module ListRange () where import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Prelude {-@ data List [llen] a
x1:a -> Bool> = Nil | Cons (h :: a) (t :: List
)) @-} {-@ measure llen :: (List a) -> Int llen(Nil) = 0 llen(Cons x xs) = 1 + (llen xs) @-} {-@ invariant {v: List a | (llen v) >= 0}@-} data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) checkSort Nil = True checkSort (_ `Cons` Nil) = True checkSort (x1 `Cons` (x2 `Cons` xs)) = liquidAssertB (x1 <= x2) && checkSort (x2 `Cons` xs) z3 :: List Integer z3 = 3 `Cons` (6 `Cons` Nil) prop3 = checkSort z3 -- The below works because it is properly ANF-ed -- The above fails because the "3" is not hoisted out into its own binding. --three :: Integer --three = 3 -- --six :: Integer --six = 6 -- --z2 :: List Integer --z2 = three `Cons` (six `Cons` Nil) --prop2 = checkSort z2