module Test.Target.Testable (test, Testable, setup) where
import Prelude hiding (error, undefined)
import Control.Exception (AsyncException, evaluate)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Text as ST
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import Data.Text.Format hiding (print)
import Data.Monoid
import Text.Printf
import Language.Fixpoint.Smt.Interface
import Language.Fixpoint.Smt.Serialize (smt2SortMono)
import Language.Fixpoint.Types hiding (Result)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types hiding (env, var, Only)
import Test.Target.Targetable hiding (apply)
import Test.Target.Expr
import Test.Target.Monad
import Test.Target.Types
import Test.Target.Util
import GHC.Err.Located
test :: Testable f => f -> SpecType -> Target Result
test f t
= do d <- asks depth
vs <- queryArgs f d t
let (xs, tis, _, to) = bkArrowDeep $ stripQuals t
ctx <- gets smtContext
try (process f ctx vs (zip xs tis) to) >>= \case
Left (e :: TargetException) -> return $ Errored $ show e
Right r -> return r
process :: Testable f
=> f -> Context -> [Symbol] -> [(Symbol,SpecType)] -> SpecType
-> Target Result
process f ctx vs xts to = go 0 =<< io (command ctx CheckSat)
go !n Unsat = return $ Passed n
go _ (Error e)= throwM $ SmtError $ ST.unpack e
go !n Sat = do
when (n `mod` 100 == 0) $ whenVerbose $ io $ printf "Checked %d inputs\n" n
let n' = n + 1
xs <- decodeArgs f vs (map snd xts)
whenVerbose $ io $ print xs
er <- io $ try $ evaluate (apply f xs)
case er of
Left (e :: SomeException)
| Just (_ :: AsyncException) <- fromException e -> throwM e
| Just (SmtError _) <- fromException e -> throwM e
| Just (ExpectedValues _) <- fromException e -> throwM e
| otherwise -> do
real <- gets realized
modify $ \s@(TargetState {..}) -> s { realized = [] }
let model = [ build "(= {} {})" (symbolText x, v) | (x,v) <- real ]
unless (null model) $
void $ io $ smtWrite ctx $ Builder.toLazyText
$ build "(assert (not (and {})))"
$ Only $ smt2many model
mbKeepGoing xs n'
Right r -> do
real <- gets realized
modify $ \s@(TargetState {..}) -> s { realized = [] }
let su = mkSubst $ mkExprs f (map fst xts) xs
(sat, _) <- check r (subst su to)
let model = [ build "(= {} {})" (symbolText x, v) | (x,v) <- real ]
unless (null model) $
void $ io $ smtWrite ctx $ Builder.toLazyText
$ build "(assert (not (and {})))"
$ Only $ smt2many model
case sat of
False -> mbKeepGoing xs n'
True -> do
asks maxSuccess >>= \case
Nothing -> go n' =<< io (command ctx CheckSat)
Just m | m == n' -> return $ Passed m
| otherwise -> go n' =<< io (command ctx CheckSat)
go _ r = error $ "go _ " ++ show r
mbKeepGoing xs n = do
kg <- asks keepGoing
if kg
then go n =<< io (command ctx CheckSat)
else return (Failed $ show xs)
smt2many :: [Builder.Builder] -> Builder.Builder
smt2many [] = mempty
smt2many [b] = b
smt2many (b:bs) = b <> mconcat [ " " <> b | b <- bs ]
class (AllHave Targetable (Args f), Targetable (Res f)
,AllHave Show (Args f)) => Testable f where
queryArgs :: f -> Int -> SpecType -> Target [Symbol]
decodeArgs :: f -> [Symbol] -> [SpecType] -> Target (HList (Args f))
apply :: f -> HList (Args f) -> Res f
mkExprs :: f -> [Symbol] -> HList (Args f) -> [(Symbol,Expr)]
instance (Show a, Targetable a, Testable b) => Testable (a -> b) where
queryArgs f d (stripQuals -> (RFun x i o _))
= do v <- qquery (Proxy :: Proxy a) d i
vs <- queryArgs (f undefined) d (subst (mkSubst [(x,var v)]) o)
return (v:vs)
queryArgs _ _ t = error $ "queryArgs called with non-function type: " ++ show t
decodeArgs f (v:vs) (t:ts)
= liftM2 (:::) (decode v t) (decodeArgs (f undefined) vs ts)
decodeArgs _ _ _ = error "decodeArgs called with empty list"
apply f (x ::: xs)
= apply (f x) xs
mkExprs f (v:vs) (x ::: xs)
= (v, toExpr x) : mkExprs (f undefined) vs xs
mkExprs _ _ _ = error "mkExprs called with empty list"
(Targetable a, Args a ~ '[], Res a ~ a) => Testable a
queryArgs _ _ _ = return []
decodeArgs _ _ _ = return Nil
apply f _ = f
mkExprs _ _ _ = []
func :: Sort -> Bool
func (FAbs _ s) = func s
func (FFunc _ _) = True
func _ = False
mySmt2Sort :: SymEnv -> Sort -> Builder.Builder
mySmt2Sort sEnv s = smt2SortMono s sEnv s
setup :: Target ()
setup = do
ctx <- gets smtContext
emb <- gets embEnv
let sEnv = ctxSymEnv ctx
ss <- S.toList <$> gets sorts
let defSort b e = io $ smtWrite ctx $ Builder.toLazyText
$ build "(define-sort {} () {})" (b,e)
defSort ("CHOICE" :: Builder.Builder) ("Bool" :: Builder.Builder)
forM_ (L.nub (mySmt2Sort sEnv <$> ss)) $ \s ->
defSort s ("Int" :: Builder.Builder)
cts <- gets constructors
mapM_ (\ (c,t) -> do
io $ smtWrite ctx . Builder.toLazyText $ smt2 sEnv $ makeDecl (seData sEnv) (symbol c) t) cts
let nullary = [var c | (c,t) <- cts, not (func t)]
unless (null nullary) $
void $ io $ smtWrite ctx . Builder.toLazyText $ smt2 sEnv $ Distinct nullary
vs <- gets variables
let defVar (x,t) = io $ smtWrite ctx $ Builder.toLazyText $ smt2 sEnv $ makeDecl (seData sEnv) x (arrowize t)
mapM_ defVar vs
ms <- gets measEnv
let defFun x t = io $ smtWrite ctx $ Builder.toLazyText $ smt2 sEnv $ makeDecl (seData sEnv) x t
forM_ ms $ \m -> do
let x = val (name m)
unless (x `memberSEnv` (seTheory sEnv)) $
defFun x (rTypeSort emb (sort m))
cs <- gets constraints
mapM_ (io . smtWrite ctx . Builder.toLazyText . smt2 sEnv . Assert Nothing) cs
arrowize :: Sort -> Sort
arrowize t
| Just (_, ts, t) <- functionSort t
= FObj . symbol . ST.intercalate "->" . map (symbolText . unObj) $ (ts ++ [t])
| otherwise
= t
unObj :: Sort -> Symbol
unObj FInt = "Int"
unObj (FObj s) = s
unObj s = error $ "unObj: " ++ show s