layout: post
title: "Okasaki's Lazy Queues"
date: 2015-01-28
comments: true
author: Ranjit Jhala
published: true
categories: measures
demo: LazyQueue.hs
The "Hello World!" example for fancy type systems is probably the sized vector
or list `append` function ("The output has size equal to the *sum* of the
inputs!"). One the one hand, it is perfect: simple enough to explain without
pages of code, yet complex enough to show off whats cool about dependency. On
the other hand, like the sweater I'm sporting right now, it's a bit well-worn and
worse, was never wholly convincing ("Why do I *care* what the *size* of the
output list is anyway?")
Recently, I came across a nice example that is almost as simple, but is also
well motivated: Okasaki's beautiful [Lazy Amortized Queues][okasaki95]. This
structure leans heavily on an invariant to provide fast *insertion* and
*deletion*. Let's see how to enforce that invariant with LiquidHaskell.
{-@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--total" @-}
{-@ LIQUID "--maxparams=3" @-}
module LazyQueue (Queue, insert, remove, emp) where
import Prelude hiding (length)
-- | Size function actually returns the size: (Duh!)
{-@ size :: q:SList a -> {v:Nat | v = size q} @-}
data Queue a = Q { front :: SList a
, back :: SList a
-- Source: Okasaki, JFP 1995
-- http://www.westpoint.edu/eecs/SiteAssets/SitePages/Faculty%20Publication%20Documents/Okasaki/jfp95queue.pdf
A [queue][queue-wiki] is a structure into which we can `insert` and `remove` data
such that the order in which the data is removed is the same as the order in which
it was inserted.

To implement a queue *efficiently* one needs to have rapid access to both
the "head" as well as the "tail" because we `remove` elements from former
and `insert` elements into the latter. This is quite straightforward with
explicit pointers and mutation -- one uses an old school linked list and
maintains pointers to the head and the tail. But can we implement the
structure efficiently without having stoop so low?
Queues = Pair of Lists
Almost two decades ago, Chris Okasaki came up with a very cunning way
to implement queues using a *pair* of lists -- let's call them `front`
and `back` which represent the corresponding parts of the Queue.
+ To `insert` elements, we just *cons* them onto the `back` list,
+ To `remove` elements, we just *un-cons* them from the `front` list.

The catch is that we need to shunt elements from the back to the
front every so often, e.g. when
1. a `remove` call is triggered, and
2. the `front` list is empty,
We can transfer the elements from the `back` to the `front`.

Okasaki observed that every element is only moved *once* from the
front to the back; hence, the time for `insert` and `lookup` could be
`O(1)` when *amortized* over all the operations. Awesome, right?!
Almost. Some set of unlucky `remove` calls (which occur when
the `front` is empty) are stuck paying the bill. They have a
rather high latency up to `O(n)` where `n` is the total number
of operations. Oops.
Queue = Balanced Lazy Lists
This is where Okasaki's beautiful insights kick in. Okasaki
observed that all we need to do is to enforce a simple invariant:
**Invariant:** Size of `front` >= Size of `back`
Now, if the lists are *lazy* i.e. only constructed as the head
value is demanded, then a single `remove` needs only a tiny `O(log n)`
in the worst case, and so no single `remove` is stuck paying the bill.
Let's see how to represent these Queues and ensure the crucial invariant(s)
with LiquidHaskell. What we need are the following ingredients:
1. A type for `List`s, and a way to track their `size`,
2. A type for `Queue`s which encodes the *balance* invariant -- ``front longer than back",
3. A way to implement the `insert`, `remove` and `transfer` operations.
Sized Lists
The first part is super easy. Let's define a type:
data SList a = SL { size :: Int, elems :: [a]}
We have a special field that saves the `size` because otherwise, we
have a linear time computation that wrecks Okasaki's careful
analysis. (Actually, he presents a variant which does *not* require
saving the size as well, but that's for another day.)
But how can we be sure that `size` is indeed the *real size* of `elems`?
Let's write a function to *measure* the real size:
{-@ measure realSize @-}
realSize :: [a] -> Int
realSize [] = 0
realSize (_:xs) = 1 + realSize xs
and now, we can simply specify a *refined* type for `SList` that ensures
that the *real* size is saved in the `size` field:
{-@ data SList a = SL {
size :: Nat
, elems :: {v:[a] | realSize v = size}
As a sanity check, consider this:
okList = SL 1 ["cat"] -- accepted
badList = SL 1 [] -- rejected
It is helpful to define a few aliases for `SList`s of a size `N` and
non-empty `SList`s:
-- | SList of size N
{-@ type SListN a N = {v:SList a | size v = N} @-}
-- | Non-Empty SLists:
{-@ type NEList a = {v:SList a | size v > 0} @-}
Finally, we can define a basic API for `SList`.
**To Construct** lists, we use `nil` and `cons`:
{-@ nil :: SListN a 0 @-}
nil = SL 0 []
{-@ cons :: a -> xs:SList a -> SListN a {size xs + 1} @-}
cons x (SL n xs) = SL (n+1) (x:xs)
**To Destruct** lists, we have `hd` and `tl`.
{-@ tl :: xs:NEList a -> SListN a {size xs - 1} @-}
tl (SL n (_:xs)) = SL (n-1) xs
{-@ hd :: xs:NEList a -> a @-}
hd (SL _ (x:_)) = x
Don't worry, they are perfectly *safe* as LiquidHaskell will make
sure we *only* call these operators on non-empty `SList`s. For example,
okHd = hd okList -- accepted
badHd = hd (tl okList) -- rejected
Queue Type
Now, it is quite straightforward to define the `Queue` type, as a pair of lists,
`front` and `back`, such that the latter is always smaller than the former:
{-@ data Queue a = Q {
front :: SList a
, back :: SListLE a (size front)
Where the alias `SListLE a L` corresponds to lists with less than `N` elements:
{-@ type SListLE a N = {v:SList a | size v <= N} @-}
As a quick check, notice that we *cannot represent illegal Queues*:
okQ = Q okList nil -- accepted, |front| > |back|
badQ = Q nil okList -- rejected, |front| < |back|
**To Measure Queue Size** let us define a function
{-@ measure qsize @-}
qsize :: Queue a -> Int
qsize (Q l r) = size l + size r
This will prove helpful to define `Queue`s of a given size `N` and
non-empty `Queue`s (from which values can be safely removed.)
{-@ type QueueN a N = {v:Queue a | N = qsize v} @-}
{-@ type NEQueue a = {v:Queue a | 0 < qsize v} @-}
Queue Operations
Almost there! Now all that remains is to define the `Queue` API. The
code below is more or less identical to Okasaki's (I prefer `front`
and `back` to his `left` and `right`.)
**The Empty Queue** is simply one where both `front` and `back` are `nil`.
{-@ emp :: QueueN a 0 @-}
emp = Q nil nil
**To Insert** an element we just `cons` it to the `back` list, and call
the *smart constructor* `makeq` to ensure that the balance invariant holds:
{-@ insert :: a -> q:Queue a -> QueueN a {qsize q + 1} @-}
insert e (Q f b) = makeq f (e `cons` b)
**To Remove** an element we pop it off the `front` by using `hd` and `tl`.
Notice that the `remove` is only called on non-empty `Queue`s, which together
with the key balance invariant, ensures that the calls to `hd` and `tl` are safe.
{-@ remove :: q:NEQueue a -> (a, QueueN a {qsize q - 1}) @-}
remove (Q f b) = (hd f, makeq (tl f) b)
*Aside:* Why didn't we (or Okasaki) use a pattern match here?
**To Ensure the Invariant** we use the smart constructor `makeq`,
which is where the heavy lifting, such as it is, happens. The
constructor takes two lists, the front `f` and back `b` and if they
are balanced, directly returns the `Queue`, and otherwise transfers
the elements from `b` over using `rot`ate.
{-@ makeq :: f:SList a
-> b:SListLE a {size f + 1 }
-> QueueN a {size f + size b}
makeq l r
| size r <= size l = Q l r
| otherwise = Q (rot l r nil) nil
**The Rotate** function is only called when the `back` is one larger
than the `front` (we never let things drift beyond that). It is
arranged so that it the `hd` is built up fast, before the entire
computation finishes; which, combined with laziness provides the
efficient worst-case guarantee.
{-@ rot :: l:SList a
-> r:SListN _ {1 + size l}
-> a:SList _
-> SListN _ {size l + size r + size a}
rot l r a
| size l == 0 = hd r `cons` a
| otherwise = hd l `cons` rot (tl l) (tl r) (hd r `cons` a)
Well there you have it; Okasaki's beautiful lazy Queue, with the
invariants easily expressed and checked with LiquidHaskell. I find
this example particularly interesting because the refinements express
invariants that are critical for efficiency, and furthermore the code
introspects on the `size` in order to guarantee the invariants. Plus,
it's just marginally more complicated than `append` and so, (I hope!)
was easy to follow.
[okasaki95]: http://www.westpoint.edu/eecs/SiteAssets/SitePages/Faculty%20Publication%20Documents/Okasaki/jfp95queue.pdf
[queue-wiki]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queue_%28abstract_data_type%29