{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | A light-weight, minimalistic reverse HTTP proxy. module Keter.Proxy ( reverseProxy , makeSettings , ProxySettings(..) , TLSConfig (..) ) where import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as HTTP import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import qualified Keter.HostManager as HostMan import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (copyByteString) import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI #if MIN_VERSION_http_reverse_proxy(0,6,0) import Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip (def) #else import Data.Default (Default (..)) #endif import Data.Monoid (mappend, mempty) import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8With, encodeUtf8) import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Keter.Types import Keter.Types.Middleware import Network.HTTP.Conduit (Manager) #if MIN_VERSION_http_reverse_proxy(0,4,2) import Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy (defaultLocalWaiProxySettings) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_http_reverse_proxy(0,6,0) import Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy (defaultWaiProxySettings) #endif import Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy (ProxyDest (ProxyDest), SetIpHeader (..), WaiProxyResponse (..), LocalWaiProxySettings, setLpsTimeBound, waiProxyToSettings, wpsSetIpHeader, wpsGetDest) import qualified Network.HTTP.ReverseProxy.Rewrite as Rewrite import Network.HTTP.Types (mkStatus, status200, status301, status302, status303, status307, status404) import qualified Network.Wai as Wai import Network.Wai.Application.Static (defaultFileServerSettings, ssListing, staticApp) import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS as WarpTLS import qualified Network.TLS.SessionManager as TLSSession import Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip (gzip, GzipSettings(..), GzipFiles(..)) import Prelude hiding (FilePath, (++)) import WaiAppStatic.Listing (defaultListing) import qualified Network.TLS as TLS import qualified System.Directory as Dir #if !MIN_VERSION_http_reverse_proxy(0,6,0) defaultWaiProxySettings = def #endif #if !MIN_VERSION_http_reverse_proxy(0,4,2) defaultLocalWaiProxySettings = def #endif data ProxySettings = MkProxySettings -- | Mapping from virtual hostname to port number. { psHostLookup :: ByteString -> IO (Maybe (ProxyAction, TLS.Credentials)) , psManager :: !Manager , psConfig :: !KeterConfig , psUnkownHost :: ByteString -> ByteString , psMissingHost :: ByteString } makeSettings :: KeterConfig -> HostMan.HostManager -> IO ProxySettings makeSettings psConfig@KeterConfig {..} hostman = do psManager <- HTTP.newManager HTTP.tlsManagerSettings psMissingHost <- case kconfigMissingHostResponse of Nothing -> pure defaultMissingHostBody Just x -> taggedReadFile "unknown-host-response-file" x psUnkownHost <- case kconfigUnknownHostResponse of Nothing -> pure defaultUnknownHostBody Just x -> const <$> taggedReadFile "missing-host-response-file" x pure $ MkProxySettings{..} where psHostLookup = HostMan.lookupAction hostman . CI.mk taggedReadFile :: String -> FilePath -> IO ByteString taggedReadFile tag file = do isExist <- Dir.doesFileExist file if isExist then S.readFile file else do wd <- Dir.getCurrentDirectory error $ "could not find " <> tag <> " on path '" <> file <> "' with working dir '" <> wd <> "'" reverseProxy :: ProxySettings -> ListeningPort -> IO () reverseProxy settings listener = run $ gzip def{gzipFiles = GzipPreCompressed GzipIgnore} $ withClient isSecure settings where warp host port = Warp.setHost host $ Warp.setPort port Warp.defaultSettings (run, isSecure) = case listener of LPInsecure host port -> (Warp.runSettings (warp host port), False) LPSecure host port cert chainCerts key session -> (WarpTLS.runTLS (connectClientCertificates (psHostLookup settings) session $ WarpTLS.tlsSettingsChain cert (V.toList chainCerts) key) (warp host port), True) connectClientCertificates :: (ByteString -> IO (Maybe (ProxyAction, TLS.Credentials))) -> Bool -> WarpTLS.TLSSettings -> WarpTLS.TLSSettings connectClientCertificates hl session s = let newHooks@TLS.ServerHooks{..} = WarpTLS.tlsServerHooks s -- todo: add nested lookup newOnServerNameIndication (Just n) = maybe mempty snd <$> hl (S8.pack n) newOnServerNameIndication Nothing = return mempty -- we could return default certificate here in s { WarpTLS.tlsServerHooks = newHooks{TLS.onServerNameIndication = newOnServerNameIndication} , WarpTLS.tlsSessionManagerConfig = if session then (Just TLSSession.defaultConfig) else Nothing } withClient :: Bool -- ^ is secure? -> ProxySettings -> Wai.Application withClient isSecure MkProxySettings {..} = waiProxyToSettings (error "First argument to waiProxyToSettings forced, even thought wpsGetDest provided") defaultWaiProxySettings { wpsSetIpHeader = if useHeader then SIHFromHeader else SIHFromSocket , wpsGetDest = Just getDest } psManager where useHeader :: Bool useHeader = kconfigIpFromHeader psConfig -- calculate the number of microseconds since the -- configuration option is in milliseconds bound :: Int bound = kconfigConnectionTimeBound psConfig * 1000 protocol | isSecure = "https" | otherwise = "http" -- FIXME This is a workaround for -- https://github.com/snoyberg/keter/issues/29. After some research, it -- seems like Warp is behaving properly here. I'm still not certain why the -- http call (from http-conduit) inside waiProxyToSettings could ever block -- infinitely without the server it's connecting to going down, so that -- requires more research. Meanwhile, this prevents the file descriptor -- leak from occurring. addjustGlobalBound :: Maybe Int -> LocalWaiProxySettings addjustGlobalBound to = go `setLpsTimeBound` defaultLocalWaiProxySettings where go = case to <|> Just bound of Just x | x > 0 -> Just x _ -> Nothing getDest :: Wai.Request -> IO (LocalWaiProxySettings, WaiProxyResponse) getDest req = case Wai.requestHeaderHost req of Nothing -> do return (defaultLocalWaiProxySettings, WPRResponse $ missingHostResponse psMissingHost) Just host -> processHost req host processHost :: Wai.Request -> S.ByteString -> IO (LocalWaiProxySettings, WaiProxyResponse) processHost req host = do -- Perform two levels of lookup. First: look up the entire host. If -- that fails, try stripping off any port number and try again. mport <- liftIO $ do mport1 <- psHostLookup host case mport1 of Just _ -> return mport1 Nothing -> do let host' = S.takeWhile (/= 58) host if host' == host then return Nothing else psHostLookup host' case mport of Nothing -> do return (defaultLocalWaiProxySettings, WPRResponse $ unknownHostResponse host (psUnkownHost host)) Just ((action, requiresSecure), _) | requiresSecure && not isSecure -> performHttpsRedirect host req | otherwise -> performAction req action performHttpsRedirect host = return . (addjustGlobalBound Nothing,) . WPRResponse . redirectApp config where host' = CI.mk $ decodeUtf8With lenientDecode host config = RedirectConfig { redirconfigHosts = mempty , redirconfigStatus = 301 , redirconfigActions = V.singleton $ RedirectAction SPAny $ RDPrefix True host' Nothing , redirconfigSsl = SSLTrue } performAction req (PAPort port tbound) = return (addjustGlobalBound tbound, WPRModifiedRequest req' $ ProxyDest "" port) where req' = req { Wai.requestHeaders = ("X-Forwarded-Proto", protocol) : Wai.requestHeaders req } performAction _ (PAStatic StaticFilesConfig {..}) = return (addjustGlobalBound sfconfigTimeout, WPRApplication $ processMiddleware sfconfigMiddleware $ staticApp (defaultFileServerSettings sfconfigRoot) { ssListing = if sfconfigListings then Just defaultListing else Nothing }) performAction req (PARedirect config) = return (addjustGlobalBound Nothing, WPRResponse $ redirectApp config req) performAction _ (PAReverseProxy config rpconfigMiddleware tbound) = return (addjustGlobalBound tbound, WPRApplication $ processMiddleware rpconfigMiddleware $ Rewrite.simpleReverseProxy psManager config ) redirectApp :: RedirectConfig -> Wai.Request -> Wai.Response redirectApp RedirectConfig {..} req = V.foldr checkAction noAction redirconfigActions where checkAction (RedirectAction SPAny dest) _ = sendTo $ mkUrl dest checkAction (RedirectAction (SPSpecific path) dest) other | encodeUtf8 path == Wai.rawPathInfo req = sendTo $ mkUrl dest | otherwise = other noAction = Wai.responseBuilder status404 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] (copyByteString "File not found") sendTo url = Wai.responseBuilder status [("Location", url)] (copyByteString url) status = case redirconfigStatus of 301 -> status301 302 -> status302 303 -> status303 307 -> status307 i -> mkStatus i $ S8.pack $ show i mkUrl (RDUrl url) = encodeUtf8 url mkUrl (RDPrefix isSecure host mport) = S.concat [ if isSecure then "https://" else "http://" , encodeUtf8 $ CI.original host , case mport of Nothing -> "" Just port | isSecure && port == 443 -> "" | not isSecure && port == 80 -> "" | otherwise -> S8.pack $ ':' : show port , Wai.rawPathInfo req , Wai.rawQueryString req ] defaultMissingHostBody :: ByteString defaultMissingHostBody = "\n
You did not provide a virtual hostname for this request.
" missingHostResponse :: ByteString -> Wai.Response missingHostResponse missingHost = Wai.responseBuilder status200 [("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")] $ copyByteString missingHost defaultUnknownHostBody :: ByteString -> ByteString defaultUnknownHostBody host = "\nThe hostname you have provided, "
<> host <> "
, is not recognized.