module Test.Data.Series.Generic.Zip ( tests ) where import Control.Monad ( forM_ ) import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, isNothing ) import Data.Monoid ( Sum(..) ) import Data.Series.Generic ( Series(index), mapStrategy , fromStrictMap, fromList, zipWith, select, at, replace, (|->), (<-|) ) import qualified Data.Series.Generic as Series import qualified Data.Series.Index as Index import Data.Vector ( Vector ) import Hedgehog ( property, forAll, (===), assert ) import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import Prelude hiding ( zipWith ) import Test.Tasty ( testGroup, TestTree ) import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog ( testProperty ) import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( testCase, assertEqual ) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Data.Series.Generic.Zip" [ testZipWith , testPropZipWithMatched , testPropZipWithMatchedAndZipWithMonoid , testPropZipWith , testPropReplace , testPropReplaceInfix , testPropZipWithStrategySkipStrategy , testMapStrategy ] testZipWith :: TestTree testZipWith = testCase "zipWith" $ do let (s1 :: Series Vector Char Int) = fromList [('a', 1), ('b', 5)] (s2 :: Series Vector Char Int) = fromList [('x', 25), ('b', 10)] expectation = fromList [('a', Nothing), ('b', Just 15), ('x', Nothing)] assertEqual mempty expectation (zipWith (+) s1 s2) testPropZipWithMatched :: TestTree testPropZipWithMatched = testProperty "zipWith when keys all match" $ property $ do m1 <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 50) ((,) <$> Gen.alpha <*> (Range.linear 0 1000)) let (xs :: Series Vector Char Int) = fromStrictMap m1 zipWith (+) xs xs === fmap (Just . (*2)) xs testPropZipWithMatchedAndZipWithMonoid :: TestTree testPropZipWithMatchedAndZipWithMonoid = testProperty "zipWithMonoid and zipWithStrategy give compatible results" $ property $ do m1 <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 50) ((,) <$> Gen.alpha <*> (Range.linear 0 1000)) m2 <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 50) ((,) <$> Gen.alpha <*> (Range.linear 0 1000)) let (xs :: Series Vector Char (Sum Int)) = Sum $ fromStrictMap m1 (ys :: Series Vector Char (Sum Int)) = Sum $ fromStrictMap m2 expectation = Series.zipWithStrategy (<>) (mapStrategy id) (mapStrategy id) xs ys expectation === Series.zipWithMonoid (<>) xs ys testPropZipWith :: TestTree testPropZipWith = testProperty "zipWith when keys all match" $ property $ do m1 <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 100) ((,) <$> Gen.string (Range.singleton 2) Gen.alpha <*> (Range.linear 0 1000)) m2 <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 100) ((,) <$> Gen.string (Range.singleton 2) Gen.alpha <*> (Range.linear 0 1000)) let (x1 :: Series Vector String Int) = fromStrictMap m1 x2 = fromStrictMap m2 common = index x1 `Index.intersection` index x2 symdiff = (index x1 `Index.union` index x2) `Index.difference` common comb = zipWith (+) x1 x2 forM_ common $ \k -> do let left = fromJust $ x1 `at` k right = fromJust $ x2 `at` k fromJust (comb `at` k) === Just (left + right) assert $ all isNothing $ Series.values (comb `select` symdiff) testPropReplace :: TestTree testPropReplace = testProperty "replace" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 10 100) ( $ Range.linear (-500) 500) ns <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) ( $ Range.linear (-500) 500) ixs <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.singleton $ length ns) ( $ Range.linear 0 150) let (xs :: Series Vector Int Int) = fromList (zip ixs ms) ys = fromList (zip [0..] ns) rs = ys `replace` xs index rs === index xs let commonKeys = index xs `Index.intersection` index ys (rs `select` commonKeys) === (ys `select` commonKeys) testPropReplaceInfix :: TestTree testPropReplaceInfix = testProperty "(|->) and (<-|)" $ property $ do ms <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 10 100) ( $ Range.linear (-500) 500) ns <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) ( $ Range.linear (-500) 500) ixs <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.singleton $ length ns) ( $ Range.linear 0 150) let (xs :: Series Vector Int Int) = fromList (zip ixs ms) ys = fromList (zip [0..] ns) rs = ys `replace` xs ys |-> xs === rs ys |-> xs === xs <-| ys testPropZipWithStrategySkipStrategy :: TestTree testPropZipWithStrategySkipStrategy = testProperty "zipWithStrategy f skipStrategy skipStrategy is equivalent to zipWithMatched" $ property $ do m1 <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 100) ((,) <$> Gen.string (Range.singleton 2) Gen.alpha <*> (Range.linear 0 1000)) m2 <- forAll $ (Range.linear 0 100) ((,) <$> Gen.string (Range.singleton 2) Gen.alpha <*> (Range.linear 0 1000)) let (xs :: Series Vector String Int) = fromStrictMap m1 ys = fromStrictMap m2 expectation = Series.zipWithMatched (+) xs ys expectation === Series.zipWithStrategy (+) Series.skipStrategy Series.skipStrategy xs ys testMapStrategy :: TestTree testMapStrategy = testCase "mapStrategy works as expected" $ do let (xs :: Series Vector Int Int) = Series.fromList $ zip [0..] [1,2,3,4,5] ys = Series.fromList $ zip [3..] [3,4,5] expected = Series.fromList [ (0, 1+1) , (1, 2+1) , (2, 3+1) , (3, 4+3) , (4, 5+4) , (5, 5*2) ] assertEqual mempty expected $ Series.zipWithStrategy (+) (mapStrategy (+1)) (mapStrategy (*2)) xs ys