{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module System.IO.Streams.Network.HAProxy.Tests (tests) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad (forever) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import qualified Data.ByteString as S8 import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S import Data.Typeable import qualified Network.Socket as N import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import System.IO.Streams (InputStream, OutputStream) import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams import qualified System.IO.Streams.Network.HAProxy as HA import System.IO.Streams.Network.Internal.Address (AddressNotSupportedException (..), getSockAddr, getSockAddrImpl) import System.Timeout (timeout) import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.HUnit hiding (Test) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tests :: [Test] tests = [ testOldHaProxy , testOldHaProxy6 , testOldHaProxyFailure , testOldHaProxyLocal , testOldHaProxyLocal6 , testOldHaProxyBadAddress , testBlackBox , testBlackBoxLocal , testNewHaProxy #ifndef WINDOWS , testNewHaProxyUnix #endif , testNewHaProxy6 , testNewHaProxyTooBig , testNewHaProxyTooSmall , testNewHaProxyBadVersion , testNewHaProxyLocal , testGetSockAddr , testTrivials ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ runInput :: ByteString -> N.SockAddr -> N.SockAddr -> (HA.ProxyInfo -> InputStream ByteString -> OutputStream ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a runInput input sa sb action = do is <- Streams.fromList [input] (os, _) <- Streams.listOutputStream let pinfo = HA.makeProxyInfo sa sb (addrFamily sa) N.Stream HA.behindHAProxyWithLocalInfo pinfo (is, os) action ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ addrFamily :: N.SockAddr -> N.Family addrFamily s = case s of (N.SockAddrInet _ _) -> N.AF_INET (N.SockAddrInet6 _ _ _ _) -> N.AF_INET6 #ifndef WINDOWS (N.SockAddrUnix _ ) -> N.AF_UNIX #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ blackbox :: (Chan Bool -> HA.ProxyInfo -> InputStream ByteString -> OutputStream ByteString -> IO ()) -> ByteString -> IO () blackbox action input = withTimeout 10 $ do chan <- newChan E.bracket (startServer chan) (killThread . fst) client readChan chan >>= assertBool "success" where client (_, port) = do (family, addr) <- getSockAddr port "" E.bracket (N.socket family N.Stream 0) N.close $ \sock -> do N.connect sock addr (_, os) <- Streams.socketToStreams sock threadDelay 10000 Streams.write (Just input) os Streams.write Nothing os threadDelay 10000 withTimeout n m = timeout (n * 1000000) m >>= maybe (fail "timeout") return startServer :: Chan Bool -> IO (ThreadId, Int) startServer = E.bracketOnError getSock N.close . forkServer getSock = do (family, addr) <- getSockAddr (fromIntegral N.aNY_PORT) "" sock <- N.socket family N.Stream 0 N.setSocketOption sock N.ReuseAddr 1 N.setSocketOption sock N.NoDelay 1 N.bindSocket sock addr N.listen sock 150 return $! sock forkServer chan sock = do port <- fromIntegral <$> N.socketPort sock tid <- E.mask_ $ forkIOWithUnmask $ server chan sock return (tid, port) server :: Chan Bool -> N.Socket -> (forall z. IO z -> IO z) -> IO () server chan boundSocket restore = loop `E.finally` N.close boundSocket where loop = forever $ E.bracketOnError (restore $ N.accept boundSocket) (N.close . fst) (\(sock, sa) -> forkIOWithUnmask $ \r -> flip E.finally (N.close sock) $ r $ HA.behindHAProxy sock sa (action chan)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testBlackBox :: Test testBlackBox = testCase "test/blackbox" $ blackbox action "PROXY TCP4 10000 80\r\nblah" where action chan proxyInfo !is !_ = do sa <- localhost 10000 sb <- localhost 80 x <- E.try $ do assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] case x of Left (e :: E.SomeException) -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ show e writeChan chan False Right !_ -> writeChan chan True ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testBlackBoxLocal :: Test testBlackBoxLocal = testCase "test/blackbox_local" $ blackbox action "PROXY UNKNOWN\r\nblah" where action chan proxyInfo !is !_ = do let q = HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo `seq` HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo `seq` () x <- q `seq` E.try $ go is proxyInfo case x of Left (e :: E.SomeException) -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ show e writeChan chan False Right !_ -> writeChan chan True go is proxyInfo = do Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] assertEqual "family" N.AF_INET $ HA.getFamily proxyInfo assertEqual "type" N.Stream $ HA.getSocketType proxyInfo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testOldHaProxy :: Test testOldHaProxy = testCase "test/old_ha_proxy" $ do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 runInput "PROXY TCP4 10000 80\r\nblah" sa sb action where action proxyInfo !is !_ = do sa <- localhost 10000 sb <- localhost 80 assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "family" N.AF_INET $ HA.getFamily proxyInfo assertEqual "stype" N.Stream $ HA.getSocketType proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testOldHaProxy6 :: Test testOldHaProxy6 = testCase "test/old_ha_proxy6" $ do sa <- localhost6 1111 sb <- localhost6 2222 runInput "PROXY TCP6 ::1 ::1 10000 80\r\nblah" sa sb action where action proxyInfo !is !_ = do sa <- localhost6 10000 sb <- localhost6 80 assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "family" N.AF_INET6 $ HA.getFamily proxyInfo assertEqual "stype" N.Stream $ HA.getSocketType proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testOldHaProxyLocal :: Test testOldHaProxyLocal = testCase "test/old_ha_proxy_local" $ do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 runInput "PROXY UNKNOWN\r\nblah" sa sb action where action proxyInfo !is !_ = do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "family" N.AF_INET $ HA.getFamily proxyInfo assertEqual "stype" N.Stream $ HA.getSocketType proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testOldHaProxyLocal6 :: Test testOldHaProxyLocal6 = testCase "test/old_ha_proxy_local6" $ do sa <- localhost6 1111 sb <- localhost6 2222 runInput "PROXY UNKNOWN\r\nblah" sa sb action where action proxyInfo !is !_ = do sa <- localhost6 1111 sb <- localhost6 2222 assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "family" N.AF_INET6 $ HA.getFamily proxyInfo assertEqual "stype" N.Stream $ HA.getSocketType proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testOldHaProxyFailure :: Test testOldHaProxyFailure = testCase "test/old_ha_proxy_failure" $ do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 expectException "bad family" $ runInput "PROXY ZZZ qqqq wwww 10000 80\r\nblah" sa sb action expectException "short" $ runInput "PROXY TCP4 \r\nblah" sa sb action expectException "non-integral" $ runInput "PROXY TCP4 xxx yyy\r\nblah" sa sb action where action _ _ _ = return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testOldHaProxyBadAddress :: Test testOldHaProxyBadAddress = testCase "test/old_ha_proxy_bad_address" $ do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 expectException "bad address" $ runInput "PROXY TCP4 @~!@#$%^ (*^%$ 10000 80\r\nblah" sa sb action where action proxyInfo !is !_ = do sa <- localhost 10000 sb <- localhost 80 assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ protocolHeader :: ByteString protocolHeader = S8.pack [ 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x0D , 0x0A, 0x51, 0x55, 0x49, 0x54, 0x0A ] {-# NOINLINE protocolHeader #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testNewHaProxy :: Test testNewHaProxy = testCase "test/new_ha_proxy" $ do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 let input = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x21\x11" -- TCP over v4 , "\x00\x0c" -- 12 bytes of address (network ordered) , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" -- localhost , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" , "\x27\x10" -- 10000 in network order , "\x00\x50" -- 80 in network order , "blah" -- the rest ] runInput input sa sb action where action proxyInfo !is !_ = do sa <- localhost 10000 sb <- localhost 80 assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "family" N.AF_INET $ HA.getFamily proxyInfo assertEqual "stype" N.Stream $ HA.getSocketType proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef WINDOWS unixPath :: ByteString -> ByteString unixPath s = S.append s (S.replicate (108 - S.length s) '\x00') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ unixSock :: ByteString -> N.SockAddr unixSock = N.SockAddrUnix . S.unpack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testNewHaProxyUnix :: Test testNewHaProxyUnix = testCase "test/new_ha_proxy_unix" $ do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 let input = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x21\x31" -- unix stream , "\x00\xd8" -- 216 bytes , unixPath "/foo" , unixPath "/bar" , "blah" -- the rest ] runInput input sa sb action let input2 = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x21\x32" -- unix datagram , "\x00\xd8" -- 216 bytes , unixPath "/foo" , unixPath "/bar" , "blah" -- the rest ] runInput input2 sa sb action2 where action proxyInfo !is !_ = do let sa = unixSock "/foo" let sb = unixSock "/bar" assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "family" N.AF_UNIX $ HA.getFamily proxyInfo assertEqual "stype" N.Stream $ HA.getSocketType proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] action2 proxyInfo !is !_ = do let sa = unixSock "/foo" let sb = unixSock "/bar" assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "family" N.AF_UNIX $ HA.getFamily proxyInfo assertEqual "stype" N.Datagram $ HA.getSocketType proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testNewHaProxy6 :: Test testNewHaProxy6 = testCase "test/new_ha_proxy_6" $ do sa <- localhost6 1111 sb <- localhost6 2222 let input = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x21\x21" -- TCP over v6 , "\x00\x24" -- 36 bytes of address (network ordered) , lhBinary , lhBinary , "\x27\x10" -- 10000 in network order , "\x00\x50" -- 80 in network order , "blah" -- the rest ] runInput input sa sb action where lhBinary = S.concat [ S.replicate 15 '\x00', S.singleton '\x01' ] action proxyInfo !is !_ = do sa <- localhost6 10000 sb <- localhost6 80 assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "family" N.AF_INET6 $ HA.getFamily proxyInfo assertEqual "stype" N.Stream $ HA.getSocketType proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testNewHaProxyBadVersion :: Test testNewHaProxyBadVersion = testCase "test/new_ha_proxy_bad_version" $ do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 let input = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x31\x11" -- TCP over v4, bad version , "\x00\x0c" -- 12 bytes of address (network ordered) , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" -- localhost , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" , "\x27\x10" -- 10000 in network order , "\x00\x50" -- 80 in network order , "blah" -- the rest ] expectException "bad version" $ runInput input sa sb action let input2 = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x2F\x11" -- TCP over v4, bad command , "\x00\x0c" -- 12 bytes of address (network ordered) , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" -- localhost , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" , "\x27\x10" -- 10000 in network order , "\x00\x50" -- 80 in network order , "blah" -- the rest ] expectException "bad version" $ runInput input2 sa sb action let input3 = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x21\x41" -- bad family , "\x00\x0c" -- 12 bytes of address (network ordered) , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" -- localhost , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" , "\x27\x10" -- 10000 in network order , "\x00\x50" -- 80 in network order , "blah" -- the rest ] expectException "bad family" $ runInput input3 sa sb action let input4 = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x21\x14" -- bad family , "\x00\x0c" -- 12 bytes of address (network ordered) , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" -- localhost , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" , "\x27\x10" -- 10000 in network order , "\x00\x50" -- 80 in network order , "blah" -- the rest ] expectException "bad type" $ runInput input4 sa sb action where action _ !_ !_ = return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testNewHaProxyTooSmall :: Test testNewHaProxyTooSmall = testCase "test/new_ha_proxy_too_small" $ do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 let input = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x21\x11" -- TCP over v4 , "\x00\x02" -- 2 bytes , "\x00\x00" , "blah" -- the rest ] expectException "too small" $ runInput input sa sb action let input2 = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x21\x21" -- TCP over v6 , "\x00\x02" -- 2 bytes , "\x00\x00" , "blah" -- the rest ] expectException "too small" $ runInput input2 sa sb action #ifndef WINDOWS let input3 = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x21\x31" -- unix , "\x00\x02" -- 2 bytes , "\x00\x00" , "blah" -- the rest ] expectException "too small" $ runInput input3 sa sb action #endif where action _ !_ !_ = return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testNewHaProxyTooBig :: Test testNewHaProxyTooBig = testCase "test/new_ha_proxy_too_big" $ do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 let input = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x21\x11" -- TCP over v4 , "\x03\x0c" -- 780: 12 bytes of address -- (network ordered) plus 768 -- bytes of slop , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" -- localhost , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" , S.replicate 768 '0' , "\x27\x10" -- 10000 in network order , "\x00\x50" -- 80 in network order , "blah" -- the rest ] expectException "too big" $ runInput input sa sb action let input2 = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x21\x00" -- TCP over v4 , "\x03\x0c" -- 780: 12 bytes of address -- (network ordered) plus 768 -- bytes of slop , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" -- localhost , "\x7f\x00\x00\x01" , S.replicate 768 '0' , "\x27\x10" -- 10000 in network order , "\x00\x50" -- 80 in network order , "blah" -- the rest ] expectException "too big" $ runInput input2 sa sb action where action _ !_ !_ = return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testNewHaProxyLocal :: Test testNewHaProxyLocal = testCase "test/new_ha_proxy_local" $ do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 let input = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x20\x00" -- LOCAL UNSPEC , "\x00\x00" -- 0 bytes of address (network ordered) , "blah" -- the rest ] runInput input sa sb action #ifndef WINDOWS let ua = unixSock "/foo" let ub = unixSock "/bar" let input2 = S.concat [ protocolHeader , "\x20\x00" -- LOCAL UNSPEC , "\x00\x00" -- 0 bytes of address (network ordered) , "blah" -- the rest ] runInput input2 ua ub action2 #endif where action proxyInfo !is !_ = do sa <- localhost 1111 sb <- localhost 2222 assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "family" N.AF_INET $ HA.getFamily proxyInfo assertEqual "stype" N.Stream $ HA.getSocketType proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] #ifndef WINDOWS action2 proxyInfo !is !_ = do let sa = unixSock "/foo" let sb = unixSock "/bar" assertEqual "src addr" sa $ HA.getSourceAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "dest addr" sb $ HA.getDestAddr proxyInfo assertEqual "family" N.AF_UNIX $ HA.getFamily proxyInfo assertEqual "stype" N.Stream $ HA.getSocketType proxyInfo Streams.toList is >>= assertEqual "rest" ["blah"] #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testGetSockAddr :: Test testGetSockAddr = testCase "test/address/getSockAddr" $ do (f1, a1) <- getSockAddr 10 "" x1 <- localhost 10 assertEqual "f1" f1 N.AF_INET assertEqual "x1" x1 a1 (f2, a2) <- getSockAddr 10 "::1" x2 <- localhost6 10 assertEqual "f2" f2 N.AF_INET6 assertEqual "x2" x2 a2 expectException "empty result" $ getSockAddrImpl (\_ _ _ -> return []) 10 "foo" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testTrivials :: Test testTrivials = testCase "test/trivials" $ do coverShowInstance $ HA.makeProxyInfo undefined undefined undefined undefined coverTypeableInstance $ AddressNotSupportedException undefined coverShowInstance $ AddressNotSupportedException "ok" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ localhost :: Int -> IO (N.SockAddr) localhost p = N.SockAddrInet (fromIntegral p) <$> N.inet_addr "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ localhost6 :: Int -> IO (N.SockAddr) localhost6 p = snd <$> getSockAddr p "::1" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ expectException :: String -> IO a -> IO () expectException name act = do e <- E.try act case e of Left (z::E.SomeException) -> (length $ show z) `seq` return () Right _ -> fail $ name ++ ": expected exception, didn't get one" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ coverTypeableInstance :: (Monad m, Typeable a) => a -> m () coverTypeableInstance a = typeOf a `seq` return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ eatException :: IO a -> IO () eatException a = (a >> return ()) `E.catch` handler where handler :: E.SomeException -> IO () handler _ = return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Kill the false negative on derived show instances. coverShowInstance :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m () coverShowInstance x = liftIO (a >> b >> c) where a = eatException $ E.evaluate $ length $ showsPrec 0 x "" b = eatException $ E.evaluate $ length $ show x c = eatException $ E.evaluate $ length $ showList [x] ""