module Jose.Jwa
( Alg (..)
, JwsAlg (..)
, JweAlg (..)
, Enc (..)
, encName
import Control.Applicative (pure)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
data Alg = Signed JwsAlg | Encrypted JweAlg deriving (Eq, Show)
data JwsAlg = None | HS256 | HS384 | HS512 | RS256 | RS384 | RS512 deriving (Eq, Show)
data JweAlg = RSA1_5 | RSA_OAEP deriving (Eq, Show)
data Enc = A128CBC_HS256 | A256CBC_HS512 | A128GCM | A256GCM deriving (Eq, Show)
algs :: [(Text, Alg)]
algs = [("none", Signed None), ("HS256", Signed HS256), ("HS384", Signed HS384), ("HS512", Signed HS512), ("RS256", Signed RS256), ("RS384", Signed RS384), ("RS512", Signed RS512), ("RSA1_5", Encrypted RSA1_5), ("RSA-OAEP", Encrypted RSA_OAEP)]
algName :: Alg -> Text
algName a = fromJust $ lookup a algNames
algNames :: [(Alg, Text)]
algNames = map swap algs
encs :: [(Text, Enc)]
encs = [("A128CBC-HS256", A128CBC_HS256), ("A256CBC-HS512", A256CBC_HS512), ("A128GCM", A128GCM), ("A256GCM", A256GCM)]
encName :: Enc -> Text
encName e = fromJust $ lookup e encNames
encNames :: [(Enc, Text)]
encNames = map swap encs
instance FromJSON Alg where
parseJSON = withText "Alg" $ \t ->
maybe (fail "Unsupported alg") pure $ lookup t algs
instance ToJSON Alg where
toJSON = String . algName
instance FromJSON JwsAlg where
parseJSON = withText "JwsAlg" $ \t -> case lookup t algs of
Just (Signed a) -> pure a
_ -> fail ("Unsupported JWS algorithm")
instance ToJSON JwsAlg where
toJSON a = String . algName $ Signed a
instance FromJSON JweAlg where
parseJSON = withText "JweAlg" $ \t -> case lookup t algs of
Just (Encrypted a) -> pure a
_ -> fail ("Unsupported JWE algorithm")
instance ToJSON JweAlg where
toJSON a = String . algName $ Encrypted a
instance FromJSON Enc where
parseJSON = withText "Enc" $ \t ->
maybe (fail "Unsupported enc") pure $ lookup t encs
instance ToJSON Enc where
toJSON = String . encName