module Web.Lightning
, LightningOptions(..)
, LightningState(..)
, runLightning
, runLightningWith
, runResumeLightningtWith
, interpretIO
, defaultLightningOptions
, setBaseURL
, setSessionName
, setSessionId
, setBasicAuth
, APIError(..)
, module Web.Lightning.Types.Error
, module Web.Lightning.Types.Lightning
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Web.Lightning.Session
import Web.Lightning.Types.Error
import Web.Lightning.Types.Lightning
import Web.Lightning.Utilities
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
import Network.API.Builder as API
data LoginMethod = Anonymous
| BasicAuth Credentials
deriving (Show)
type Credentials = (B.ByteString, B.ByteString)
instance Default LoginMethod where
def = Anonymous
data LightningOptions =
LightningOptions { optConnManager :: Maybe Manager
, optHostUrl :: T.Text
, optLoginMethod :: LoginMethod
, optSession :: Maybe Session
instance Default LightningOptions where
def = LightningOptions Nothing defaultBaseURL Anonymous Nothing
defaultLightningOptions :: LightningOptions
defaultLightningOptions = def
setBaseURL :: T.Text
-> LightningOptions
-> LightningOptions
setBaseURL url opts = opts { optHostUrl = url }
setSessionName :: T.Text
-> LightningOptions
-> LightningOptions
setSessionName n opts@(LightningOptions _ _ _ s) =
opts { optSession = Just sess }
sess =
case s of
Nothing -> def { snName = Just n }
Just s' -> s' { snName = Just n }
setSessionId :: T.Text
-> LightningOptions
-> LightningOptions
setSessionId i opts@(LightningOptions _ _ _ s) =
opts { optSession = Just sess }
sess =
case s of
Nothing -> def { snId = i }
Just s' -> s' { snId = i }
setBasicAuth :: Credentials -> LightningOptions -> LightningOptions
setBasicAuth creds opts = opts { optLoginMethod = BasicAuth creds }
runLightning :: MonadIO m
=> LightningT m a
-> m (Either (APIError LightningError) a)
runLightning = runLightningWith defaultLightningOptions
runLightningWith :: MonadIO m => LightningOptions
-> LightningT m a
-> m (Either (APIError LightningError) a)
runLightningWith opts lightning =
dropResume <$> runResumeLightningtWith opts lightning
interpretIO :: MonadIO m => LightningState
-> LightningT m a
-> m (Either (APIError LightningError, Maybe (LightningT m a)) a)
interpretIO lstate@(LightningState url _ _ _) (LightningT r) =
runFreeT (runReaderT r url) >>= \case
Pure x -> return $ Right x
Free (WithBaseURL u x n) ->
interpretIO (lstate { stCurrentBaseURL = u }) x >>= \case
Left (err, Just resume) ->
return $ Left (err, Just $ resume >>= LightningT . liftLightningF . n)
Left (err, Nothing) -> return $ Left (err, Nothing)
Right res -> interpretIO lstate $ LightningT $ (liftLightningF . n) res
Free (FailWith x) -> return $ Left (x, Nothing)
Free (RunRoute route n) ->
interpretIO lstate $ LightningT $ wrap $ ReceiveRoute route (liftLightningF . n . unwrapJSON)
Free (SendJSON jsonObj route n) ->
handleSendJSON route lstate jsonObj >>= \case
Left err -> return $ Left (err, Just $ LightningT $ wrap $ SendJSON jsonObj route (liftLightningF . n))
Right x -> interpretIO lstate $ LightningT $ (liftLightningF . n) x
Free (ReceiveRoute route n) ->
handleReceive route lstate >>= \case
Left err -> return $ Left (err, Just $ LightningT $ wrap $ ReceiveRoute route (liftLightningF . n))
Right x -> interpretIO lstate $ LightningT $ (liftLightningF . n) x
runResumeLightningtWith :: MonadIO m => LightningOptions
-> LightningT m a
-> m (Either (APIError LightningError, Maybe (LightningT m a)) a)
runResumeLightningtWith (LightningOptions cm hu lm s) lightning = do
manager <- case cm of
Just m -> return m
Nothing -> liftIO $ newManager tlsManagerSettings
auth <- case lm of
Anonymous -> return id
BasicAuth creds -> return $ uncurry applyBasicAuth creds
session <- case s of
Just s' ->
case snId s' of
"" -> (fmap . fmap) Just $
interpretIO (LightningState hu manager Nothing auth) $ createSession $ snName s'
_ -> return $ Right $ Just s'
Nothing -> (fmap . fmap) Just $
interpretIO (LightningState hu manager Nothing auth) $ createSession Nothing
case session of
Left (err, _) -> return $ Left (err, Just lightning)
Right s' ->
interpretIO (LightningState hu manager s' auth) lightning
handleReceive :: (MonadIO m, Receivable a) => Route
-> LightningState
-> m (Either (APIError LightningError) a)
handleReceive r lstate = do
(res, _, _) <- runAPI (builderFromState lstate) (stConnManager lstate) () $
API.runRoute r
return res
handleSendJSON :: (MonadIO m, Receivable a) => Route
-> LightningState
-> Value
-> m (Either (APIError LightningError) a)
handleSendJSON r lstate p = do
(res, _, _) <- runAPI (builderFromState lstate) (stConnManager lstate) () $
API.sendRoute p r
return res
builderFromState :: LightningState
-> Builder
builderFromState (LightningState hurl _ (Just s) auth) =
Builder "Lightning" (addSessionId hurl (snId s)) id auth
builderFromState (LightningState hurl _ Nothing auth) =
Builder "Lightning" hurl id auth
dropResume :: Either (APIError LightningError, Maybe (LightningT m a)) a
-> Either (APIError LightningError) a
dropResume (Left (x, _)) = Left x
dropResume (Right x) = Right x
data LightningState =
LightningState { stCurrentBaseURL :: T.Text
, stConnManager :: Manager
, stSession :: Maybe Session
, stApplyAuth :: Request -> Request