module LLVM.Extra.Multi.Vector (
T(Cons), consPrim, deconsPrim,
zip, zip3, unzip, unzip3,
) where
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Multi.Value as MultiValue
import qualified LLVM.Extra.ScalarOrVector as SoV
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Arithmetic as A
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Class as Class
import LLVM.Extra.Multi.Value (Repr, )
import qualified LLVM.Util.Loop as Loop
import qualified LLVM.Core as LLVM
import LLVM.Util.Loop (Phi, )
import LLVM.Core
(valueOf, value,
CodeGenFunction, )
import qualified Type.Data.Num.Decimal as TypeNum
import qualified Data.Traversable as Trav
import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Traversable (mapM, sequence, )
import Data.NonEmpty ((!:), )
import Data.Function (flip, (.), ($), )
import Data.Tuple (snd, )
import Data.Maybe (maybe, )
import Data.List (take, (++), )
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64, )
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, )
import Data.Bool (Bool, )
import qualified Control.Applicative as App
import qualified Control.Monad.HT as Monad
import Control.Monad.HT ((<=<), )
import Control.Monad (Monad, foldM, fmap, (>>), (=<<), )
import Control.Applicative (liftA2, )
import Prelude (Float, Double, Integer, Int, Rational, fromIntegral, (), error, )
newtype T n a = Cons (Repr (Value n) a)
newtype Value n a = Value (PrimValue n a)
consPrim ::
(Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a) =>
LLVM.Value (LLVM.Vector n a) -> T n a
consPrim = Cons . Value
deconsPrim ::
(Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a) =>
T n a -> LLVM.Value (LLVM.Vector n a)
deconsPrim (Cons (Value a)) = a
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, C a) => Class.Undefined (T n a) where
undefTuple = undef
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, C a) => Class.Zero (T n a) where
zeroTuple = zero
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, C a) => Phi (T n a) where
phis = phis
addPhis = addPhis
size :: TypeNum.Positive n => T n a -> Int
size =
let sz :: TypeNum.Positive n => TypeNum.Singleton n -> T n a -> Int
sz n _ = TypeNum.integralFromSingleton n
in sz TypeNum.singleton
zip :: T n a -> T n b -> T n (a,b)
zip (Cons a) (Cons b) = Cons (a,b)
zip3 :: T n a -> T n b -> T n c -> T n (a,b,c)
zip3 (Cons a) (Cons b) (Cons c) = Cons (a,b,c)
unzip :: T n (a,b) -> (T n a, T n b)
unzip (Cons (a,b)) = (Cons a, Cons b)
unzip3 :: T n (a,b,c) -> (T n a, T n b, T n c)
unzip3 (Cons (a,b,c)) = (Cons a, Cons b, Cons c)
class (MultiValue.C a) => C a where
undef :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a
zero :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a
phis ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
LLVM.BasicBlock -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
addPhis ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
LLVM.BasicBlock -> T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r ()
shuffleMatch ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
LLVM.ConstValue (LLVM.Vector n Word32) -> T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
extract ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
LLVM.Value Word32 -> T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (MultiValue.T a)
insert ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
LLVM.Value Word32 -> MultiValue.T a ->
T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
instance C Bool where
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
shuffleMatch = shuffleMatchPrimitive
extract = extractPrimitive
insert = insertPrimitive
instance C Float where
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
shuffleMatch = shuffleMatchPrimitive
extract = extractPrimitive
insert = insertPrimitive
instance C Double where
undef = undefPrimitive
zero = zeroPrimitive
phis = phisPrimitive
addPhis = addPhisPrimitive
shuffleMatch = shuffleMatchPrimitive
extract = extractPrimitive
insert = insertPrimitive
undefPrimitive ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, IsPrimitive a,
Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a) =>
T n a
undefPrimitive = Cons $ Value $ LLVM.value LLVM.undef
zeroPrimitive ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, IsPrimitive a,
Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a) =>
T n a
zeroPrimitive = Cons $ Value $ LLVM.value
phisPrimitive ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, IsPrimitive a, Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a) =>
LLVM.BasicBlock -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
phisPrimitive bb (Cons (Value a)) = fmap (Cons . Value) $ Loop.phis bb a
addPhisPrimitive ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, IsPrimitive a, Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a) =>
LLVM.BasicBlock -> T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r ()
addPhisPrimitive bb (Cons (Value a)) (Cons (Value b)) = Loop.addPhis bb a b
shuffleMatchPrimitive ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, IsPrimitive a,
Repr LLVM.Value a ~ LLVM.Value a,
Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a) =>
LLVM.ConstValue (LLVM.Vector n Word32) -> T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
shuffleMatchPrimitive k (Cons (Value v)) =
fmap (Cons . Value) $ LLVM.shufflevector v (value LLVM.undef) k
extractPrimitive ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, IsPrimitive a,
Repr LLVM.Value a ~ LLVM.Value a,
Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a) =>
LLVM.Value Word32 -> T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (MultiValue.T a)
extractPrimitive k (Cons (Value v)) =
fmap MultiValue.Cons $ LLVM.extractelement v k
insertPrimitive ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, IsPrimitive a,
Repr LLVM.Value a ~ LLVM.Value a,
Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a) =>
LLVM.Value Word32 ->
MultiValue.T a -> T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
insertPrimitive k (MultiValue.Cons a) (Cons (Value v)) =
fmap (Cons . Value) $ LLVM.insertelement v a k
instance (C a, C b) => C (a,b) where
undef = zip undef undef
zero = zip zero zero
phis bb a =
case unzip a of
(a0,a1) ->
Monad.lift2 zip (phis bb a0) (phis bb a1)
addPhis bb a b =
case (unzip a, unzip b) of
((a0,a1), (b0,b1)) ->
addPhis bb a0 b0 >>
addPhis bb a1 b1
shuffleMatch is v =
case unzip v of
(v0,v1) ->
Monad.lift2 zip
(shuffleMatch is v0)
(shuffleMatch is v1)
extract k v =
case unzip v of
(v0,v1) ->
(extract k v0)
(extract k v1)
insert k a v =
case (MultiValue.unzip a, unzip v) of
((a0,a1), (v0,v1)) ->
Monad.lift2 zip
(insert k a0 v0)
(insert k a1 v1)
instance (C a, C b, C c) => C (a,b,c) where
undef = zip3 undef undef undef
zero = zip3 zero zero zero
phis bb a =
case unzip3 a of
(a0,a1,a2) ->
Monad.lift3 zip3 (phis bb a0) (phis bb a1) (phis bb a2)
addPhis bb a b =
case (unzip3 a, unzip3 b) of
((a0,a1,a2), (b0,b1,b2)) ->
addPhis bb a0 b0 >>
addPhis bb a1 b1 >>
addPhis bb a2 b2
shuffleMatch is v =
case unzip3 v of
(v0,v1,v2) ->
Monad.lift3 zip3
(shuffleMatch is v0)
(shuffleMatch is v1)
(shuffleMatch is v2)
extract k v =
case unzip3 v of
(v0,v1,v2) ->
Monad.lift3 MultiValue.zip3
(extract k v0)
(extract k v1)
(extract k v2)
insert k a v =
case (MultiValue.unzip3 a, unzip3 v) of
((a0,a1,a2), (v0,v1,v2)) ->
Monad.lift3 zip3
(insert k a0 v0)
(insert k a1 v1)
(insert k a2 v2)
class (C a) => IntegerConstant a where
fromInteger' :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => Integer -> T n a
class (IntegerConstant a) => RationalConstant a where
fromRational' :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => Rational -> T n a
instance IntegerConstant Float where fromInteger' = Cons . Value . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance IntegerConstant Double where fromInteger' = Cons . Value . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromInteger
instance RationalConstant Float where fromRational' = Cons . Value . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromRational
instance RationalConstant Double where fromRational' = Cons . Value . LLVM.value . SoV.constFromRational
(TypeNum.Positive n, IntegerConstant a) =>
A.IntegerConstant (T n a) where
fromInteger' = fromInteger'
(TypeNum.Positive n, RationalConstant a) =>
A.RationalConstant (T n a) where
fromRational' = fromRational'
modify ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
LLVM.Value Word32 ->
(MultiValue.T a -> CodeGenFunction r (MultiValue.T a)) ->
(T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a))
modify k f v =
flip (insert k) v =<< f =<< extract k v
assemble ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
[MultiValue.T a] -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
assemble =
foldM (\v (k,x) -> insert (valueOf k) x v) undef . [0..]
dissect ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r [MultiValue.T a]
dissect = sequence . dissectList
dissectList ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
T n a -> [LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (MultiValue.T a)]
dissectList x =
(flip extract x . LLVM.valueOf)
(take (size x) [0..])
map ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a, C b) =>
(MultiValue.T a -> CodeGenFunction r (MultiValue.T b)) ->
(T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n b))
map f = assemble <=< mapM f <=< dissect
replicate ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
MultiValue.T a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
replicate = replicateCore TypeNum.singleton
replicateCore ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
TypeNum.Singleton n -> MultiValue.T a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
replicateCore n =
assemble . List.replicate (TypeNum.integralFromSingleton n)
iterate ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
(MultiValue.T a -> CodeGenFunction r (MultiValue.T a)) ->
MultiValue.T a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
iterate f x =
fmap snd $
iterateCore f x Class.undefTuple
iterateCore ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
(MultiValue.T a -> CodeGenFunction r (MultiValue.T a)) ->
MultiValue.T a -> T n a ->
CodeGenFunction r (MultiValue.T a, T n a)
iterateCore f x0 v0 =
(\(x,v) k ->
Monad.lift2 (,) (f x)
(insert (valueOf k) x v))
(take (size v0) [0..])
constCyclicVector ::
(LLVM.IsConst a, TypeNum.Positive n) =>
NonEmpty.T [] a -> LLVM.ConstValue (LLVM.Vector n a)
constCyclicVector =
LLVM.constCyclicVector . fmap LLVM.constOf
rotateUp ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
rotateUp x =
(constCyclicVector $
(fromIntegral (size x) 1) !: [0..]) x
rotateDown ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
rotateDown x =
(constCyclicVector $
NonEmpty.snoc (List.take (size x 1) [1..]) 0) x
reverse ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
reverse x =
(constCyclicVector $
maybe (error "vector size must be positive") NonEmpty.reverse $
NonEmpty.fetch $
List.take (size x) [0..])
shiftUp ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
MultiValue.T a -> T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (MultiValue.T a, T n a)
shiftUp x0 x = do
y <-
(LLVM.constCyclicVector $ LLVM.undef !: LLVM.constOf [0..]) x
Monad.lift2 (,)
(extract (LLVM.valueOf (fromIntegral (size x) 1)) x)
(insert (value x0 y)
shiftDown ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a) =>
MultiValue.T a -> T n a -> CodeGenFunction r (MultiValue.T a, T n a)
shiftDown x0 x = do
y <-
(LLVM.constCyclicVector $
( LLVM.constOf $ List.take (size x 1) [1..])
LLVM.undef) x
Monad.lift2 (,)
(extract (value x)
(insert (LLVM.valueOf (fromIntegral (size x) 1)) x0 y)
shiftUpMultiZero ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a, Class.ValueTuple a ~ al, Class.Zero al) =>
Int -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
shiftUpMultiZero n v =
assemble . take (size v) .
(List.replicate n ++) =<< dissect v
shiftDownMultiZero ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a, Class.ValueTuple a ~ al, Class.Zero al) =>
Int -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
shiftDownMultiZero n v =
assemble . take (size v) .
(++ List.repeat . List.drop n
=<< dissect v
shuffleMatchTraversable ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a, Trav.Traversable f) =>
LLVM.ConstValue (LLVM.Vector n Word32) ->
f (T n a) -> CodeGenFunction r (f (T n a))
shuffleMatchTraversable is v =
Trav.mapM (shuffleMatch is) v
insertTraversable ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a, Trav.Traversable f, App.Applicative f) =>
LLVM.Value Word32 -> f (MultiValue.T a) ->
f (T n a) -> CodeGenFunction r (f (T n a))
insertTraversable n a v =
Trav.sequence (liftA2 (insert n) a v)
extractTraversable ::
(TypeNum.Positive n, C a, Trav.Traversable f) =>
LLVM.Value Word32 -> f (T n a) ->
CodeGenFunction r (f (MultiValue.T a))
extractTraversable n v =
Trav.mapM (extract n) v
type PrimValue n a = LLVM.Value (LLVM.Vector n a)
lift1 :: (Repr (Value n) a -> Repr (Value n) b) -> T n a -> T n b
lift1 f (Cons a) = Cons $ f a
_liftM0 ::
(Monad m) =>
m (Repr (Value n) a) ->
m (T n a)
_liftM0 f = Monad.lift Cons f
liftM0 ::
(Monad m,
Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a) =>
m (PrimValue n a) ->
m (T n a)
liftM0 f = Monad.lift consPrim f
liftM ::
(Monad m,
Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a,
Repr (Value n) b ~ Value n b) =>
(PrimValue n a -> m (PrimValue n b)) ->
T n a -> m (T n b)
liftM f a = Monad.lift consPrim $ f (deconsPrim a)
liftM2 ::
(Monad m,
Repr (Value n) a ~ Value n a,
Repr (Value n) b ~ Value n b,
Repr (Value n) c ~ Value n c) =>
(PrimValue n a -> PrimValue n b -> m (PrimValue n c)) ->
T n a -> T n b -> m (T n c)
liftM2 f a b = Monad.lift consPrim $ f (deconsPrim a) (deconsPrim b)
class (MultiValue.Additive a, C a) => Additive a where
add ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
sub ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
neg ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
instance Additive Float where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance Additive Double where
add = liftM2 LLVM.add
sub = liftM2 LLVM.sub
neg = liftM LLVM.neg
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, Additive a) => A.Additive (T n a) where
zero = zero
add = add
sub = sub
neg = neg
class (MultiValue.PseudoRing a, Additive a) => PseudoRing a where
mul ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
instance PseudoRing Float where
mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance PseudoRing Double where
mul = liftM2 LLVM.mul
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, PseudoRing a) => A.PseudoRing (T n a) where
mul = mul
class (MultiValue.Field a, PseudoRing a) => Field a where
fdiv ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
instance Field Float where
fdiv = liftM2 LLVM.fdiv
instance Field Double where
fdiv = liftM2 LLVM.fdiv
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, Field a) => A.Field (T n a) where
fdiv = fdiv
type instance A.Scalar (T n a) = T n (MultiValue.Scalar a)
(MultiValue.PseudoModule v, PseudoRing (MultiValue.Scalar v), Additive v) =>
PseudoModule v where
scale ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
T n (MultiValue.Scalar v) -> T n v -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n v)
instance PseudoModule Float where
scale = liftM2 A.mul
instance PseudoModule Double where
scale = liftM2 A.mul
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, PseudoModule a) => A.PseudoModule (T n a) where
scale = scale
class (MultiValue.Real a, Additive a) => Real a where
min :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
max :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
abs :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
signum :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
instance Real Float where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance Real Double where
min = liftM2 A.min
max = liftM2 A.max
abs = liftM A.abs
signum = liftM A.signum
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, Real a) => A.Real (T n a) where
min = min
max = max
abs = abs
signum = signum
class (MultiValue.Fraction a, Real a) => Fraction a where
truncate :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
fraction :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
instance Fraction Float where
truncate = liftM A.truncate
fraction = liftM A.fraction
instance Fraction Double where
truncate = liftM A.truncate
fraction = liftM A.fraction
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, Fraction a) => A.Fraction (T n a) where
truncate = truncate
fraction = fraction
class (MultiValue.Algebraic a, Field a) => Algebraic a where
sqrt :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
instance Algebraic Float where
sqrt = liftM A.sqrt
instance Algebraic Double where
sqrt = liftM A.sqrt
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, Algebraic a) => A.Algebraic (T n a) where
sqrt = sqrt
class (MultiValue.Transcendental a, Algebraic a) => Transcendental a where
pi :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
sin, cos, exp, log ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
pow :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
instance Transcendental Float where
pi = liftM0 A.pi
sin = liftM A.sin
cos = liftM A.cos
exp = liftM A.exp
log = liftM A.log
pow = liftM2 A.pow
instance Transcendental Double where
pi = liftM0 A.pi
sin = liftM A.sin
cos = liftM A.cos
exp = liftM A.exp
log = liftM A.log
pow = liftM2 A.pow
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, Transcendental a) => A.Transcendental (T n a) where
pi = pi
sin = sin
cos = cos
exp = exp
log = log
pow = pow
class (MultiValue.Comparison a, C a) => Comparison a where
cmp ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
LLVM.CmpPredicate -> T n a -> T n a ->
LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n Bool)
instance Comparison Float where
cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance Comparison Double where
cmp = liftM2 . LLVM.cmp
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, Comparison a) => A.Comparison (T n a) where
type CmpResult (T n a) = T n Bool
cmp = cmp
(MultiValue.FloatingComparison a, Comparison a) =>
FloatingComparison a where
fcmp ::
(TypeNum.Positive n) =>
LLVM.FPPredicate -> T n a -> T n a ->
LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n Bool)
instance FloatingComparison Float where
fcmp = liftM2 . LLVM.fcmp
(TypeNum.Positive n, FloatingComparison a) =>
A.FloatingComparison (T n a) where
fcmp = fcmp
class (MultiValue.Logic a, C a) => Logic a where
and :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
or :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
xor :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
inv :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
instance Logic Bool where
and = liftM2 LLVM.and
or = liftM2 LLVM.or
xor = liftM2 LLVM.xor
inv = liftM LLVM.inv
instance (TypeNum.Positive n, Logic a) => A.Logic (T n a) where
and = and
or = or
xor = xor
inv = inv
class BitShift a where
shl :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
shr :: (TypeNum.Positive n) => T n a -> T n a -> LLVM.CodeGenFunction r (T n a)
instance BitShift Word8 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.lshr
instance BitShift Word16 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.lshr
instance BitShift Word32 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.lshr
instance BitShift Word64 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.lshr
instance BitShift Int8 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.ashr
instance BitShift Int16 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.ashr
instance BitShift Int32 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.ashr
instance BitShift Int64 where
shl = liftM2 LLVM.shl; shr = liftM2 LLVM.ashr