module Data.Graph.Libgraph.DepthFirst
( Dfs
, EdgeType(..)
, getDfs
, getEdgetype
, getPreorder
, getPostorder
, isAncestor
) where
import Data.Graph.Libgraph.Core
import Data.Graph.Libgraph.Dot
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
data Dfs vertex arc
= Dfs { num :: [(vertex,Int)]
, lastVisit :: [(vertex,Int)]
, spanning :: [SimpleArc vertex]
, graph :: Graph vertex arc
data EdgeType = TreeEdge | BackEdge | FwdEdge | CrossEdge
deriving Eq
isAncestor :: (Eq vertex, Show vertex)
=> Dfs vertex arc -> vertex -> vertex -> Maybe Bool
isAncestor d w v = do
n_v <- lookup v (num d)
n_w <- lookup w (num d)
l_w <- lookup w (lastVisit d)
return (n_w <= n_v && n_v <= l_w)
getEdgetype :: (Eq vertex, Show vertex) => Dfs vertex arc -> Arc vertex arc -> EdgeType
getEdgetype d (Arc v w _)
| (v-->w) `elem` (spanning d) = TreeEdge
| w `isAnc` v = BackEdge
| v `isAnc` w = FwdEdge
| otherwise = CrossEdge
where isAnc x y = nothingIsFalse (isAncestor d x y)
getPreorder :: Dfs vertex arc -> [vertex]
getPreorder d = map fst (reverse . num $ d)
getPostorder :: Dfs vertex arc -> [vertex]
getPostorder d = map fst (reverse . lastVisit $ d)
data Succs vertex = Succs vertex [vertex]
data DfsState vertex arc
= DfsState { graph' :: Graph vertex arc
, spanning' :: [SimpleArc vertex]
, stack :: [Succs vertex]
, seen :: [vertex]
, time :: Int
, num' :: [(vertex,Int)]
, lastVisit' :: [(vertex,Int)]
getDfs :: Eq vertex => Graph vertex arc -> Dfs vertex arc
getDfs g = Dfs (num' finalState) (lastVisit' finalState) (spanning' finalState) g
where state0 = DfsState { graph' = g
, spanning' = []
, stack = []
, seen = []
, time = 0
, num' = []
, lastVisit' = []
finalState = execState (visit $ root g) state0
visit :: Eq vertex => vertex -> State (DfsState vertex arc) ()
visit v = do see v
pushSuccs v
s <- gets stack
mvw <- pop
case mvw of Just (v,w) -> do addToSpanning v w
visit w
Nothing -> return ()
addToSpanning :: vertex -> vertex -> State (DfsState vertex arc) ()
addToSpanning v w
= modify $ \s -> s { spanning' = v --> w : (spanning' s) }
pushSuccs :: Eq vertex => vertex -> State (DfsState vertex arc) ()
pushSuccs v = do g <- gets graph'
vs <- gets seen
modify $ \s -> s { stack = Succs v (succs g v) : (stack s) }
pop :: Eq vertex => State (DfsState vertex arc) (Maybe (vertex,vertex))
pop = do s <- gets stack
case s of [] -> return Nothing
(Succs v []:ss) -> do modify $ \s -> s { stack = ss }
visitedAllChildren v
(Succs v (c:cs):ss)
-> do visited <- gets seen
modify $ \s -> s { stack = Succs v cs : ss }
if c `elem` visited
then pop
else do return $ Just (v,c)
visitedAllChildren :: Eq vertex => vertex -> State (DfsState vertex arc) ()
visitedAllChildren v = modify $ \s -> s { lastVisit' = (v, time s) : lastVisit' s }
see :: vertex -> State (DfsState vertex arc) ()
see v = modify $ \s -> s { seen = v : seen s
, num' = (v, time s + 1) : num' s
, time = time s + 1
instance (Eq vertex,Show vertex) => Show (Dfs vertex arc) where
show d = showWith (graph d) showVertex showArc
where showVertex v = (show v ++ show (lkup v (num d), lkup v (lastVisit d)),"")
showArc = show . (getEdgetype d)
lkup v ds = lookup' v ds " lookup dfs number failed"
instance Show EdgeType where
show TreeEdge = "tree edge"
show BackEdge = "back edge"
show FwdEdge = "forward edge"
show CrossEdge = "cross edge"