{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Copyright :  (c) Edward Kmett 2013-2014, (c) Paul Wilson 2012
-- License   :  BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability :  experimental
-- Portability: non-portable
module Data.Aeson.Lens
  -- * Numbers
  , _Integral
  , nonNull
  -- * Primitive
  , Primitive(..)
  , AsPrimitive(..)
  -- * Objects and Arrays
  , AsValue(..)
  , key, members
  , nth, values
  -- * Decoding
  , AsJSON(..)
  ) where

import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Scientific
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Lazy hiding (putStrLn)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as UTF8 hiding (decode)
import Data.Data
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import Data.Text
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Prelude hiding (null)

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings

-- Scientific prisms

class AsNumber t where
  -- |
  -- >>> "[1, \"x\"]" ^? nth 0 . _Number
  -- Just 1.0
  -- >>> "[1, \"x\"]" ^? nth 1 . _Number
  -- Nothing
  _Number :: Prism' t Scientific
#ifndef HLINT
  default _Number :: AsPrimitive t => Prism' t Scientific
  _Number = _Primitive._Number
  {-# INLINE _Number #-}

  -- |
  -- Prism into an 'Double' over a 'Value', 'Primitive' or 'Scientific'
  -- >>> "[10.2]" ^? nth 0 . _Double
  -- Just 10.2
  _Double :: Prism' t Double
  _Double = _Number.iso realToFrac realToFrac
  {-# INLINE _Double #-}

  -- |
  -- Prism into an 'Integer' over a 'Value', 'Primitive' or 'Scientific'
  -- >>> "[10]" ^? nth 0 . _Integer
  -- Just 10
  -- >>> "[10.5]" ^? nth 0 . _Integer
  -- Just 10
  _Integer :: Prism' t Integer
  _Integer = _Number.iso floor fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE _Integer #-}

instance AsNumber Value where
  _Number = prism Number $ \v -> case v of Number n -> Right n; _ -> Left v
  {-# INLINE _Number #-}

instance AsNumber Scientific where
  _Number = id
  {-# INLINE _Number #-}

instance AsNumber ByteString
instance AsNumber String

-- Conversion Prisms

-- | Access Integer 'Value's as Integrals.
-- >>> "[10]" ^? nth 0 . _Integral
-- Just 10
-- >>> "[10.5]" ^? nth 0 . _Integral
-- Just 10
_Integral :: (AsNumber t, Integral a) => Prism' t a
_Integral = _Number . iso floor fromIntegral
{-# INLINE _Integral #-}

-- Null values and primitives

-- | Primitives of 'Value'
data Primitive
  = StringPrim !Text
  | NumberPrim !Scientific
  | BoolPrim !Bool
  | NullPrim
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Data,Typeable)

instance AsNumber Primitive where
  _Number = prism NumberPrim $ \v -> case v of NumberPrim s -> Right s; _ -> Left v
  {-# INLINE _Number #-}

class AsNumber t => AsPrimitive t where
  -- |
  -- >>> "[1, \"x\", null, true, false]" ^? nth 0 . _Primitive
  -- Just (NumberPrim 1.0)
  -- >>> "[1, \"x\", null, true, false]" ^? nth 1 . _Primitive
  -- Just (StringPrim "x")
  -- >>> "[1, \"x\", null, true, false]" ^? nth 2 . _Primitive
  -- Just NullPrim
  -- >>> "[1, \"x\", null, true, false]" ^? nth 3 . _Primitive
  -- Just (BoolPrim True)
  -- >>> "[1, \"x\", null, true, false]" ^? nth 4 . _Primitive
  -- Just (BoolPrim False)
  _Primitive :: Prism' t Primitive
#ifndef HLINT
  default _Primitive :: AsValue t => Prism' t Primitive
  _Primitive = _Value._Primitive
  {-# INLINE _Primitive #-}

  -- "{\"a\": \"xyz\", \"b\": true}" ^? key "a" . _String
  -- Just "xyz"
  -- >>> "{\"a\": \"xyz\", \"b\": true}" ^? key "b" . _String
  -- Nothing
  _String :: Prism' t Text
  _String = _Primitive.prism StringPrim (\v -> case v of StringPrim s -> Right s; _ -> Left v)
  {-# INLINE _String #-}

  -- >>> "{\"a\": \"xyz\", \"b\": true}" ^? key "b" . _Bool
  -- Just True
  -- "{\"a\": \"xyz\", \"b\": true}" ^? key "a" . _Bool
  -- Nothing
  _Bool :: Prism' t Bool
  _Bool = _Primitive.prism BoolPrim (\v -> case v of BoolPrim b -> Right b; _ -> Left v)
  {-# INLINE _Bool #-}

  -- >>> "{\"a\": \"xyz\", \"b\": null}" ^? key "b" . _Null
  -- Just ()
  -- >>> "{\"a\": \"xyz\", \"b\": null}" ^? key "a" . _Null
  -- Nothing
  _Null :: Prism' t ()
  _Null = _Primitive.prism (const NullPrim) (\v -> case v of NullPrim -> Right (); _ -> Left v)
  {-# INLINE _Null #-}

instance AsPrimitive Value where
  _Primitive = prism fromPrim toPrim
      toPrim (String s) = Right $ StringPrim s
      toPrim (Number n) = Right $ NumberPrim n
      toPrim (Bool b)   = Right $ BoolPrim b
      toPrim Null       = Right NullPrim
      toPrim v          = Left v
      {-# INLINE toPrim #-}
      fromPrim (StringPrim s) = String s
      fromPrim (NumberPrim n) = Number n
      fromPrim (BoolPrim b)   = Bool b
      fromPrim NullPrim       = Null
      {-# INLINE fromPrim #-}
  {-# INLINE _Primitive #-}
  _String = prism String $ \v -> case v of String s -> Right s; _ -> Left v
  {-# INLINE _String #-}
  _Bool = prism Bool (\v -> case v of Bool b -> Right b; _ -> Left v)
  {-# INLINE _Bool #-}
  _Null = prism (const Null) (\v -> case v of Null -> Right (); _ -> Left v)
  {-# INLINE _Null #-}

instance AsPrimitive ByteString
instance AsPrimitive String

instance AsPrimitive Primitive where
  _Primitive = id
  {-# INLINE _Primitive #-}

-- | Prism into non-'Null' values
-- >>> "{\"a\": \"xyz\", \"b\": null}" ^? key "a" . nonNull
-- Just (String "xyz")
-- >>> "{\"a\": {}, \"b\": null}" ^? key "a" . nonNull
-- Just (Object fromList [])
-- >>> "{\"a\": \"xyz\", \"b\": null}" ^? key "b" . nonNull
-- Nothing
nonNull :: Prism' Value Value
nonNull = prism id (\v -> if isn't _Null v then Right v else Left v)
{-# INLINE nonNull #-}

-- Non-primitive traversals

class AsPrimitive t => AsValue t where
  -- |
  -- >>> "[1,2,3]" ^? _Value
  -- Just (Array (fromList [Number 1.0,Number 2.0,Number 3.0]))
  _Value :: Prism' t Value

  -- |
  -- >>> "{\"a\": {}, \"b\": null}" ^? key "a" . _Object
  -- Just fromList []
  -- >>> "{\"a\": {}, \"b\": null}" ^? key "b" . _Object
  -- Nothing
  _Object :: Prism' t (HashMap Text Value)
  _Object = _Value.prism Object (\v -> case v of Object o -> Right o; _ -> Left v)
  {-# INLINE _Object #-}

  -- |
  -- >>> "[1,2,3]" ^? _Array
  -- Just (fromList [Number 1.0,Number 2.0,Number 3.0])
  _Array :: Prism' t (Vector Value)
  _Array = _Value.prism Array (\v -> case v of Array a -> Right a; _ -> Left v)
  {-# INLINE _Array #-}

instance AsValue Value where
  _Value = id
  {-# INLINE _Value #-}

instance AsValue ByteString where
  _Value = _JSON
  {-# INLINE _Value #-}

instance AsValue String where
  _Value = iso UTF8.fromString UTF8.toString._Value
  {-# INLINE _Value #-}

-- |
-- Like 'ix', but for 'Object' with Text indices. This often has better
-- inference than 'ix' when used with OverloadedStrings.
-- >>> "{\"a\": 100, \"b\": 200}" ^? key "a"
-- Just (Number 100.0)
-- >>> "[1,2,3]" ^? key "a"
-- Nothing
key :: AsValue t => Text -> Traversal' t Value
key i = _Object . ix i
{-# INLINE key #-}

-- | An indexed Traversal into Object properties
-- >>> "{\"a\": 4, \"b\": 7}" ^@.. members
-- [("a",Number 4.0),("b",Number 7.0)]
-- >>> "{\"a\": 4, \"b\": 7}" & members . _Number *~ 10
-- "{\"a\":40,\"b\":70}"
members :: AsValue t => IndexedTraversal' Text t Value
members = _Object . itraversed
{-# INLINE members #-}

-- | Like 'ix', but for Arrays with Int indexes
-- >>> "[1,2,3]" ^? nth 1
-- Just (Number 2.0)
-- >>> "\"a\": 100, \"b\": 200}" ^? nth 1
-- Nothing
-- >>> "[1,2,3]" & nth 1 .~ Number 20
-- "[1,20,3]"
nth :: AsValue t => Int -> Traversal' t Value
nth i = _Array . ix i
{-# INLINE nth #-}

-- | An indexed Traversal into Array elements
-- >>> "[1,2,3]" ^.. values
-- [Number 1.0,Number 2.0,Number 3.0]
-- >>> "[1,2,3]" & values . _Number *~ 10
-- "[10,20,30]"
values :: AsValue t => IndexedTraversal' Int t Value
values = _Array . traversed
{-# INLINE values #-}

class AsJSON t where
  -- | A Prism into 'Value' on lazy 'ByteString's.
  _JSON :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => Prism' t a

instance AsJSON Lazy.ByteString where
  _JSON = prism' encode decode
  {-# INLINE _JSON #-}

instance AsJSON String where
  _JSON = iso UTF8.fromString UTF8.toString._JSON
  {-# INLINE _JSON #-}

instance AsJSON Value where
  _JSON = prism toJSON $ \x -> case fromJSON x of
    Success y -> Right y;
    _         -> Left x
  {-# INLINE _JSON #-}