----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : LAoP.Dist -- Copyright : (c) Armando Santos 2019-2020 -- Maintainer : armandoifsantos@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- -- __LAoP__ is a library for algebraic (inductive) construction and manipulation of matrices -- in Haskell. See <https://github.com/bolt12/master-thesis my Msc Thesis> for the -- motivation behind the library, the underlying theory, and implementation details. -- -- This module exports a type synonym 'Dist' -- that represents a stochastic distribution -- matrix and several distribution construction -- functions. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module LAoP.Dist ( -- | If the sum of the rows of a column matrix -- is equal to 1 then this stochastic matrix -- can be seen as a probability distribution. -- -- -- This module is still experimental but it's -- already possible to model probabilistic programming -- problems with it. Import 'Matrix.Nat' or 'Matrix.Type' -- to access LAoP matrix combinators and then all you have -- to do is to define your sample space, either by creating a new data -- type or by abstracting it out via 'Natural'. -- -- Write manipulation functions and promote them to matrices via -- 'fromF' or 'fromF'' and you're good to go! -- * 'Dist' and 'Prob' type synonyms Dist (..), Prob, -- * Constraint type synonyms Countable, CountableN, CountableDimensionsN, FromListsN, Liftable, TrivialP, TrivialE, -- * Functor instance equivalent functions fmapD, -- * Applicative equivalent functions unitD, multD, -- * Selective equivalent functions selectD, -- * Monad equivalent functions returnD, bindD, -- * Distribution construction functions choose, shape, linear, uniform, negExp, normal, -- * Converto to list of pairs toValues, -- * Pretty print distribution prettyDist, prettyPrintDist ) where import LAoP.Dist.Internal