k8s-wrapper: Application wrapper for the k8s environment

[ library, mpl, network ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

A wrapper for the k8s environment. It provides the logic that can automate the communication with k8s and easily provide proper run in the application. For more details see documentation in the Network.K8s.Application module

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Change log CHANGELOG.md
Dependencies async (>=2.2.4 && <2.3), base (>= && <5.0), http-types (>=0.12.3 && <0.13), stm (>=2.4 && <3.0), text (>= && <1.3), wai, wai-middleware-prometheus, warp [details]
Tested with ghc ==9.2.2, ghc ==9.0.2, ghc ==8.10.7
License MPL-2.0
Author Alexander Vershilov
Maintainer alexander.vershilov@sirius.online, backend-dev@sirius.online
Category Network
Home page https://github.com/cheopslab/k8s-wrapper
Bug tracker https://github.com/cheopslab/k8s-wrapper/issues
Uploaded by AlexanderVershilov at 2023-02-26T17:17:00Z
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Last success reported on 2023-02-26 [all 1 reports]

Readme for k8s-wrapper-

[back to package description]

k8s-wrapper is a wai application that is designed to wrap your service running in a k8s environment and provide the additional functionality needed for a fully-featured application to operate. It accomplishes it in several ways:

  1. Health and liveness Endpoints — the feature provides information on the current state of the application, allowing k8s to control execution, restart application, manage rollouts and route traffic
  2. Startup and Teardown Control — the application's statup and teardown processes are managed by k8s-wrapper, ensuring that your service operates smoothly
  3. Graceful Shutdown Endpoint — This feature enables graceful shutdown of your service.
  4. Metrics Enpoint — Metrics are exposed on a dedicated endpoint, allowing for easy monitoring of your application's performance

By utilizing k8s-wrapper, you can simplify the management of your service and ensure that it runs reliably in a k8s environment

Get Started

In order to use k8s application you should do:

  1. All k8s-wrapper to the list of dependencies in the cabal file:
executable mega-service
  build-depends: base >= 4.4,
  1. In the main file use:
import Network.K8s.Application as K8s

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let runReadynessCheck = do 
        -- In this function we check if the traffic can be routed to the
        -- application. If this function returns False traffic will not
        -- be routed to the application.
        pure True
  let runLivenessCheck = do
        -- Check if the application is in a workable state. If returns `False`
        -- then k8s based on it's rules may restart the application.
        pure True
  let initializeServer = do
        -- This function is used to initialize the service, for example
        -- setup connection to the databases, check config files, register metrics
        _ <- register ghcMetrics
        -- While this function is executing k8s-wrapper replies the
        -- status on it's interface.
        -- This function returns created resources that may be needed for the
        -- application.
        pure ()
    K8s.defConfig -- Default configuration
    K8sChecks{ runReadynessCheck, runLivenessCheck }
    (\resources -> Warp.run application_port (yourApp resources)) 

After settings k8s-wrapper will start the interface on the port 10120 (can be redefinen in the config), that provides endpoints:

  • /started — provides information if application is started
  • /ready — provides information if application can accept the traffic
  • /health — provides information if application is healthy
  • /stop — preStop hook — requests application teardown
  • /_metrics - output metrics for the application

For the machine readable format you can check spec.yaml file provided with the package that provides openapi v3 definition of the endpoints.