module LLVM.Extra.Multi.Value where
import qualified LLVM.Extra.ScalarOrVector as SoV
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Arithmetic as A
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Control as C
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Class as Class
import qualified LLVM.Core as LLVM
import qualified LLVM.Util.Loop as Loop
import LLVM.Util.Loop (Phi, )
import Type.Data.Num.Decimal (D1)
import Foreign.StablePtr (StablePtr, )
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, FunPtr, )
import qualified Control.Monad.HT as Monad
import Control.Monad (Monad, return, fmap, (>>), )
import Data.Functor (Functor, )
import qualified Data.Tuple.HT as TupleHT
import qualified Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Data.Complex (Complex((:+)))
import Data.Function (id, (.), ($), )
import Data.Tuple.HT (uncurry3, )
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing,Just), )
import Data.Bool (Bool(False,True), )
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64, )
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, )
import Prelude (Float, Double, Integer, Rational, )
newtype T a = Cons (Repr LLVM.Value a)
class C a where
type Repr (f :: * -> *) a :: *
cons :: a -> T a
undef :: T a
zero :: T a
phis :: LLVM.BasicBlock -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
addPhis :: LLVM.BasicBlock -> T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r ()
instance C Bool where
type Repr f Bool = f Bool
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance C Float where
type Repr f Float = f Float
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance C Double where
type Repr f Double = f Double
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance C Word8 where
type Repr f Word8 = f Word8
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance C Word16 where
type Repr f Word16 = f Word16
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance C Word32 where
type Repr f Word32 = f Word32
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance C Word64 where
type Repr f Word64 = f Word64
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance C Int8 where
type Repr f Int8 = f Int8
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance C Int16 where
type Repr f Int16 = f Int16
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance C Int32 where
type Repr f Int32 = f Int32
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance C Int64 where
type Repr f Int64 = f Int64
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance (LLVM.IsType a) => C (Ptr a) where
type Repr f (Ptr a) = f (Ptr a)
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance (LLVM.IsFunction a) => C (FunPtr a) where
type Repr f (FunPtr a) = f (FunPtr a)
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
instance C (StablePtr a) where
type Repr f (StablePtr a) = f (StablePtr a)
cons = consPrimitive
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
consPrimitive ::
(LLVM.IsConst al, LLVM.Value al ~ Repr LLVM.Value a) =>
al -> T a
consPrimitive = Cons . LLVM.valueOf
undefPrimitive, zeroPrimitive ::
(LLVM.IsType al, LLVM.Value al ~ Repr LLVM.Value a) =>
T a
undefPrimitive = Cons $ LLVM.value LLVM.undef
zeroPrimitive = Cons $ LLVM.value
phisPrimitive ::
(LLVM.IsFirstClass al, LLVM.Value al ~ Repr LLVM.Value a) =>
LLVM.BasicBlock -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
phisPrimitive bb (Cons a) = fmap Cons $ Loop.phis bb a
addPhisPrimitive ::
(LLVM.IsFirstClass al, LLVM.Value al ~ Repr LLVM.Value a) =>
LLVM.BasicBlock -> T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r ()
addPhisPrimitive bb (Cons a) (Cons b) = Loop.addPhis bb a b
instance C () where
type Repr f () = ()
cons = consUnit
undef = undefUnit
zero = zeroUnit
phis = phisUnit
addPhis = addPhisUnit
consUnit :: (Repr LLVM.Value a ~ ()) => a -> T a
consUnit _ = Cons ()
undefUnit :: (Repr LLVM.Value a ~ ()) => T a
undefUnit = Cons ()
zeroUnit :: (Repr LLVM.Value a ~ ()) => T a
zeroUnit = Cons ()
phisUnit ::
(Repr LLVM.Value a ~ ()) =>
LLVM.BasicBlock -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
phisUnit _bb (Cons ()) = return $ Cons ()
addPhisUnit ::
(Repr LLVM.Value a ~ ()) =>
LLVM.BasicBlock -> T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r ()
addPhisUnit _bb (Cons ()) (Cons ()) = return ()
instance (C a) => C (Maybe a) where
type Repr f (Maybe a) = (f Bool, Repr f a)
cons Nothing = nothing
cons (Just a) = just $ cons a
undef = toMaybe undef undef
zero = toMaybe (cons False) zero
phis bb ma =
case splitMaybe ma of
(b,a) -> Monad.lift2 toMaybe (phis bb b) (phis bb a)
addPhis bb x y =
case (splitMaybe x, splitMaybe y) of
((xb,xa), (yb,ya)) ->
addPhis bb xb yb >>
addPhis bb xa ya
splitMaybe :: T (Maybe a) -> (T Bool, T a)
splitMaybe (Cons (b,a)) = (Cons b, Cons a)
toMaybe :: T Bool -> T a -> T (Maybe a)
toMaybe (Cons b) (Cons a) = Cons (b,a)
nothing :: (C a) => T (Maybe a)
nothing = toMaybe (cons False) undef
just :: T a -> T (Maybe a)
just = toMaybe (cons True)
instance (C a, C b) => C (a,b) where
type Repr f (a, b) = (Repr f a, Repr f b)
cons (a,b) = zip (cons a) (cons b)
undef = zip undef undef
zero = zip zero zero
phis bb a =
case unzip a of
(a0,a1) ->
Monad.lift2 zip (phis bb a0) (phis bb a1)
addPhis bb a b =
case (unzip a, unzip b) of
((a0,a1), (b0,b1)) ->
addPhis bb a0 b0 >>
addPhis bb a1 b1
instance (C a, C b, C c) => C (a,b,c) where
type Repr f (a, b, c) = (Repr f a, Repr f b, Repr f c)
cons (a,b,c) = zip3 (cons a) (cons b) (cons c)
undef = zip3 undef undef undef
zero = zip3 zero zero zero
phis bb a =
case unzip3 a of
(a0,a1,a2) ->
Monad.lift3 zip3 (phis bb a0) (phis bb a1) (phis bb a2)
addPhis bb a b =
case (unzip3 a, unzip3 b) of
((a0,a1,a2), (b0,b1,b2)) ->
addPhis bb a0 b0 >>
addPhis bb a1 b1 >>
addPhis bb a2 b2
instance (C a, C b, C c, C d) => C (a,b,c,d) where
type Repr f (a, b, c, d) = (Repr f a, Repr f b, Repr f c, Repr f d)
cons (a,b,c,d) = zip4 (cons a) (cons b) (cons c) (cons d)
undef = zip4 undef undef undef undef
zero = zip4 zero zero zero zero
phis bb a =
case unzip4 a of
(a0,a1,a2,a3) ->
Monad.lift4 zip4 (phis bb a0) (phis bb a1) (phis bb a2) (phis bb a3)
addPhis bb a b =
case (unzip4 a, unzip4 b) of
((a0,a1,a2,a3), (b0,b1,b2,b3)) ->
addPhis bb a0 b0 >>
addPhis bb a1 b1 >>
addPhis bb a2 b2 >>
addPhis bb a3 b3
fst :: T (a,b) -> T a
fst (Cons (a,_b)) = Cons a
snd :: T (a,b) -> T b
snd (Cons (_a,b)) = Cons b
curry :: (T (a,b) -> c) -> (T a -> T b -> c)
curry f a b = f $ zip a b
uncurry :: (T a -> T b -> c) -> (T (a,b) -> c)
uncurry f = Tuple.uncurry f . unzip
mapFst :: (T a0 -> T a1) -> T (a0,b) -> T (a1,b)
mapFst f = Tuple.uncurry zip . TupleHT.mapFst f . unzip
mapSnd :: (T b0 -> T b1) -> T (a,b0) -> T (a,b1)
mapSnd f = Tuple.uncurry zip . TupleHT.mapSnd f . unzip
swap :: T (a,b) -> T (b,a)
swap = Tuple.uncurry zip . TupleHT.swap . unzip
fst3 :: T (a,b,c) -> T a
fst3 (Cons (a,_b,_c)) = Cons a
snd3 :: T (a,b,c) -> T b
snd3 (Cons (_a,b,_c)) = Cons b
thd3 :: T (a,b,c) -> T c
thd3 (Cons (_a,_b,c)) = Cons c
mapFst3 :: (T a0 -> T a1) -> T (a0,b,c) -> T (a1,b,c)
mapFst3 f = uncurry3 zip3 . TupleHT.mapFst3 f . unzip3
mapSnd3 :: (T b0 -> T b1) -> T (a,b0,c) -> T (a,b1,c)
mapSnd3 f = uncurry3 zip3 . TupleHT.mapSnd3 f . unzip3
mapThd3 :: (T c0 -> T c1) -> T (a,b,c0) -> T (a,b,c1)
mapThd3 f = uncurry3 zip3 . TupleHT.mapThd3 f . unzip3
zip :: T a -> T b -> T (a,b)
zip (Cons a) (Cons b) = Cons (a,b)
zip3 :: T a -> T b -> T c -> T (a,b,c)
zip3 (Cons a) (Cons b) (Cons c) = Cons (a,b,c)
zip4 :: T a -> T b -> T c -> T d -> T (a,b,c,d)
zip4 (Cons a) (Cons b) (Cons c) (Cons d) = Cons (a,b,c,d)
unzip :: T (a,b) -> (T a, T b)
unzip (Cons (a,b)) = (Cons a, Cons b)
unzip3 :: T (a,b,c) -> (T a, T b, T c)
unzip3 (Cons (a,b,c)) = (Cons a, Cons b, Cons c)
unzip4 :: T (a,b,c,d) -> (T a, T b, T c, T d)
unzip4 (Cons (a,b,c,d)) = (Cons a, Cons b, Cons c, Cons d)
instance (C a) => C (Complex a) where
type Repr f (Complex a) = Complex (Repr f a)
cons (a:+b) = consComplex (cons a) (cons b)
undef = consComplex undef undef
zero = consComplex zero zero
phis bb a =
case deconsComplex a of
(a0,a1) ->
Monad.lift2 consComplex (phis bb a0) (phis bb a1)
addPhis bb a b =
case (deconsComplex a, deconsComplex b) of
((a0,a1), (b0,b1)) ->
addPhis bb a0 b0 >>
addPhis bb a1 b1
consComplex :: T a -> T a -> T (Complex a)
consComplex (Cons a) (Cons b) = Cons (a:+b)
deconsComplex :: T (Complex a) -> (T a, T a)
deconsComplex (Cons (a:+b)) = (Cons a, Cons b)
class Compose multituple where
type Composed multituple
compose :: multituple -> T (Composed multituple)
(Composed (Decomposed T pattern) ~ PatternTuple pattern) =>
Decompose pattern where
decompose :: pattern -> T (PatternTuple pattern) -> Decomposed T pattern
type family Decomposed (f :: * -> *) pattern
type family PatternTuple pattern
modify ::
(Compose a, Decompose pattern) =>
pattern ->
(Decomposed T pattern -> a) ->
T (PatternTuple pattern) -> T (Composed a)
modify p f = compose . f . decompose p
modify2 ::
(Compose a, Decompose patternA, Decompose patternB) =>
patternA ->
patternB ->
(Decomposed T patternA -> Decomposed T patternB -> a) ->
T (PatternTuple patternA) -> T (PatternTuple patternB) -> T (Composed a)
modify2 pa pb f a b = compose $ f (decompose pa a) (decompose pb b)
modifyF ::
(Compose a, Decompose pattern, Functor f) =>
pattern ->
(Decomposed T pattern -> f a) ->
T (PatternTuple pattern) -> f (T (Composed a))
modifyF p f = fmap compose . f . decompose p
modifyF2 ::
(Compose a, Decompose patternA, Decompose patternB,
Functor f) =>
patternA ->
patternB ->
(Decomposed T patternA -> Decomposed T patternB -> f a) ->
T (PatternTuple patternA) -> T (PatternTuple patternB) -> f (T (Composed a))
modifyF2 pa pb f a b = fmap compose $ f (decompose pa a) (decompose pb b)
instance Compose (T a) where
type Composed (T a) = a
compose = id
instance Decompose (Atom a) where
decompose _ = id
type instance Decomposed f (Atom a) = f a
type instance PatternTuple (Atom a) = a
data Atom a = Atom
atom :: Atom a
atom = Atom
instance Compose () where
type Composed () = ()
compose = cons
instance () => Decompose () where
decompose () _ = ()
type instance Decomposed f () = ()
type instance PatternTuple () = ()
instance (Compose a, Compose b) => Compose (a,b) where
type Composed (a,b) = (Composed a, Composed b)
compose = Tuple.uncurry zip . TupleHT.mapPair (compose, compose)
instance (Decompose pa, Decompose pb) => Decompose (pa,pb) where
decompose (pa,pb) =
TupleHT.mapPair (decompose pa, decompose pb) . unzip
type instance Decomposed f (pa,pb) = (Decomposed f pa, Decomposed f pb)
type instance PatternTuple (pa,pb) = (PatternTuple pa, PatternTuple pb)
instance (Compose a, Compose b, Compose c) => Compose (a,b,c) where
type Composed (a,b,c) = (Composed a, Composed b, Composed c)
compose = uncurry3 zip3 . TupleHT.mapTriple (compose, compose, compose)
(Decompose pa, Decompose pb, Decompose pc) =>
Decompose (pa,pb,pc) where
decompose (pa,pb,pc) =
TupleHT.mapTriple (decompose pa, decompose pb, decompose pc) . unzip3
type instance Decomposed f (pa,pb,pc) =
(Decomposed f pa, Decomposed f pb, Decomposed f pc)
type instance PatternTuple (pa,pb,pc) =
(PatternTuple pa, PatternTuple pb, PatternTuple pc)
instance (Compose a, Compose b, Compose c, Compose d) => Compose (a,b,c,d) where
type Composed (a,b,c,d) = (Composed a, Composed b, Composed c, Composed d)
compose (a,b,c,d) = zip4 (compose a) (compose b) (compose c) (compose d)
(Decompose pa, Decompose pb, Decompose pc, Decompose pd) =>
Decompose (pa,pb,pc,pd) where
decompose (pa,pb,pc,pd) x =
case unzip4 x of
(a,b,c,d) ->
(decompose pa a, decompose pb b, decompose pc c, decompose pd d)
type instance Decomposed f (pa,pb,pc,pd) =
(Decomposed f pa, Decomposed f pb, Decomposed f pc, Decomposed f pd)
type instance PatternTuple (pa,pb,pc,pd) =
(PatternTuple pa, PatternTuple pb, PatternTuple pc, PatternTuple pd)
instance (Compose a) => Compose (Complex a) where
type Composed (Complex a) = Complex (Composed a)
compose (a:+b) = consComplex (compose a) (compose b)
instance (Decompose pa) => Decompose (Complex pa) where
decompose (pa:+pb) =
Tuple.uncurry (:+) .
TupleHT.mapPair (decompose pa, decompose pb) . deconsComplex
type instance Decomposed f (Complex pa) = Complex (Decomposed f pa)
type instance PatternTuple (Complex pa) = Complex (PatternTuple pa)
realPart, imagPart :: T (Complex a) -> T a
realPart (Cons (a:+_)) = Cons a
imagPart (Cons (_:+b)) = Cons b
lift1 :: (Repr LLVM.Value a -> Repr LLVM.Value b) -> T a -> T b
lift1 f (Cons a) = Cons $ f a
liftM0 ::
(Monad m) =>
m (Repr LLVM.Value a) ->
m (T a)
liftM0 f = Monad.lift Cons f
liftM ::
(Monad m) =>
(Repr LLVM.Value a -> m (Repr LLVM.Value b)) ->
T a -> m (T b)
liftM f (Cons a) = Monad.lift Cons $ f a
liftM2 ::
(Monad m) =>
(Repr LLVM.Value a -> Repr LLVM.Value b -> m (Repr LLVM.Value c)) ->
T a -> T b -> m (T c)
liftM2 f (Cons a) (Cons b) = Monad.lift Cons $ f a b
liftM3 ::
(Monad m) =>
(Repr LLVM.Value a -> Repr LLVM.Value b -> Repr LLVM.Value c ->
m (Repr LLVM.Value d)) ->
T a -> T b -> T c -> m (T d)
liftM3 f (Cons a) (Cons b) (Cons c) = Monad.lift Cons $ f a b c
instance (C a) => Class.Zero (T a) where
zeroTuple = zero
instance (C a) => Class.Undefined (T a) where
undefTuple = undef
instance (C a) => Phi (T a) where
phis = phis
addPhis = addPhis
class (C a) => IntegerConstant a where
fromInteger' :: Integer -> T a
class (IntegerConstant a) => RationalConstant a where
fromRational' :: Rational -> T a
instance IntegerConstant Float where fromInteger' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance IntegerConstant Double where fromInteger' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance IntegerConstant Word8 where fromInteger' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance IntegerConstant Word16 where fromInteger' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance IntegerConstant Word32 where fromInteger' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance IntegerConstant Word64 where fromInteger' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance IntegerConstant Int8 where fromInteger' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance IntegerConstant Int16 where fromInteger' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance IntegerConstant Int32 where fromInteger' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance IntegerConstant Int64 where fromInteger' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance RationalConstant Float where fromRational' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromRational
instance RationalConstant Double where fromRational' = Cons . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromRational
instance (IntegerConstant a) => A.IntegerConstant (T a) where
fromInteger' = fromInteger'
instance (RationalConstant a) => A.RationalConstant (T a) where
fromRational' = fromRational'
class (C a) => Additive a where
add :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
sub :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
neg :: T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
instance Additive Float where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance Additive Double where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance Additive Word8 where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance Additive Word16 where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance Additive Word32 where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance Additive Word64 where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance Additive Int8 where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance Additive Int16 where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance Additive Int32 where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance Additive Int64 where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance (Additive a) => A.Additive (T a) where
zero = zero
add = add
sub = sub
neg = neg
inc, dec ::
(Additive i, IntegerConstant i) => T i -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T i)
inc = add (fromInteger' 1)
dec = sub (fromInteger' 1)
class (Additive a) => PseudoRing a where
mul :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
instance PseudoRing Float where mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance PseudoRing Double where mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance PseudoRing Word8 where mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance PseudoRing Word16 where mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance PseudoRing Word32 where mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance PseudoRing Word64 where mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance PseudoRing Int8 where mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance PseudoRing Int16 where mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance PseudoRing Int32 where mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance PseudoRing Int64 where mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance (PseudoRing a) => A.PseudoRing (T a) where
mul = mul
class (PseudoRing a) => Field a where
fdiv :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
instance Field Float where
fdiv = liftM2 LLVM.fdiv
instance Field Double where
fdiv = liftM2 LLVM.fdiv
instance (Field a) => A.Field (T a) where
fdiv = fdiv
type family Scalar vector :: *
type instance Scalar Float = Float
type instance Scalar Double = Double
type instance A.Scalar (T a) = T (Scalar a)
class (PseudoRing (Scalar v), Additive v) => PseudoModule v where
scale :: T (Scalar v) -> T v -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T v)
instance PseudoModule Float where
scale = liftM2 A.mul
instance PseudoModule Double where
scale = liftM2 A.mul
instance (PseudoModule a) => A.PseudoModule (T a) where
scale = scale
class (Additive a) => Real a where
min :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
max :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
abs :: T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
signum :: T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
instance Real Float where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance Real Double where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance Real Word8 where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance Real Word16 where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance Real Word32 where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance Real Word64 where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance Real Int8 where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance Real Int16 where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance Real Int32 where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance Real Int64 where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance (Real a) => A.Real (T a) where
min = min
max = max
abs = abs
signum = signum
class (Real a) => Fraction a where
truncate :: T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
fraction :: T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
instance Fraction Float where
truncate = liftM A.truncate
fraction = liftM A.fraction
instance Fraction Double where
truncate = liftM A.truncate
fraction = liftM A.fraction
instance (Fraction a) => A.Fraction (T a) where
truncate = truncate
fraction = fraction
(Repr LLVM.Value i ~ LLVM.Value ir,
LLVM.IsInteger ir, SoV.IntegerConstant ir, LLVM.CmpRet ir,
LLVM.NumberOfElements ir ~ D1, LLVM.CmpResult ir ~ Bool) =>
NativeInteger i ir where
instance NativeInteger Word8 Word8 where
instance NativeInteger Word16 Word16 where
instance NativeInteger Word32 Word32 where
instance NativeInteger Word64 Word64 where
instance NativeInteger Int8 Int8 where
instance NativeInteger Int16 Int16 where
instance NativeInteger Int32 Int32 where
instance NativeInteger Int64 Int64 where
(Repr LLVM.Value a ~ LLVM.Value ar,
LLVM.IsFloating ar, SoV.RationalConstant ar, LLVM.CmpRet ar,
LLVM.NumberOfElements ar ~ D1, LLVM.CmpResult ar ~ Bool) =>
NativeFloating a ar where
instance NativeFloating Float Float where
instance NativeFloating Double Double where
truncateToInt, floorToInt, ceilingToInt, roundToIntFast ::
(NativeInteger i ir, NativeFloating a ar) =>
T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T i)
truncateToInt = liftM SoV.truncateToInt
floorToInt = liftM SoV.floorToInt
ceilingToInt = liftM SoV.ceilingToInt
roundToIntFast = liftM SoV.roundToIntFast
splitFractionToInt ::
(NativeInteger i ir, NativeFloating a ar) =>
T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T (i,a))
splitFractionToInt = liftM SoV.splitFractionToInt
class Field a => Algebraic a where
sqrt :: T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
instance Algebraic Float where
sqrt = liftM A.sqrt
instance Algebraic Double where
sqrt = liftM A.sqrt
instance (Algebraic a) => A.Algebraic (T a) where
sqrt = sqrt
class Algebraic a => Transcendental a where
pi :: LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
sin, cos, exp, log :: T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
pow :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
instance Transcendental Float where
pi = liftM0 A.pi
sin = liftM A.sin
cos = liftM A.cos
exp = liftM A.exp
log = liftM A.log
pow = liftM2 A.pow
instance Transcendental Double where
pi = liftM0 A.pi
sin = liftM A.sin
cos = liftM A.cos
exp = liftM A.exp
log = liftM A.log
pow = liftM2 A.pow
instance (Transcendental a) => A.Transcendental (T a) where
pi = pi
sin = sin
cos = cos
exp = exp
log = log
pow = pow
class (C a) => Select a where
select ::
T Bool -> T a -> T a ->
LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
instance Select Float where select = liftM3
instance Select Double where select = liftM3
instance Select Word8 where select = liftM3
instance Select Word16 where select = liftM3
instance Select Word32 where select = liftM3
instance Select Word64 where select = liftM3
instance Select Int8 where select = liftM3
instance Select Int16 where select = liftM3
instance Select Int32 where select = liftM3
instance Select Int64 where select = liftM3
instance (Select a, Select b) => Select (a,b) where
select b =
modifyF2 (atom,atom) (atom,atom) $
\(a0,b0) (a1,b1) ->
Monad.lift2 (,)
(select b a0 a1)
(select b b0 b1)
instance (Select a, Select b, Select c) => Select (a,b,c) where
select b =
modifyF2 (atom,atom,atom) (atom,atom,atom) $
\(a0,b0,c0) (a1,b1,c1) ->
Monad.lift3 (,,)
(select b a0 a1)
(select b b0 b1)
(select b c0 c1)
instance (Select a) => C.Select (T a) where
select b = select (Cons b)
class (Real a) => Comparison a where
cmp ::
LLVM.CmpPredicate -> T a -> T a ->
LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T Bool)
instance Comparison Float where cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance Comparison Double where cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance Comparison Int8 where cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance Comparison Int16 where cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance Comparison Int32 where cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance Comparison Int64 where cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance Comparison Word8 where cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance Comparison Word16 where cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance Comparison Word32 where cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance Comparison Word64 where cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance (Comparison a) => A.Comparison (T a) where
type CmpResult (T a) = T Bool
cmp = cmp
class (Comparison a) => FloatingComparison a where
fcmp ::
LLVM.FPPredicate -> T a -> T a ->
LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T Bool)
instance FloatingComparison Float where
fcmp = liftM2 . LLVM.fcmp
instance (FloatingComparison a) => A.FloatingComparison (T a) where
fcmp = fcmp
class Logic a where
and :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
or :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
xor :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
inv :: T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
instance Logic Bool where
and = liftM2 LLVM.and; or = liftM2 LLVM.or
xor = liftM2 LLVM.xor; inv = liftM LLVM.inv
instance Logic Word8 where
and = liftM2 LLVM.and; or = liftM2 LLVM.or
xor = liftM2 LLVM.xor; inv = liftM LLVM.inv
instance Logic Word16 where
and = liftM2 LLVM.and; or = liftM2 LLVM.or
xor = liftM2 LLVM.xor; inv = liftM LLVM.inv
instance Logic Word32 where
and = liftM2 LLVM.and; or = liftM2 LLVM.or
xor = liftM2 LLVM.xor; inv = liftM LLVM.inv
instance Logic Word64 where
and = liftM2 LLVM.and; or = liftM2 LLVM.or
xor = liftM2 LLVM.xor; inv = liftM LLVM.inv
instance Logic a => A.Logic (T a) where
and = and
or = or
xor = xor
inv = inv
class BitShift a where
shl :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
shr :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
instance BitShift Word8 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.lshr
instance BitShift Word16 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.lshr
instance BitShift Word32 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.lshr
instance BitShift Word64 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.lshr
instance BitShift Int8 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.ashr
instance BitShift Int16 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.ashr
instance BitShift Int32 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.ashr
instance BitShift Int64 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.ashr
class (PseudoRing a) => Integral a where
idiv :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
irem :: T a -> T a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
instance Integral Word32 where
idiv = liftM2 LLVM.idiv
irem = liftM2 LLVM.irem
instance Integral Word64 where
idiv = liftM2 LLVM.idiv
irem = liftM2 LLVM.irem
instance Integral Int32 where
idiv = liftM2 LLVM.idiv
irem = liftM2 LLVM.irem
instance Integral Int64 where
idiv = liftM2 LLVM.idiv
irem = liftM2 LLVM.irem
fromIntegral ::
(NativeInteger i ir, NativeFloating a ar) =>
T i -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T a)
fromIntegral = liftM LLVM.inttofp