{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Test.Utils.GithubSpec ( spec, ) where import Data.Aeson (Value (..), encode) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString, toStrict) import Data.HashMap.Strict (singleton) import Data.Text (Text, isInfixOf, isPrefixOf) import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException (..), HttpExceptionContent (..), createCookieJar, defaultRequest) import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (Response (..), ResponseClose (..)) import Network.HTTP.Req (HttpException (..)) import Network.HTTP.Types (Status, status400, status403, status404) import Network.HTTP.Types.Version (http11) import Test.Hspec import Utils.Github (githubAPILimitErrorText, githubNotFoundErrorText, showGithubException) import Utils.Req (showHTTPException, showRawResponse) spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Utils.Github" $ do context "Github \"business\" errors, 4xx status code, \"message\" structure" $ do it "Display the content of the error message, deserialized from the JSON" $ do let errorMsg = "some_error" let body = mkGithubErrorBody errorMsg let errorText = getErrorText body status400 errorText `shouldSatisfy` isPrefixOf "From Github:" errorText `shouldSatisfy` isInfixOf errorMsg context "Github API Rate Limit error" $ do it "Displays the specific message for API errors" $ do let errorMsg = "API rate limit exceeded for (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)" let body = mkGithubErrorBody errorMsg let errorText = getErrorText body status403 errorText `shouldSatisfy` isInfixOf githubAPILimitErrorText context "Github Private repo error" $ do it "Displays the specific message for private repo error errors" $ do let errorMsg = "Not Found" let body = mkGithubErrorBody errorMsg let errorText = getErrorText body status404 errorText `shouldSatisfy` isInfixOf githubNotFoundErrorText context "Non-JSON response exception" $ do it "Shows the raw exception, through the generic helper" $ do let exception = JsonHttpException "JSON decoding failed" showGithubException exception `shouldBe` showHTTPException showRawResponse exception context "Invalid URL exception" $ do it "Shows the raw exception, through the generic helper" $ do let exception = VanillaHttpException $ InvalidUrlException "file://foo" "bar" showGithubException exception `shouldBe` showHTTPException showRawResponse exception context "otherHttpException" $ do it "Shows the raw exception, through the generic helper" $ do let exception = VanillaHttpException $ HttpExceptionRequest defaultRequest ConnectionTimeout showGithubException exception `shouldBe` showHTTPException showRawResponse exception dummyResponse :: Status -> Response () dummyResponse status = Response status http11 [] () (createCookieJar []) (ResponseClose $ pure ()) -- | From a raw error message to a JSON formatted github error mkGithubErrorBody :: Text -> ByteString mkGithubErrorBody msg = encode $ Object $ singleton "message" (String msg) -- | From a raw JSON response body and status code to the interpreted displayed text getErrorText :: ByteString -> Status -> Text getErrorText body status = showGithubException $ VanillaHttpException $ HttpExceptionRequest defaultRequest (StatusCodeException (dummyResponse status) (toStrict body))