module Iri.Parsing.Attoparsec.Text
import Iri.Prelude
import Iri.Data
import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (try)
import qualified Data.ByteString as K
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as B
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as L
import qualified Data.Vector as S
import qualified VectorBuilder.MonadPlus as E
import qualified Iri.CodePointPredicates.Rfc3987 as C
import qualified Iri.MonadPlus as R
import qualified Text.Builder as J
import qualified Net.IPv4 as M
import qualified Net.IPv6 as N
labeled :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
labeled label parser =
parser <?> label
iri :: Parser Iri
iri =
labeled "IRI" $ do
parsedScheme <- scheme
char ':'
parsedHierarchy <- hierarchy
parsedQuery <- query
parsedFragment <- fragment
return (Iri parsedScheme parsedHierarchy parsedQuery parsedFragment)
httpIri :: Parser HttpIri
httpIri =
labeled "HTTP IRI" $ do
asciiCI "http"
secure <- satisfy (\ x -> x == 's' || x == 'S') $> True <|> pure False
string "://"
parsedHost <- host
parsedPort <- PresentPort <$> (char ':' *> port) <|> pure MissingPort
parsedPath <- ((char '/') *> path) <|> pure (Path mempty)
parsedQuery <- query
parsedFragment <- fragment
return (HttpIri (Security secure) parsedHost parsedPort parsedPath parsedQuery parsedFragment)
hierarchy :: Parser Hierarchy
hierarchy =
slashPresent <- (char '/') $> True <|> pure False
if slashPresent
then do
slashPresent <- (char '/') $> True <|> pure False
if slashPresent
then authorisedHierarchyBody AuthorisedHierarchy
else AbsoluteHierarchy <$> path
else RelativeHierarchy <$> path
authorisedHierarchyBody :: (Authority -> Path -> body) -> Parser body
authorisedHierarchyBody body =
parsedUserInfo <- (presentUserInfo PresentUserInfo <* char '@') <|> pure MissingUserInfo
parsedHost <- host
parsedPort <- PresentPort <$> (char ':' *> port) <|> pure MissingPort
parsedPath <- ((char '/') *> path) <|> pure (Path mempty)
return (body (Authority parsedUserInfo parsedHost parsedPort) parsedPath)
scheme :: Parser Scheme
scheme =
labeled "Scheme" $
fmap (Scheme . B.encodeUtf8) (takeWhile1 (C.scheme . ord))
presentUserInfo :: (User -> Password -> a) -> Parser a
presentUserInfo result =
labeled "User info" $
user <- User <$> urlEncodedComponent (C.unencodedUserInfoComponent . ord)
passwordFollows <- True <$ char ':' <|> pure False
if passwordFollows
then do
password <- PresentPassword <$> urlEncodedComponent (C.unencodedUserInfoComponent . ord)
return (result user password)
else return (result user MissingPassword)
host :: Parser Host
host =
labeled "Host" $
IpV6Host <$> N.parser <|>
IpV4Host <$> M.parser <|>
NamedHost <$> domainName
domainName :: Parser RegName
domainName =
fmap RegName (E.sepBy1 domainLabel (char '.'))
domainLabel :: Parser DomainLabel
domainLabel =
labeled "Domain label" $
DomainLabel <$> takeWhile1 (C.unencodedRegName . ord)
port :: Parser Word16
port =
path :: Parser Path
path =
segments <- E.sepBy pathSegment (char '/')
if segmentsAreEmpty segments
then return (Path mempty)
else return (Path segments)
segmentsAreEmpty segments =
S.length segments == 1 &&
(case S.unsafeHead segments of PathSegment headSegmentText -> T.null headSegmentText)
pathSegment :: Parser PathSegment
pathSegment =
fmap PathSegment (urlEncodedComponent (C.unencodedPathSegment . ord))
urlEncodedComponent :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Text
urlEncodedComponent unencodedCharPredicate =
labeled "URL-encoded component" $
fmap $
R.foldl mappend mempty $
(J.text <$> takeWhile1 unencodedCharPredicate) <|> urlEncodedSequence
urlEncodedSequence :: Parser J.Builder
urlEncodedSequence =
labeled "URL-encoded sequence" $ do
start <- progress (mempty, mempty, B.streamDecodeUtf8) =<< urlEncodedByte
R.foldlM progress (start) urlEncodedByte >>= finish
progress (!builder, _ :: ByteString, decode) byte =
case unsafeDupablePerformIO (try (evaluate (decode (K.singleton byte)))) of
Right (B.Some decodedChunk undecodedBytes newDecode) ->
return (builder <> J.text decodedChunk, undecodedBytes, newDecode)
Left (L.DecodeError error _) ->
fail (showString "UTF8 decoding: " error)
finish (builder, undecodedBytes, _) =
if K.null undecodedBytes
then return builder
else fail (showString "UTF8 decoding: Bytes remaining: " (show undecodedBytes))
urlEncodedByte :: Parser Word8
urlEncodedByte =
char '%'
digit1 <- fromIntegral <$> hexadecimalDigit
digit2 <- fromIntegral <$> hexadecimalDigit
return (shiftL digit1 4 .|. digit2)
hexadecimalDigit :: Parser Int
hexadecimalDigit =
c <- anyChar
let x = ord c
if x >= 48 && x < 58
then return (x 48)
else if x >= 65 && x < 71
then return (x 55)
else if x >= 97 && x < 103
then return (x 97)
else fail ("Not a hexadecimal digit: " <> show c)
query :: Parser Query
query =
labeled "Query" $
(char '?' *> queryBody) <|> pure (Query mempty)
queryBody :: Parser Query
queryBody =
fmap Query (urlEncodedComponent (C.unencodedQuery . ord))
fragment :: Parser Fragment
fragment =
labeled "Fragment" $
(char '#' *> (Fragment <$> urlEncodedComponent (C.unencodedFragment . ord))) <|>
pure (Fragment mempty)