
, ibc_autohints :: ![(Name, Name)]
, ibc_deprecated :: ![(Name, String)]
, ibc_defs :: ![(Name, Def)]
, ibc_total :: ![(Name, Totality)]
, ibc_injective :: ![(Name, Injectivity)]
, ibc_access :: ![(Name, Accessibility)]
, ibc_fragile :: ![(Name, String)]
, ibc_constraints :: ![(FC, UConstraint)]
, ibc_langexts :: ![LanguageExt]
deriving Show
initIBC :: IBCFile
initIBC = IBCFile ibcVersion "" [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Nothing [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
hasValidIBCVersion :: FilePath -> Idris Bool
hasValidIBCVersion fp = do
archiveFile <- runIO $ B.readFile fp
case toArchiveOrFail archiveFile of
Left _ -> return False
Right archive -> do ver <- getEntry 0 "ver" archive
return (ver == ibcVersion)
loadIBC :: Bool
-> IBCPhase
-> FilePath -> Idris ()
loadIBC reexport phase fp
= do logIBC 1 $ "loadIBC (reexport, phase, fp)" ++ show (reexport, phase, fp)
imps <- getImported
logIBC 3 $ "loadIBC imps" ++ show imps
case lookup fp imps of
Nothing -> load True
Just p -> if (not p && reexport) then load False else return ()
load fullLoad = do
logIBC 1 $ "Loading ibc " ++ fp ++ " " ++ show reexport
archiveFile <- runIO $ B.readFile fp
case toArchiveOrFail archiveFile of
Left _ -> do
ifail $ fp ++ " isn't loadable, it may have an old ibc format.\n"
++ "Please clean and rebuild it."
Right archive -> do
if fullLoad
then process reexport phase archive fp
else unhide phase fp archive
addImported reexport fp
loadPkgIndex :: PkgName -> Idris ()
loadPkgIndex pkg = do ddir <- runIO getIdrisLibDir
addImportDir (ddir </> unPkgName pkg)
fp <- findPkgIndex pkg
loadIBC True IBC_Building fp
makeEntry :: (Binary b) => String -> [b] -> Maybe Entry
makeEntry name val = if L.null val
then Nothing
else Just $ toEntry name 0 (encode val)
entries :: IBCFile -> [Entry]
entries i = catMaybes [Just $ toEntry "ver" 0 (encode $ ver i),
makeEntry "sourcefile" (sourcefile i),
makeEntry "ibc_imports" (ibc_imports i),
makeEntry "ibc_importdirs" (ibc_importdirs i),
makeEntry "ibc_sourcedirs" (ibc_sourcedirs i),
makeEntry "ibc_implicits" (ibc_implicits i),
makeEntry "ibc_fixes" (ibc_fixes i),
makeEntry "ibc_statics" (ibc_statics i),
makeEntry "ibc_interfaces" (ibc_interfaces i),
makeEntry "ibc_records" (ibc_records i),
makeEntry "ibc_implementations" (ibc_implementations i),
makeEntry "ibc_dsls" (ibc_dsls i),
makeEntry "ibc_datatypes" (ibc_datatypes i),
makeEntry "ibc_optimise" (ibc_optimise i),
makeEntry "ibc_syntax" (ibc_syntax i),
makeEntry "ibc_keywords" (ibc_keywords i),
makeEntry "ibc_objs" (ibc_objs i),
makeEntry "ibc_libs" (ibc_libs i),
makeEntry "ibc_cgflags" (ibc_cgflags i),
makeEntry "ibc_dynamic_libs" (ibc_dynamic_libs i),
makeEntry "ibc_hdrs" (ibc_hdrs i),
makeEntry "ibc_totcheckfail" (ibc_totcheckfail i),
makeEntry "ibc_flags" (ibc_flags i),
makeEntry "ibc_fninfo" (ibc_fninfo i),
makeEntry "ibc_cg" (ibc_cg i),
makeEntry "ibc_docstrings" (ibc_docstrings i),
makeEntry "ibc_moduledocs" (ibc_moduledocs i),
makeEntry "ibc_transforms" (ibc_transforms i),
makeEntry "ibc_errRev" (ibc_errRev i),
makeEntry "ibc_errReduce" (ibc_errReduce i),
makeEntry "ibc_coercions" (ibc_coercions i),
makeEntry "ibc_lineapps" (ibc_lineapps i),
makeEntry "ibc_namehints" (ibc_namehints i),
makeEntry "ibc_metainformation" (ibc_metainformation i),
makeEntry "ibc_errorhandlers" (ibc_errorhandlers i),
makeEntry "ibc_function_errorhandlers" (ibc_function_errorhandlers i),
makeEntry "ibc_metavars" (ibc_metavars i),
makeEntry "ibc_patdefs" (ibc_patdefs i),
makeEntry "ibc_postulates" (ibc_postulates i),
makeEntry "ibc_externs" (ibc_externs i),
toEntry "ibc_parsedSpan" 0 . encode <$> ibc_parsedSpan i,
makeEntry "ibc_usage" (ibc_usage i),
makeEntry "ibc_exports" (ibc_exports i),
makeEntry "ibc_autohints" (ibc_autohints i),
makeEntry "ibc_deprecated" (ibc_deprecated i),
makeEntry "ibc_defs" (ibc_defs i),
makeEntry "ibc_total" (ibc_total i),
makeEntry "ibc_injective" (ibc_injective i),
makeEntry "ibc_access" (ibc_access i),
makeEntry "ibc_fragile" (ibc_fragile i),
makeEntry "ibc_langexts" (ibc_langexts i)]
writeArchive :: FilePath -> IBCFile -> Idris ()
writeArchive fp i = do let a = L.foldl (\x y -> addEntryToArchive y x) emptyArchive (entries i)
runIO $ B.writeFile fp (fromArchive a)
writeIBC :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Idris ()
writeIBC src f
= do
logIBC 2 $ "Writing IBC for: " ++ show f
iReport 2 $ "Writing IBC for: " ++ show f
i <- getIState
ibcf <- mkIBC (ibc_write i) (initIBC { sourcefile = src,
ibc_langexts = idris_language_extensions i })
idrisCatch (do runIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (dropFileName f)
writeArchive f ibcf
logIBC 2 "Written")
(\c -> do logIBC 2 $ "Failed " ++ pshow i c)
return ()
writePkgIndex :: FilePath -> Idris ()
writePkgIndex f
= do i <- getIState
let imps = map (\ (x, y) -> (True, x)) $ idris_imported i
logIBC 2 $ "Writing package index " ++ show f ++ " including\n" ++
show (map snd imps)
let ibcf = initIBC { ibc_imports = imps,
ibc_langexts = idris_language_extensions i }
idrisCatch (do runIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (dropFileName f)
writeArchive f ibcf
logIBC 2 "Written")
(\c -> do logIBC 2 $ "Failed " ++ pshow i c)
return ()
mkIBC :: [IBCWrite] -> IBCFile -> Idris IBCFile
mkIBC [] f = return f
mkIBC (i:is) f = do ist <- getIState
logIBC 5 $ show i ++ " " ++ show (L.length is)
f' <- ibc ist i f
mkIBC is f'
ibc :: IState -> IBCWrite -> IBCFile -> Idris IBCFile
ibc i (IBCFix d) f = return f { ibc_fixes = d : ibc_fixes f }
ibc i (IBCImp n) f = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_implicits i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_implicits = (n,v): ibc_implicits f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCStatic n) f
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_statics i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_statics = (n,v): ibc_statics f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCInterface n) f
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_interfaces = (n,v): ibc_interfaces f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCRecord n) f
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_records i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_records = (n,v): ibc_records f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCImplementation int res n ins) f
= return f { ibc_implementations = (int, res, n, ins) : ibc_implementations f }
ibc i (IBCDSL n) f
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_dsls i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_dsls = (n,v): ibc_dsls f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCData n) f
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_datatypes i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_datatypes = (n,v): ibc_datatypes f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCOpt n) f = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_optimisation i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_optimise = (n,v): ibc_optimise f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCSyntax n) f = return f { ibc_syntax = n : ibc_syntax f }
ibc i (IBCKeyword n) f = return f { ibc_keywords = n : ibc_keywords f }
ibc i (IBCImport n) f = return f { ibc_imports = n : ibc_imports f }
ibc i (IBCImportDir n) f = return f { ibc_importdirs = n : ibc_importdirs f }
ibc i (IBCSourceDir n) f = return f { ibc_sourcedirs = n : ibc_sourcedirs f }
ibc i (IBCObj tgt n) f = return f { ibc_objs = (tgt, n) : ibc_objs f }
ibc i (IBCLib tgt n) f = return f { ibc_libs = (tgt, n) : ibc_libs f }
ibc i (IBCCGFlag tgt n) f = return f { ibc_cgflags = (tgt, n) : ibc_cgflags f }
ibc i (IBCDyLib n) f = return f {ibc_dynamic_libs = n : ibc_dynamic_libs f }
ibc i (IBCHeader tgt n) f = return f { ibc_hdrs = (tgt, n) : ibc_hdrs f }
ibc i (IBCDef n) f
= do f' <- case lookupDefExact n (tt_ctxt i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_defs = (n,v) : ibc_defs f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_patdefs i) of
Just v -> return f' { ibc_patdefs = (n,v) : ibc_patdefs f }
_ -> return f'
ibc i (IBCDoc n) f = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_docstrings i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_docstrings = (n,v) : ibc_docstrings f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCCG n) f = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_callgraph i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_cg = (n,v) : ibc_cg f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCCoercion n) f = return f { ibc_coercions = n : ibc_coercions f }
ibc i (IBCAccess n a) f = return f { ibc_access = (n,a) : ibc_access f }
ibc i (IBCFlags n) f
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_flags i) of
Just a -> return f { ibc_flags = (n,a): ibc_flags f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCFnInfo n a) f = return f { ibc_fninfo = (n,a) : ibc_fninfo f }
ibc i (IBCTotal n a) f = return f { ibc_total = (n,a) : ibc_total f }
ibc i (IBCInjective n a) f = return f { ibc_injective = (n,a) : ibc_injective f }
ibc i (IBCTrans n t) f = return f { ibc_transforms = (n, t) : ibc_transforms f }
ibc i (IBCErrRev t) f = return f { ibc_errRev = t : ibc_errRev f }
ibc i (IBCErrReduce t) f = return f { ibc_errReduce = t : ibc_errReduce f }
ibc i (IBCLineApp fp l t) f
= return f { ibc_lineapps = (fp,l,t) : ibc_lineapps f }
ibc i (IBCNameHint (n, ty)) f
= return f { ibc_namehints = (n, ty) : ibc_namehints f }
ibc i (IBCMetaInformation n m) f = return f { ibc_metainformation = (n,m) : ibc_metainformation f }
ibc i (IBCErrorHandler n) f = return f { ibc_errorhandlers = n : ibc_errorhandlers f }
ibc i (IBCFunctionErrorHandler fn a n) f =
return f { ibc_function_errorhandlers = (fn, a, n) : ibc_function_errorhandlers f }
ibc i (IBCMetavar n) f =
case lookup n (idris_metavars i) of
Nothing -> return f
Just t -> return f { ibc_metavars = (n, t) : ibc_metavars f }
ibc i (IBCPostulate n) f = return f { ibc_postulates = n : ibc_postulates f }
ibc i (IBCExtern n) f = return f { ibc_externs = n : ibc_externs f }
ibc i (IBCTotCheckErr fc err) f = return f { ibc_totcheckfail = (fc, err) : ibc_totcheckfail f }
ibc i (IBCParsedRegion fc) f = return f { ibc_parsedSpan = Just fc }
ibc i (IBCModDocs n) f = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_moduledocs i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_moduledocs = (n,v) : ibc_moduledocs f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCUsage n) f = return f { ibc_usage = n : ibc_usage f }
ibc i (IBCExport n) f = return f { ibc_exports = n : ibc_exports f }
ibc i (IBCAutoHint n h) f = return f { ibc_autohints = (n, h) : ibc_autohints f }
ibc i (IBCDeprecate n r) f = return f { ibc_deprecated = (n, r) : ibc_deprecated f }
ibc i (IBCFragile n r) f = return f { ibc_fragile = (n,r) : ibc_fragile f }
ibc i (IBCConstraint fc u) f = return f { ibc_constraints = (fc, u) : ibc_constraints f }
getEntry :: (Binary b, NFData b) => b -> FilePath -> Archive -> Idris b
getEntry alt f a = case findEntryByPath f a of
Nothing -> return alt
Just e -> return $! (force . decode . fromEntry) e
unhide :: IBCPhase -> FilePath -> Archive -> Idris ()
unhide phase fp ar = do
processImports True phase fp ar
processAccess True phase ar
process :: Bool
-> IBCPhase
-> Archive -> FilePath -> Idris ()
process reexp phase archive fn = do
ver <- getEntry 0 "ver" archive
when (ver /= ibcVersion) $ do
logIBC 2 "ibc out of date"
let e = if ver < ibcVersion
then "an earlier" else "a later"
ldir <- runIO $ getIdrisLibDir
let start = if ldir `L.isPrefixOf` fn
then "This external module"
else "This module"
let end = case L.stripPrefix ldir fn of
Nothing -> "Please clean and rebuild."
Just ploc -> unwords ["Please reinstall:", L.head $ splitDirectories ploc]
ifail $ unlines [ unwords ["Incompatible ibc version for:", show fn]
, unwords [start
, "was built with"
, e
, "version of Idris."]
, end
source <- getEntry "" "sourcefile" archive
srcok <- runIO $ doesFileExist source
when srcok $ timestampOlder source fn
processImportDirs archive
processSourceDirs archive
processImports reexp phase fn archive
processImplicits archive
processInfix archive
processStatics archive
processInterfaces archive
processRecords archive
processImplementations archive
processDSLs archive
processDatatypes archive
processOptimise archive
processSyntax archive
processKeywords archive
processObjectFiles fn archive
processLibs archive
processCodegenFlags archive
processDynamicLibs archive
processHeaders archive
processPatternDefs archive
processFlags archive
processFnInfo archive
processTotalityCheckError archive
processCallgraph archive
processDocs archive
processModuleDocs archive
processCoercions archive
processTransforms archive
processErrRev archive
processErrReduce archive
processLineApps archive
processNameHints archive
processMetaInformation archive
processErrorHandlers archive
processFunctionErrorHandlers archive
processMetaVars archive
processPostulates archive
processExterns archive
processParsedSpan archive
processUsage archive
processExports archive
processAutoHints archive
processDeprecate archive
processDefs archive
processTotal archive
processInjective archive
processAccess reexp phase archive
processFragile archive
processConstraints archive
processLangExts phase archive
timestampOlder :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Idris ()
timestampOlder src ibc = do
srct <- runIO $ getModificationTime src
ibct <- runIO $ getModificationTime ibc
if (srct > ibct)
then ifail $ unlines [ "Module needs reloading:"
, unwords ["\tSRC :", show src]
, unwords ["\tModified at:", show srct]
, unwords ["\tIBC :", show ibc]
, unwords ["\tModified at:", show ibct]
else return ()
processPostulates :: Archive -> Idris ()
processPostulates ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_postulates" ar
updateIState (\i -> i { idris_postulates = idris_postulates i `S.union` S.fromList ns })
processExterns :: Archive -> Idris ()
processExterns ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_externs" ar
updateIState (\i -> i{ idris_externs = idris_externs i `S.union` S.fromList ns })
processParsedSpan :: Archive -> Idris ()
processParsedSpan ar = do
fc <- getEntry Nothing "ibc_parsedSpan" ar
updateIState (\i -> i { idris_parsedSpan = fc })
processUsage :: Archive -> Idris ()
processUsage ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_usage" ar
updateIState (\i -> i { idris_erasureUsed = ns ++ idris_erasureUsed i })
processExports :: Archive -> Idris ()
processExports ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_exports" ar
updateIState (\i -> i { idris_exports = ns ++ idris_exports i })
processAutoHints :: Archive -> Idris ()
processAutoHints ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_autohints" ar
mapM_ (\(n,h) -> addAutoHint n h) ns
processDeprecate :: Archive -> Idris ()
processDeprecate ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_deprecated" ar
mapM_ (\(n,reason) -> addDeprecated n reason) ns
processFragile :: Archive -> Idris ()
processFragile ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_fragile" ar
mapM_ (\(n,reason) -> addFragile n reason) ns
processConstraints :: Archive -> Idris ()
processConstraints ar = do
cs <- getEntry [] "ibc_constraints" ar
mapM_ (\ (fc, c) -> addConstraints fc (0, [c])) cs
processImportDirs :: Archive -> Idris ()
processImportDirs ar = do
fs <- getEntry [] "ibc_importdirs" ar
mapM_ addImportDir fs
processSourceDirs :: Archive -> Idris ()
processSourceDirs ar = do
fs <- getEntry [] "ibc_sourcedirs" ar
mapM_ addSourceDir fs
processImports :: Bool -> IBCPhase -> FilePath -> Archive -> Idris ()
processImports reexp phase fname ar = do
fs <- getEntry [] "ibc_imports" ar
mapM_ (\(re, f) -> do
i <- getIState
ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir i
ids <- rankedImportDirs fname
putIState (i { imported = f : imported i })
let (phase', reexp') =
case phase of
IBC_REPL True -> (IBC_REPL False, reexp)
IBC_REPL False -> (IBC_Building, reexp && re)
p -> (p, reexp && re)
fp <- findIBC ids ibcsd f
logIBC 4 $ "processImports (fp, phase')" ++ show (fp, phase')
case fp of
Nothing -> do logIBC 2 $ "Failed to load ibc " ++ f
Just fn -> do loadIBC reexp' phase' fn) fs
processImplicits :: Archive -> Idris ()
processImplicits ar = do
imps <- getEntry [] "ibc_implicits" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, imp) -> do
i <- getIState
case lookupDefAccExact n False (tt_ctxt i) of
Just (n, Hidden) -> return ()
Just (n, Private) -> return ()
_ -> putIState (i { idris_implicits = addDef n imp (idris_implicits i) })) imps
processInfix :: Archive -> Idris ()
processInfix ar = do
f <- getEntry [] "ibc_fixes" ar
updateIState (\i -> i { idris_infixes = sort $ f ++ idris_infixes i })
processStatics :: Archive -> Idris ()
processStatics ar = do
ss <- getEntry [] "ibc_statics" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, s) ->
updateIState (\i -> i { idris_statics = addDef n s (idris_statics i) })) ss
processInterfaces :: Archive -> Idris ()
processInterfaces ar = do
cs <- getEntry [] "ibc_interfaces" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, c) -> do
i <- getIState
let is = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces i) of
Just ci -> interface_implementations ci
_ -> []
let c' = c { interface_implementations = interface_implementations c ++ is }
putIState (i { idris_interfaces = addDef n c' (idris_interfaces i) })) cs
processRecords :: Archive -> Idris ()
processRecords ar = do
rs <- getEntry [] "ibc_records" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, r) ->
updateIState (\i -> i { idris_records = addDef n r (idris_records i) })) rs
processImplementations :: Archive -> Idris ()
processImplementations ar = do
cs <- getEntry [] "ibc_implementations" ar
mapM_ (\ (i, res, n, ins) -> addImplementation i res n ins) cs
processDSLs :: Archive -> Idris ()
processDSLs ar = do
cs <- getEntry [] "ibc_dsls" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, c) -> updateIState (\i ->
i { idris_dsls = addDef n c (idris_dsls i) })) cs
processDatatypes :: Archive -> Idris ()
processDatatypes ar = do
cs <- getEntry [] "ibc_datatypes" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, c) -> updateIState (\i ->
i { idris_datatypes = addDef n c (idris_datatypes i) })) cs
processOptimise :: Archive -> Idris ()
processOptimise ar = do
cs <- getEntry [] "ibc_optimise" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, c) -> updateIState (\i ->
i { idris_optimisation = addDef n c (idris_optimisation i) })) cs
processSyntax :: Archive -> Idris ()
processSyntax ar = do
s <- getEntry [] "ibc_syntax" ar
updateIState (\i -> i { syntax_rules = updateSyntaxRules s (syntax_rules i) })
processKeywords :: Archive -> Idris ()
processKeywords ar = do
k <- getEntry [] "ibc_keywords" ar
updateIState (\i -> i { syntax_keywords = k ++ syntax_keywords i })
processObjectFiles :: FilePath -> Archive -> Idris ()
processObjectFiles fn ar = do
os <- getEntry [] "ibc_objs" ar
mapM_ (\ (cg, obj) -> do
dirs <- rankedImportDirs fn
o <- runIO $ findInPath dirs obj
addObjectFile cg o) os
processLibs :: Archive -> Idris ()
processLibs ar = do
ls <- getEntry [] "ibc_libs" ar
mapM_ (uncurry addLib) ls
processCodegenFlags :: Archive -> Idris ()
processCodegenFlags ar = do
ls <- getEntry [] "ibc_cgflags" ar
mapM_ (uncurry addFlag) ls
processDynamicLibs :: Archive -> Idris ()
processDynamicLibs ar = do
ls <- getEntry [] "ibc_dynamic_libs" ar
res <- mapM (addDyLib . return) ls
mapM_ checkLoad res
checkLoad (Left _) = return ()
checkLoad (Right err) = ifail err
processHeaders :: Archive -> Idris ()
processHeaders ar = do
hs <- getEntry [] "ibc_hdrs" ar
mapM_ (uncurry addHdr) hs
processPatternDefs :: Archive -> Idris ()
processPatternDefs ar = do
ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_patdefs" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, d) -> updateIState (\i ->
i { idris_patdefs = addDef n (force d) (idris_patdefs i) })) ds
processDefs :: Archive -> Idris ()
processDefs ar = do
ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_defs" ar
logIBC 4 $ "processDefs ds" ++ show ds
mapM_ (\ (n, d) -> do
d' <- updateDef d
case d' of
TyDecl _ _ -> return ()
_ -> do
logIBC 2 $ "SOLVING " ++ show n
solveDeferred emptyFC n
updateIState (\i -> i { tt_ctxt = addCtxtDef n d' (tt_ctxt i) })) ds
updateDef (CaseOp c t args o s cd) = do
o' <- mapM updateOrig o
cd' <- updateCD cd
return $ CaseOp c t args o' s cd'
updateDef t = return t
updateOrig (Left t) = liftM Left (update t)
updateOrig (Right (l, r)) = do
l' <- update l
r' <- update r
return $ Right (l', r')
updateCD (CaseDefs (cs, c) (rs, r)) = do
c' <- updateSC c
r' <- updateSC r
return $ CaseDefs (cs, c') (rs, r')
updateSC (Case t n alts) = do
alts' <- mapM updateAlt alts
return (Case t n alts')
updateSC (ProjCase t alts) = do
alts' <- mapM updateAlt alts
return (ProjCase t alts')
updateSC (STerm t) = do
t' <- update t
return (STerm t')
updateSC c = return c
updateAlt (ConCase n i ns t) = do
t' <- updateSC t
return (ConCase n i ns t')
updateAlt (FnCase n ns t) = do
t' <- updateSC t
return (FnCase n ns t')
updateAlt (ConstCase c t) = do
t' <- updateSC t
return (ConstCase c t')
updateAlt (SucCase n t) = do
t' <- updateSC t
return (SucCase n t')
updateAlt (DefaultCase t) = do
t' <- updateSC t
return (DefaultCase t')
update t = do
tm <- addTT t
case tm of
Nothing -> update' t
Just t' -> return t'
update' (P t n ty) = do
n' <- getSymbol n
return $ P t n' ty
update' (App s f a) = liftM2 (App s) (update' f) (update' a)
update' (Bind n b sc) = do
b' <- updateB b
sc' <- update sc
return $ Bind n b' sc'
updateB (Let rig t v) = liftM2 (Let rig) (update' t) (update' v)
updateB b = do
ty' <- update' (binderTy b)
return (b { binderTy = ty' })
update' (Proj t i) = do
t' <- update' t
return $ Proj t' i
update' t = return t
processDocs :: Archive -> Idris ()
processDocs ar = do
ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_docstrings" ar
mapM_ (\(n, a) -> addDocStr n (fst a) (snd a)) ds
processModuleDocs :: Archive -> Idris ()
processModuleDocs ar = do
ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_moduledocs" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, d) -> updateIState (\i ->
i { idris_moduledocs = addDef n d (idris_moduledocs i) })) ds
processAccess :: Bool
-> IBCPhase
-> Archive -> Idris ()
processAccess reexp phase ar = do
logIBC 3 $ "processAccess (reexp, phase)" ++ show (reexp, phase)
ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_access" ar
logIBC 3 $ "processAccess ds" ++ show ds
mapM_ (\ (n, a_in) -> do
let a = if reexp then a_in else Hidden
logIBC 3 $ "Setting " ++ show (a, n) ++ " to " ++ show a
updateIState (\i -> i { tt_ctxt = setAccess n a (tt_ctxt i) })
if (not reexp)
then do
logIBC 2 $ "Not exporting " ++ show n
setAccessibility n Hidden
logIBC 2 $ "Exporting " ++ show n
when (phase == IBC_REPL True) $ do
logIBC 2 $ "Top level, exporting " ++ show n
setAccessibility n Public
) ds
processFlags :: Archive -> Idris ()
processFlags ar = do
ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_flags" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, a) -> setFlags n a) ds
processFnInfo :: Archive -> Idris ()
processFnInfo ar = do
ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_fninfo" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, a) -> setFnInfo n a) ds
processTotal :: Archive -> Idris ()
processTotal ar = do
ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_total" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, a) -> updateIState (\i -> i { tt_ctxt = setTotal n a (tt_ctxt i) })) ds
processInjective :: Archive -> Idris ()
processInjective ar = do
ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_injective" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, a) -> updateIState (\i -> i { tt_ctxt = setInjective n a (tt_ctxt i) })) ds
processTotalityCheckError :: Archive -> Idris ()
processTotalityCheckError ar = do
es <- getEntry [] "ibc_totcheckfail" ar
updateIState (\i -> i { idris_totcheckfail = idris_totcheckfail i ++ es })
processCallgraph :: Archive -> Idris ()
processCallgraph ar = do
ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_cg" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, a) -> addToCG n a) ds
processCoercions :: Archive -> Idris ()
processCoercions ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_coercions" ar
mapM_ (\ n -> addCoercion n) ns
processTransforms :: Archive -> Idris ()
processTransforms ar = do
ts <- getEntry [] "ibc_transforms" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, t) -> addTrans n t) ts
processErrRev :: Archive -> Idris ()
processErrRev ar = do
ts <- getEntry [] "ibc_errRev" ar
mapM_ addErrRev ts
processErrReduce :: Archive -> Idris ()
processErrReduce ar = do
ts <- getEntry [] "ibc_errReduce" ar
mapM_ addErrReduce ts
processLineApps :: Archive -> Idris ()
processLineApps ar = do
ls <- getEntry [] "ibc_lineapps" ar
mapM_ (\ (f, i, t) -> addInternalApp f i t) ls
processNameHints :: Archive -> Idris ()
processNameHints ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_namehints" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, ty) -> addNameHint n ty) ns
processMetaInformation :: Archive -> Idris ()
processMetaInformation ar = do
ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_metainformation" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, m) -> updateIState (\i ->
i { tt_ctxt = setMetaInformation n m (tt_ctxt i) })) ds
processErrorHandlers :: Archive -> Idris ()
processErrorHandlers ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_errorhandlers" ar
updateIState (\i -> i { idris_errorhandlers = idris_errorhandlers i ++ ns })
processFunctionErrorHandlers :: Archive -> Idris ()
processFunctionErrorHandlers ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_function_errorhandlers" ar
mapM_ (\ (fn,arg,handler) -> addFunctionErrorHandlers fn arg [handler]) ns
processMetaVars :: Archive -> Idris ()
processMetaVars ar = do
ns <- getEntry [] "ibc_metavars" ar
updateIState (\i -> i { idris_metavars = L.reverse ns ++ idris_metavars i })
processLangExts :: IBCPhase -> Archive -> Idris ()
processLangExts (IBC_REPL True) ar
= do ds <- getEntry [] "ibc_langexts" ar
mapM_ addLangExt ds
processLangExts _ _ = return ()
instance Binary a => Binary (D.Docstring a)
instance Binary CT.Options
instance Binary D.DocTerm
instance Binary a => Binary (D.Block a)
instance Binary a => Binary (D.Inline a)
instance Binary CT.ListType
instance Binary CT.CodeAttr
instance Binary CT.NumWrapper
instance Binary SizeChange
instance Binary CGInfo where
put (CGInfo x1 x2 x3 x4)
= do put x1
put x2
put x4
= do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (CGInfo x1 x2 [] x3)
instance Binary CaseType
instance Binary SC
instance Binary CaseAlt
instance Binary CaseDefs
instance Binary CaseInfo
instance Binary Def where
put x
case x of
Function x1 x2 -> do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
TyDecl x1 x2 -> do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
Operator x1 x2 x3 -> do return ()
CaseOp x1 x2 x3 _ _ x4 -> do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (Function x1 x2)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (TyDecl x1 x2)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x5 <- get
return (CaseOp x1 x2 x3 [] [] x5)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Def"
instance Binary Accessibility
instance Binary PReason
instance Binary Totality
instance Binary MetaInformation
instance Binary DataOpt
instance Binary FnOpt
instance Binary Fixity
instance Binary FixDecl
instance Binary ArgOpt
instance Binary Static
instance Binary Plicity where
put x
= case x of
Imp x1 x2 x3 x4 _ x5 ->
do putWord8 0
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
Exp x1 x2 x3 x4 ->
do putWord8 1
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
Constraint x1 x2 x3 ->
do putWord8 2
put x1
put x2
put x3
TacImp x1 x2 x3 x4 ->
do putWord8 3
put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
return (Imp x1 x2 x3 x4 False x5)
1 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (Exp x1 x2 x3 x4)
2 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
return (Constraint x1 x2 x3)
3 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
return (TacImp x1 x2 x3 x4)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Plicity"
instance Binary DefaultTotality
instance Binary LanguageExt
instance Binary Directive
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PDecl' t)
instance Binary t => Binary (ProvideWhat' t)
instance Binary Using
instance Binary SyntaxInfo where
put (Syn x1 x2 x3 x4 _ _ x5 x6 x7 _ _ x8 _ _ _)
= do put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
put x7
put x8
= do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
x7 <- get
x8 <- get
return (Syn x1 x2 x3 x4 [] id x5 x6 x7 Nothing 0 x8 0 True True)
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PClause' t)
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PData' t)
instance Binary PunInfo
instance Binary PTerm
instance Binary PAltType
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PTactic' t)
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PDo' t)
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PArg' t)
instance Binary InterfaceInfo where
put (CI x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 _ x8)
= do put x1
put x2
put x3
put x4
put x5
put x6
put x7
put x8
= do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
x4 <- get
x5 <- get
x6 <- get
x7 <- get
x8 <- get
return (CI x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 [] x8)
instance Binary RecordInfo
instance Binary OptInfo
instance Binary FnInfo
instance Binary TypeInfo
instance Binary SynContext
instance Binary Syntax
instance (Binary t) => Binary (DSL' t)
instance Binary SSymbol
instance Binary Codegen
instance Binary IRFormat