{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import qualified Control.Monad.State as State import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Data.Char import qualified Data.Functor.Compose as Functor import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid (Sum(..), (<>)) import Data.Proxy import Data.String import Data.Tagged import Data.Typeable import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Options.Applicative import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.IO.Error import System.Process import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Rerun import Test.Tasty.Options import Test.Tasty.Runners import Test.Tasty.Runners.AntXML import Paths_liquidhaskell import Text.Printf testRunner :: Ingredient testRunner = rerunningTests [ listingTests , combineReporters myConsoleReporter antXMLRunner , myConsoleReporter ] myConsoleReporter :: Ingredient myConsoleReporter = combineReporters consoleTestReporter loggingTestReporter main :: IO () main = do unsetEnv "LIQUIDHASKELL_OPTS" run =<< tests where run = defaultMainWithIngredients [ testRunner , includingOptions [ Option (Proxy :: Proxy NumThreads) , Option (Proxy :: Proxy LiquidOpts) , Option (Proxy :: Proxy SmtSolver) ] ] tests = group "Tests" [ unitTests, errorTests, benchTests ] -- tests = group "Tests" [ unitTests ] -- tests = group "Tests" [ benchTests ] -- tests = group "Tests" [ selfTests ] -- tests = group "Tests" [ errorTests ] data SmtSolver = Z3 | CVC4 deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable) instance IsOption SmtSolver where defaultValue = Z3 parseValue = safeRead . map toUpper optionName = return "smtsolver" optionHelp = return "Use this SMT solver" optionCLParser = option (fmap (read . map toUpper) str) ( long (untag (optionName :: Tagged SmtSolver String)) <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged SmtSolver String)) ) newtype LiquidOpts = LO String deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, IsString) instance Monoid LiquidOpts where mempty = LO "" mappend (LO "") y = y mappend x (LO "") = x mappend (LO x) (LO y) = LO $ x ++ (' ' : y) instance IsOption LiquidOpts where defaultValue = LO "" parseValue = Just . LO optionName = return "liquid-opts" optionHelp = return "Extra options to pass to LiquidHaskell" optionCLParser = option (fmap LO str) ( long (untag (optionName :: Tagged LiquidOpts String)) <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged LiquidOpts String)) ) errorTests :: IO TestTree errorTests = group "Error-Messages" [ errorTest "tests/errors/ExportMeasure0.hs" 2 "Cannot lift `llen` into refinement logic" , errorTest "tests/errors/ExportMeasure1.hs" 2 "Cannot lift `psnd` into refinement logic" , errorTest "tests/errors/ExportReflect0.hs" 2 "Cannot lift `identity` into refinement logic" , errorTest "tests/errors/MultiRecSels.hs" 2 "Duplicated definitions for field `left`" , errorTest "tests/errors/DupMeasure.hs" 2 "Multiple measures named `lenA`" , errorTest "tests/errors/ShadowFieldInline.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `Range.prop`" , errorTest "tests/errors/ShadowFieldReflect.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `assumed type Range.pig`" , errorTest "tests/errors/ShadowMeasure.hs" 2 "Multiple specifications for `shadow`" , errorTest "tests/errors/ShadowMeasureVar.hs" 2 "Multiple specifications for `shadow`" , errorTest "tests/errors/AmbiguousReflect.hs" 2 "Ambiguous specification symbol `mappend`" , errorTest "tests/errors/AmbiguousInline.hs" 2 "Ambiguous specification symbol `min`" , errorTest "tests/errors/TerminationExprSort.hs" 2 "Illegal termination specification for `TerminationExpr.showSep`" , errorTest "tests/errors/TerminationExprNum.hs" 2 "Illegal termination specification for `TerminationExpr.showSep`" , errorTest "tests/errors/TerminationExprUnb.hs" 2 "Illegal termination specification for `go`" , errorTest "tests/errors/UnboundVarInSpec.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `Fixme.foo`" , errorTest "tests/errors/MissingAbsRefArgs.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `Fixme.bar`" , errorTest "tests/errors/UnboundVarInAssume.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `Assume.incr`" , errorTest "tests/errors/UnboundVarInAssume1.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `Main.b`" , errorTest "tests/errors/UnboundFunInSpec.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `Goo.three`" , errorTest "tests/errors/UnboundFunInSpec1.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `Goo.foo`" , errorTest "tests/errors/UnboundFunInSpec2.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `Goo.foo`" , errorTest "tests/errors/Fractional.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `Crash.f`" , errorTest "tests/errors/T773.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `LiquidR.incr`" , errorTest "tests/errors/T774.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `LiquidR.incr`" , errorTest "tests/errors/Inconsistent0.hs" 2 "Specified type does not refine Haskell type for `Ast.app` (Checked)" , errorTest "tests/errors/Inconsistent1.hs" 2 "Specified type does not refine Haskell type for `Boo.incr` (Checked)" , errorTest "tests/errors/Inconsistent2.hs" 2 "Specified type does not refine Haskell type for `Mismatch.foo` (Checked)" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadAliasApp.hs" 2 "Malformed application of type alias `ListN`" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadPragma0.hs" 2 "Illegal pragma" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadPragma1.hs" 2 "Illegal pragma" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadPragma2.hs" 2 "Illegal pragma" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadSyn1.hs" 2 "Malformed application of type alias `Fooz`" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadSyn2.hs" 2 "Malformed application of type alias `Zoo.Foo`" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadSyn3.hs" 2 "Malformed application of type alias `Zoo.Foo`" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadSyn4.hs" 2 "Malformed application of type alias `Foo.Point`" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadAnnotation.hs" 2 "Malformed annotation" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadAnnotation1.hs" 2 "Malformed annotation" , errorTest "tests/errors/CyclicExprAlias0.hs" 2 "Cyclic type alias definition for `CyclicA1`" , errorTest "tests/errors/CyclicExprAlias1.hs" 2 "Cyclic type alias definition for `CyclicB1`" , errorTest "tests/errors/CyclicExprAlias2.hs" 2 "Cyclic type alias definition for `CyclicC1`" , errorTest "tests/errors/CyclicExprAlias3.hs" 2 "Cyclic type alias definition for `CyclicD3`" , errorTest "tests/errors/DupAlias.hs" 2 "Multiple definitions of Type Alias `BoundedNat`" , errorTest "tests/errors/DupAlias.hs" 2 "Multiple definitions of Pred Alias `Foo`" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadDataConType.hs" 2 "Specified type does not refine Haskell type for `Boo.C`" , errorTest "tests/errors/LiftMeasureCase.hs" 2 "Cannot lift Haskell function `foo` to logic" , errorTest "tests/errors/HigherOrderBinder.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `Main.foo`" , errorTest "tests/errors/HoleCrash1.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `ListDemo.t`" , errorTest "tests/errors/HoleCrash2.hs" 2 "Malformed application of type alias `Geq`" , errorTest "tests/errors/HoleCrash3.hs" 2 "Specified type does not refine Haskell type for `ListDemo.countUp`" , errorTest "tests/errors/HoleCrash3.hs" 2 "Specified type does not refine Haskell type for `ListDemo.countUp`" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadPredApp.hs" 2 "Malformed predicate application" , errorTest "tests/errors/LocalHole.hs" 2 "Illegal type specification for `go`" , errorTest "tests/errors/UnboundAbsRef.hs" 2 "Cannot apply unbound abstract refinement `p`" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadQualifier.hs" 2 "Illegal qualifier specification for `Foo`" , errorTest "tests/errors/ParseClass.hs" 2 "Cannot parse specification" , errorTest "tests/errors/ParseBind.hs" 2 "Cannot parse specification" , errorTest "tests/errors/MissingSizeFun.hs" 2 "Illegal data refinement for `MapReduce.List`" , errorTest "tests/errors/MissingSizeFun.hs" 2 "Illegal data refinement for `MapReduce.List2`" , errorTest "tests/errors/MultiInstMeasures.hs" 2 "Multiple instance measures `sizeOf` for type `GHC.Ptr.Ptr`" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadDataDeclTyVars.hs" 2 "L :: Mismatch in number of type variables" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadDataCon2.hs" 2 "Boo.Cuthb :: GHC and Liquid specifications have different numbers of fields" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadSig0.hs" 2 "Error: Illegal type specification for `Zoo.foo`" , errorTest "tests/errors/BadSig1.hs" 2 "Error: Illegal type specification for `constructor Ev.EZ`" ] unitTests :: IO TestTree unitTests = group "Unit" [ testGroup "pos" <$> dirTests "tests/pos" posIgnored ExitSuccess , testGroup "neg" <$> dirTests "tests/neg" negIgnored (ExitFailure 1) , testGroup "parser/pos" <$> dirTests "tests/parser/pos" [] ExitSuccess -- RJ: disabling because broken by adt PR #1068 -- , testGroup "gradual/pos" <$> dirTests "tests/gradual/pos" [] ExitSuccess -- , testGroup "gradual/neg" <$> dirTests "tests/gradual/neg" [] (ExitFailure 1) , testGroup "import/lib" <$> dirTests "tests/import/lib" [] ExitSuccess , testGroup "import/client" <$> dirTests "tests/import/client" [] ExitSuccess -- , testGroup "eq_pos" <$> dirTests "tests/equationalproofs/pos" ["Axiomatize.hs", "Equational.hs"] ExitSuccess -- , testGroup "eq_neg" <$> dirTests "tests/equationalproofs/neg" ["Axiomatize.hs", "Equational.hs"] (ExitFailure 1) ] posIgnored = [ "mapreduce.hs" ] gPosIgnored = ["Intro.hs"] gNegIgnored = ["Interpretations.hs", "Gradual.hs"] benchTests :: IO TestTree benchTests = group "Benchmarks" [ testGroup "text" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/text-" textIgnored ExitSuccess , testGroup "bytestring" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/bytestring-" [] ExitSuccess , testGroup "esop" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/esop2013-submission" esopIgnored ExitSuccess , testGroup "vect-algs" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/vector-algorithms-" [] ExitSuccess , testGroup "icfp_pos" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/icfp15/pos" icfpIgnored ExitSuccess , testGroup "icfp_neg" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/icfp15/neg" icfpIgnored (ExitFailure 1) , testGroup "pldi17_pos" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/pldi17/pos" proverIgnored ExitSuccess , testGroup "pldi17_neg" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/pldi17/neg" proverIgnored (ExitFailure 1) , testGroup "instances" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/proofautomation/pos" autoIgnored ExitSuccess , testGroup "foundations" <$> dirTests "benchmarks/sf" [] ExitSuccess ] selfTests :: IO TestTree selfTests = group "Self" [ testGroup "liquid" <$> dirTests "src" [] ExitSuccess ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | For each file in `root` check, that we get the given exit `code.` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dirTests :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> ExitCode -> IO [TestTree] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dirTests root ignored code = do files <- walkDirectory root let tests = [ rel | f <- files, isTest f, let rel = makeRelative root f, rel `notElem` ignored ] return $ mkCodeTest code root <$> tests mkCodeTest :: ExitCode -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree mkCodeTest code dir file = mkTest (EC file code Nothing) dir file isTest :: FilePath -> Bool isTest f = takeExtension f == ".hs" || takeExtension f == ".lhs" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Check that we get the given `err` text and `ExitFailure status` for the given `path`. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- errorTest :: FilePath -> Int -> T.Text -> IO TestTree -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- errorTest path status err = return (mkTest ec dir file) where ec = EC file (ExitFailure status) (Just err) (dir, file) = splitFileName path -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data ExitCheck = EC { ecTest :: FilePath, ecCode :: ExitCode, ecLog :: Maybe T.Text } deriving (Show) ecAssert :: ExitCheck -> ExitCode -> T.Text -> Assertion ecAssert ec (ExitFailure 137) _ = printf "WARNING: possible OOM while testing %s: IGNORING" (ecTest ec) ecAssert (EC _ code Nothing) c _ = assertEqual "Wrong exit code" code c ecAssert (EC _ code (Just t)) c log = do assertEqual "Wrong exit code" code c assertBool ("Did not match message: " ++ T.unpack t) (T.isInfixOf t log) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkTest :: ExitCheck -> FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkTest ec dir file = askOption $ \(smt :: SmtSolver) -> askOption $ \(opts :: LiquidOpts) -> testCase file $ if test `elem` knownToFail smt then do printf "%s is known to fail with %s: SKIPPING" test (show smt) assertEqual "" True True else do createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory log bin <- binPath "liquid" hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering -- or even NoBuffering withFile log WriteMode $ \h -> do let cmd = testCmd bin dir file smt $ mappend (extraOptions dir test) opts -- let cmd = testCmd bin dir file smt $ mappend (extraOptions dir test) $ mappend "-v" opts (_,_,_,ph) <- createProcess $ (shell cmd) {std_out = UseHandle h, std_err = UseHandle h} c <- waitForProcess ph ecAssert ec c =<< T.readFile log -- renameFile log $ log <.> (if code == c then "pass" else "fail") -- if c == ExitFailure 137 -- then printf "WARNING: possible OOM while testing %s: IGNORING" test -- else assertEqual "Wrong exit code" code c where test = dir file log = "tests/logs/cur" test <.> "log" binPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath binPath pkgName = ( pkgName) <$> getBinDir knownToFail :: SmtSolver -> [FilePath] knownToFail CVC4 = [ "tests/pos/linspace.hs" , "tests/pos/RealProps.hs" , "tests/pos/RealProps1.hs" , "tests/pos/initarray.hs" , "tests/pos/maps.hs" , "tests/pos/maps1.hs" , "tests/neg/maps.hs" , "tests/pos/Product.hs" , "tests/pos/Gradual.hs" , "tests/equationalproofs/pos/MapAppend.hs" ] knownToFail Z3 = [ "tests/pos/linspace.hs" , "tests/equationalproofs/pos/MapAppend.hs" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extraOptions :: FilePath -> FilePath -> LiquidOpts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extraOptions dir test = mappend (dirOpts dir) (testOpts test) where dirOpts = flip (Map.findWithDefault mempty) $ Map.fromList [ ( "benchmarks/bytestring-" , "-iinclude --c-files=cbits/fpstring.c" ) , ( "benchmarks/text-" , "-i../bytestring- -i../bytestring- --c-files=../bytestring- -i../../include --c-files=cbits/cbits.c" ) , ( "benchmarks/vector-" , "-i." ) , ( "tests/import/client" , "-i../lib" ) ] testOpts = flip (Map.findWithDefault mempty) $ Map.fromList [ ( "tests/pos/Class2.hs" , "-i../neg" ) , ( "tests/pos/FFI.hs" , "-i../ffi-include --c-files=../ffi-include/foo.c" ) ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- testCmd :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> SmtSolver -> LiquidOpts -> String --------------------------------------------------------------------------- testCmd bin dir file smt (LO opts) = printf "cd %s && %s --smtsolver %s %s %s" dir bin (show smt) file opts esopIgnored = [ "Base0.hs" -- , "Base.hs" -- REFLECT-IMPORTS: TODO BLOWUP ] icfpIgnored :: [FilePath] icfpIgnored = [ "RIO.hs" , "DataBase.hs" , "FindRec.hs" , "CopyRec.hs" , "TwiceM.hs" -- TODO: BLOWUP: using 2.7GB RAM ] proverIgnored :: [FilePath] proverIgnored = [ "OverviewListInfix.hs" , "Proves.hs" , "Helper.hs" , "FunctorReader.hs" -- NOPROP: TODO: Niki please fix! , "MonadReader.hs" -- NOPROP: "" , "ApplicativeReader.hs" -- NOPROP: "" , "FunctorReader.NoExtensionality.hs" -- Name resolution issues -- , "Fibonacci.hs" -- REFLECT-IMPORTS: TODO: Niki please fix! ] autoIgnored = "Unification.hs" : "Fibonacci.hs" : proverIgnored hscIgnored :: [FilePath] hscIgnored = [ "HsColour.hs" , "Language/Haskell/HsColour/Classify.hs" -- eliminate , "Language/Haskell/HsColour/Anchors.hs" -- eliminate , "Language/Haskell/HsColour/ACSS.hs" -- eliminate ] negIgnored :: [FilePath] negIgnored = [ "Lib.hs" , "LibSpec.hs" ] textIgnored :: [FilePath] textIgnored = [ "Setup.lhs" , "Data/Text/Axioms.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Error.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Fusion.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Fusion/Common.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Utf16.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Utf32.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding/Utf8.hs" , "Data/Text/Fusion/CaseMapping.hs" , "Data/Text/Fusion/Common.hs" , "Data/Text/Fusion/Internal.hs" , "Data/Text/IO.hs" , "Data/Text/IO/Internal.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Functions.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Int/Digits.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Internal.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/RealFloat.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/RealFloat/Functions.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Encoding/Fusion.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/IO.hs" , "Data/Text/Lazy/Read.hs" , "Data/Text/Read.hs" , "Data/Text/Unsafe/Base.hs" , "Data/Text/UnsafeShift.hs" , "Data/Text/Util.hs" , "Data/Text/Fusion-debug.hs" , "Data/Text/Encoding.hs" ] demosIgnored :: [FilePath] demosIgnored = [ "Composition.hs" , "Eval.hs" , "Inductive.hs" , "Loop.hs" , "TalkingAboutSets.hs" , "refinements101reax.hs" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic Helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- group :: (Monad m) => TestName -> [m TestTree] -> m TestTree group n xs = testGroup n <$> sequence xs gitTimestamp :: IO String gitTimestamp = do res <- gitProcess ["show", "--format=\"%ci\"", "--quiet"] return $ filter notNoise res gitEpochTimestamp :: IO String gitEpochTimestamp = do res <- gitProcess ["show", "--format=\"%ct\"", "--quiet"] return $ filter notNoise res gitHash :: IO String gitHash = do res <- gitProcess ["show", "--format=\"%H\"", "--quiet"] return $ filter notNoise res gitRef :: IO String gitRef = do res <- gitProcess ["show", "--format=\"%d\"", "--quiet"] return $ filter notNoise res -- | Calls `git` for info; returns `"plain"` if we are not in a git directory. gitProcess :: [String] -> IO String gitProcess args = (readProcess "git" args []) `catchIOError` const (return "plain") notNoise :: Char -> Bool notNoise a = a /= '\"' && a /= '\n' && a /= '\r' headerDelim :: String headerDelim = replicate 80 '-' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- walkDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- walkDirectory root = do -- RJ: delete root ".liquid" (ds,fs) <- partitionM doesDirectoryExist . candidates =<< (getDirectoryContents root `catchIOError` const (return [])) (fs ++) <$> concatMapM walkDirectory ds where candidates fs = [root f | f <- fs, not (isExtSeparator (head f))] partitionM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m ([a],[a]) partitionM f = go [] [] where go ls rs [] = return (ls,rs) go ls rs (x:xs) = do b <- f x if b then go (x:ls) rs xs else go ls (x:rs) xs -- isDirectory :: FilePath -> IO Bool -- isDirectory = fmap Posix.isDirectory . Posix.getFileStatus concatMapM :: Applicative m => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b] concatMapM _ [] = pure [] concatMapM f (x:xs) = (++) <$> f x <*> concatMapM f xs -- | Combine two @TestReporter@s into one. -- -- Runs the reporters in sequence, so it's best to start with the one -- that will produce incremental output, e.g. 'consoleTestReporter'. combineReporters :: Ingredient -> Ingredient -> Ingredient combineReporters (TestReporter opts1 run1) (TestReporter opts2 run2) = TestReporter (opts1 ++ opts2) $ \opts tree -> do f1 <- run1 opts tree f2 <- run2 opts tree return $ \smap -> f1 smap >> f2 smap combineReporters _ _ = error "combineReporters needs TestReporters" type Summary = [(String, Double, Bool)] -- this is largely based on ocharles' test runner at -- https://github.com/ocharles/tasty-ant-xml/blob/master/Test/Tasty/Runners/AntXML.hs#L65 loggingTestReporter :: Ingredient loggingTestReporter = TestReporter [] $ \opts tree -> Just $ \smap -> do let runTest _ testName _ = Traversal $ Functor.Compose $ do i <- State.get summary <- lift $ STM.atomically $ do status <- STM.readTVar $ fromMaybe (error "Attempted to lookup test by index outside bounds") $ IntMap.lookup i smap let mkSuccess time = [(testName, time, True)] mkFailure time = [(testName, time, False)] case status of -- If the test is done, generate a summary for it Done result | resultSuccessful result -> pure (mkSuccess (resultTime result)) | otherwise -> pure (mkFailure (resultTime result)) -- Otherwise the test has either not been started or is currently -- executing _ -> STM.retry Const summary <$ State.modify (+ 1) runGroup group children = Traversal $ Functor.Compose $ do Const soFar <- Functor.getCompose $ getTraversal children pure $ Const $ map (\(n,t,s) -> (groupn,t,s)) soFar computeFailures :: StatusMap -> IO Int computeFailures = fmap getSum . getApp . foldMap (\var -> Ap $ (\r -> Sum $ if resultSuccessful r then 0 else 1) <$> getResultFromTVar var) getResultFromTVar :: STM.TVar Status -> IO Result getResultFromTVar var = STM.atomically $ do status <- STM.readTVar var case status of Done r -> return r _ -> STM.retry (Const summary, _tests) <- flip State.runStateT 0 $ Functor.getCompose $ getTraversal $ foldTestTree trivialFold { foldSingle = runTest, foldGroup = runGroup } opts tree return $ \_elapsedTime -> do -- get some semblance of a hostname host <- takeWhile (/='.') . takeWhile (not . isSpace) <$> readProcess "hostname" [] [] -- don't use the `time` package, major api differences between ghc 708 and 710 time <- head . lines <$> readProcess "date" ["+%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S"] [] -- build header ref <- gitRef timestamp <- gitTimestamp epochTime <- gitEpochTimestamp hash <- gitHash let hdr = unlines [ref ++ " : " ++ hash, "Timestamp: " ++ timestamp, "Epoch Timestamp: " ++ epochTime, headerDelim, "test, time(s), result"] let dir = "tests" "logs" host ++ "-" ++ time let smry = "tests" "logs" "cur" "summary.csv" writeFile smry $ unlines $ hdr : map (\(n, t, r) -> printf "%s, %0.4f, %s" n t (show r)) summary system $ "cp -r tests/logs/cur " ++ dir (==0) <$> computeFailures smap