module Control.Isomorphism.Vect import Control.Isomorphism import Data.Vect import Interfaces.Verified %default total %access public export ||| `Vect Z a` has only one value: `[]`. nilUnit : Iso (Vect Z a) () nilUnit = MkIso (const ()) (const []) (\() => Refl) (\[] => Refl) ||| A `Vect (S Z) a` is just an `a`. oneIdentity : Iso (Vect (S Z) a) a oneIdentity = MkIso to (\x => [x]) (\x => Refl) (\[x] => Refl) where to : Vect 1 a -> a to [x] = x ||| Moves between `x :: xs` and `(x, xs)`. consPair : Iso (Vect (S n) a) (a, Vect n a) consPair = MkIso to (uncurry (::)) (\(x, xs) => Refl) (\(x :: xs) => Refl) where to : Vect (S n) a -> (a, Vect n a) to (x :: xs) = (x, xs) ||| An `Iso` based on `splitAt` and `(++)`. splitPair : Iso (Vect (n + m) a) (Vect n a, Vect m a) splitPair {n} {m} = MkIso (splitAt n) (uncurry (++)) toFrom fromTo where pairify : q = w -> e = r -> (q, e) = (w, r) pairify Refl Refl = Refl toFrom (ns, ms) = trans (splitAtTakeDrop n (ns ++ ms)) $ pairify (takePrefix ns ms) (dropPrefix ns ms) fromTo xs = rewrite splitAtTakeDrop {m} n xs in takeDropConcat n xs ||| An `Iso` based on `zip` and `unzip`. zipped : Iso (Vect n a, Vect n b) (Vect n (a, b)) zipped = MkIso (uncurry zip) unzip toFrom (\(as, bs) => fromTo as bs) where toFrom : {n : Nat} -> (xs : Vect n (a, b)) -> uncurry (unzip xs) = xs toFrom [] = Refl toFrom ((a, b) :: xs) with (unzip xs) proof p | (as, bs) = cong $ trans (cong p) (toFrom xs) fromTo : {n : Nat} -> (as : Vect n a) -> (bs : Vect n b) -> unzip (zip as bs) = (as, bs) fromTo [] [] = Refl fromTo (a :: as) (b :: bs) = rewrite fromTo as bs in Refl ||| An `Iso` based on `zip3` and `unzip3`. zipped3 : Iso (Vect n a, Vect n b, Vect n c) (Vect n (a, b, c)) zipped3 = MkIso (uncurrry zip3) unzip3 toFrom (\(as, bs, cs) => fromTo as bs cs) where uncurrry : (w -> x -> y -> z) -> ((w, x, y) -> z) uncurrry w (x, y, z) = w x y z toFrom : {n : Nat} -> (xs : Vect n (a, b, c)) -> uncurrry Vect.zip3 (unzip3 xs) = xs toFrom [] = Refl toFrom ((a, b, c) :: xs) with (unzip3 xs) proof p | (as, bs, cs) = cong $ trans (cong p) (toFrom xs) fromTo : {n : Nat} -> (as : Vect n a) -> (bs : Vect n b) -> (cs : Vect n c) -> unzip3 (zip3 as bs cs) = (as, bs, cs) fromTo [] [] [] = Refl fromTo (a :: as) (b :: bs) (c :: cs) = rewrite fromTo as bs cs in Refl ||| An `Iso` based on `transpose`. transposition : Iso (Vect o (Vect i a)) (Vect i (Vect o a)) transposition {a} = MkIso transpose transpose prf prf where prf : {i : Nat} -> {o : Nat} -> (xss : Vect o (Vect i a)) -> transpose (transpose xss) = xss prf [] = vectMustBeNil $ transpose [| [] |] prf (xs :: xss) = rewrite transposeCons xs (transpose xss) in cong (prf xss) ||| Split the `Vect` every `m` elements, making `n` `Vect m a`s. ||| The result is rectangular and has the same order as the original. ||| ||| This is the inverse of `concat`. unconcat : Vect (n * m) a -> Vect n (Vect m a) unconcat {n = Z} [] = [] unconcat {n = S k} {m} xs with (splitAt m xs) | (xs', xss) = xs' :: unconcat xss ||| An `Iso` based on `unconcat` and `concat`. ||| ||| ```idris example ||| from rectangular [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] ||| ``` rectangular : Iso (Vect (n * m) a) (Vect n (Vect m a)) rectangular = MkIso unconcat concat toFrom fromTo where toFrom : (xss : Vect i (Vect o a)) -> unconcat (concat xss) = xss toFrom {i = Z} [] = Refl toFrom {i = S i} {o} (xs :: xss) = rewrite splitAtTakeDrop o {m = i * o} (xs ++ concat xss) in rewrite takePrefix xs (concat xss) in rewrite dropPrefix xs (concat xss) in cong (toFrom xss) fromTo : (xs : Vect (i * o) a) -> concat (unconcat xs) = xs fromTo {i = Z} [] = Refl fromTo {i = S i} {o} xs = rewrite splitAtTakeDrop o {m = i * o} xs in rewrite fromTo {i} {o} (drop o xs) in takeDropConcat o xs -- Not an Iso because (=) is not extensional, but it works in spirit ||| Go through all possible inputs and tabulate the outputs in a `Vect`. ||| ||| Or: turn a function from indices to values into a `Vect`. ||| Or: the inverse of `index`. unindex : (Fin n -> a) -> Vect n a unindex {n = Z} _ = [] unindex {n = S k} f = f FZ :: unindex (f . FS) ||| Indexing into the table of outputs of `f` is like calling `f` itself. indexUnindex : (i : Fin n) -> (f : Fin n -> a) -> index i (unindex f) = f i indexUnindex FZ _ = Refl indexUnindex (FS k) f = rewrite indexUnindex k (f . FS) in Refl ||| Given a function `f`, a `Vect` `xs`, and a proof that calling `f` gives the same result as indexing into `xs`, ||| prove that `xs` is the table of outputs of `f`. unindexIndex' : (xs : Vect n a) -> (f : Fin n -> a) -> ((i : Fin n) -> f i = index i xs) -> unindex f = xs unindexIndex' [] _ _ = Refl unindexIndex' (x :: xs) f prf = rewrite prf FZ in rewrite unindexIndex' xs (f . FS) (\i => rewrite prf $ FS i in Refl) in Refl ||| If `f` and `g` are extensionally equal (equal outputs for all inputs), then `unindex f = unindex g`. congExtUnindex : (f : Fin n -> a) -> (g : Fin n -> a) -> ((i : Fin n) -> f i = g i) -> unindex f = unindex g congExtUnindex f g p = unindexIndex' (unindex g) f $ \i => trans (p i) $ sym $ indexUnindex i g ||| Functions with the same tables are the same themselves. injExtUnindex : (f : Fin n -> a) -> (g : Fin n -> a) -> unindex f = unindex g -> ((i : Fin n) -> f i = g i) injExtUnindex f g p i = rewrite sym $ indexUnindex i f in rewrite sym $ indexUnindex i g in cong p ||| A simpler version of `unindexIndex'` which only proves that `unindex` is the inverse of `index`. unindexIndex : (xs : Vect n a) -> unindex (\i => index i xs) = xs unindexIndex xs = unindexIndex' xs (\i => index i xs) (\i => Refl) ||| Given a function that computes an index in the input from the index in the output, produce a `Vect o` of elements from the input. ||| ||| This is the map function of the functor `\i => Vect i a` from `\i, o => Fin o -> Fin i` to `\i, o => Vect i a -> Vect o a`. fromIndices : (Fin o -> Fin i) -> Vect i a -> Vect o a fromIndices f xs = unindex (flip index xs . f) indexFromIndices : (f : Fin o -> Fin i) -> (xs : Vect i a) -> (n : Fin o) -> index n (fromIndices f xs) = index (f n) xs indexFromIndices f xs n = indexUnindex n (\i => index (f i) xs) fromIndicesFromIndices : (to : Fin n -> Fin n) -> (from : Fin n -> Fin n) -> (fromTo : (i : Fin n) -> from (to i) = i) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> fromIndices to (fromIndices from xs) = xs fromIndicesFromIndices to from fromTo xs = unindexIndex' xs (\x => index (to x) (unindex (\x' => index (from x') xs))) $ \i => rewrite indexUnindex (to i) (\x' => index (from x') xs) in rewrite fromTo i in Refl ||| Given a permutation of the indices, provide an `Iso` that can permute a `Vect n` the "same" way. More precisely, ||| if the index `i` is sent to `j`, then the element at index `i` ends up at index `j` (`indexPermuted`). An ||| `Iso (Fin n) (Fin n)` represents a permutation of the integers `[0, n)` because it ensures that no elements ||| are "lost" or "duplicated". ||| ||| Note this has the *opposite* behavior to `fromIndices`. This function is more "visceral"; it can be imagined ||| as shuffling a `Vect` in the same way `map (to permutation)` shuffles `range`. Or, in more categorical terms, ||| `fromIndices` represents a contravariant functor from the category `\i, o => Fin i -> Fin o` to `\i, o => Vect i a -> Vect o a`, ||| and `permuted` represents that functor restricted to isomorphisms and made covariant with `isoSym`. ||| ||| ```idris example ||| to (permuted (stimes 2 rotatedDown)) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == [3, 4, 5, 1, 2] ||| to (permuted (swapped 3 0)) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == [4, 2, 3, 1, 5] ||| ``` ||| ||| @ permutation an `Iso` representing the transformation on the indices permuted : (permutation : Iso (Fin n) (Fin n)) -> Iso (Vect n a) (Vect n a) -- [to, from => f from, f to] is not a typo -- fromIndices needs a function outputIdx => inputIdx, so to "align" the "motion" of the Fins with the elements, to uses from and from uses to. permuted (MkIso toI fromI toFromI fromToI) = MkIso (fromIndices fromI) (fromIndices toI) (fromIndicesFromIndices fromI toI toFromI) (fromIndicesFromIndices toI fromI fromToI) permutedSym : (permutation : Iso (Fin n) (Fin n)) -> permuted (isoSym permutation) = isoSym (permuted permutation) permutedSym (MkIso to from toFrom fromTo) = Refl indexPermuted : (permutation : Iso (Fin n) (Fin n)) -> (i : Fin n) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> index i xs = index (to permutation i) (to (permuted permutation) xs) indexPermuted (MkIso to from toFrom fromTo) i xs = replace {P = \xs' => index i xs' = index (to i) (fromIndices from xs) } (fromIndicesFromIndices to from fromTo xs) $ rewrite indexFromIndices to (fromIndices from xs) i in Refl