jps: Jump point search for Haskell

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Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), containers, fingertree, lens, vector [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2018 Zachary Kamerling
Author Zachary Kamerling
Maintainer Sandy Maguire <>
Category Algorithm
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Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by isovector at 2018-08-20T01:29:17Z
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Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
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jps -- jump point search for Haskell

Build Status | Hackage


People take the longest possible paths, digress to numerous dead ends, and make all kinds of mistakes.Then historians come along and write summaries of this messy, nonlinear process and make it appear like a simple, straight line.

Dean Kamen


Jump point search is a variant of A* that cuts down on the search space by assuming you always want to continue in a straight line. As such, it runs remarkably faster on graphs that are mostly open.

For a fantastic introduction to how the algorithm works, check out zerowidth positive lookahead's excellent explanation.

jps is a Haskell implementation of jump point search. It was originally written by Zachary Kamerling and is maintained by Sandy Maguire.