module HTTPServer.GUI (, GuiUpdate, Feedback, update, methods, ) where import qualified Module import Utility.WX ( cursor ) import qualified HTTPServer import qualified Graphics.UI.WX as WX import Graphics.UI.WX.Attributes ( Prop((:=)), set, get ) import Graphics.UI.WX.Classes ( text ) import qualified Control.Concurrent.Split.MVar as MVar import qualified Control.Monad.Exception.Synchronous as Exc import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( lift ) import qualified Data.Map as M data GuiUpdate = GetModuleList { _moduleList :: MVar.In [ Module.Name ] } | GetModuleContent { _moduleName :: Module.Name, _moduleContent :: MVar.In (Exc.Exceptional HTTPServer.Error String) } | UpdateModuleContent { _moduleName :: Module.Name, _moduleEditableContent :: String, _moduleNewContent :: MVar.In Feedback } type Feedback = Exc.Exceptional HTTPServer.Error (Maybe String, String) methods :: (GuiUpdate -> IO ()) -> HTTPServer.Methods methods output = HTTPServer.Methods { HTTPServer.getModuleList = do (modListIn,modListOut) <- MVar.newEmpty output $ GetModuleList modListIn MVar.take modListOut, HTTPServer.getModuleContent = \name -> Exc.ExceptionalT $ do (contentIn,contentOut) <- MVar.newEmpty output $ GetModuleContent name contentIn MVar.take contentOut, HTTPServer.updateModuleContent = \name edited -> Exc.ExceptionalT $ do (newContentIn,newContentOut) <- MVar.newEmpty output $ UpdateModuleContent name edited newContentIn MVar.take newContentOut } update :: (MVar.In Feedback -> Module.Name -> String -> Int -> IO ()) -> WX.StatusField -> M.Map Module.Name (WX.TextCtrl ()) -> GuiUpdate -> IO () update input status editors req = case req of GetModuleList modList -> MVar.put modList . M.keys $ editors GetModuleContent name content -> (MVar.put content =<<) $ Exc.runExceptionalT $ do editor <- getModule editors name lift $ set status [ text := Module.tellName name ++ " downloaded by web client" ] lift $ get editor text UpdateModuleContent name content contentMVar -> do result <- Exc.runExceptionalT $ do editor <- case M.lookup name editors of Nothing -> Exc.throwT (Module.tellName name ++ " no longer available.", "") Just pnl -> return pnl lift $ set status [ text := Module.tellName name ++ " updated by web client" ] pos <- lift $ get editor cursor localContent <- lift $ get editor text case HTTPServer.splitProtected localContent of (protected, sepEditable) -> case sepEditable of Nothing -> Exc.throwT ("Module does no longer contain a separation mark, " ++ "thus you cannot alter the content.", protected) Just (sep, _edit) -> do let newContent = protected ++ sep ++ '\n' : content lift $ set editor [ text := newContent, cursor := pos ] return (newContent, pos) case result of Exc.Exception (e, protected) -> MVar.put contentMVar $ Exc.Success (Just e, protected ++ HTTPServer.separatorLine ++ '\n' : content) Exc.Success (newContent, pos) -> input contentMVar name newContent pos getModule :: (Monad m) => M.Map Module.Name a -> Module.Name -> Exc.ExceptionalT HTTPServer.Error m a getModule pnls name = Exc.ExceptionalT $ return $ Exc.fromMaybe (HTTPServer.notFound $ Module.tellName name ++ " not found") $ M.lookup name pnls