|]` syntax to IHP projects.
To use it outside of IHP, add this package to your cabal file and use the modules like this:
import IHP.HSX.QQ -- <- The main thing
import IHP.HSX.ConvertibleStrings () -- <- Helper instancess
import IHP.HSX.ToHtml () -- <- More helper instances
import Text.Blaze.Html5 -- The blaze html library, IHP HSX is built on top of that
view :: Html
view = [hsx|
Hello World
-- To render the above view:
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text (renderHtml)
rendered :: Text
rendered = renderHtml view
## Introduction
HSX can be written pretty much like normal HTML. You can write an HSX expression inside your Haskell code by wrapping it with [`[hsx|YOUR HSX CODE|]`](https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/api-docs/IHP-ViewPrelude.html#v:hsx). HSX expressions are just a syntax for [BlazeHtml](https://jaspervdj.be/blaze/) and thus are automatically escaped as described in the blaze documentation.
Because the HSX is parsed, you will get a syntax error when you type in invalid HTML.
### Inline Haskell
HSX can access Haskell variables wrapped with `{}` like this:
x :: Text = "World"
[hsx|Hello {x}!|]
**If the variable is another HSX expression, a blaze HTML element, a text or string**: it is just included as you would expect.
**If the variable is any other custom Haskell data structure**: it will first be converted to a string representation by calling [`show`](https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/api-docs/IHP-Prelude.html#v:show) on it. You can add a custom [`ToHtml`](https://ihp.digitallyinduced.com/api-docs/IHP-HSX-ToHtml.html#t:ToHtml) (import it from `IHP.HSX.ToHtml`) instance, to customize rendering a data structure.
You can also write more complex code like:
items :: [Int] = [ 0, 1, 2 ]
renderItem n = [hsx|Hello {n}!|]
[hsx|Complex demo: {forEach items renderItem}!|]
As the HSX expressions are compiled to Haskell code at compile-time, type errors inside these `{}` expressions will be reported to you by the compiler.
### Dynamic Attributes
The variable syntax can also be used in attribute values:
inputValue = "Hello World" :: Text
#### Boolean Attribute Values
HSX has special handling for Boolean values to make it easy to deal with HTML Boolean attributes like `disabled`, `readonly`, `checked`, etc.
You can write
as a short form for:
Writing `False`:
This will not render the attribute, [as specified in the HTML standard](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/common-microsyntaxes.html#boolean-attributes):
#### Boolean data attributes
This behavior of omiting a attribute when it's set to `False` does not apply to `data-` attributes.
You can write
When set to `False`, like this:
#### Maybe Attribute Values / Optional Attributes
HSX has special handling for Maybe values to make it easy to deal with optional attributes.
You can write
target :: Maybe Text
target = Just "_blank"
and it will render to:
Using `Nothing` results in the `target` attribute not being in the output HTML:
target :: Maybe Text
target = Nothing
This will render to:
### Spread Values
For dynamic use cases you can use `{...attributeList}`:
tshow userId, tshow userFirstname) ] } />
Note the `<>` concatenation operator.
### Special Elements: `
Inside those tags using a Haskell expression will not work:
This will just literally output the string `{myHaskellExpr}` without evaluating the Haskell expression itself. This is because JavaScript usually uses `{}` for object expressions like `{ a: "hello" }`. The same applies to inline CSS inside `