{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Test.Streaming (tests) where import Control.Applicative hiding (empty) import Control.Monad (liftM2, foldM) import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, singleton, unpack) import Data.Default import Data.Foldable (foldMap) import Data.List hiding (singleton) import Data.Monoid import Database.LevelDB.Base import Database.LevelDB.Internal (unsafeClose) import qualified Database.LevelDB.Streaming as S import System.Directory import System.IO.Temp import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Text.Show.Functions () -- Show instance for a -> b type Prop = Test.Tasty.QuickCheck.Property data Range' = Range' S.Direction Char Char deriving Show asKeyRange :: Range' -> S.KeyRange asKeyRange (Range' _ s e) = let s' = singleton s e' = singleton e in S.KeyRange s' (`compare` e') asList :: Range' -> [ByteString] asList (Range' _ '{' '}') = [] asList (Range' S.Asc !s !e) | s > 'Z' = [] | e > 'Z' = map singleton [s..'Z'] | otherwise = map singleton [s..e] asList (Range' S.Desc !s !e) | s > 'Z' = reverse . map singleton $ [e..'Z'] | e > 'Z' = [] | otherwise = reverse . map singleton $ [e..s] asAssocList :: Range' -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] asAssocList r = let r' = asList r in zip r' r' mkKeySlice :: (Applicative m, MonadIO m) => Range' -> Iterator -> S.Stream m S.Key mkKeySlice r@(Range' d _ _) i = S.keySlice i (asKeyRange r) d mkEntrySlice :: (Applicative m, MonadIO m) => Range' -> Iterator -> S.Stream m S.Entry mkEntrySlice r@(Range' d _ _) i = S.entrySlice i (asKeyRange r) d instance Arbitrary Range' where arbitrary = do d <- arbitrary oneof [ empty d, nonempty d ] where nonempty d = do s <- elements ['A'..'Z'] e <- case d of S.Asc -> arbitrary `suchThat` (<= 'Z') `suchThat` (>= s) S.Desc -> arbitrary `suchThat` (>= 'A') `suchThat` (<= s) return $ Range' d s e empty d = return $ Range' d '{' '}' instance Arbitrary S.Direction where arbitrary = elements [ S.Asc, S.Desc ] instance Arbitrary ByteString where arbitrary = BS.pack <$> arbitrary instance CoArbitrary ByteString where coarbitrary = coarbitrary . unpack data Rs = Rs DB FilePath tests :: TestTree tests = withResource initDB destroyDB $ \ rs -> testGroup "List-like Iterators" [ testGroup "conversions" [ testProperty "toList . fromList = id" prop_fromList ] , testGroup "basic functions" [ testProperty "head" (prop_head rs) , testProperty "append" (prop_append rs) , testProperty "cons" (prop_cons rs) , testProperty "snoc" (prop_snoc rs) , testProperty "last" (prop_last rs) , testProperty "tail" (prop_tail rs) , testProperty "init" (prop_init rs) , testProperty "null" (prop_null rs) , testProperty "length" (prop_length rs) ] , testGroup "transformations" [ testProperty "map" (prop_map rs) , testProperty "mapM" (prop_mapM rs) , testProperty "reverse" (prop_reverse rs) , testProperty "intersperse" (prop_intersperse rs) , testProperty "intercalate" prop_intercalate ] , testGroup "searching" [ testProperty "elem" (prop_elem rs) , testProperty "notElem" (prop_notElem rs) , testProperty "lookup" (prop_lookup rs) , testProperty "find" (prop_find rs) , testProperty "filter" (prop_filter rs) ] , testGroup "folds" [ testProperty "foldl" (prop_foldl rs) , testProperty "foldl'" (prop_foldl' rs) , testProperty "foldr" (prop_foldr rs) , testProperty "foldMap" (prop_foldMap rs) , testProperty "foldM" (prop_foldM rs) ] , testGroup "special folds" [ testProperty "concat" prop_concat , testProperty "concatMap" (prop_concatMap rs) , testProperty "and" prop_and , testProperty "or" prop_or , testProperty "any" prop_any , testProperty "all" prop_all , testProperty "sum" prop_sum , testProperty "product" prop_product ] , testGroup "scans" [ testProperty "scanl" (prop_scanl rs) , testProperty "last (scanl f z xs) == foldl f z xs" (prop_scanl_last rs) ] , testGroup "infinite streams" [ testProperty "iterate" prop_iterate , testProperty "repeat" prop_repeat , testProperty "replicate" prop_replicate , testProperty "cycle" prop_cycle ] , testGroup "unfolding" [ testProperty "unfoldr" prop_unfoldr ] , testGroup "predicates" [ testProperty "isPrefixOf" (prop_isPrefixOf rs) , testProperty "isSuffixOf" (prop_isSuffixOf rs) ] , testGroup "substreams" [ testProperty "take" (prop_take rs) , testProperty "drop" (prop_drop rs) , testProperty "splitAt" (prop_splitAt rs) , testProperty "takeWhile" (prop_takeWhile rs) , testProperty "dropWhile" (prop_dropWhile rs) , testProperty "span" (prop_span rs) , testProperty "break" (prop_break rs) ] , testGroup "zipping and unzipping" [ testProperty "zip" (prop_zip rs) , testProperty "zip3" (prop_zip3 rs) , testProperty "zip4" (prop_zip4 rs) , testProperty "zipWith" (prop_zipWith rs) , testProperty "zipWith3" (prop_zipWith3 rs) , testProperty "zipWith4" (prop_zipWith4 rs) , testProperty "unzip" (prop_unzip rs) , testProperty "unzip3" (prop_unzip3 rs) , testProperty "unzip4" (prop_unzip4 rs) ] , testGroup "generalized functions" [ testProperty "deleteBy" (prop_deleteBy rs) , testProperty "insertBy" (prop_insertBy rs) ] ] where initDB = do tmp <- getTemporaryDirectory dir <- createTempDirectory tmp "leveldb-streaming-tests" db <- open dir defaultOptions { createIfMissing = True } write db def . map ( \ c -> let c' = singleton c in Put c' c') $ ['A'..'Z'] return $ Rs db dir destroyDB (Rs db dir) = unsafeClose db `finally` destroy dir defaultOptions with_iter rs f = liftIO $ rs >>= \ (Rs db _) -> withIter db def f run_prop rs !a b = monadicIO $ with_iter rs b >>= assert . (a ==) -- -- conversions -- prop_fromList :: [ByteString] -> Prop prop_fromList xs = monadic runIdentity $ assert . (xs ==) =<< (S.toList . S.fromList $ xs) -- -- basic functions -- prop_append rs range1 range2 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> b i1 i2) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = asList range1 ++ asList range2 b i1 i2 = S.toList $ S.append (mkKeySlice range1 i1) (mkKeySlice range2 i2) prop_cons rs range w = run_prop rs a b where a = w : asList range b = S.toList . S.cons w . mkKeySlice range prop_snoc rs range y = run_prop rs a b where a = asList range ++ [y] b = S.toList . (`S.snoc` y) . mkKeySlice range prop_head rs range = run_prop rs a b where a = case asList range of [] -> Nothing xs -> Just . head $ xs b = S.head . mkKeySlice range prop_last rs range = run_prop rs a b where a = case asList range of [] -> Nothing xs -> Just . last $ xs b = S.last . mkKeySlice range prop_tail rs range = run_prop rs a b where a = case asList range of [] -> [] xs -> tail xs b = S.toList . S.tail . mkKeySlice range prop_init rs range = run_prop rs a b where a = case asList range of [] -> [] xs -> init xs b = S.toList . S.init . mkKeySlice range prop_null rs range = run_prop rs a b where a = null $ asList range b = S.null . mkKeySlice range prop_length rs range = run_prop rs a b where a = length $ asList range b = S.length . mkKeySlice range -- -- transformations -- prop_map :: IO Rs -> Range' -> (ByteString -> Int) -> Prop prop_map rs range f = run_prop rs a b where a = map f $ asList range b = S.toList . S.map f . mkKeySlice range prop_mapM rs range = monadicIO . with_iter rs $ liftM2 (===) a . b where a = mapM f $ asList range b = S.toList . S.mapM f . mkKeySlice range f = return . BS.length prop_reverse rs range = run_prop rs a b where a = reverse $ asList range b = (>>= S.toList) . S.reverse . mkKeySlice range prop_intersperse rs range x = run_prop rs a b where a = intersperse x $ asList range b = S.toList . S.intersperse x . mkKeySlice range prop_intercalate :: [Int] -> [[Int]] -> Prop prop_intercalate xs xss = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = intercalate xs xss b = S.toList $ S.intercalate (S.fromList xs) (S.fromList xss) -- -- folds -- prop_foldl rs range f = run_prop rs a b where a = foldl f BS.empty $ asList range b = S.foldl f BS.empty . mkKeySlice range prop_foldl' rs range f = run_prop rs a b where a = foldl' f BS.empty $ asList range b = S.foldl' f BS.empty . mkKeySlice range prop_foldr rs range f = run_prop rs a b where a = foldr f BS.empty $ asList range b = S.foldr f BS.empty . mkKeySlice range prop_foldMap :: IO Rs -> Range' -> (ByteString -> ByteString) -> Prop prop_foldMap rs range f = run_prop rs a b where a = foldMap f $ asList range b = S.foldMap f . mkKeySlice range prop_foldM rs range = monadicIO . with_iter rs $ \ i -> do a' <- a b' <- b i return $! a' === b' where a = foldM f BS.empty $ asList range b = S.foldM f BS.empty . mkKeySlice range f z x = return $ z <> x -- TODO: foldM_ ? -- -- special folds -- prop_concat :: [[Int]] -> Prop prop_concat xss = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = concat xss b = S.toList . S.concat . S.fromList $ xss prop_concatMap rs range = run_prop rs a b where a = concatMap ( replicate 10) $ asList range b = S.toList . S.concatMap (S.replicate 10) . mkKeySlice range prop_and ts = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = and ts b = S.and . S.fromList $ ts prop_or ts = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = or ts b = S.or . S.fromList $ ts prop_any :: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> Prop prop_any p xs = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = any p xs b = S.any p . S.fromList $ xs prop_all :: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> Prop prop_all p xs = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = all p xs b = S.all p . S.fromList $ xs prop_sum :: [Int] -> Prop prop_sum xs = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = sum xs b = S.sum . S.fromList $ xs prop_product :: [Int] -> Prop prop_product xs = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = product xs b = S.product . S.fromList $ xs -- -- scans -- prop_scanl rs f range = run_prop rs a b where a = scanl f BS.empty $ asList range b = S.toList . S.scanl f BS.empty . mkKeySlice range prop_scanl_last rs f range = monadicIO $ do (a',b') <- with_iter rs $ \ i -> liftM2 (,) (a i) (b i) assert $ a' == Just b' where a = S.last . S.scanl f BS.empty . mkKeySlice range b = S.foldl f BS.empty . mkKeySlice range -- -- infinite streams -- prop_iterate :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Prop prop_iterate f x = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = take 100 $ iterate f x b = S.toList . S.take 100 $ S.iterate f x prop_repeat :: Int -> Prop prop_repeat x = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = take 100 $ repeat x b = S.toList . S.take 100 $ S.repeat x prop_replicate :: Int -> Int -> Prop prop_replicate n x = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = replicate n x b = S.toList $ S.replicate n x prop_cycle :: NonNegative Int -> Prop prop_cycle (NonNegative !n) = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a | n == 0 = xs | otherwise = take (n*2) . cycle $ xs b = S.toList . S.take (n*2) . S.cycle . S.fromList $ xs xs :: [Int] xs | n == 0 = [] | otherwise = [0..(n `div` 2)] -- -- unfolding -- prop_unfoldr :: (Int -> Maybe (Int, Int)) -> Int -> Prop prop_unfoldr f z = monadic runIdentity $! assert . (a ==) =<< b where a = take 100 $ unfoldr f z b = S.toList . S.take 100 $ S.unfoldr f z -- -- predicates -- prop_isPrefixOf rs range1 range2 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> b i1 i2) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = asList range1 `isPrefixOf` asList range2 b i1 i2 = mkKeySlice range1 i1 `S.isPrefixOf` mkKeySlice range2 i2 prop_isSuffixOf rs range1 range2 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> b i1 i2) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = asList range1 `isSuffixOf` asList range2 b i1 i2 = mkKeySlice range1 i1 `S.isSuffixOf` mkKeySlice range2 i2 -- -- searching -- prop_elem rs range x = run_prop rs a b where a = x `elem` asList range b = (x `S.elem`) . mkKeySlice range prop_notElem rs range x = run_prop rs a b where a = x `notElem` asList range b = (x `S.notElem`) . mkKeySlice range prop_lookup rs range k = run_prop rs a b where a = lookup k $ asAssocList range b = S.lookup k . mkEntrySlice range prop_find rs range f = run_prop rs a b where a = find f $ asList range b = S.find f . mkKeySlice range prop_filter rs range f = run_prop rs a b where a = filter f $ asList range b = S.toList . S.filter f . mkKeySlice range -- -- substreams -- prop_take rs range i = run_prop rs a b where a = take i $ asList range b = S.toList . S.take i . mkKeySlice range prop_drop rs range i = run_prop rs a b where a = drop i $ asList range b = S.toList . S.drop i . mkKeySlice range prop_splitAt rs range i = run_prop rs a b where a = splitAt i $ asList range b = toLists . S.splitAt i . mkKeySlice range prop_takeWhile rs range f = run_prop rs a b where a = takeWhile f $ asList range b = S.toList . S.takeWhile f . mkKeySlice range prop_dropWhile rs range f = run_prop rs a b where a = dropWhile f $ asList range b = S.toList . S.dropWhile f . mkKeySlice range prop_span rs range p = run_prop rs a b where a = span p $ asList range b = toLists . S.span p . mkKeySlice range prop_break rs range p = run_prop rs a b where a = break p $ asList range b = toLists . S.break p . mkKeySlice range -- -- zipping and unzipping -- prop_zip rs range1 range2 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> b i1 i2) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = zip (asList range1) (asList range2) b i1 i2 = S.toList $ S.zip (mkKeySlice range1 i1) (mkKeySlice range2 i2) prop_zip3 rs range1 range2 range3 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> with_iter rs $ \ i3 -> b i1 i2 i3) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = zip3 (asList range1) (asList range2) (asList range3) b i1 i2 i3 = S.toList $ S.zip3 (mkKeySlice range1 i1) (mkKeySlice range2 i2) (mkKeySlice range3 i3) prop_zip4 rs range1 range2 range3 range4 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> with_iter rs $ \ i3 -> with_iter rs $ \ i4 -> b i1 i2 i3 i4) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = zip4 (asList range1) (asList range2) (asList range3) (asList range4) b i1 i2 i3 i4 = S.toList $ S.zip4 (mkKeySlice range1 i1) (mkKeySlice range2 i2) (mkKeySlice range3 i3) (mkKeySlice range4 i4) prop_zipWith :: IO Rs -> (ByteString -> ByteString -> (ByteString,ByteString)) -> Range' -> Range' -> Prop prop_zipWith rs f range1 range2 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> b i1 i2) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = zipWith f (asList range1) (asList range2) b i1 i2 = S.toList $ S.zipWith f (mkKeySlice range1 i1) (mkKeySlice range2 i2) prop_zipWith3 :: IO Rs -> (ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> (ByteString, ByteString,ByteString)) -> Range' -> Range' -> Range' -> Prop prop_zipWith3 rs f range1 range2 range3 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> with_iter rs $ \ i3 -> b i1 i2 i3) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = zipWith3 f (asList range1) (asList range2) (asList range3) b i1 i2 i3 = S.toList $ S.zipWith3 f (mkKeySlice range1 i1) (mkKeySlice range2 i2) (mkKeySlice range3 i3) prop_zipWith4 :: IO Rs -> (ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString,ByteString)) -> Range' -> Range' -> Range' -> Range' -> Prop prop_zipWith4 rs f range1 range2 range3 range4 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> with_iter rs $ \ i3 -> with_iter rs $ \ i4 -> b i1 i2 i3 i4) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = zipWith4 f (asList range1) (asList range2) (asList range3) (asList range4) b i1 i2 i3 i4 = S.toList $ S.zipWith4 f (mkKeySlice range1 i1) (mkKeySlice range2 i2) (mkKeySlice range3 i3) (mkKeySlice range4 i4) prop_unzip rs range1 range2 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> b i1 i2) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = unzip $ zip (asList range1) (asList range2) b i1 i2 = S.unzip $ S.zip (mkKeySlice range1 i1) (mkKeySlice range2 i2) prop_unzip3 rs range1 range2 range3 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> with_iter rs $ \ i3 -> b i1 i2 i3) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = unzip3 $ zip3 (asList range1) (asList range2) (asList range3) b i1 i2 i3 = S.unzip3 $ S.zip3 (mkKeySlice range1 i1) (mkKeySlice range2 i2) (mkKeySlice range3 i3) prop_unzip4 rs range1 range2 range3 range4 = monadicIO $ (with_iter rs $ \ i1 -> with_iter rs $ \ i2 -> with_iter rs $ \ i3 -> with_iter rs $ \ i4 -> b i1 i2 i3 i4) >>= assert . (a ==) where a = unzip4 $ zip4 (asList range1) (asList range2) (asList range3) (asList range4) b i1 i2 i3 i4 = S.unzip4 $ S.zip4 (mkKeySlice range1 i1) (mkKeySlice range2 i2) (mkKeySlice range3 i3) (mkKeySlice range4 i4) -- -- generalized -- prop_deleteBy rs eq x range = run_prop rs a b where a = deleteBy eq x $ asList range b = S.toList . S.deleteBy eq x . mkKeySlice range prop_insertBy rs cmp x range = run_prop rs a b where a = insertBy cmp x $ asList range b = S.toList . S.insertBy cmp x . mkKeySlice range -- -- Helpers -- toLists :: (Functor m, Monad m) => (S.Stream m a, S.Stream m a) -> m ([a], [a]) toLists (s1,s2) = liftM2 (,) (S.toList s1) (S.toList s2)