module Numeric.Limp.Canon.Convert where
import Numeric.Limp.Rep
import Numeric.Limp.Canon.Constraint
import Numeric.Limp.Canon.Linear
import Numeric.Limp.Canon.Program
import qualified Numeric.Limp.Program.Bounds as P
import qualified Numeric.Limp.Program.Constraint as P
import qualified Numeric.Limp.Program.Linear as P
import qualified Numeric.Limp.Program.Program as P
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Map as M
linear :: (Rep c, Ord z, Ord r) => P.Linear z r c k -> (Linear z r c, R c)
linear (P.LZ ls co)
= (mkLinear $ map conv ls, fromZ co)
conv (z,c) = (Left z, fromZ c)
linear (P.LR ls co)
= (mkLinear ls, co)
constraint :: (Rep c, Ord z, Ord r) => P.Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c
constraint z
= Constraint $ go z
cle l r
= let (lin, co) = linear (r P..-. l)
in C1 (Just (co)) lin Nothing
ceq l r
= let (lin, co) = linear (r P..-. l)
in C1 (Just (co)) lin (Just (co))
go (l P.:== r)
= [ceq l r]
go (l P.:<= r)
= [cle l r]
go (l P.:>= r)
= [cle r l]
go (l P.:< r)
= [cle (l P..+. P.c1) r]
go (l P.:> r)
= [cle (r P..+. P.c1) l]
go (P.Between a b c)
= [cle a b, cle b c]
go (a P.:&& b)
= go a ++ go b
go (_ P.:! a)
= go a
go P.CTrue
= []
program :: (Rep c, Ord z, Ord r) => P.Program z r c -> Program z r c
program p
= Program obj constr bnds
= case p ^. P.direction of
P.Minimise -> fst $ linear $ obj_orig
P.Maximise -> fst $ linear $ P.neg obj_orig
= p ^. P.objective
= constraint $ p ^. P.constraints
= M.fromListWith merge
$ map extract
$ p ^. P.bounds
merge (l1,u1) (l2,u2)
= ( mmaybe max l1 l2
, mmaybe min u1 u2 )
mmaybe f a b
= case (a,b) of
(Nothing, Nothing)
-> Nothing
(Nothing, Just b')
-> Just $ b'
(Just a', Nothing)
-> Just $ a'
(Just a', Just b')
-> Just $ f a' b'
extract :: Rep c => P.Bounds z r c -> (Either z r, (Maybe (R c), Maybe (R c)))
extract (P.BoundZ (l,k,u))
= (Left k, (fromZ <$> l, fromZ <$> u))
extract (P.BoundR (l,k,u))
= (Right k, (l,u))