{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF htfpp #-} module Data.LargeHashable.Tests.Stable where import Data.LargeHashable import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Test.Framework test_strictTextBackwardsCompat :: IO () test_strictTextBackwardsCompat = do -- we check that largeHashStable returns the same hash as for text version 1.* assertEqual (read "cc1ea58b3c2ec61d19c4ce222bc9e55d") (largeHashStable md5HashAlgorithm (T.pack "Stefan")) test_lazyTextBackwardsCompat :: IO () test_lazyTextBackwardsCompat = do -- we check that largeHashStable returns the same hash as for text version 1.* assertEqual (read "cc1ea58b3c2ec61d19c4ce222bc9e55d") (largeHashStable md5HashAlgorithm (TL.pack "Stefan")) test_lazyTextStableChunking :: IO () test_lazyTextStableChunking = do assertEqual (largeHashStable md5HashAlgorithm (TL.fromChunks ["foo", "ba", "r"])) (largeHashStable md5HashAlgorithm (TL.fromChunks ["foob", "ar"]))