module Language.C.Analysis.AstAnalysis (
tExpr, ExprSide(..),
tStmt, StmtCtx(..),
import Language.C.Analysis.SemError
import Language.C.Analysis.SemRep
import Language.C.Analysis.TravMonad
import Language.C.Analysis.ConstEval
import Language.C.Analysis.Debug
import Language.C.Analysis.DefTable (DefTable, globalDefs, defineScopedIdent,
defineLabel, inFileScope, lookupTag,
lookupLabel, insertType, lookupType)
import Language.C.Analysis.DeclAnalysis
import Language.C.Analysis.TypeUtils
import Language.C.Analysis.TypeCheck
import Language.C.Analysis.TypeConversions
import Language.C.Data
import Language.C.Pretty
import Language.C.Syntax.AST
import Language.C.Syntax.Constants
import Language.C.Syntax.Ops
import Language.C.Syntax.Utils
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Control.Monad
import Prelude hiding (reverse)
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
import Data.List hiding (reverse)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
analyseAST :: (MonadTrav m) => CTranslUnit -> m GlobalDecls
analyseAST (CTranslUnit decls _file_node) = do
mapRecoverM_ analyseExt decls
getDefTable >>= \dt -> when (not (inFileScope dt)) $
error "Internal Error: Not in filescope after analysis"
liftM globalDefs getDefTable
mapRecoverM_ f = mapM_ (handleTravError . f)
analyseExt :: (MonadTrav m) => CExtDecl -> m ()
analyseExt (CAsmExt asm _)
= handleAsmBlock asm
analyseExt (CFDefExt fundef)
= analyseFunDef fundef
analyseExt (CDeclExt decl)
= analyseDecl False decl
analyseFunDef :: (MonadTrav m) => CFunDef -> m ()
analyseFunDef (CFunDef declspecs declr oldstyle_decls stmt node_info) = do
var_decl_info <- analyseVarDecl' True declspecs declr oldstyle_decls Nothing
let (VarDeclInfo name is_inline storage_spec attrs ty declr_node) = var_decl_info
when (isNoName name) $ astError node_info "NoName in analyseFunDef"
let ident = identOfVarName name
ty' <- improveFunDefType ty
fun_storage <- computeFunDefStorage ident storage_spec
let var_decl = VarDecl name (DeclAttrs is_inline fun_storage attrs) ty'
handleVarDecl False (Decl var_decl node_info)
stmt' <- analyseFunctionBody node_info var_decl stmt
handleFunDef ident (FunDef var_decl stmt' node_info)
improveFunDefType (FunctionType (FunTypeIncomplete return_ty) attrs) =
return $ FunctionType (FunType return_ty [] False) attrs
improveFunDefType ty = return $ ty
analyseDecl :: (MonadTrav m) => Bool -> CDecl -> m ()
analyseDecl is_local decl@(CDecl declspecs declrs node)
| null declrs =
case typedef_spec of Just _ -> astError node "bad typedef declaration: missing declarator"
Nothing -> analyseTypeDecl decl >> return ()
| (Just declspecs') <- typedef_spec = mapM_ (uncurry (analyseTyDef declspecs')) declr_list
| otherwise = do let (storage_specs, attrs, typequals, typespecs, inline) =
partitionDeclSpecs declspecs
canonTySpecs <- canonicalTypeSpec typespecs
let specs =
(storage_specs, attrs, typequals, canonTySpecs, inline)
mapM_ (uncurry (analyseVarDeclr specs)) declr_list
declr_list = zip (True : repeat False) declrs
typedef_spec = hasTypeDef declspecs
analyseTyDef declspecs' handle_sue_def declr =
case declr of
(Just tydeclr, Nothing , Nothing) -> analyseTypeDef handle_sue_def declspecs' tydeclr node
_ -> astError node "bad typdef declaration: bitfieldsize or initializer present"
analyseVarDeclr specs handle_sue_def (Just declr, init_opt, Nothing) = do
let (storage_specs, attrs, typequals, canonTySpecs, inline) = specs
vardeclInfo@(VarDeclInfo _ _ _ _ typ _) <-
analyseVarDecl handle_sue_def storage_specs attrs typequals canonTySpecs inline
declr [] Nothing
if (isFunctionType typ)
then extFunProto vardeclInfo
else (if is_local then localVarDecl else extVarDecl)
vardeclInfo init_opt
init_opt' <- mapMaybeM init_opt (tInit typ)
return ()
analyseVarDeclr _ _ (Nothing,_,_) = astError node "abstract declarator in object declaration"
analyseVarDeclr _ _ (_,_,Just bitfieldSz) = astError node "bitfield size in object declaration"
analyseTypeDef :: (MonadTrav m) => Bool -> [CDeclSpec] -> CDeclr -> NodeInfo -> m ()
analyseTypeDef handle_sue_def declspecs declr node_info = do
(VarDeclInfo name is_inline storage_spec attrs ty declr_node) <- analyseVarDecl' handle_sue_def declspecs declr [] Nothing
checkValidTypeDef is_inline storage_spec attrs
when (isNoName name) $ astError node_info "NoName in analyseTypeDef"
let ident = identOfVarName name
handleTypeDef (TypeDef ident ty attrs node_info)
checkValidTypeDef True _ _ = astError node_info "inline specifier for typeDef"
checkValidTypeDef _ NoStorageSpec _ = return ()
checkValidTypeDef _ bad_storage _ = astError node_info $ "storage specified for typeDef: " ++ show bad_storage
computeFunDefStorage :: (MonadTrav m) => Ident -> StorageSpec -> m Storage
computeFunDefStorage _ (StaticSpec b) = return$ FunLinkage InternalLinkage
computeFunDefStorage ident other_spec = do
obj_opt <- lookupObject ident
let defaultSpec = FunLinkage ExternalLinkage
case other_spec of
NoStorageSpec -> return$ maybe defaultSpec declStorage obj_opt
(ExternSpec False) -> return$ maybe defaultSpec declStorage obj_opt
bad_spec -> throwTravError $ badSpecifierError (nodeInfo ident)
$ "unexpected function storage specifier (only static or extern is allowed)" ++ show bad_spec
getParams :: Type -> Maybe [ParamDecl]
getParams (FunctionType (FunType _ params _) _) = Just params
getParams _ = Nothing
extFunProto :: (MonadTrav m) => VarDeclInfo -> m ()
extFunProto (VarDeclInfo var_name is_inline storage_spec attrs ty node_info) =
do when (isNoName var_name) $ astError node_info "NoName in extFunProto"
old_fun <- lookupObject (identOfVarName var_name)
let decl = VarDecl var_name (DeclAttrs is_inline (funDeclLinkage old_fun) attrs) ty
handleVarDecl False (Decl decl node_info)
maybe (return ()) (mapM_ handleParamDecl) (getParams ty)
funDeclLinkage old_fun =
case storage_spec of
NoStorageSpec -> FunLinkage ExternalLinkage
StaticSpec False -> FunLinkage InternalLinkage
ExternSpec False -> case old_fun of
Nothing -> FunLinkage ExternalLinkage
Just f -> declStorage f
_ -> error $ "funDeclLinkage: " ++ show storage_spec
| hasThreadLocalSpec storage_spec = astError node_info "thread local storage specified for function"
| RegSpec <- storage_spec = astError node_info "invalid `register' storage specified for function"
| otherwise = return ()
extVarDecl :: (MonadTrav m) => VarDeclInfo -> (Maybe Initializer) -> m ()
extVarDecl (VarDeclInfo var_name is_inline storage_spec attrs typ node_info) init_opt =
do when (isNoName var_name) $ astError node_info "NoName in extVarDecl"
(storage,is_def) <- globalStorage storage_spec
let vardecl = VarDecl var_name (DeclAttrs is_inline storage attrs) typ
if is_def
then handleObjectDef False ident $ ObjDef vardecl init_opt node_info
else handleVarDecl False $ Decl vardecl node_info
ident = identOfVarName var_name
globalStorage _ | is_inline = astError node_info "invalid `inline' specifier external variable"
globalStorage RegSpec =
do when (isJust init_opt) $ astError node_info "initializer given for global register variable"
case var_name of
NoName -> astError node_info "global register variable has no name"
VarName _ Nothing -> astError node_info "no register specified for global register variable"
_ -> return ()
dt <- getDefTable
when (hasFunDef dt) $ astError node_info "global register variable appears after a function definition"
return (Static InternalLinkage False, False)
globalStorage NoStorageSpec = return $ (Static ExternalLinkage False, True)
globalStorage (StaticSpec thread_local) = return $ (Static InternalLinkage thread_local, True)
globalStorage (ExternSpec thread_local) =
case init_opt of
Nothing -> do old_decl <- lookupObject ident
return $ (maybe (Static ExternalLinkage thread_local) declStorage old_decl,False)
Just _ -> do warn $ badSpecifierError node_info "Both initializer and `extern` specifier given - treating as definition"
return $ (Static ExternalLinkage thread_local, True)
hasFunDef dt = any (isFuncDef . snd) (Map.toList $ gObjs $ globalDefs dt)
isFuncDef (FunctionDef fd) = not $ isInline $ declAttrs fd
isFuncDef _ = False
isInline (DeclAttrs inl _ _) = inl
localVarDecl :: (MonadTrav m) => VarDeclInfo -> (Maybe Initializer) -> m ()
localVarDecl (VarDeclInfo var_name is_inline storage_spec attrs typ node_info) init_opt =
do when (isNoName var_name) $ astError node_info "NoName in localVarDecl"
(storage,is_def) <- localStorage storage_spec
let vardecl = VarDecl var_name (DeclAttrs is_inline storage attrs) typ
if is_def
then handleObjectDef True ident (ObjDef vardecl init_opt node_info)
else handleVarDecl True (Decl vardecl node_info)
ident = identOfVarName var_name
localStorage _
| is_inline = astError node_info "invalid `inline' specifier for local variable"
localStorage NoStorageSpec = return $ (Auto False,True)
localStorage RegSpec = return $ (Auto True,True)
localStorage (StaticSpec thread_local) =
return $ (Static NoLinkage thread_local,True)
localStorage (ExternSpec thread_local)
| isJust init_opt = astError node_info "extern keyword and initializer for local"
| otherwise =
do old_decl <- lookupObject ident
return (maybe (Static ExternalLinkage thread_local) declStorage old_decl,False)
localStorage s = astError node_info "bad storage specifier for local"
defineParams :: MonadTrav m => NodeInfo -> VarDecl -> m ()
defineParams ni decl =
case (getParams $ declType decl) of
Nothing -> astError ni
"expecting complete function type in function definition"
Just params -> mapM_ handleParamDecl params
analyseFunctionBody :: (MonadTrav m) => NodeInfo -> VarDecl -> CStat -> m Stmt
analyseFunctionBody node_info decl s@(CCompound localLabels items _) =
do enterFunctionScope
mapM_ (withDefTable . defineLabel) (localLabels ++ getLabels s)
defineParams node_info decl
mapM_ (tBlockItem [FunCtx decl]) items
return s
analyseFunctionBody _ _ s = astError (nodeInfo s) "Function body is no compound statement"
data StmtCtx = FunCtx VarDecl
| LoopCtx
| SwitchCtx
enclosingFunctionType :: [StmtCtx] -> Maybe Type
enclosingFunctionType [] = Nothing
enclosingFunctionType (FunCtx vd : _) = Just $ declType vd
enclosingFunctionType (_ : cs) = enclosingFunctionType cs
inLoop :: [StmtCtx] -> Bool
inLoop c = any isLoop c
where isLoop LoopCtx = True
isLoop _ = False
inSwitch :: [StmtCtx] -> Bool
inSwitch c = any isSwitch c
where isSwitch SwitchCtx = True
isSwitch _ = False
data ExprSide = LValue | RValue
deriving (Eq, Show)
tStmt :: MonadTrav m => [StmtCtx] -> CStat -> m Type
tStmt c (CLabel _ s _ _) = tStmt c s
tStmt c (CExpr e _) =
maybe (return voidType) (tExpr c RValue) e
tStmt c (CCompound ls body _) =
do enterBlockScope
mapM_ (withDefTable . defineLabel) ls
t <- foldM (const $ tBlockItem c) voidType body
return t
tStmt c (CIf e sthen selse _) =
checkGuard c e >> tStmt c sthen
>> maybe (return ()) (\s -> tStmt c s >> return ()) selse
>> return voidType
tStmt c (CSwitch e s ni) =
tExpr c RValue e >>= checkIntegral' ni >>
tStmt (SwitchCtx : c) s
tStmt c (CWhile e s _ _) =
checkGuard c e >> tStmt (LoopCtx : c) s
tStmt _ (CGoto l ni) =
do dt <- getDefTable
case lookupLabel l dt of
Just _ -> return voidType
Nothing -> typeError ni $ "undefined label in goto: " ++ identToString l
tStmt c (CCont ni) =
do unless (inLoop c) $ astError ni "continue statement outside of loop"
return voidType
tStmt c (CBreak ni) =
do unless (inLoop c || inSwitch c) $
astError ni "break statement outside of loop or switch statement"
return voidType
tStmt c (CReturn (Just e) ni) =
do t <- tExpr c RValue e
rt <- case enclosingFunctionType c of
Just (FunctionType (FunType rt _ _) _) -> return rt
Just (FunctionType (FunTypeIncomplete rt) _) -> return rt
Just ft -> astError ni $ "bad function type: " ++ pType ft
Nothing -> astError ni "return statement outside function"
case (rt, t) of
(DirectType TyVoid _ _, DirectType TyVoid _ _) -> return ()
_ -> assignCompatible' ni CAssignOp rt t
return voidType
tStmt _ (CReturn Nothing _) = return voidType
tStmt _ (CAsm _ _) = return voidType
tStmt c (CCase e s ni) =
do unless (inSwitch c) $
astError ni "case statement outside of switch statement"
tExpr c RValue e >>= checkIntegral' ni
tStmt c s
tStmt c (CCases e1 e2 s ni) =
do unless (inSwitch c) $
astError ni "case statement outside of switch statement"
tExpr c RValue e1 >>= checkIntegral' ni
tExpr c RValue e2 >>= checkIntegral' ni
tStmt c s
tStmt c (CDefault s ni) =
do unless (inSwitch c) $
astError ni "default statement outside of switch statement"
tStmt c s
tStmt c (CFor i g inc s _) =
do enterBlockScope
either (maybe (return ()) checkExpr) (analyseDecl True) i
maybe (return ()) (checkGuard c) g
maybe (return ()) checkExpr inc
tStmt (LoopCtx : c) s
return voidType
where checkExpr e = tExpr c RValue e >> return ()
tStmt c (CGotoPtr e ni) =
do t <- tExpr c RValue e
case t of
(PtrType _ _ _) -> return voidType
_ -> typeError ni "can't goto non-pointer"
tBlockItem :: MonadTrav m => [StmtCtx] -> CBlockItem -> m Type
tBlockItem c (CBlockStmt s) = tStmt c s
tBlockItem _ (CBlockDecl d) = analyseDecl True d >> return voidType
tBlockItem _ (CNestedFunDef fd) = analyseFunDef fd >> return voidType
checkGuard :: MonadTrav m => [StmtCtx] -> CExpr -> m ()
checkGuard c e = tExpr c RValue e >>= checkScalar' (nodeInfo e)
defaultMD :: MachineDesc
defaultMD =
{ iSize = \it ->
case it of
TyBool -> 1
TyChar -> 1
TySChar -> 1
TyUChar -> 1
TyShort -> 2
TyUShort -> 2
TyInt -> 4
TyUInt -> 4
TyLong -> 4
TyULong -> 4
TyLLong -> 8
TyULLong -> 8
, fSize = \ft ->
case ft of
TyFloat -> 4
TyDouble -> 8
TyLDouble -> 16
, builtinSize = \bt ->
case bt of
TyVaList -> 4
TyAny -> 4
, ptrSize = 4
, voidSize = 1
, iAlign = \it ->
case it of
TyBool -> 1
TyChar -> 1
TySChar -> 1
TyUChar -> 1
TyShort -> 2
TyUShort -> 2
TyInt -> 4
TyUInt -> 4
TyLong -> 4
TyULong -> 4
TyLLong -> 8
TyULLong -> 8
, fAlign = \ft ->
case ft of
TyFloat -> 4
TyDouble -> 8
TyLDouble -> 16
, builtinAlign = \bt ->
case bt of
TyVaList -> 4
TyAny -> 4
, ptrAlign = 4
, voidAlign = 1
tExpr :: MonadTrav m => [StmtCtx] -> ExprSide -> CExpr -> m Type
tExpr c side e =
case nameOfNode (nodeInfo e) of
Just n ->
do dt <- getDefTable
case lookupType dt n of
Just t -> return t
Nothing ->
do t <- tExpr' c side e
withDefTable (\dt -> (t, insertType dt n t))
Nothing -> tExpr' c side e
tExpr' :: MonadTrav m => [StmtCtx] -> ExprSide -> CExpr -> m Type
tExpr' c side (CBinary op le re ni) =
do when (side == LValue) $ typeError ni "binary operator as lvalue"
lt <- tExpr c RValue le
rt <- tExpr c RValue re
binopType' ni op lt rt
tExpr' c side (CUnary CAdrOp e ni) =
do when (side == LValue) $
typeError ni "address-of operator as lvalue"
case e of
CCompoundLit _ _ _ -> simplePtr `liftM` tExpr c RValue e
CVar i _ -> lookupObject i >>=
typeErrorOnLeft ni . maybe (notFound i) varAddrType
_ -> simplePtr `liftM` tExpr c LValue e
tExpr' c _ (CUnary CIndOp e ni) =
tExpr c RValue e >>= (typeErrorOnLeft ni . derefType)
tExpr' c _ (CUnary CCompOp e ni) =
do t <- tExpr c RValue e
checkIntegral' ni t
return t
tExpr' c side (CUnary CNegOp e ni) =
do when (side == LValue) $
typeError ni "logical negation used as lvalue"
tExpr c RValue e >>= checkScalar' ni
return boolType
tExpr' c side (CUnary op e _) =
tExpr c (if isEffectfulOp op then LValue else side) e
tExpr' c _ (CIndex b i ni) =
do bt <- tExpr c RValue b
it <- tExpr c RValue i
addrTy <- binopType' ni CAddOp bt it
typeErrorOnLeft ni $ derefType addrTy
tExpr' c side (CCond e1 me2 e3 ni) =
do t1 <- tExpr c RValue e1
checkScalar' (nodeInfo e1) t1
t3 <- tExpr c side e3
case me2 of
Just e2 ->
do t2 <- tExpr c side e2
conditionalType' ni t2 t3
Nothing -> conditionalType' ni t1 t3
tExpr' c side (CMember e m deref ni) =
do t <- tExpr c RValue e
bt <- if deref then typeErrorOnLeft ni (derefType t) else return t
fieldType ni m bt
tExpr' c side (CComma es _) =
mapM (tExpr c side) es >>= return . last
tExpr' c side (CCast d e ni) =
do dt <- analyseTypeDecl d
et <- tExpr c side e
typeErrorOnLeft ni $ castCompatible dt et
return dt
tExpr' c side (CSizeofExpr e ni) =
do when (side == LValue) $ typeError ni "sizeof as lvalue"
tExpr c RValue e
return size_tType
tExpr' c side (CAlignofExpr e ni) =
do when (side == LValue) $ typeError ni "alignof as lvalue"
tExpr c RValue e
return size_tType
tExpr' c side (CComplexReal e ni) = complexBaseType ni c side e
tExpr' c side (CComplexImag e ni) = complexBaseType ni c side e
tExpr' _ side (CLabAddrExpr _ ni) =
do when (side == LValue) $ typeError ni "label address as lvalue"
return $ PtrType voidType noTypeQuals []
tExpr' _ side (CCompoundLit d initList ni) =
do when (side == LValue) $ typeError ni "compound literal as lvalue"
lt <- analyseTypeDecl d
tInitList ni (canonicalType lt) initList
return lt
tExpr' _ RValue (CAlignofType _ _) = return size_tType
tExpr' _ RValue (CSizeofType _ _) = return size_tType
tExpr' _ LValue (CAlignofType _ ni) =
typeError ni "alignoftype as lvalue"
tExpr' _ LValue (CSizeofType _ ni) =
typeError ni "sizeoftype as lvalue"
tExpr' _ side (CVar i ni) =
lookupObject i >>=
maybe (typeErrorOnLeft ni $ notFound i) (return . declType)
tExpr' _ _ (CConst c) = constType c
tExpr' _ _ (CBuiltinExpr b) = builtinType b
tExpr' c side (CCall (CVar i _) args ni)
| identToString i == "__builtin_choose_expr" =
case args of
[g, e1, e2] ->
do b <- constEval defaultMD Map.empty g
case boolValue b of
Just True -> tExpr c side e1
Just False -> tExpr c side e2
Nothing ->
astError ni "non-constant argument to __builtin_choose_expr"
_ -> astError ni "wrong number of arguments to __builtin_choose_expr"
tExpr' c _ (CCall fe args ni) =
do let defType = FunctionType
(DirectType (TyIntegral TyInt) noTypeQuals noAttributes))
fallback i = do warn $ invalidAST ni $
"unknown function: " ++ identToString i
return defType
t <- case fe of
CVar i _ -> lookupObject i >>=
maybe (fallback i) (const $ tExpr c RValue fe)
_ -> tExpr c RValue fe
atys <- mapM (tExpr c RValue) args
case canonicalType t of
PtrType (FunctionType (FunType rt pdecls varargs) _) _ _ ->
do let ptys = map declType pdecls
mapM_ checkArg $ zip3 ptys atys args
unless varargs $ when (length atys /= length ptys) $
typeError ni "incorrect number of arguments"
return $ canonicalType rt
PtrType (FunctionType (FunTypeIncomplete rt) _) _ _ ->
return $ canonicalType rt
_ -> typeError ni $ "attempt to call non-function of type " ++ pType t
where checkArg (pty, aty, arg) =
do attrs <- deepTypeAttrs pty
case isTransparentUnion attrs of
True ->
case canonicalType pty of
DirectType (TyComp ctr) _ _ ->
do td <- lookupSUE (nodeInfo arg) (sueRef ctr)
ms <- tagMembers (nodeInfo arg) td
return ()
where matches =
map (\d -> assignCompatible
(snd d)
_ -> astError (nodeInfo arg)
"non-composite has __transparent_union__ attribute"
False -> assignCompatible' (nodeInfo arg) CAssignOp pty aty
isTransparentUnion =
any (\(Attr n _ _) -> identToString n == "__transparent_union__")
tExpr' c _ (CAssign op le re ni) =
do lt <- tExpr c LValue le
rt <- tExpr c RValue re
when (constant $ typeQuals lt) $
typeError ni $ "assignment to lvalue with `constant' qualifier: "
++ (render . pretty) le
case (canonicalType lt, re) of
(lt', CConst (CIntConst i _))
| isPointerType lt' && getCInteger i == 0 -> return ()
(_, _) -> assignCompatible' ni op lt rt
return lt
tExpr' c _ (CStatExpr s _) =
do enterBlockScope
mapM_ (withDefTable . defineLabel) (getLabels s)
t <- tStmt c s
return t
tInitList :: MonadTrav m => NodeInfo -> Type -> CInitList -> m ()
tInitList ni t@(ArrayType (DirectType (TyIntegral TyChar) _ _) _ _ _)
[([], CInitExpr e@(CConst (CStrConst _ _)) _)] =
tExpr [] RValue e >> return ()
tInitList ni t@(ArrayType _ _ _ _) initList =
do let default_ds =
repeat (CArrDesig (CConst (CIntConst (cInteger 0) ni)) ni)
checkInits t default_ds initList
tInitList ni t@(DirectType (TyComp ctr) _ _) initList =
do td <- lookupSUE ni (sueRef ctr)
ms <- tagMembers ni td
let default_ds = map (\m -> CMemberDesig (fst m) ni) ms
checkInits t default_ds initList
tInitList ni (PtrType (DirectType TyVoid _ _) _ _ ) _ =
return ()
tInitList _ t [([], i)] = tInit t i >> return ()
tInitList ni t _ = typeError ni $ "initializer list for type: " ++ pType t
checkInits :: MonadTrav m => Type -> [CDesignator] -> CInitList -> m ()
checkInits _ _ [] = return ()
checkInits t dds ((ds, i) : is) =
do (dds', ds') <- case (dds, ds) of
([], []) ->
typeError (nodeInfo i) "excess elements in initializer"
(dd' : rest, []) -> return (rest, [dd'])
(_, d : _) -> return (advanceDesigList dds d, ds)
t' <- tDesignator t ds'
tInit t' i
checkInits t dds' is
advanceDesigList :: [CDesignator] -> CDesignator -> [CDesignator]
advanceDesigList ds d = drop 1 $ dropWhile (not . matchDesignator d) ds
matchDesignator :: CDesignator -> CDesignator -> Bool
matchDesignator (CMemberDesig m1 _) (CMemberDesig m2 _) = m1 == m2
matchDesignator _ _ = True
tDesignator :: MonadTrav m => Type -> [CDesignator] -> m Type
tDesignator (ArrayType bt _ _ _) (CArrDesig e ni : ds) =
do tExpr [] RValue e >>= checkIntegral' ni
tDesignator bt ds
tDesignator (ArrayType bt _ _ _) (CRangeDesig e1 e2 ni : ds) =
do tExpr [] RValue e1 >>= checkIntegral' ni
tExpr [] RValue e2 >>= checkIntegral' ni
tDesignator bt ds
tDesignator (ArrayType _ _ _ _) (d : ds) =
typeError (nodeInfo d) "member designator in array initializer"
tDesignator t@(DirectType (TyComp _) _ _) (CMemberDesig m ni : ds) =
do mt <- fieldType ni m t
tDesignator (canonicalType mt) ds
tDesignator t@(DirectType (TyComp _) _ _) (d : _) =
typeError (nodeInfo d) "array designator in compound initializer"
tDesignator t [] = return t
tInit :: MonadTrav m => Type -> CInit -> m Initializer
tInit t i@(CInitExpr e ni) =
do it <- tExpr [] RValue e
assignCompatible' ni CAssignOp t it
return i
tInit t i@(CInitList initList ni) =
tInitList ni (canonicalType t) initList >> return i
complexBaseType :: MonadTrav m => NodeInfo -> [StmtCtx] -> ExprSide -> CExpr -> m Type
complexBaseType ni c side e =
do t <- tExpr c side e
case canonicalType t of
DirectType (TyComplex ft) quals attrs ->
return $ DirectType (TyFloating ft) quals attrs
_ -> typeError ni $ "expected complex type, got: " ++ pType t
builtinType :: MonadTrav m => CBuiltin -> m Type
builtinType (CBuiltinVaArg _ d _) = analyseTypeDecl d
builtinType (CBuiltinOffsetOf _ _ _) = return size_tType
builtinType (CBuiltinTypesCompatible _ _ _) = return boolType
hasTypeDef :: [CDeclSpec] -> Maybe [CDeclSpec]
hasTypeDef declspecs =
case foldr hasTypeDefSpec (False,[]) declspecs of
(True,specs') -> Just specs'
(False,_) -> Nothing
hasTypeDefSpec (CStorageSpec (CTypedef n)) (_,specs) = (True, specs)
hasTypeDefSpec spec (b,specs) = (b,spec:specs)