module Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWK (
, EC(..)
, RSA(..)
, Oct(..)
, Crv(..)
, ECKeyParameters(..)
, RSAPrivateKeyOthElem(..)
, RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters(..)
, RSAPrivateKeyParameters(..)
, RSAKeyParameters(RSAKeyParameters)
, toRSAKeyParameters
, rsaE
, rsaKty
, rsaN
, rsaPrivateKeyParameters
, rsaPublicKey
, genRSA
, OctKeyParameters(..)
, KeyMaterialGenParam(..)
, KeyMaterial(..)
, genKeyMaterial
, sign
, verify
, module Crypto.Random
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError(throwError))
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=), elements)
import Crypto.Hash
import Crypto.MAC.HMAC
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.ECDSA as ECDSA
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Generate as ECC
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA as RSA
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15 as PKCS15
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PSS as PSS
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types as ECC
import Crypto.Random
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.List.NonEmpty
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), arbitrarySizedNatural, elements, oneof)
import Crypto.JOSE.Error
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWS as JWA.JWS
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.TH
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types as Types
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types.Internal as Types
import Crypto.JOSE.Types.Orphans ()
$(Crypto.JOSE.TH.deriveJOSEType "EC" ["EC"])
$(Crypto.JOSE.TH.deriveJOSEType "RSA" ["RSA"])
$(Crypto.JOSE.TH.deriveJOSEType "Oct" ["oct"])
$(Crypto.JOSE.TH.deriveJOSEType "Crv" ["P-256", "P-384", "P-521"])
instance Arbitrary Crv where
arbitrary = oneof $ pure <$> [P_256, P_384, P_521]
data RSAPrivateKeyOthElem = RSAPrivateKeyOthElem {
rOth :: Types.Base64Integer,
dOth :: Types.Base64Integer,
tOth :: Types.Base64Integer
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON RSAPrivateKeyOthElem where
parseJSON = withObject "oth" (\o -> RSAPrivateKeyOthElem <$>
o .: "r" <*>
o .: "d" <*>
o .: "t")
instance ToJSON RSAPrivateKeyOthElem where
toJSON (RSAPrivateKeyOthElem r d t) = object ["r" .= r, "d" .= d, "t" .= t]
instance Arbitrary RSAPrivateKeyOthElem where
arbitrary = RSAPrivateKeyOthElem <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
data RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters = RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters {
rsaP :: Types.Base64Integer
, rsaQ :: Types.Base64Integer
, rsaDp :: Types.Base64Integer
, rsaDq :: Types.Base64Integer
, rsaQi :: Types.Base64Integer
, rsaOth :: Maybe (NonEmpty RSAPrivateKeyOthElem)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters where
parseJSON = withObject "RSA" (\o -> RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters <$>
o .: "p" <*>
o .: "q" <*>
o .: "dp" <*>
o .: "dq" <*>
o .: "qi" <*>
o .:? "oth")
instance ToJSON RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters where
toJSON (RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters {..}) = object $ [
"p" .= rsaP
, "q" .= rsaQ
, "dp" .= rsaDp
, "dq" .= rsaDq
, "qi" .= rsaQi
] ++ maybe [] ((:[]) . ("oth" .=)) rsaOth
instance Arbitrary RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters where
arbitrary = RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters
<$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
data RSAPrivateKeyParameters = RSAPrivateKeyParameters
{ rsaD :: Types.Base64Integer
, rsaOptionalParameters :: Maybe RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON RSAPrivateKeyParameters where
parseJSON = withObject "RSA private key parameters" $ \o ->
<$> o .: "d"
<*> (if any (`M.member` o) ["p", "q", "dp", "dq", "qi", "oth"]
then Just <$> parseJSON (Object o)
else pure Nothing)
instance ToJSON RSAPrivateKeyParameters where
toJSON RSAPrivateKeyParameters {..} = object $
("d" .= rsaD) : maybe [] (Types.objectPairs . toJSON) rsaOptionalParameters
instance Arbitrary RSAPrivateKeyParameters where
arbitrary = RSAPrivateKeyParameters <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
data ECKeyParameters = ECKeyParameters
ecKty :: EC
, ecCrv :: Crv
, ecX :: Types.SizedBase64Integer
, ecY :: Types.SizedBase64Integer
, ecD :: Maybe Types.SizedBase64Integer
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON ECKeyParameters where
parseJSON = withObject "EC" $ \o -> do
crv <- o .: "crv"
<$> o .: "kty"
<*> pure crv
<*> (o .: "x" >>= Types.checkSize (ecCoordBytes crv))
<*> (o .: "y" >>= Types.checkSize (ecCoordBytes crv))
<*> (o .:? "d" >>= \case
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just v -> Just <$> Types.checkSize (ecDBytes crv) v)
instance ToJSON ECKeyParameters where
toJSON (ECKeyParameters {..}) = object $
[ "kty" .= ecKty
, "crv" .= ecCrv
, "x" .= ecX
, "y" .= ecY
] ++ fmap ("d" .=) (maybeToList ecD)
instance Arbitrary ECKeyParameters where
arbitrary = do
crv <- arbitrary
let w = ecCoordBytes crv
ECKeyParameters EC crv
<$> Types.genSizedBase64IntegerOf w
<*> Types.genSizedBase64IntegerOf w
<*> oneof
[ pure Nothing
, Just <$> Types.genSizedBase64IntegerOf (ecDBytes crv)
:: (BA.ByteArrayAccess msg, HashAlgorithm h,
MonadRandom m, MonadError e m, AsError e)
=> h
-> ECKeyParameters
-> msg
-> m B.ByteString
signEC h (ECKeyParameters {..}) m = case ecD of
Just ecD' -> sigToBS <$> sig where
w = ecCoordBytes ecCrv
sig = ECDSA.sign privateKey h m
sigToBS (ECDSA.Signature r s) =
Types.sizedIntegerToBS w r <> Types.sizedIntegerToBS w s
privateKey = ECDSA.PrivateKey (curve ecCrv) (d ecD')
d (Types.SizedBase64Integer _ n) = n
Nothing -> throwError (review _KeyMismatch "not an EC private key")
:: (BA.ByteArrayAccess msg, HashAlgorithm h)
=> h
-> ECKeyParameters
-> msg
-> B.ByteString
-> Either Error Bool
verifyEC h k m s = Right $ ECDSA.verify h pubkey sig m
pubkey = ECDSA.PublicKey (curve $ ecCrv k) (point k)
sig = uncurry ECDSA.Signature
$ bimap Types.bsToInteger Types.bsToInteger
$ B.splitAt (B.length s `div` 2) s
curve :: Crv -> ECC.Curve
curve = ECC.getCurveByName . curveName where
curveName P_256 = ECC.SEC_p256r1
curveName P_384 = ECC.SEC_p384r1
curveName P_521 = ECC.SEC_p521r1
point :: ECKeyParameters -> ECC.Point
point ECKeyParameters {..} = ECC.Point (integer ecX) (integer ecY) where
integer (Types.SizedBase64Integer _ n) = n
ecCoordBytes :: Integral a => Crv -> a
ecCoordBytes P_256 = 32
ecCoordBytes P_384 = 48
ecCoordBytes P_521 = 66
ecDBytes :: Integral a => Crv -> a
ecDBytes crv = ceiling (logBase 2 (fromIntegral order) / 8 :: Double) where
order = ECC.ecc_n $ ECC.common_curve $ curve crv
data RSAKeyParameters = RSAKeyParameters
{ _rsaKty :: RSA
, _rsaN :: Types.SizedBase64Integer
, _rsaE :: Types.Base64Integer
, _rsaPrivateKeyParameters :: Maybe RSAPrivateKeyParameters
deriving (Eq, Show)
makeLenses ''RSAKeyParameters
instance FromJSON RSAKeyParameters where
parseJSON = withObject "RSA" $ \o ->
<$> o .: "kty"
<*> o .: "n"
<*> o .: "e"
<*> if M.member "d" o
then Just <$> parseJSON (Object o)
else pure Nothing
instance ToJSON RSAKeyParameters where
toJSON RSAKeyParameters {..} = object $
("kty" .= _rsaKty)
: ("n" .= _rsaN)
: ("e" .= _rsaE)
: maybe [] (Types.objectPairs . toJSON) _rsaPrivateKeyParameters
instance Arbitrary RSAKeyParameters where
arbitrary = RSAKeyParameters RSA
<$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
genRSA :: MonadRandom m => Int -> m RSAKeyParameters
genRSA size = toRSAKeyParameters . snd <$> RSA.generate size 65537
toRSAKeyParameters :: RSA.PrivateKey -> RSAKeyParameters
toRSAKeyParameters (RSA.PrivateKey (RSA.PublicKey s n e) d p q dp dq qi) =
let i = Types.Base64Integer
in RSAKeyParameters RSA
( Types.SizedBase64Integer s n )
( i e )
( Just (RSAPrivateKeyParameters (i d)
(Just (RSAPrivateKeyOptionalParameters
(i p) (i q) (i dp) (i dq) (i qi) Nothing))) )
:: (PKCS15.HashAlgorithmASN1 h, MonadRandom m, MonadError e m, AsError e)
=> h
-> RSAKeyParameters
-> B.ByteString
-> m B.ByteString
signPKCS15 h k m = case rsaPrivateKey k of
Left e -> throwError (review _Error e)
Right k' -> PKCS15.signSafer (Just h) k' m
>>= either (throwError . review _RSAError) pure
:: PKCS15.HashAlgorithmASN1 h
=> h
-> RSAKeyParameters
-> B.ByteString
-> B.ByteString
-> Either Error Bool
verifyPKCS15 h k m = Right . PKCS15.verify (Just h) (rsaPublicKey k) m
:: (HashAlgorithm h, MonadRandom m, MonadError e m, AsError e)
=> h
-> RSAKeyParameters
-> B.ByteString
-> m B.ByteString
signPSS h k m = case rsaPrivateKey k of
Left e -> throwError (review _Error e)
Right k' -> PSS.signSafer (PSS.defaultPSSParams h) k' m
>>= either (throwError . review _RSAError) pure
:: (HashAlgorithm h)
=> h
-> RSAKeyParameters
-> B.ByteString
-> B.ByteString
-> Either Error Bool
verifyPSS h k m = Right .
PSS.verify (PSS.defaultPSSParams h) (rsaPublicKey k) m
rsaPrivateKey :: RSAKeyParameters -> Either Error RSA.PrivateKey
rsaPrivateKey (RSAKeyParameters _
(Types.SizedBase64Integer size n)
(Types.Base64Integer e)
(Just (RSAPrivateKeyParameters (Types.Base64Integer d) opt)))
| isJust (opt >>= rsaOth) = Left OtherPrimesNotSupported
| n < 2 ^ (2040 :: Integer) = Left KeySizeTooSmall
| otherwise = Right $
RSA.PrivateKey (RSA.PublicKey size n e) d
(opt' rsaP) (opt' rsaQ) (opt' rsaDp) (opt' rsaDq) (opt' rsaQi)
opt' f = fromMaybe 0 (unB64I . f <$> opt)
unB64I (Types.Base64Integer x) = x
rsaPrivateKey _ = Left $ KeyMismatch "not an RSA private key"
rsaPublicKey :: RSAKeyParameters -> RSA.PublicKey
rsaPublicKey (RSAKeyParameters _
(Types.SizedBase64Integer size n) (Types.Base64Integer e) _)
= RSA.PublicKey size n e
data OctKeyParameters = OctKeyParameters
{ octKty :: Oct
, octK :: Types.Base64Octets
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON OctKeyParameters where
parseJSON = withObject "symmetric key" $ \o ->
OctKeyParameters <$> o .: "kty" <*> o .: "k"
instance ToJSON OctKeyParameters where
toJSON OctKeyParameters {..} = object ["kty" .= octKty, "k" .= octK]
instance Arbitrary OctKeyParameters where
arbitrary = OctKeyParameters Oct <$> arbitrary
:: forall h e m. (HashAlgorithm h, MonadError e m, AsError e)
=> h
-> OctKeyParameters
-> B.ByteString
-> m B.ByteString
signOct h (OctKeyParameters _ (Types.Base64Octets k)) m =
if B.length k < hashDigestSize h
then throwError (review _KeySizeTooSmall ())
else pure $ B.pack $ BA.unpack (hmac k m :: HMAC h)
data KeyMaterial
= ECKeyMaterial ECKeyParameters
| RSAKeyMaterial RSAKeyParameters
| OctKeyMaterial OctKeyParameters
deriving (Eq, Show)
showKeyType :: KeyMaterial -> String
showKeyType (ECKeyMaterial (ECKeyParameters { ecCrv = crv })) = "ECDSA (" ++ show crv ++ ")"
showKeyType (RSAKeyMaterial _) = "RSA"
showKeyType (OctKeyMaterial _) = "symmetric"
instance FromJSON KeyMaterial where
parseJSON = withObject "KeyMaterial" $ \o ->
ECKeyMaterial <$> parseJSON (Object o)
<|> RSAKeyMaterial <$> parseJSON (Object o)
<|> OctKeyMaterial <$> parseJSON (Object o)
instance ToJSON KeyMaterial where
toJSON (ECKeyMaterial p) = object $ Types.objectPairs (toJSON p)
toJSON (RSAKeyMaterial p) = object $ Types.objectPairs (toJSON p)
toJSON (OctKeyMaterial p) = object $ Types.objectPairs (toJSON p)
data KeyMaterialGenParam
= ECGenParam Crv
| RSAGenParam Int
| OctGenParam Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Arbitrary KeyMaterialGenParam where
arbitrary = oneof
[ ECGenParam <$> arbitrary
, RSAGenParam <$> elements ((`div` 8) <$> [2048, 3072, 4096])
, OctGenParam <$> liftA2 (+) arbitrarySizedNatural (elements [32, 48, 64])
genKeyMaterial :: MonadRandom m => KeyMaterialGenParam -> m KeyMaterial
genKeyMaterial (ECGenParam crv) = do
xyValue = Types.SizedBase64Integer (ecCoordBytes crv)
dValue = Types.SizedBase64Integer (ecDBytes crv)
(ECDSA.PublicKey _ p, ECDSA.PrivateKey _ d) <- ECC.generate (curve crv)
case p of
ECC.Point x y -> return $ ECKeyMaterial $
ECKeyParameters EC crv (xyValue x) (xyValue y) (Just (dValue d))
ECC.PointO -> genKeyMaterial (ECGenParam crv)
genKeyMaterial (RSAGenParam size) = RSAKeyMaterial <$> genRSA size
genKeyMaterial (OctGenParam n) =
OctKeyMaterial . OctKeyParameters Oct . Types.Base64Octets <$> getRandomBytes n
:: (MonadRandom m, MonadError e m, AsError e)
=> JWA.JWS.Alg
-> KeyMaterial
-> B.ByteString
-> m B.ByteString
sign JWA.JWS.None _ = \_ -> return ""
sign JWA.JWS.ES256 (ECKeyMaterial k@(ECKeyParameters { ecCrv = P_256 })) = signEC SHA256 k
sign JWA.JWS.ES384 (ECKeyMaterial k@(ECKeyParameters { ecCrv = P_384 })) = signEC SHA384 k
sign JWA.JWS.ES512 (ECKeyMaterial k@(ECKeyParameters { ecCrv = P_521 })) = signEC SHA512 k
sign JWA.JWS.RS256 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPKCS15 SHA256 k
sign JWA.JWS.RS384 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPKCS15 SHA384 k
sign JWA.JWS.RS512 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPKCS15 SHA512 k
sign JWA.JWS.PS256 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPSS SHA256 k
sign JWA.JWS.PS384 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPSS SHA384 k
sign JWA.JWS.PS512 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = signPSS SHA512 k
sign JWA.JWS.HS256 (OctKeyMaterial k) = signOct SHA256 k
sign JWA.JWS.HS384 (OctKeyMaterial k) = signOct SHA384 k
sign JWA.JWS.HS512 (OctKeyMaterial k) = signOct SHA512 k
sign h k = \_ -> throwError (review _AlgorithmMismatch
(show h <> "cannot be used with " <> showKeyType k <> " key"))
:: JWA.JWS.Alg
-> KeyMaterial
-> B.ByteString
-> B.ByteString
-> Either Error Bool
verify JWA.JWS.None _ = \_ s -> Right $ s == ""
verify JWA.JWS.ES256 (ECKeyMaterial k) = verifyEC SHA256 k
verify JWA.JWS.ES384 (ECKeyMaterial k) = verifyEC SHA384 k
verify JWA.JWS.ES512 (ECKeyMaterial k) = verifyEC SHA512 k
verify JWA.JWS.RS256 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = verifyPKCS15 SHA256 k
verify JWA.JWS.RS384 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = verifyPKCS15 SHA384 k
verify JWA.JWS.RS512 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = verifyPKCS15 SHA512 k
verify JWA.JWS.PS256 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = verifyPSS SHA256 k
verify JWA.JWS.PS384 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = verifyPSS SHA384 k
verify JWA.JWS.PS512 (RSAKeyMaterial k) = verifyPSS SHA512 k
verify JWA.JWS.HS256 (OctKeyMaterial k) = \m s -> BA.constEq s <$> signOct SHA256 k m
verify JWA.JWS.HS384 (OctKeyMaterial k) = \m s -> BA.constEq s <$> signOct SHA384 k m
verify JWA.JWS.HS512 (OctKeyMaterial k) = \m s -> BA.constEq s <$> signOct SHA512 k m
verify h k = \_ -> return $ Left $ AlgorithmMismatch
$ show h ++ "cannot be used with " ++ showKeyType k ++ " key"
instance Arbitrary KeyMaterial where
arbitrary = oneof
[ ECKeyMaterial <$> arbitrary
, RSAKeyMaterial <$> arbitrary
, OctKeyMaterial <$> arbitrary
class AsPublicKey k where
asPublicKey :: Prism' k k
instance AsPublicKey OctKeyParameters where
asPublicKey = prism' id (const Nothing)
instance AsPublicKey RSAKeyParameters where
asPublicKey = prism' id (Just . set rsaPrivateKeyParameters Nothing)
instance AsPublicKey ECKeyParameters where
asPublicKey = prism' id (\k -> Just k { ecD = Nothing })
instance AsPublicKey KeyMaterial where
asPublicKey = prism' id (\x -> case x of
OctKeyMaterial k -> OctKeyMaterial <$> k ^? asPublicKey
RSAKeyMaterial k -> RSAKeyMaterial <$> k ^? asPublicKey
ECKeyMaterial k -> ECKeyMaterial <$> k ^? asPublicKey