{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Buffering for output streams based on bytestring builders.
-- Buffering an output stream can often improve throughput by reducing the
-- number of system calls made through the file descriptor. The @blaze-builder@
-- package provides an efficient set of primitives for serializing values
-- directly to an output buffer.
-- (/N.B./: most of the @blaze-builder@ package has been moved into
-- @bytestring@ in versions \>= 0.10; once two or three Haskell Platform
-- editions have been released that contain @bytestring@ 0.10.2 or higher, the
-- dependency on @blaze-builder@ will be dropped in favor of the native support
-- for 'Builder' contained in the @bytestring@ package.)
-- /Using this module/
-- Given an 'OutputStream' taking 'ByteString':
-- > someOutputStream :: OutputStream ByteString
-- You create a new output stream wrapping the original one that accepts
-- 'Builder' values:
-- @
-- do
--     newStream <- Streams.'builderStream' someOutputStream
--     Streams.'write' ('Just' $ 'Blaze.ByteString.Builder.fromByteString' \"hello\") newStream
--     ....
-- @
-- You can flush the output buffer using 'Blaze.ByteString.Builder.flush':
-- @
--     ....
--     Streams.'write' ('Just' 'Blaze.ByteString.Builder.flush') newStream
--     ....
-- @
-- As a convention, 'builderStream' will write the empty string to the wrapped
-- 'OutputStream' upon a builder buffer flush. Output streams which receive
-- 'ByteString' should either ignore the empty string or interpret it as a
-- signal to flush their own buffers, as the @handleToOutputStream@ and
-- "System.IO.Streams.Zlib" functions do.
-- /Example/
-- @
-- example :: IO [ByteString]
-- example = do
--     let l1 = 'Data.List.intersperse' \" \" [\"the\", \"quick\", \"brown\", \"fox\"]
--     let l2 = 'Data.List.intersperse' \" \" [\"jumped\", \"over\", \"the\"]
--     let l  = map 'Blaze.ByteString.Builder.fromByteString' l1 ++ ['Blaze.ByteString.Builder.flush'] ++ map 'Blaze.ByteString.Builder.fromByteString' l2
--     is          \<- Streams.'System.IO.Streams.fromList' l
--     (os0, grab) \<- Streams.'System.IO.Streams.listOutputStream'
--     os          \<- Streams.'builderStream' os0
--     Streams.'System.IO.Streams.connect' is os >> grab
-- ghci> example
-- [\"the quick brown fox\",\"\",\"jumped over the\"]
-- @
module System.IO.Streams.Builder
 ( -- * Blaze builder conversion
 , unsafeBuilderStream
 , builderStreamWith
 ) where

import           Control.Monad                            (when)
import           Data.ByteString.Char8                    (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8                    as S
import           Data.IORef                               (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Internal        (defaultBufferSize)
import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Internal.Buffer (Buffer, BufferAllocStrategy, allNewBuffersStrategy, execBuildStep, reuseBufferStrategy, unsafeFreezeBuffer, unsafeFreezeNonEmptyBuffer, updateEndOfSlice)
import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Internal.Types  (BufRange (..), BuildSignal (..), Builder (..), buildStep)
import           System.IO.Streams.Internal               (OutputStream, makeOutputStream, write)

-- | Converts a 'ByteString' sink into a 'Builder' sink.
-- Note that if the generated builder receives a
-- 'Blaze.ByteString.Builder.flush', by convention it will send an empty string
-- to the supplied @'OutputStream' 'ByteString'@ to indicate that any output
-- buffers are to be flushed.
builderStream :: OutputStream ByteString -> IO (OutputStream Builder)
builderStream = builderStreamWith (allNewBuffersStrategy defaultBufferSize)

-- | Unsafe variation on 'builderStream' that reuses an existing buffer for
-- efficiency.
-- /NOTE/: because the buffer is reused, subsequent 'ByteString' values written
-- to the wrapped 'OutputString' will cause previous yielded strings to change.
-- Do not retain references to these 'ByteString' values inside the
-- 'OutputStream' you pass to this function, or you will violate referential
-- transparency.
-- If you /must/ retain copies of these values, then please use
-- 'Data.ByteString.copy' to ensure that you have a fresh copy of the
-- underlying string.
-- You can create a Buffer with
-- 'Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Internal.Buffer.allocBuffer'.
unsafeBuilderStream :: IO Buffer
                    -> OutputStream ByteString
                    -> IO (OutputStream Builder)
unsafeBuilderStream = builderStreamWith . reuseBufferStrategy

-- | A customized version of 'builderStream', using the specified
-- 'BufferAllocStrategy'.
builderStreamWith :: BufferAllocStrategy
                  -> OutputStream ByteString
                  -> IO (OutputStream Builder)
builderStreamWith (ioBuf0, nextBuf) os = do
    bufRef <- newIORef ioBuf0
    makeOutputStream $ sink bufRef
    sink bufRef m = do
        buf <- readIORef bufRef
        maybe (eof buf) (chunk buf) m
        eof ioBuf = do
            buf <- ioBuf
            case unsafeFreezeNonEmptyBuffer buf of
              Nothing    -> write Nothing os
              x@(Just s) -> do
                 when (not $ S.null s) $ write x os
                 write Nothing os

        chunk ioBuf c = feed bufRef (unBuilder c (buildStep finalStep)) ioBuf

    finalStep !(BufRange pf _) = return $! Done pf $! ()

    feed bufRef bStep ioBuf = do
        !buf   <- ioBuf
        signal <- execBuildStep bStep buf

        case signal of
          Done op' _ ->
              writeIORef bufRef $ (return (updateEndOfSlice buf op'))

          BufferFull minSize op' bStep' -> do
              let buf' = updateEndOfSlice buf op'
                  {-# INLINE cont #-}
                  cont = do
                      ioBuf' <- nextBuf minSize buf'
                      feed bufRef bStep' ioBuf'

              write (Just $! unsafeFreezeBuffer buf') os

          InsertByteString op' bs bStep' -> do
              let buf' = updateEndOfSlice buf op'

              case unsafeFreezeNonEmptyBuffer buf' of
                Nothing -> return $! ()
                x       -> write x os

              -- empty string here notifies downstream of flush
              write (Just bs) os

              ioBuf' <- nextBuf 1 buf'
              feed bufRef bStep' ioBuf'