--- layout: post title: Proof Reductions on Homomorphisms date: 2017-01-02 comments: true external-url: author: Niki Vazou and Vikraman Choudhury published: true categories: reflection, abstract-refinements demo: Reductions.hs --- [Previously][refinement-reflection] we saw how Refinement Reflection can be used to specify and prove theorems about Haskell code. Today we will see how proof generation can be simplified by proof reduction on homomorphic data types. As an example, we define a user-defined `Peano` data type and prove that it enjoys various arithmetic properties (like totality of comparison) by 1. creating a proof that an arithmetic property holds on Natural numbers, and then 2. reduce the proof from Natural numbers to Peano numbers. This proof reduction is possible since Peano numbers are homomorphic to Natural numbers.

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Properties of Peano Numbers ---------------------------- First, we define `Peano` numbers as a data type and the function `leqPeano` that compares two Peano numbers. \begin{code} {-@ data Peano [toNat] = Z | S {prev :: Peano } @-} data Peano = Z | S { prev :: Peano } deriving (Eq) {-@ reflect leqPeano @-} leqPeano :: Peano -> Peano -> Bool leqPeano Z _ = True leqPeano _ Z = False leqPeano (S n) (S m) = leqPeano n m \end{code} We can use Refinement Reflection to provide an **explicit proof** that no Peano number is greater than zero (`Z`). \begin{code} {-@ geqZero :: n:Peano -> {leqPeano Z n} @-} geqZero n = leqPeano Z n *** QED \end{code} The proof proceeds simply by invocation of the first case of the `leqPeano` definition. As another Peano property, we can use Refinement Reflection to show that comparison on Peano numbers is *total*, that is, for every two numbers `n` and `m` either `leqPeano n m` or `leqPeano m n` always holds. \begin{code} {-@ leqTotal :: n:Peano -> m:Peano -> {(leqPeano n m) || (leqPeano m n)} / [toNat n + toNat m] @-} leqTotal Z m = leqPeano Z m *** QED leqTotal n Z = leqPeano Z n *** QED leqTotal (S n) (S m) = (leqPeano (S n) (S m) || leqPeano (S m) (S n)) ==. (leqPeano n m || leqPeano (S m) (S n)) ? (leqTotal n m) ==. (leqPeano n m || leqPeano m n) ? (leqTotal m n) *** QED \end{code} The proof proceeds by induction on the sum of `n` and `m`. Liquid Haskell captures this generalized induction by ensuring that the value `toNat n + toNat m` is decreasing where `toNat` maps Peano to Natural numbers. \begin{code} {-@ measure toNat @-} {-@ toNat :: Peano -> Nat @-} toNat Z = 0 toNat (S n) = 1 + toNat n \end{code} Note, that the type `Nat` is just a refinement on the Haskell's integers \begin{code} {-@ type Nat = { n:Int | 0 <= n } @-} type Nat = Int \end{code} Following the totality proof, one can prove further properties of Peano comparisons, like reflexivity and transitivity. The above totality proof is verbose! Moreover, it is very similar to the classic totality on Natural numbers. Since the SMT knowns that comparison of Nat is total, we can just reduce Peano to Natural number totality! Reduction of Operators ----------------------- Since `toNat` is a homomorphism (i.e., a transformation) from `Peano` to `Nat` one can compare two Peano numbers via comparison of Natural numbers. \begin{code} {-@ reflect leqPeanoNat @-} leqPeanoNat :: Peano -> Peano -> Bool leqPeanoNat n m = toNat n `leqInt` toNat m \end{code} where `leqInt` the Haskell comparison operator restricted to `Ints`. \begin{code} {-@ reflect leqInt @-} leqInt :: Int -> Int -> Bool leqInt x y = x <= y \end{code} Note that `leqPeanoNat` is exactly equivalent to `leqPeano`. For this blog post, we leave the equivalence proof as an exercise for the reader. Proof Reductions ----------------- After reducing the Peano comparison operator to comparison on Natural numbers, we can reduce proofs on Peano numbers to proofs on Natural numbers. The great benefit of this reduction is that proofs on Natural number are automated by the underlying SMT solver! For example, we prove that no Natural number is less than `0` by unfolding `leqInt` on `0` and then let linear arithmetic decision procedure of the SMT complete the proof. \begin{code} {-@ geqZeroNat :: n:Nat -> {leqInt 0 n} @-} geqZeroNat n = leqInt 0 n *** QED \end{code} We then reduce the above property to the respective property on Peano numbers. \begin{code} {-@ geqZeroByReduction :: n:Peano -> {leqPeanoNat Z n} @-} geqZeroByReduction n = leqPeanoNat Z n ==. True ? reduction toNat geqZeroNat n *** QED \end{code} The reduction occurs via the function `reduction`. The function `reduction f thm n`, for each homomorphism `f :: a -> b`, reduces a theorem `thm x` on `a`s to the respective theorems on `b` via [Abstract Refinements][abstract-refinements]. \begin{code} {-@ reduction :: forall

Proof -> Bool>. f:(b -> a) -> (x:a -> Proof

) -> (y:b -> Proof

) @-} reduction :: (b -> a) -> (a -> Proof) -> (b -> Proof) reduction f thm y = thm (f y) \end{code} Users with model theoretic background may observe that `reduction` is actually encoding [Łoś–Tarski preservation theorem][preservation-theorem]! Similarly, `reduction2` reduces theorems with two `a` arguments to theorems with two `b` arguments via a homomorphism. \begin{code} {-@ reduction2 :: forall

a -> Proof -> Bool >. f:(b -> a) -> (x1:a -> x2:a -> Proof

) -> (y1:b -> y2:b-> Proof

) @-} reduction2 :: (b -> a) -> (a -> a -> Proof) -> (b -> b -> Proof) reduction2 f thm y1 y2 = thm (f y1) (f y2) \end{code} For example, the SMT-automated proof of totality on Natural numbers \begin{code} {-@ leqTotalNat :: n:Nat -> m:Nat -> { leqInt n m || leqInt m n } @-} leqTotalNat n m = (leqInt n m || leqInt m n) *** QED \end{code} can be easily reduced to totality on Peano numbers \begin{code} {-@ leqTotalByReduction :: n:Peano -> m:Peano -> { leqPeanoNat n m || leqPeanoNat m n } @-} leqTotalByReduction n m = (leqPeanoNat n m || leqPeanoNat m n) ==. True ? reduction2 toNat leqTotalNat n m *** QED \end{code} Conclusion ----------- We presented an example of how the SMT-automated proofs on Natural numbers can be reduced to the respective proofs on the Peano numbers, because Peano are homomorphic to Natural numbers. Proof reduction greatly simplifies proof composition as it allows for shorter and more elegant proofs that take advantage of SMT-automated or other existing proofs on homomorphic data structures. [refinement-reflection]: http://goto.ucsd.edu/~rjhala/liquid/haskell/blog/blog/2016/09/18/refinement-reflection.lhs/ [reduction-lib]: https://github.com/ucsd-progsys/liquidhaskell/tree/develop/include/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Reduction.hs [abstract-refinements]: http://goto.ucsd.edu/~rjhala/liquid/haskell/blog/blog/2013/06/03/abstracting-over-refinements.lhs/ [preservation-theorem]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%81o%C5%9B%E2%80%93Tarski_preservation_theorem