Module:             STM.Scatter
Description:        Broadcast channel with multiple listeners and memory safety.
Copyright:          © 2017 All rights reserved.
License:            GPL-3
Maintainer:         Evan Cofsky <evan@theunixman.com>
Stability:          experimental
Portability:        POSIX

module STM.Scatter (


import Lawless
import STM.Base
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan

-- * The 'Scatter'

-- | A 'Scatter' is a single source that can broadcast messages
-- to any number of subscribers.
newtype Scatter a = Scatter {unScatter  TChan a}

-- | Creates a new 'Scatter'.
scatter  MonadBase IO m  m (Scatter a)
scatter = liftBase $ Scatter <$> newTChanIO

-- | Post a message to a 'Scatter' to all the subscribed 'Gather's.
scatterMsg  MonadBase IO m  Scatter a  a  m ()
scatterMsg s a = atomically $ writeTChan (unScatter s) a

-- * The 'Gather'

-- | A 'Gather' receives copies of all messages posted to the
-- 'Scatter' it was derived from.
newtype Gather a = Gather {unGather  TChan a}

-- | Create a new 'Gather' from a given 'Scatter'.
gather  MonadBase IO m  Getter (Scatter a) (m (Gather a))
gather = to $ \s  Gather <$> (atomically  dupTChan  unScatter) s

-- | Read a message posted to a 'Gather' by a 'Scatter'.
gatherMsg  MonadBase IO m  Gather a  m a
gatherMsg g = atomically $ readTChan (unGather g)