-- Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016  Fraser Tweedale
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}


A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data
structure that represents a cryptographic key.  This module also
defines a JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set) JSON data structure for
representing a set of JWKs.

module Crypto.JOSE.JWK
  , jwkMaterial
  , jwkUse
  , KeyUse(..)
  , jwkKeyOps
  , jwkAlg
  , jwkKid
  , jwkX5u
  , jwkX5c
  , jwkX5t
  , jwkX5tS256
  , fromKeyMaterial
  , genJWK

  , fromRSA

  , JWKAlg(..)

  , JWKSet(..)

  , bestJWSAlg

  , module Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWK
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)

import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError(throwError))
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA as RSA
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.List.NonEmpty

import Test.QuickCheck

import Crypto.JOSE.Error
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWE.Alg as JWA.JWE
import Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWK
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWS as JWA.JWS
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.TH
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types as Types
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types.Internal as Types

-- | RFC 7517 §4.4.  "alg" (Algorithm) Parameter
-- See also RFC 7518 §6.4. which states that for "oct" keys, an
-- "alg" member SHOULD be present to identify the algorithm intended
-- to be used with the key, unless the application uses another
-- means or convention to determine the algorithm used.
data JWKAlg = JWSAlg JWA.JWS.Alg | JWEAlg JWA.JWE.Alg
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance FromJSON JWKAlg where
  parseJSON v = (JWSAlg <$> parseJSON v) <|> (JWEAlg <$> parseJSON v)

instance ToJSON JWKAlg where
  toJSON (JWSAlg alg) = toJSON alg
  toJSON (JWEAlg alg) = toJSON alg

-- | JWK §3.3.  "key_ops" (Key Operations) Parameter
$(Crypto.JOSE.TH.deriveJOSEType "KeyOp"
  [ "sign", "verify", "encrypt", "decrypt"
  , "wrapKey", "unwrapKey", "deriveKey", "deriveBits"

-- | JWK §3.2.  "use" (Public Key Use) Parameter
$(Crypto.JOSE.TH.deriveJOSEType "KeyUse" ["sig", "enc"])

-- | JWK §3.  JSON Web Key (JWK) Format
data JWK = JWK
    _jwkMaterial :: Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWK.KeyMaterial
  , _jwkUse :: Maybe KeyUse
  , _jwkKeyOps :: Maybe [KeyOp]
  , _jwkAlg :: Maybe JWKAlg
  , _jwkKid :: Maybe String
  , _jwkX5u :: Maybe Types.URI
  , _jwkX5c :: Maybe (NonEmpty Types.Base64X509)
  , _jwkX5t :: Maybe Types.Base64SHA1
  , _jwkX5tS256 :: Maybe Types.Base64SHA256
  deriving (Eq, Show)
makeLenses ''JWK

instance FromJSON JWK where
  parseJSON = withObject "JWK" $ \o -> JWK
    <$> parseJSON (Object o)
    <*> o .:? "use"
    <*> o .:? "key_ops"
    <*> o .:? "alg"
    <*> o .:? "kid"
    <*> o .:? "x5u"
    <*> o .:? "x5c"
    <*> o .:? "x5t"
    <*> o .:? "x5t#S256"

instance ToJSON JWK where
  toJSON (JWK {..}) = object $ catMaybes
    [ fmap ("alg" .=) _jwkAlg
    , fmap ("use" .=) _jwkUse
    , fmap ("key_ops" .=) _jwkKeyOps
    , fmap ("kid" .=) _jwkKid
    , fmap ("x5u" .=) _jwkX5u
    , fmap ("x5c" .=) _jwkX5c
    , fmap ("x5t" .=) _jwkX5t
    , fmap ("x5t#S256" .=) _jwkX5tS256
    ++ Types.objectPairs (toJSON _jwkMaterial)

genJWK :: MonadRandom m => KeyMaterialGenParam -> m JWK
genJWK p = fromKeyMaterial <$> genKeyMaterial p

instance Arbitrary JWK where
  arbitrary = JWK
    <$> arbitrary
    <*> pure Nothing
    <*> pure Nothing
    <*> pure Nothing
    <*> arbitrary
    <*> pure Nothing
    <*> pure Nothing
    <*> arbitrary
    <*> arbitrary

fromKeyMaterial :: KeyMaterial -> JWK
fromKeyMaterial k = JWK k z z z z z z z z where z = Nothing

-- | Convert RSA private key into a JWK
fromRSA :: RSA.PrivateKey -> JWK
fromRSA = fromKeyMaterial . RSAKeyMaterial . toRSAKeyParameters

instance AsPublicKey JWK where
  asPublicKey = prism' id (jwkMaterial (preview asPublicKey))

-- | JWK §4.  JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set) Format
newtype JWKSet = JWKSet [JWK] deriving (Eq, Show)

instance FromJSON JWKSet where
  parseJSON = withObject "JWKSet" (\o -> JWKSet <$> o .: "keys")

-- | Choose the cryptographically strongest JWS algorithm for a
-- given key.  The JWK "alg" algorithm parameter is ignored.
  :: (MonadError e m, AsError e)
  => JWK
  -> m JWA.JWS.Alg
bestJWSAlg jwk = case view jwkMaterial jwk of
  ECKeyMaterial k -> pure $ case ecCrv k of
    P_256 -> JWA.JWS.ES256
    P_384 -> JWA.JWS.ES384
    P_521 -> JWA.JWS.ES512
  RSAKeyMaterial k ->
      Types.SizedBase64Integer _ n = view rsaN k
      if n >= 2 ^ (2040 :: Integer)
      then pure JWA.JWS.PS512
      else throwError (review _KeySizeTooSmall ())
  OctKeyMaterial (OctKeyParameters { octK = Types.Base64Octets k })
    | B.length k >= 512 `div` 8 -> pure JWA.JWS.HS512
    | B.length k >= 384 `div` 8 -> pure JWA.JWS.HS384
    | B.length k >= 256 `div` 8 -> pure JWA.JWS.HS256
    | otherwise -> throwError (review _KeySizeTooSmall ())