module LLVM.FFI.Core
, Bool(Bool)
, false
, true
, consBool
, deconsBool
, disposeMessage
, Context
, ContextRef
, contextCreate
, contextDispose
, getGlobalContext
, getMDKindID
, getMDKindIDInContext
, Module
, ModuleRef
, moduleCreateWithName
, moduleCreateWithNameInContext
, disposeModule
, ptrDisposeModule
, getDataLayout
, setDataLayout
, getTarget
, setTarget
, defaultTargetTriple
, hostTriple
, dumpModule
, setModuleInlineAsm
, getModuleContext
, Type
, TypeRef
, TypeKind(..)
, getTypeKind
, typeIsSized
, getTypeContext
, int1TypeInContext
, int8TypeInContext
, int16TypeInContext
, int32TypeInContext
, int64TypeInContext
, intTypeInContext
, int1Type
, int8Type
, int16Type
, int32Type
, int64Type
, integerType
, getIntTypeWidth
, floatTypeInContext
, doubleTypeInContext
, x86FP80TypeInContext
, fP128TypeInContext
, pPCFP128TypeInContext
, floatType
, doubleType
, x86FP80Type
, fP128Type
, pPCFP128Type
, functionType
, isFunctionVarArg
, getReturnType
, countParamTypes
, getParamTypes
, structTypeInContext
, structType
, structCreateNamed
, getStructName
, structSetBody
, countStructElementTypes
, getStructElementTypes
, isPackedStruct
, isOpaqueStruct
, getTypeByName
, arrayType
, pointerType
, vectorType
, getElementType
, getArrayLength
, getPointerAddressSpace
, getVectorSize
, voidTypeInContext
, labelTypeInContext
, x86MMXTypeInContext
, voidType
, labelType
, x86MMXType
, Value
, ValueRef
, typeOf
, getValueName
, setValueName
, dumpValue
, replaceAllUsesWith
, hasMetadata
, getMetadata
, setMetadata
, OpaqueUse
, UseRef
, getFirstUse
, getNextUse
, getUser
, getUsedValue
, getOperand
, setOperand
, getNumOperands
, constNull
, constAllOnes
, getUndef
, isConstant
, isNull
, isUndef
, constPointerNull
, mDStringInContext
, mDString
, mDNodeInContext
, mDNode
, getMDString
, getNamedMetadataNumOperands
, getNamedMetadataOperands
, constInt
, constIntOfArbitraryPrecision
, constIntOfString
, constIntOfStringAndSize
, constReal
, constRealOfString
, constRealOfStringAndSize
, constIntGetZExtValue
, constIntGetSExtValue
, constStringInContext
, constStructInContext
, constString
, constArray
, constStruct
, constNamedStruct
, constVector
, getConstOpcode
, alignOf
, sizeOf
, constNeg
, constNUWNeg
, constNSWNeg
, constFNeg
, constNot
, constAdd
, constNSWAdd
, constNUWAdd
, constFAdd
, constSub
, constNSWSub
, constNUWSub
, constFSub
, constMul
, constNSWMul
, constNUWMul
, constFMul
, constUDiv
, constSDiv
, constExactSDiv
, constFDiv
, constURem
, constSRem
, constFRem
, constAnd
, constOr
, constXor
, constICmp
, constFCmp
, constShl
, constLShr
, constAShr
, constGEP
, constInBoundsGEP
, constTrunc
, constSExt
, constZExt
, constFPTrunc
, constFPExt
, constUIToFP
, constSIToFP
, constFPToUI
, constFPToSI
, constPtrToInt
, constIntToPtr
, constBitCast
, constZExtOrBitCast
, constSExtOrBitCast
, constTruncOrBitCast
, constPointerCast
, constIntCast
, constFPCast
, constSelect
, constExtractElement
, constInsertElement
, constShuffleVector
, constExtractValue
, constInsertValue
, constInlineAsm
, blockAddress
, setHasUnsafeAlgebra
, setHasNoNaNs
, setHasNoInfs
, setHasNoSignedZeros
, setHasAllowReciprocal
, FastMathFlags(..)
, FastMathFlagSet
, noNaNs
, noInfs
, noSignedZeros
, allowReciprocal
, unsafeAlgebra
, setFastMathFlags
, Linkage(..)
, fromLinkage
, toLinkage
, Visibility(..)
, fromVisibility
, toVisibility
, getGlobalParent
, isDeclaration
, getLinkage
, setLinkage
, getSection
, setSection
, getVisibility
, setVisibility
, getAlignment
, setAlignment
, addGlobal
, addGlobalInAddressSpace
, getNamedGlobal
, getFirstGlobal
, getLastGlobal
, getNextGlobal
, getPreviousGlobal
, deleteGlobal
, getInitializer
, setInitializer
, isThreadLocal
, setThreadLocal
, isGlobalConstant
, setGlobalConstant
, addAlias
, Attribute(..)
, fromAttribute
, toAttribute
, CallingConvention(..)
, fromCallingConvention
, toCallingConvention
, addFunction
, getNamedFunction
, getFirstFunction
, getLastFunction
, getNextFunction
, getPreviousFunction
, deleteFunction
, getIntrinsicID
, getFunctionCallConv
, setFunctionCallConv
, getGC
, setGC
, addFunctionAttr
, getFunctionAttr
, removeFunctionAttr
, countParams
, getParams
, getParam
, getParamParent
, getFirstParam
, getLastParam
, getNextParam
, getPreviousParam
, addAttribute
, removeAttribute
, getAttribute
, setParamAlignment
, BasicBlock
, BasicBlockRef
, basicBlockAsValue
, valueIsBasicBlock
, valueAsBasicBlock
, getBasicBlockParent
, getBasicBlockTerminator
, countBasicBlocks
, getBasicBlocks
, getFirstBasicBlock
, getLastBasicBlock
, getNextBasicBlock
, getPreviousBasicBlock
, getEntryBasicBlock
, appendBasicBlockInContext
, insertBasicBlockInContext
, appendBasicBlock
, insertBasicBlock
, deleteBasicBlock
, removeBasicBlockFromParent
, moveBasicBlockBefore
, moveBasicBlockAfter
, getFirstInstruction
, getLastInstruction
, getInstructionParent
, getNextInstruction
, getPreviousInstruction
, instructionEraseFromParent
, getInstructionOpcode
, getICmpPredicate
, getInstructionCallConv
, setInstructionCallConv
, addInstrAttribute
, removeInstrAttribute
, setInstrParamAlignment
, isTailCall
, setTailCall
, getSwitchDefaultDest
, addIncoming
, countIncoming
, getIncomingValue
, getIncomingBlock
, Builder
, BuilderRef
, createBuilderInContext
, createBuilder
, positionBuilder
, positionBefore
, positionAtEnd
, getInsertBlock
, clearInsertionPosition
, insertIntoBuilder
, insertIntoBuilderWithName
, ptrDisposeBuilder
, setCurrentDebugLocation
, getCurrentDebugLocation
, setInstDebugLocation
, buildRetVoid
, buildRet
, buildAggregateRet
, buildBr
, buildCondBr
, buildSwitch
, buildIndirectBr
, buildInvoke
, buildLandingPad
, buildResume
, buildUnreachable
, addCase
, addDestination
, addClause
, setCleanup
, buildAdd
, buildNSWAdd
, buildNUWAdd
, buildFAdd
, buildSub
, buildNSWSub
, buildNUWSub
, buildFSub
, buildMul
, buildNSWMul
, buildNUWMul
, buildFMul
, buildUDiv
, buildSDiv
, buildExactSDiv
, buildFDiv
, buildURem
, buildSRem
, buildFRem
, buildShl
, buildLShr
, buildAShr
, buildAnd
, buildOr
, buildXor
, buildBinOp
, buildNeg
, buildNSWNeg
, buildNUWNeg
, buildFNeg
, buildNot
, buildMalloc
, buildArrayMalloc
, buildAlloca
, buildArrayAlloca
, buildFree
, buildLoad
, buildStore
, buildGEP
, buildInBoundsGEP
, buildStructGEP
, buildGlobalString
, buildGlobalStringPtr
, buildTrunc
, buildZExt
, buildSExt
, buildFPToUI
, buildFPToSI
, buildUIToFP
, buildSIToFP
, buildFPTrunc
, buildFPExt
, buildPtrToInt
, buildIntToPtr
, buildBitCast
, buildZExtOrBitCast
, buildSExtOrBitCast
, buildTruncOrBitCast
, buildCast
, buildPointerCast
, buildIntCast
, buildFPCast
, buildICmp
, buildFCmp
, buildPhi
, buildCall
, buildSelect
, buildVAArg
, buildExtractElement
, buildInsertElement
, buildShuffleVector
, buildExtractValue
, buildInsertValue
, buildIsNull
, buildIsNotNull
, buildPtrDiff
, MemoryBuffer
, MemoryBufferRef
, createMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile
, createMemoryBufferWithSTDIN
, disposeMemoryBuffer
, PassRegistry
, PassRegistryRef
, getGlobalPassRegistry
, PassManager
, PassManagerRef
, ptrDisposePassManager
, createPassManager
, createFunctionPassManagerForModule
, runPassManager
, initializeFunctionPassManager
, runFunctionPassManager
, finalizeFunctionPassManager
, disposePassManager
, getNumUses
, instGetOpcode
, cmpInstGetPredicate
) where
import qualified Foreign.C.Types as C
import Foreign.C.String (CString)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, FunPtr)
import qualified Data.EnumSet as EnumSet
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import qualified Data.Bool as Bool
import Prelude
(IO, Eq, Ord, Int, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read, String,
($), (++), (.), (==), error,
fmap, fromIntegral, show, fromEnum, toEnum, )
type CDouble = C.CDouble
type CInt = C.CInt
type CUInt = C.CUInt
type CLLong = C.CLLong
type CULLong = C.CULLong
newtype Bool = Bool (Int32)
deriving (Eq)
instance Enum Bool where
fromEnum (Bool b) = fromIntegral b
toEnum = Bool . fromIntegral
instance Show Bool where
show b = if b == false then "false" else "true"
false, true :: Bool
false = Bool 0; true = Bool 1
consBool :: Bool.Bool -> Bool
consBool = toEnum . fromEnum
deconsBool :: Bool -> Bool.Bool
deconsBool = toEnum . fromEnum
data Module
deriving (Typeable)
type ModuleRef = Ptr Module
data Type
deriving (Typeable)
type TypeRef = Ptr Type
type BasicBlock = Value
type BasicBlockRef = Ptr BasicBlock
data Value
deriving (Typeable)
type ValueRef = Ptr Value
data OpaqueUse
deriving (Typeable)
type UseRef = Ptr OpaqueUse
data Builder
deriving (Typeable)
type BuilderRef = Ptr Builder
data MemoryBuffer
deriving (Typeable)
type MemoryBufferRef = Ptr MemoryBuffer
data PassManager
deriving (Typeable)
type PassManagerRef = Ptr PassManager
data PassRegistry
deriving (Typeable)
type PassRegistryRef = Ptr PassRegistry
data Context
deriving (Typeable)
type ContextRef = Ptr Context
defaultTargetTriple, hostTriple :: String
defaultTargetTriple = ("x86_64-pc-linux-gnu")
hostTriple = ("x86_64-pc-linux-gnu")
data TypeKind
= VoidTypeKind
| FloatTypeKind
| DoubleTypeKind
| X86_FP80TypeKind
| FP128TypeKind
| PPC_FP128TypeKind
| LabelTypeKind
| IntegerTypeKind
| FunctionTypeKind
| StructTypeKind
| ArrayTypeKind
| PointerTypeKind
| OpaqueTypeKind
| VectorTypeKind
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read, Typeable)
getTypeKind :: TypeRef -> IO TypeKind
getTypeKind = fmap (toEnum . fromIntegral) . getTypeKindCUInt
data CallingConvention = C
| Fast
| Cold
| X86StdCall
| X86FastCall
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Typeable)
fromCallingConvention :: CallingConvention -> CUInt
fromCallingConvention c =
case c of
C -> (0)
Fast -> (8)
Cold -> (9)
X86StdCall -> (65)
X86FastCall -> (64)
GHC -> 10
toCallingConvention :: CUInt -> CallingConvention
toCallingConvention c =
case c of
(0) -> C
(8) -> Fast
(9) -> Cold
(64) -> X86StdCall
(65) -> X86FastCall
10 -> GHC
_ ->
error $ "LLVM.Core.FFI.toCallingConvention: " ++
"unsupported calling convention" ++ show c
data Linkage
= ExternalLinkage
| AvailableExternallyLinkage
| LinkOnceAnyLinkage
| LinkOnceODRLinkage
| LinkOnceODRAutoHideLinkage
| WeakAnyLinkage
| WeakODRLinkage
| AppendingLinkage
| InternalLinkage
| PrivateLinkage
| DLLImportLinkage
| DLLExportLinkage
| ExternalWeakLinkage
| GhostLinkage
| CommonLinkage
| LinkerPrivateLinkage
| LinkerPrivateWeakLinkage
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Typeable)
fromLinkage :: Linkage -> CUInt
fromLinkage c =
case c of
ExternalLinkage -> (0)
AvailableExternallyLinkage -> (1)
LinkOnceAnyLinkage -> (2)
LinkOnceODRLinkage -> (3)
LinkOnceODRAutoHideLinkage -> (4)
WeakAnyLinkage -> (5)
WeakODRLinkage -> (6)
AppendingLinkage -> (7)
InternalLinkage -> (8)
PrivateLinkage -> (9)
DLLImportLinkage -> (10)
DLLExportLinkage -> (11)
ExternalWeakLinkage -> (12)
GhostLinkage -> (13)
CommonLinkage -> (14)
LinkerPrivateLinkage -> (15)
LinkerPrivateWeakLinkage -> (16)
toLinkage :: CUInt -> Linkage
toLinkage c =
case c of
(0) -> ExternalLinkage
(1) -> AvailableExternallyLinkage
(2) -> LinkOnceAnyLinkage
(3) -> LinkOnceODRLinkage
(4) -> LinkOnceODRAutoHideLinkage
(5) -> WeakAnyLinkage
(6) -> WeakODRLinkage
(7) -> AppendingLinkage
(8) -> InternalLinkage
(9) -> PrivateLinkage
(10) -> DLLImportLinkage
(11) -> DLLExportLinkage
(12) -> ExternalWeakLinkage
(13) -> GhostLinkage
(14) -> CommonLinkage
(15) -> LinkerPrivateLinkage
(16) -> LinkerPrivateWeakLinkage
_ -> error "toLinkage: bad value"
data Visibility
= DefaultVisibility
| HiddenVisibility
| ProtectedVisibility
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
fromVisibility :: Visibility -> CUInt
fromVisibility c =
case c of
DefaultVisibility -> (0)
HiddenVisibility -> (1)
ProtectedVisibility -> (2)
toVisibility :: CUInt -> Visibility
toVisibility c =
case c of
(0) -> DefaultVisibility
(1) -> HiddenVisibility
(2) -> ProtectedVisibility
_ -> error "toVisibility: bad value"
data Attribute
= ZExtAttribute
| SExtAttribute
| NoReturnAttribute
| InRegAttribute
| StructRetAttribute
| NoUnwindAttribute
| NoAliasAttribute
| ByValAttribute
| NestAttribute
| ReadNoneAttribute
| ReadOnlyAttribute
| NoInlineAttribute
| AlwaysInlineAttribute
| OptimizeForSizeAttribute
| StackProtectAttribute
| StackProtectReqAttribute
| NoCaptureAttribute
| NoRedZoneAttribute
| NoImplicitFloatAttribute
| NakedAttribute
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Typeable)
fromAttribute :: Attribute -> CAttribute
fromAttribute c =
case c of
ZExtAttribute -> (1)
SExtAttribute -> (2)
NoReturnAttribute -> (4)
InRegAttribute -> (8)
StructRetAttribute -> (16)
NoUnwindAttribute -> (32)
NoAliasAttribute -> (64)
ByValAttribute -> (128)
NestAttribute -> (256)
ReadNoneAttribute -> (512)
ReadOnlyAttribute -> (1024)
NoInlineAttribute -> (2048)
AlwaysInlineAttribute -> (4096)
OptimizeForSizeAttribute -> (8192)
StackProtectAttribute -> (16384)
StackProtectReqAttribute -> (32768)
NoCaptureAttribute -> (2097152)
NoRedZoneAttribute -> (4194304)
NoImplicitFloatAttribute -> (8388608)
NakedAttribute -> (16777216)
toAttribute :: CAttribute -> Attribute
toAttribute c =
case c of
(1) -> ZExtAttribute
(2) -> SExtAttribute
(4) -> NoReturnAttribute
(8) -> InRegAttribute
(16) -> StructRetAttribute
(32) -> NoUnwindAttribute
(64) -> NoAliasAttribute
(128) -> ByValAttribute
(256) -> NestAttribute
(512) -> ReadNoneAttribute
(1024) -> ReadOnlyAttribute
(2048) -> NoInlineAttribute
(4096) -> AlwaysInlineAttribute
(8192) -> OptimizeForSizeAttribute
(16384) -> StackProtectAttribute
(32768) -> StackProtectReqAttribute
(2097152) -> NoCaptureAttribute
(4194304) -> NoRedZoneAttribute
(8388608) -> NoImplicitFloatAttribute
(16777216) -> NakedAttribute
_ -> error "toAttribute: bad value"
type CAttribute = CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInitializeCore" initializeCore
:: PassRegistryRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDisposeMessage" disposeMessage
:: CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMContextCreate" contextCreate
:: IO ContextRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetGlobalContext" getGlobalContext
:: IO ContextRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMContextDispose" contextDispose
:: ContextRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetMDKindIDInContext" getMDKindIDInContext
:: ContextRef -> CString -> CUInt -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetMDKindID" getMDKindID
:: CString -> CUInt -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMModuleCreateWithName" moduleCreateWithName
:: CString -> IO ModuleRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext"
:: CString -> IO ModuleRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDisposeModule" disposeModule
:: ModuleRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "&LLVMDisposeModule" ptrDisposeModule
:: FunPtr (ModuleRef -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetDataLayout" getDataLayout
:: ModuleRef -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetDataLayout" setDataLayout
:: ModuleRef -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetTarget" getTarget
:: ModuleRef -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetTarget" setTarget
:: ModuleRef -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDumpModule" dumpModule
:: ModuleRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm" setModuleInlineAsm
:: ModuleRef -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetModuleContext" getModuleContext
:: ModuleRef -> IO ContextRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetTypeKind" getTypeKindCUInt
:: TypeRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMTypeIsSized" typeIsSized
:: TypeRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetTypeContext" getTypeContext
:: TypeRef -> IO ContextRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInt1TypeInContext" int1TypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInt8TypeInContext" int8TypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInt16TypeInContext" int16TypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInt32TypeInContext" int32TypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInt64TypeInContext" int64TypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIntTypeInContext" intTypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> CUInt -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInt1Type" int1Type :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInt8Type" int8Type :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInt16Type" int16Type :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInt32Type" int32Type :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInt64Type" int64Type :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIntType" integerType :: CUInt -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetIntTypeWidth" getIntTypeWidth
:: TypeRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMFloatTypeInContext" floatTypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDoubleTypeInContext" doubleTypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMX86FP80TypeInContext" x86FP80TypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMFP128TypeInContext" fP128TypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMPPCFP128TypeInContext" pPCFP128TypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMFloatType" floatType :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDoubleType" doubleType :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMX86FP80Type" x86FP80Type :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMFP128Type" fP128Type :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMPPCFP128Type" pPCFP128Type :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMFunctionType" functionType
:: TypeRef
-> Ptr TypeRef
-> CUInt
-> Bool
-> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIsFunctionVarArg" isFunctionVarArg
:: TypeRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetReturnType" getReturnType
:: TypeRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCountParamTypes" countParamTypes
:: TypeRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetParamTypes" getParamTypes
:: TypeRef -> Ptr TypeRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMStructTypeInContext" structTypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> (Ptr TypeRef) -> CUInt -> Bool -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMStructType" structType
:: Ptr TypeRef -> CUInt -> Bool -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMStructCreateNamed" structCreateNamed
:: ContextRef -> CString -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetStructName" getStructName
:: TypeRef -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMStructSetBody" structSetBody
:: TypeRef -> Ptr TypeRef -> CUInt -> Bool -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCountStructElementTypes"
countStructElementTypes :: TypeRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetStructElementTypes" getStructElementTypes
:: TypeRef -> Ptr TypeRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIsPackedStruct" isPackedStruct
:: TypeRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIsOpaqueStruct" isOpaqueStruct
:: TypeRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetTypeByName" getTypeByName
:: ModuleRef -> CString -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMArrayType" arrayType
:: TypeRef
-> CUInt
-> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMPointerType" pointerType
:: TypeRef
-> CUInt
-> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMVectorType" vectorType
:: TypeRef
-> CUInt
-> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetElementType" getElementType
:: TypeRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetArrayLength" getArrayLength
:: TypeRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetPointerAddressSpace" getPointerAddressSpace
:: TypeRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetVectorSize" getVectorSize
:: TypeRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMVoidTypeInContext" voidTypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMLabelTypeInContext" labelTypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMX86MMXTypeInContext" x86MMXTypeInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMVoidType" voidType :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMLabelType" labelType :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMX86MMXType" x86MMXType :: IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMTypeOf" typeOf
:: ValueRef -> IO TypeRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetValueName" getValueName
:: ValueRef -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetValueName" setValueName
:: ValueRef -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDumpValue" dumpValue
:: ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMReplaceAllUsesWith" replaceAllUsesWith
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMHasMetadata" hasMetadata
:: ValueRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetMetadata" getMetadata
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetMetadata" setMetadata
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetFirstUse" getFirstUse
:: ValueRef -> IO UseRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetNextUse" getNextUse
:: UseRef -> IO UseRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetUser" getUser
:: UseRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetUsedValue" getUsedValue
:: UseRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetOperand" getOperand
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetOperand" setOperand
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetNumOperands" getNumOperands
:: ValueRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNull" constNull
:: TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstAllOnes" constAllOnes
:: TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetUndef" getUndef
:: TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIsConstant" isConstant
:: ValueRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIsUndef" isUndef
:: ValueRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIsNull" isNull
:: ValueRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstPointerNull" constPointerNull
:: TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMMDStringInContext" mDStringInContext
:: ContextRef -> CString -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMMDString" mDString
:: CString -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMMDNodeInContext" mDNodeInContext
:: ContextRef -> (Ptr ValueRef) -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMMDNode" mDNode
:: (Ptr ValueRef) -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetMDString" getMDString
:: ValueRef -> Ptr CUInt -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetNamedMetadataNumOperands" getNamedMetadataNumOperands
:: ModuleRef -> CString -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetNamedMetadataOperands" getNamedMetadataOperands
:: ModuleRef -> CString -> Ptr ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstInt" constInt
:: TypeRef -> CULLong -> Bool -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstIntOfArbitraryPrecision" constIntOfArbitraryPrecision
:: TypeRef -> CUInt -> Ptr CULLong -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstIntOfString" constIntOfString
:: TypeRef -> CString -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstIntOfStringAndSize" constIntOfStringAndSize
:: TypeRef -> CString -> CUInt -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstReal" constReal
:: TypeRef -> CDouble -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstRealOfString" constRealOfString
:: TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstRealOfStringAndSize" constRealOfStringAndSize
:: TypeRef -> CString -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstIntGetZExtValue" constIntGetZExtValue
:: ValueRef -> IO CULLong
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstIntGetSExtValue" constIntGetSExtValue
:: ValueRef -> IO CLLong
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstStringInContext" constStringInContext
:: ContextRef -> CString -> CUInt -> Bool -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstStructInContext" constStructInContext
:: ContextRef -> (Ptr ValueRef) -> CUInt -> Bool -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstString" constString
:: CString -> CUInt -> Bool -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstArray" constArray
:: TypeRef -> Ptr ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstStruct" constStruct
:: Ptr ValueRef -> CUInt -> Bool -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNamedStruct" constNamedStruct
:: TypeRef -> Ptr ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstVector" constVector
:: Ptr ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetConstOpcode" getConstOpcode
:: ValueRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAlignOf" alignOf
:: TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSizeOf" sizeOf
:: TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNeg" constNeg
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNSWNeg" constNSWNeg
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNUWNeg" constNUWNeg
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFNeg" constFNeg
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNot" constNot
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstAdd" constAdd
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNSWAdd" constNSWAdd
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNUWAdd" constNUWAdd
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFAdd" constFAdd
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstSub" constSub
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNSWSub" constNSWSub
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNUWSub" constNUWSub
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFSub" constFSub
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstMul" constMul
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNSWMul" constNSWMul
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstNUWMul" constNUWMul
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFMul" constFMul
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstUDiv" constUDiv
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstSDiv" constSDiv
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstExactSDiv" constExactSDiv
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFDiv" constFDiv
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstURem" constURem
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstSRem" constSRem
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFRem" constFRem
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstAnd" constAnd
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstOr" constOr
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstXor" constXor
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstICmp" constICmp
:: CInt -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFCmp" constFCmp
:: CInt -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstShl" constShl
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstLShr" constLShr
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstAShr" constAShr
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstGEP" constGEP
:: ValueRef -> Ptr ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstInBoundsGEP" constInBoundsGEP
:: ValueRef -> (Ptr ValueRef) -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstTrunc" constTrunc
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstSExt" constSExt
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstZExt" constZExt
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFPTrunc" constFPTrunc
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFPExt" constFPExt
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstUIToFP" constUIToFP
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstSIToFP" constSIToFP
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFPToUI" constFPToUI
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFPToSI" constFPToSI
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstPtrToInt" constPtrToInt
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstIntToPtr" constIntToPtr
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstBitCast" constBitCast
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstSExtOrBitCast" constSExtOrBitCast
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstZExtOrBitCast" constZExtOrBitCast
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstTruncOrBitCast" constTruncOrBitCast
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstPointerCast" constPointerCast
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstIntCast" constIntCast
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstFPCast" constFPCast
:: ValueRef -> TypeRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstSelect" constSelect
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstExtractElement" constExtractElement
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstInsertElement" constInsertElement
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstShuffleVector" constShuffleVector
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstExtractValue" constExtractValue
:: ValueRef -> Ptr CUInt -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstInsertValue" constInsertValue
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> Ptr CUInt -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMConstInlineAsm" constInlineAsm
:: TypeRef -> CString -> CString -> Bool -> Bool -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBlockAddress" blockAddress
:: ValueRef -> BasicBlockRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetGlobalParent" getGlobalParent
:: ValueRef -> IO ModuleRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIsDeclaration" isDeclaration
:: ValueRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetLinkage" getLinkage
:: ValueRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetLinkage" setLinkage
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetSection" getSection
:: ValueRef -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetSection" setSection
:: ValueRef -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetVisibility" getVisibility
:: ValueRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetVisibility" setVisibility
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetAlignment" getAlignment
:: ValueRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetAlignment" setAlignment
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAddGlobal" addGlobal
:: ModuleRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAddGlobalInAddressSpace" addGlobalInAddressSpace
:: ModuleRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetNamedGlobal" getNamedGlobal
:: ModuleRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetFirstGlobal" getFirstGlobal
:: ModuleRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetLastGlobal" getLastGlobal
:: ModuleRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetNextGlobal" getNextGlobal
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetPreviousGlobal" getPreviousGlobal
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDeleteGlobal" deleteGlobal
:: ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetInitializer" setInitializer
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetInitializer" getInitializer
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIsThreadLocal" isThreadLocal
:: ValueRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetThreadLocal" setThreadLocal
:: ValueRef -> Bool -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIsGlobalConstant" isGlobalConstant
:: ValueRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetGlobalConstant" setGlobalConstant
:: ValueRef -> Bool -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAddAlias" addAlias
:: ModuleRef -> TypeRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAddFunction" addFunction
:: ModuleRef
-> CString
-> TypeRef
-> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetNamedFunction" getNamedFunction
:: ModuleRef
-> CString
-> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetFirstFunction" getFirstFunction
:: ModuleRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetLastFunction" getLastFunction
:: ModuleRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetNextFunction" getNextFunction
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetPreviousFunction" getPreviousFunction
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDeleteFunction" deleteFunction
:: ValueRef
-> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetIntrinsicID" getIntrinsicID
:: ValueRef
-> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetFunctionCallConv" getFunctionCallConv
:: ValueRef
-> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetFunctionCallConv" setFunctionCallConv
:: ValueRef
-> CUInt
-> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetGC" getGC
:: ValueRef -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetGC" setGC
:: ValueRef -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetFunctionAttr" getFunctionAttr
:: ValueRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAddFunctionAttr" addFunctionAttr
:: ValueRef -> CAttribute -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMRemoveFunctionAttr" removeFunctionAttr
:: ValueRef -> CAttribute -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCountParams" countParams
:: ValueRef
-> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetParams" getParams
:: ValueRef
-> Ptr ValueRef
-> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetParam" getParam
:: ValueRef
-> CUInt
-> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetParamParent" getParamParent
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetFirstParam" getFirstParam
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetLastParam" getLastParam
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetNextParam" getNextParam
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetPreviousParam" getPreviousParam
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAddAttribute" addAttribute
:: ValueRef -> CAttribute -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMRemoveAttribute" removeAttribute
:: ValueRef -> CAttribute -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetAttribute" getAttribute
:: ValueRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetParamAlignment" setParamAlignment
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBasicBlockAsValue" basicBlockAsValue
:: BasicBlockRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMValueIsBasicBlock" valueIsBasicBlock
:: ValueRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMValueAsBasicBlock" valueAsBasicBlock
:: ValueRef
-> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetBasicBlockParent" getBasicBlockParent
:: BasicBlockRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetBasicBlockTerminator" getBasicBlockTerminator
:: BasicBlockRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCountBasicBlocks" countBasicBlocks
:: ValueRef
-> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetBasicBlocks" getBasicBlocks
:: ValueRef
-> Ptr BasicBlockRef
-> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetFirstBasicBlock" getFirstBasicBlock
:: ValueRef -> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetLastBasicBlock" getLastBasicBlock
:: ValueRef -> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetNextBasicBlock" getNextBasicBlock
:: BasicBlockRef -> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetPreviousBasicBlock" getPreviousBasicBlock
:: BasicBlockRef -> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock" getEntryBasicBlock
:: ValueRef
-> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext" appendBasicBlockInContext
:: ContextRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInsertBasicBlockInContext" insertBasicBlockInContext
:: ContextRef -> BasicBlockRef -> CString -> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAppendBasicBlock" appendBasicBlock
:: ValueRef
-> CString
-> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInsertBasicBlock" insertBasicBlock
:: BasicBlockRef
-> CString
-> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDeleteBasicBlock" deleteBasicBlock
:: BasicBlockRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMRemoveBasicBlockFromParent" removeBasicBlockFromParent
:: BasicBlockRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMMoveBasicBlockBefore" moveBasicBlockBefore
:: BasicBlockRef -> BasicBlockRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMMoveBasicBlockAfter" moveBasicBlockAfter
:: BasicBlockRef -> BasicBlockRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetFirstInstruction" getFirstInstruction
:: BasicBlockRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetLastInstruction" getLastInstruction
:: BasicBlockRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetInstructionParent" getInstructionParent
:: ValueRef -> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetNextInstruction" getNextInstruction
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetPreviousInstruction" getPreviousInstruction
:: ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInstructionEraseFromParent" instructionEraseFromParent
:: ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetInstructionOpcode" getInstructionOpcode
:: ValueRef -> IO Int
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetICmpPredicate" getICmpPredicate
:: ValueRef -> IO Int
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetInstructionCallConv" setInstructionCallConv
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetInstructionCallConv" getInstructionCallConv
:: ValueRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAddInstrAttribute" addInstrAttribute
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> CAttribute -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMRemoveInstrAttribute" removeInstrAttribute
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> CAttribute -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetInstrParamAlignment" setInstrParamAlignment
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMIsTailCall" isTailCall
:: ValueRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetTailCall" setTailCall
:: ValueRef -> Bool -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetSwitchDefaultDest" getSwitchDefaultDest
:: ValueRef -> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAddIncoming" addIncoming
:: ValueRef -> Ptr ValueRef -> Ptr ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCountIncoming" countIncoming
:: ValueRef -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetIncomingValue" getIncomingValue
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetIncomingBlock" getIncomingBlock
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCreateBuilderInContext" createBuilderInContext
:: ContextRef -> IO BuilderRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCreateBuilder" createBuilder
:: IO BuilderRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMPositionBuilder" positionBuilder
:: BuilderRef -> BasicBlockRef -> ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMPositionBuilderBefore" positionBefore
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd" positionAtEnd
:: BuilderRef -> BasicBlockRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetInsertBlock" getInsertBlock
:: BuilderRef -> IO BasicBlockRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMClearInsertionPosition" clearInsertionPosition
:: BuilderRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInsertIntoBuilder" insertIntoBuilder
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInsertIntoBuilderWithName" insertIntoBuilderWithName
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "&LLVMDisposeBuilder" ptrDisposeBuilder
:: FunPtr (BuilderRef -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetCurrentDebugLocation" getCurrentDebugLocation
:: BuilderRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation" setCurrentDebugLocation
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetInstDebugLocation" setInstDebugLocation
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildRetVoid" buildRetVoid
:: BuilderRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildRet" buildRet
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildAggregateRet" buildAggregateRet
:: BuilderRef -> (Ptr ValueRef) -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildBr" buildBr
:: BuilderRef -> BasicBlockRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildCondBr" buildCondBr
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> BasicBlockRef -> BasicBlockRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildSwitch" buildSwitch
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> BasicBlockRef -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildIndirectBr" buildIndirectBr
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildInvoke" buildInvoke
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> Ptr ValueRef -> CUInt
-> BasicBlockRef -> BasicBlockRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildLandingPad" buildLandingPad
:: BuilderRef -> TypeRef -> ValueRef -> CUInt -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildResume" buildResume
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildUnreachable" buildUnreachable
:: BuilderRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAddCase" addCase
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> BasicBlockRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAddDestination" addDestination
:: ValueRef -> BasicBlockRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMAddClause" addClause
:: ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetCleanup" setCleanup
:: ValueRef -> Bool -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildAdd" buildAdd
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildNSWAdd" buildNSWAdd
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildNUWAdd" buildNUWAdd
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFAdd" buildFAdd
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildSub" buildSub
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildNSWSub" buildNSWSub
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildNUWSub" buildNUWSub
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFSub" buildFSub
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildMul" buildMul
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildNSWMul" buildNSWMul
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildNUWMul" buildNUWMul
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFMul" buildFMul
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildUDiv" buildUDiv
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildSDiv" buildSDiv
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildExactSDiv" buildExactSDiv
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFDiv" buildFDiv
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildURem" buildURem
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildSRem" buildSRem
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFRem" buildFRem
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildShl" buildShl
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildLShr" buildLShr
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildAShr" buildAShr
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildAnd" buildAnd
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildOr" buildOr
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildXor" buildXor
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildBinOp" buildBinOp
:: BuilderRef -> CUInt -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildNeg" buildNeg
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildNSWNeg" buildNSWNeg
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildNUWNeg" buildNUWNeg
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFNeg" buildFNeg
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildNot" buildNot
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetHasUnsafeAlgebra" setHasUnsafeAlgebra
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetHasNoNaNs" setHasNoNaNs
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetHasNoInfs" setHasNoInfs
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetHasNoSignedZeros" setHasNoSignedZeros
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetHasAllowReciprocal" setHasAllowReciprocal
:: ValueRef -> CUInt -> IO ()
data FastMathFlags
= NoNaNs
| NoInfs
| NoSignedZeros
| AllowReciprocal
| UnsafeAlgebra
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read, Typeable)
type FastMathFlagSet = EnumSet.T CUInt FastMathFlags
noNaNs, noInfs, noSignedZeros, allowReciprocal, unsafeAlgebra :: FastMathFlagSet
noNaNs = EnumSet.fromEnum NoNaNs
noInfs = EnumSet.fromEnum NoInfs
noSignedZeros = EnumSet.fromEnum NoSignedZeros
allowReciprocal = EnumSet.fromEnum AllowReciprocal
unsafeAlgebra = EnumSet.fromEnum UnsafeAlgebra
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMSetFastMathFlags" setFastMathFlags
:: ValueRef -> FastMathFlagSet -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildMalloc" buildMalloc
:: BuilderRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildArrayMalloc" buildArrayMalloc
:: BuilderRef -> TypeRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildAlloca" buildAlloca
:: BuilderRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildArrayAlloca" buildArrayAlloca
:: BuilderRef -> TypeRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFree" buildFree
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildLoad" buildLoad
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildStore" buildStore
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildGEP" buildGEP
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> Ptr ValueRef -> CUInt -> CString
-> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP" buildInBoundsGEP
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> (Ptr ValueRef) -> CUInt -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildStructGEP" buildStructGEP
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CUInt -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildGlobalString" buildGlobalString
:: BuilderRef -> CString -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildGlobalStringPtr" buildGlobalStringPtr
:: BuilderRef -> CString -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildTrunc" buildTrunc
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildZExt" buildZExt
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildSExt" buildSExt
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFPToUI" buildFPToUI
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFPToSI" buildFPToSI
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildUIToFP" buildUIToFP
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildSIToFP" buildSIToFP
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFPTrunc" buildFPTrunc
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFPExt" buildFPExt
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildPtrToInt" buildPtrToInt
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildIntToPtr" buildIntToPtr
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildBitCast" buildBitCast
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildZExtOrBitCast" buildZExtOrBitCast
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildSExtOrBitCast" buildSExtOrBitCast
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildTruncOrBitCast" buildTruncOrBitCast
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildCast" buildCast
:: BuilderRef -> CUInt -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildPointerCast" buildPointerCast
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildIntCast" buildIntCast
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFPCast" buildFPCast
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildICmp" buildICmp
:: BuilderRef -> CInt -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildFCmp" buildFCmp
:: BuilderRef -> CInt -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildPhi" buildPhi
:: BuilderRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildCall" buildCall
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> Ptr ValueRef -> CUInt -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildSelect" buildSelect
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildVAArg" buildVAArg
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> TypeRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildExtractElement" buildExtractElement
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildInsertElement" buildInsertElement
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildShuffleVector" buildShuffleVector
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildExtractValue" buildExtractValue
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CUInt -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildInsertValue" buildInsertValue
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CUInt -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildIsNull" buildIsNull
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildIsNotNull" buildIsNotNull
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMBuildPtrDiff" buildPtrDiff
:: BuilderRef -> ValueRef -> ValueRef -> CString -> IO ValueRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile" createMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile
:: CString -> Ptr MemoryBufferRef -> Ptr CString -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN" createMemoryBufferWithSTDIN
:: Ptr MemoryBufferRef -> Ptr CString -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDisposeMemoryBuffer" disposeMemoryBuffer
:: MemoryBufferRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMGetGlobalPassRegistry" getGlobalPassRegistry
:: IO PassRegistryRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCreatePassManager" createPassManager
:: IO PassManagerRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCreateFunctionPassManagerForModule" createFunctionPassManagerForModule
:: ModuleRef -> IO PassManagerRef
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMRunPassManager" runPassManager
:: PassManagerRef -> ModuleRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInitializeFunctionPassManager" initializeFunctionPassManager
:: PassManagerRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMRunFunctionPassManager" runFunctionPassManager
:: PassManagerRef -> ValueRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMFinalizeFunctionPassManager" finalizeFunctionPassManager
:: PassManagerRef -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMDisposePassManager" disposePassManager
:: PassManagerRef -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "&LLVMDisposePassManager" ptrDisposePassManager
:: FunPtr (PassManagerRef -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMValueGetNumUses" getNumUses
:: ValueRef -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMInstGetOpcode" instGetOpcode
:: ValueRef -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "LLVMCmpInstGetPredicate" cmpInstGetPredicate
:: ValueRef -> IO CInt