{-@ LIQUID "--no-termination" @-} {-@ LIQUID "--no-totality" @-} module DropWhile where import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Prelude import Prelude hiding (head, dropWhile, (.), filter) --main :: IO () foo = if head (dropWhile ((/=) 3) (1:::2:::3:::Emp)) == 3 then () else liquidError "Not going to happen" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The `head` function returns a value that satisfies the abstract refinement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-@ head :: forall
Bool>. List
a -> a
@-} head (x ::: _) = x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data List a = Emp | (:::) { hd :: a , tl :: List a } infixr 5 ::: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A list whose head satisfies an abstract refinement `p` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- in the below, `hd :: a
` means the "head" is a value of type `a` that -- additionally, satisfies `p hd`. {-@ data List a
Bool> = Emp | (:::) { hd :: a
, tl :: List a } @-} -- | e.g. a list whose head equals `3` {-@ type OneList = List <{\v -> v == 3}> Int @-} {-@ one :: OneList @-} one :: List Int one = 3 ::: 2 ::: 1 ::: Emp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | dropWhile some predicate `f` is not satisfied ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-@ dropWhile :: forall
Bool, w :: a -> Bool -> Bool>.
{y::a, b::{v:Bool }
(x:a -> Bool a
dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
dropWhile f (x:::xs)
| not (f x) = x ::: xs
| otherwise = dropWhile f xs
dropWhile f Emp = Emp
-- | This `witness` bound relates the predicate used in dropWhile
{-@ bound witness @-}
witness :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool -> Bool) -> a -> Bool -> a -> Bool
witness p w = \ y b v -> (not b) ==> w y b ==> (v == y) ==> p v
-- | Drop elements until you hit a `3`
{-@ dropUntilOne' :: List Int -> OneList @-}
dropUntilOne' :: List Int -> List Int
dropUntilOne' = dropWhile (/= 3)
-- | Currently needed for the qual; should be made redundant by `--eliminate`
{-@ eqOne :: x:Int -> {v:Bool | v <=> x /= 3} @-}
eqOne :: Int -> Bool
eqOne x = x /= 3