jalla: Higher level functions for linear algebra. Wraps BLAS and LAPACKE.

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NOTE: Hackage does not know LAPACKE, therefore jalla and the documentation are not built there. You can find its documentation at http://www.goschs.de/jalla.

Jalla aims at providing high level functions for linear algebra computations which should be fast and easy enough to use. Under the hood, BLAS and LAPACKE are used (LAPACKE is a standard C interface to LAPACK which is part of LAPACK since version 3.4).

The modules Numeric.Jalla.Matrix and Numeric.Jalla.Vector are probably the most useful ones for users. Everything under Numeric.Jalla.Foreign is basically wrapping stuff.

Currently, I am adding new functions whenever I find some time. Please help, if you want to! There are not many tests yet, and we need some nicer error reporting (nicer than exceptions).

[Skip to Readme]


Automatic Flags

If true, try to build lapacke in the ./lapacke directory of the jalla package.


Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info


Maintainer's Corner

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  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS] 0.1.0,, 0.2,
Dependencies base (>4.0.0 && <5.0), base-orphans (>=0.3.2), convertible, mtl, QuickCheck (>=2.4.2), random (>=1.0.1) [details]
Tested with ghc >=7.0.3
License LicenseRef-GPL
Copyright 2011-2015, Christian Gosch
Author Christian Gosch
Maintainer Christian Gosch <github@goschs.de>
Category Math
Home page https://github.com/cgo/jalla
Source repo head: git clone git://github.com/cgo/jalla.git
Uploaded by ChristianGosch at 2015-06-26T20:34:22Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 2979 total (12 in the last 30 days)
Rating (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs uploaded by user [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2015-06-26 [all 1 reports]

Readme for jalla-

[back to package description]
Jalla aims at providing high level functions for linear algebra computations,
which should be fast and easy enough to use.
It also contains a Haskell wrapper for cblas and lapacke, a C interface for LAPACK written by Intel.
Jalla is written and maintained by Christian Gosch (github at goschs dot de) and
was started as a little project to learn Haskell.

Jalla (probably) needs ghc, it has not been tested with other Haskell implementations.
It is developed with ghc > 7.0.

You need to have CBLAS and LAPACK installed, e.g. by installing ATLAS generated libraries
on you computer. 
In Ubuntu, there are packages for CBLAS and LAPACK which you can install with apt-get,
synaptic, or any other such tool.
Lapacke must be compiled "by hand".

0. Get the jalla sources; say they are located in the directory "jalla/"
1. If you do not have LAPACKE installed, follow the instructions 
   below under "Getting and building LAPACKE".
2. In jalla/, call 
    cabal configure
    cabal build
    cabal haddock
3. Look at the generated documentation, which should be quite informative now.

Please contact the author at github at goschs dot de if anything does not work!

Using Arch Linux
On a current Arch Linux, you just need to install
the lapack package, and you should be good to go.
LAPACKE is included in that package.

Getting and building LAPACKE
LAPACKE is part of LAPACK since version 3.4.
If you have that version, use that. Otherwise:

The following steps of getting and building 
LAPACKE can be done with the script get_lapacke.sh.
You must have *wget* and *scons* installed on your 
From jalla's top level directory, call
This should download lapacke and build it with our
SConstruct file, in the sub-directory ./lapacke.
You can source the file set_env.bash if you are using Bash,
in order to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH

Note that you might as well get the newest sources of LAPACK from netlib,
and copy the lapacke subdirectory from there over to the jalla directory.
Both ways worked for me.

If you want to get and build manually:
1. Get Lapacke at <http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapacke.tgz>
   or at <http://www.netlib.org/lapack/#_standard_c_language_apis_for_lapack>
2. Unpack lapacke into "./lapacke" in the top jalla directory.
3. (Follow lapacke's instructions to build)
   /OR/ use the shiny new SCons file provided to build lapacke
   for use with jalla, which can be found in the lapacke/ sub-directory
   in the jalla source code.

   Note that now, you can also let the Setup.hs script do the work right before configuring:
    runhaskell Setup.hs configure --user --flags="build_lapacke"
   should build lapacke right before configuring jalla.   

   If you don't use the provided SCons file, 
   note that Jalla expects the LAPACKE_... naming scheme, i.e. LAPACKE in upper case,
   the rest in lower case. That scheme is called LAPACK_NAME_PATTERN_MC in the LAPACKE make.inc
   Jalla also expects the define LAPACK_COMPLEX_STRUCTURE in the same make.inc.
   This means that complex numbers are represented as C struct.   

The haddock documentation is not complete, but not so bad anymore.
I will add more. The most important things are documented.

The code may change in some places, and will definitely be growing as soon as I need more functionality.
Please let me know if you have suggestions.

Please also tell me if you have a greater interest in this project and want to participate!

See the file LICENSE.