layout: post
title: "Red-Black Trees: Order"
date: 2014-04-05 16:12
author: Ranjit Jhala
published: false
comments: true
categories: measures, abstract-refinements
demo: RBTree-ord.hs
A data structure that implements a *set* interface, must
provide an efficient way to determine *membership*, i.e.
a function
member :: a -> RBTree a -> Bool
where `elem x xs` returns `True` iff `x` is in the set denoted by `xs`.
Red Black trees are use
To enable effici
Abstract Refinements vs. Indices
Most formal accounts of Red Black trees eschew the order
invariant as it is rather cumbersome to encode using GADTs
and indexed-types -- one must index the structure with lower
and upper bounds, and appropriately adjust these bounds at
TODO: **Conjoining Specifications** lamport.
TODO: composing, and, for example,
TODO: red-black trees.
[Red Black trees][RBTwiki] trees are a classic, cold-war era,
data structure used to efficiently represent sets, using trees
whose nodes are labeled by the set's elements, and additionally,
are colored *red* or *black*.
The key to efficiency is that the the trees be *balanced*.
Of course, the easiest way to do this is to just add a *height*
label and check that the difference of heights at each node is
bounded (cf. [AVL trees][AVLTwiki]). But, back in the olden
days, every bit counted -- the super cunning thing about
Red-Black Trees is that they ensure balancedness, at the
throwaway price of a *single bit* per node.
The catch is that the invariants are devilishly tricky.
1. **Order:** Each node's value is between those in its left and right subtrees,
2. **Color:** Each red node's children are colored black,
3. **Height:** Each root-to-leaf path has the same number of black nodes.
There are ways to encode various subsets of these using
GADTs and such, but, like [Appel][RBTappel], I find the
encodings rather too clever as they require a variety
of different types and constructors to capture each
One advantage of refinements is we fix the data type,
and can then *pick and choose* which invariants we want
to verify, and *compose* them, quite trivially, via
Continue to:
* [Order][rbtOrder]
* [Color][rbtColor]
* [Height][rbtHeight]
* [Composition][rbtAll]
[rbtOrder] : /blog/2014/04/07/red-black-order.lhs/
[rbtColor] : /blog/2014/04/14/red-black-color.lhs/
[rbtHeight] : /blog/2014/04/21/red-black-height.lhs/
[rbtCompose] : /blog/2014/04/28/red-black-compose.lhs/
Red-Black Trees
Abstract Refinements
Ordered Trees
Over the next several posts, lets see how to develop an
RBTree library, using LiquidHaskell to directly and
compositionally specify and enforce the above invariants.
{-@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @-}
module Foo (add, remove, deleteMin, deleteMin') where
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Prelude
data Color = B -- ^ Black
| R -- ^ Red
deriving (Eq,Show)
data RBTree a = Leaf
| Node Color a !(RBTree a) !(RBTree a)
deriving (Show)
-- | Add an element -------------------------------------------------------
{-@ add :: (Ord a) => a -> ORBT a -> ORBT a @-}
add x s = makeBlack (ins x s)
{-@ ins :: (Ord a) => a -> ORBT a -> ORBT a @-}
ins kx Leaf = Node R kx Leaf Leaf
ins kx s@(Node B x l r) = case compare kx x of
LT -> let t = lbal x (ins kx l) r in t
GT -> let t = rbal x l (ins kx r) in t
EQ -> s
ins kx s@(Node R x l r) = case compare kx x of
LT -> Node R x (ins kx l) r
GT -> Node R x l (ins kx r)
EQ -> s
-- | Delete an element ----------------------------------------------------
{-@ remove :: (Ord a) => a -> ORBT a -> ORBT a @-}
remove x t = makeBlack (del x t)
{-@ del :: (Ord a) => a -> ORBT a -> ORBT a @-}
del x Leaf = Leaf
del x (Node _ y a b) = case compare x y of
EQ -> append y a b
LT -> case a of
Leaf -> Node R y Leaf b
Node B _ _ _ -> lbalS y (del x a) b
_ -> let t = Node R y (del x a) b in t
GT -> case b of
Leaf -> Node R y a Leaf
Node B _ _ _ -> rbalS y a (del x b)
_ -> Node R y a (del x b)
{-@ append :: y:a -> ORBT {v:a | v < y} -> ORBT {v:a | y < v} -> ORBT a @-}
append :: a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a -> RBTree a
append _ Leaf r
= r
append _ l Leaf
= l
append piv (Node R lx ll lr) (Node R rx rl rr)
= case append piv lr rl of
Node R x lr' rl' -> Node R x (Node R lx ll lr') (Node R rx rl' rr)
lrl -> Node R lx ll (Node R rx lrl rr)
append piv (Node B lx ll lr) (Node B rx rl rr)
= case append piv lr rl of
Node R x lr' rl' -> Node R x (Node B lx ll lr') (Node B rx rl' rr)
lrl -> lbalS lx ll (Node B rx lrl rr)
append piv l@(Node B _ _ _) (Node R rx rl rr)
= Node R rx (append piv l rl) rr
append piv l@(Node R lx ll lr) r@(Node B _ _ _)
= Node R lx ll (append piv lr r)
-- | Delete Minimum Element -----------------------------------------------
{-@ deleteMin :: ORBT a -> ORBT a @-}
deleteMin (Leaf) = Leaf
deleteMin (Node _ x l r) = makeBlack t
(_, t) = deleteMin' x l r
{-@ deleteMin' :: k:a -> ORBT {v:a | v < k} -> ORBT {v:a | k < v} -> (a, ORBT a) @-}
deleteMin' k Leaf r = (k, r)
deleteMin' x (Node R lx ll lr) r = (k, Node R x l' r) where (k, l') = deleteMin' lx ll lr
deleteMin' x (Node B lx ll lr) r = (k, lbalS x l' r ) where (k, l') = deleteMin' lx ll lr
-- | Rotations ------------------------------------------------------------
lbalS k (Node R x a b) r = Node R k (Node B x a b) r
lbalS k l (Node B y a b) = let t = rbal k l (Node R y a b) in t
lbalS k l (Node R z (Node B y a b) c) = Node R y (Node B k l a) (rbal z b (makeRed c))
lbalS k l r = error "nein"
rbalS k l (Node R y b c) = Node R k l (Node B y b c)
rbalS k (Node B x a b) r = let t = lbal k (Node R x a b) r in t
rbalS k (Node R x a (Node B y b c)) r = Node R y (lbal x (makeRed a) b) (Node B k c r)
rbalS k l r = error "nein"
lbal k (Node R y (Node R x a b) c) r = Node R y (Node B x a b) (Node B k c r)
lbal k (Node R x a (Node R y b c)) r = Node R y (Node B x a b) (Node B k c r)
lbal k l r = Node B k l r
rbal x a (Node R y b (Node R z c d)) = Node R y (Node B x a b) (Node B z c d)
rbal x a (Node R z (Node R y b c) d) = Node R y (Node B x a b) (Node B z c d)
rbal x l r = Node B x l r
makeRed (Node _ x l r) = Node R x l r
makeRed Leaf = error "nein"
makeBlack Leaf = Leaf
makeBlack (Node _ x l r) = Node B x l r
-- | Specifications -------------------------------------------------------
-- | Ordered Red-Black Trees
{-@ type ORBT a = RBTree <{\root v -> v < root }, {\root v -> v > root}> a @-}
-- | Binary Search Ordering
{-@ data RBTree a a -> Prop, r :: a -> a -> Prop>
= Leaf
| Node (c :: Color)
(key :: a)
(left :: RBTree (a ))
(left :: RBTree (a ))